(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Tanny, the Korean brand pump is unimom is it? I have one handed down from my gf too, didn't know so much issues that have to wait for so long. Perhaps I should consider getting my own pump too.
Tanny, over pumping too will cause engorgement like hopeful said, means your breast is making more milk to meet the demand when it's not cnecessary.

Eskimobaby, ya, last time Kk only have to go Polyclinic and do bt and then if to high, admit back but if no longer, then can just leave it. Think private pds work differently.
pierced n eskimo, what was the reading guideline that KK gave? As in what reading and below is considered jaundice free leh? Can advise?
Tanny, shudn't need to pump so long (40-60min). 15-20min shud be enuf eventually. The more you pump the more milk your body will produce.

If baby latches & seem to be feeding enough, then pump only if you need too (ie. Still v full even after feed to relieve engorgement). It's normal if there seem to be some milk left as the body will get signal that baby only needs so much & readjust itself for next feed. 180ml per pump is a very blessed volume for this early stage.

No point storing a lot of milk now as breastmilk content changes w baby growth.
Luv, I can't really remember. I know they measure the bilirubin level in a different way, like 120 or 95 as what I could check from records. These are still normal levels.
Thanks Ladies.

180ml only one time, off track record. Usuall 15min pump gives about 100-120ml over a 2-3 hr interval. I will be running out of freezer space to keep my milk now. Bb is drinking so little only 40ml per time. Like me is it, I eat enough food then stop; don't eat too much.

I like red date drink a lot maybe cos I keep drinking lots of fluid? I drink a big pot daily. Plus I drink dessert like red bean soup black bean soup few bowls a day.
Thanks Ladies.

180ml only one time, off track record. Usuall 15min pump gives about 100ml over a 2-3 hr interval. I will be running out of freezer space to keep my milk now. Bb is drinking so little only 40ml per time. Like me is it, I eat enough food then stop; don't eat too much.

I like red date drink a lot maybe cos I keep drinking lots of fluid? I drink a big pot daily. Plus I drink dessert like red bean soup, black bean soup few bowls a day (cooked by CL) cos I don't like milo.

Yes it's the unimom brand. Actually besides that trigger issue, it works well for me. Motor is quite silent, and the parts are easy to wash but it's heavy non portable. Could be earlier days, when I was trying to establish supply, I used it so frequently sometimes up to 45min.. Overwork the motor. But say if every 2-3 hr pump 15 min it works well..
Hi gals
All time pass so fast.. My bbies full month celebration marks end of my confinement.. Can check with u gals, when u start to bath with plain water after confinement? Thk u..;)
Morning everyone... Do u all drink red date with longan or just red date without longan? My body becomes very heaty after drinking LRD... Now I hve fallen ill. I'm worried tht I hv pass the virus to bb.

Tanny, my bb also doesn't drink much milk..usually drink 40ml too. Dr Ang said tht bb should drink 60ml. How to feed 60ml when already need to coax him for half an hr to drink 40ml.
Miracle, when belle was small, we coaxed for an hr if not more every feed to finish 60ml, later 90ml! Is v time consuming, but no choice, if not she wun grow. Red date drink has longan
If bb dun grow, u will hv another set of issues. A sister here, think is Bbliss, under dr Ong, pd, was referred to KKH coz her bb didn't grow much. So, if bb drinks little got put on Averge 200g wk nvmind, if nv, just hv to coaxed! Bb is v sleepy the first few mths. Many drink a bit will fall back to sleep. We just hv to keep waking bb her n feed. No matter how long the feeding will take.
Hi, tomo I am bringing bb bk for jaudice check up again. I don't is hw to make my bb jaudice go lower. I sun her, I pump after 2-3hrs after consuming ginger. In fact now she drinking more fm then bf. but still I finish her body like reddish color. I still find her abit yellowish. How long will the jaudice go away? I been worry abt her jaudice and it been 2 weeks still it there. I feed her every 2 hrs with 50-60ml of fm. Help!
Miracle, I used to hated feeding belle. Confinement time, CL will feed.. Lots of patience... After confinement, my mum helped me feed at times... I no patience... Imagine, fees 1 he, pump n clean up n sterilise another hr and v soon got to feed again!!!
Ladies, had a scare this morning.
Had some brown discharge yesterday which i tot was normal side effects of Crinone insert. But had fresh bleeding that stained pantyliner this morning. Went for emergency scan. Thankfully baby okay. Tho still can't help but worry. Doc also ordered a BT for me to check infection and blood count, and increased my Utro dosage. Wonder where the blood came from... Really hope this'll be the first and last episode!
Milk feeding baby....I recall my niece wouldn't finish her milk then too if her mummy were to feed her but when it's grandma feeding, would finish all, dunno why... What I observed is that, my mum will preserve on until all milk is taken up but my sis will give up when baby fuss and refused to take milk. Maybe will really need lotsa patience and determination. I recall my sis would keep asking my mum why she's 'forcing' baby to drink milk...lol... But turned out to be the right thing to do.

Luv, did you carry anything heavy? Or eat anything very liang? Or any emotional swings, etc.?
Tromso, dun think i carried anything heavy. Had some milk tea n ate some bean sprouts with my dinner (are bean sprouts liang?). Was out for a longer time than usual yesterday but nothing strenuous too. No big emotional swings too. Very perplexed...
Luv, then don't worry, just keep up your good mood, some people do get red throughout pregnancy and still deliver fine. Those items you've taken doesn't look liang, I think as long as don't feast on plates of watermelon etc sorta food, should be fine, in terms of liang food.

Rest more today ok.
Oh, ate one short banana yesterday too. Short ones are okay right?

It's just scary to see red, and the wondering what's happening is torturous.

Thanks!! Will bed rest more today.
Luv, agree w Hazel that tea is liang. Dr Zou told me before that all tea is consider liang, so if can avoid. You try to bed rest more for a few days okie. Did your doc give u proluton jab too? If no, next time request for it.
Bbjourney, thks! I asked whether can get a jab. But doc said i have sufficient prog support actually. He cld give me if i want, but he said if i start the jab, i have to continue the jab every day. Not sure if he had the same type of jab in mind. Shlda asked hor?

Actually my first preg i took tea throughout also no prob leh... Maybe IVF preg really more fragile...
I heard that only the Del Monte banana is liang, I think WBB said that. Yah, not good to take too much tea. I avoided all the way in first and second trimester. Also chilled stuffs in general like ice cream, cold drink, as I recall previously whenever I take these in excess before period comes, will have lotsa mensus n blood clots. TCM subsequently also warned me about these.

Maybe can take chicken essence every so often to
Bu the body a bit...??
Luv, you didn't see red in first pregnancy is it? I guess also age factor....

This pregnancy really alerts me that I'll have to start looking after my health better
Tromso, only had brown spotting in Week 5 first preg. Took oral duphaston and was okay after that. Yeah, can't deny old liao lor...
Its has being a long time since i come in here. Baby Kristine has jaundice too. 9.2 when she discharge, increased to 12.0 on Day 5. Dr Ang Ai Tin says if higer will need to admit . Today, Day 8 her level increased again to 12.9. Luckily she say can rent photothreapy machine at home. called pepbed or something.

Friday will need to go back again. Dunno if we can change to the male Dr Ang at the clinic instead? Really scare of that Ang Ai Tin.... My confinement nanny say of all the PD she has seen, this one most uncaring..
BabyP, sorry to hear abt ur gal's jaundice. Hopefully will go down soon with phototherapy.
How is Dr Ang AT uncaring u find? I've read that she can rush thru consultations?
Shld be able to switch to Dr Ang PL if u want I'm sure.

Ladies, can we eat longan? I just recalled i also ate some longan on Sat. Tot it's okay?
BabyP, good to hear from you. Hope Kristine's jaundice can go down real soon, hang in there.

Luv, hmm...I've not heard about can't take chicken essence in first trimester leh. Isn't it like taking very Bu chicken soup? If Dr Zou prescribes an tai yao in first trimester, I feel chicken essence should be fine. Or if you hv her number, can check with her too
You'll be graduating from first trimester in a week's time right?
Tromso, spoke to dr ong. He does not entertain phone call or email. Reason it's too dangerous for him and bb. He quoted a case in uk where a pd gave wrong advise. Lawyers advise them to b careful in doing so cos the liability is v v v high. He still say if need b send bb to tmc or mt a where bb is assess where need b the hospital will call him down
Luv, dr loh gave me proluton jab when i had spotting n dont need to jab everyday leh. Dr loh told me prolution jab can last one week. I had chicken essence (bottled n self brew) in my 1st trim.
Thanks Catherine, Dr Ong does have a point I guess. Just that sometimes unsure if need to go down to PD for simple things. Nonetheless, better be safe than sorry
Thanks for helping to query

Indeed, it's very weird. I thought confinement can take all sorta heaty food
Red dates is neutral, longan is heaty. My elder sis, if she takes chicken essence, will sure get nose bleed, perhaps some body type is not to receptive to Bu... maybe can moderate longan in the confinement drinks...

Luv, longan should be ok for pregnant ladies, have a feeling heaty is better than liang heh... Maybe your bleeding is not triggered by what you have eaten, don't worry too much ok. Could be a sign of needing more rest or boosting health, etc. Our system is very bizarre...esp in this pregnant state...
Babyp, I did ask my gal pd and my gynae about dr Ang. Pd being a pd din want to bad mouth each other ... He always brush aside. Whereas my gynae told me what she heard ... Same as what yr cl lady feel.... Go to polyclinic on weds to do a check then u should know whether to send in earlier.

Miracle, what my mum did was she find where has sun and she bring my gal and sit there with her whether it's my gal lie down, she carry .... That's the love of grandma. My fren cl also did the same. No sun in their house she bring bb downstairs to sun.

Tromso, I forgot to ask for group discount. Too many questions for dr ong today on my gal behaviour, weight... I also forgot to ask him about My gal growth. Will see him next week. Will force myself to set a reminder in my gal Health booklet.
Tromso, I usually text my gp or send to him for checks. I trust dr ong but sometimes I m juz too lazy to travel all the way to united sq and have to q. FYI dr ong prefer us to send bb to where they r born. Though he dun mind mt a. I will check with him if he can go gleaeagles or mt e or even Kk.
Miracle n Faithfully, you might want to try sun your babies under direct sunlight, but try between 7.30-8am only n must cover her eyes. The other day, I sun her from indirect sunlight (filtered by window). Her jaundice level still went up. Last two days, I sun her direct. Her jaundice level has dropped to level 7. Doc said no need to sun her anymore unless want to give her extra Vit. D then just sun her for 5mnts.
My CL will always try to make her finish the milk. She said sometimes baby rejected after awhile not bcos of full, but bcos they forget how to suck. Got to see her tongue reaction. At first, I was telling her not to force baby, but after she explained to me n let me differentiate between 'rejection' or 'want' from her tongue movement, I can understand then. She tried to feed baby more so she can poop more n get rid the jaundice
BabyP, hang in there. Your baby jaundice will reduce soon after the phototherapy. Try to feed her more often so she can poop more which will help reduce the jaundice.

I feel that Dr Ang is very rush type too. No time to ask her Qs. I agree that she is a bit uncaring. Since my baby next check up is 3wks later, I'm going to change PD too.
Hi, is it that jaudice hvnt gone dw we still hv to go bk to TMC for checkup until her lvl clear? When can we go polyclinic to check her jaudice lvl? I see many of u bring bb go polyclinic.
try to stay relax ya and rest and don't think too much... i had a proluton jab also which like wat babyjourney says last for a week... the jab that your gynae mention most likely is te 50mg progesterone jab which i had when i went to kkh 24h clinic, this one according to dr loh should be a daily jab if not will cause a sudden dip in progesterone and most likely will bleed again, so dr loh gave me a proluton jab as a precaution even tho i wasn't bleeding anymore when i saw him.

my first pregnancy was very smooth, the only thing was overdue baby... so i was lost too when i encountered bleeding this time round.
Tromso and Bbjourney, thks for sharing. Will start taking chicken essence again then.
Stopped when MS hit cos figured it's a waste too to throw it up. Then read somewhere too bu for 1st tri. But hearing u ladies' experience think shld be okay.

Bbjourney, yeah, i recall u all din need to continue the jabs. I guess too relieved to see baby's fine to pursue further. Will ask doc furher when i see him again on Sat. At least he bothered to ask me to go back n see him. He did say the bleeding is not from the pregnancy. Hopefully that is true.
Yah lor.. same as Baby's feedback.. She is very rush rush one.. No chance for us to ask questions. She said what she wants and expect that we will follow.

The nanny say normally her clients go to the male doctor. Today while I was waiting, I saw the Ang PL door opens. He looks very fatherly and saw him explaining things to the lady inside.. So much better

Faithfully, I was thinking of the same thing too. Can don't go TMC or not ah.. but my hubby say since it is a one stop service- do blood test and get to see doctor for review, so we stick to TMC for now. Once her jaundice clears. I sure run to other PDs.
Catherine yes, need to joint down all the questions otherwise will forget to consult dr
Put them into your smart phone. I always do that and then will trf to paper before I see dr Loh...he always peep at my list of questions heee...I guess with a bb, time is more of a challenge, taking notes can certainly help

I'm also gonna find a nearby GP and PD too as backup for bb.

Was saying to hubby yesterday that, should we need to go Polyclinic for bb's jaundice level check in time to come, I asked him to not touch the lift buttons or polyclinic surroundings too much in case have germs and gets trf to bb. That day, I visited my gf and she said there is a boy down with hfmd using the same lift as her apartment, so they dont touch the lift interior. After pressing lift button, will use sanitizer before going into house, so that won't spread to her toddler son. Looks like really hv to be xtra careful these days esp with the growing number hfmd.
it's good to be cautious and hygenic but i don't think it's a good idea to overdo it. you can't avoid contact with germs especially in public places. if you talk about lifts, then the playground has even more germs or if not as much germs as lifts but you can't deprive kids to play there as it helps them develop their coordination and motor skills.

what we should instill is proper hygiene in ourselves and our kids like making it a habit to wash of hands with soap when we reach home irregardless of whether anyone nearby has hfmd. i'm sorry, but i find it abit too discriminating to tell the kids to sanitise their hands becos just happen that some kid got it in the same block.

of course when i go to restaurants or shopping areas and i see kids coughing and having running nose i will try to sit myself and kid further away and i think the parents quite irresponsible to bring their sick kids out... not good for themselves and others but at the end of the day, that's how kids build up their immunity too.
