(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Catherine, Nell, Hazel n Chris baby,

You all are doing well in taking care of your baby. Guess the first few months more xiong n all noble mums will have to go thru them unless they have very good support like my sis in law's sis in law where she jus pass FM to maid n maid take care thru the night.

My fren's baby when born slept thru when she is two weeks old. She is so beautiful hehee n so kuai

Sun belle, elis sleep with me at night cos my mum was my cl. She only take over when I can't handle. Aircon or fan, we turn on. Juz need to b sure bb and us r 'wrapped up'. I use disposable diaper. Mum said imagine how many cloth diaper a bb use a day and the washing and drying process? We only use waterproof sheet when elis is out of shower. There was once I let her sleep under waterproof sheet, my mum said it's v hot for bb. When we change diapers or when she sleep, we use an underpad - those hospital type. Place towel too hot for them. Besides the underpad soak up water if poo or pee, we juz change the underpad and no need change bed sheet. For bed sheet, I would change weekly.

Wah u must ask yr fren how her bb sleep thru. This morning got thunder, elis start making noise at 4! Scare me. My hb and I start carrying her at 6 to make sure she is ok,

Vann, u din ask yr cl to do night shift? Welcome to my world haha.... Is her jaundice better? Juz tell yourself yr gorgeous miracle will bring u smiles, anger, frustration and sleepless nights. Like what my hb always tell elis, no matter how she make my hb upset, confused, daddy will only remember the happy things and not hold it against her. Now u should concentrate on getting back yr energy, bf and plan her full mth party.

Kimmy, u ok? Prince back at home?

Tzac, jia you. Push hard!
Vann, a beautiful post. Enjoy the rest of the journey
Chris and hazel, my mil told my hb not to let elis cry cos wind will go in. Talk easy, we also dun wish she cry but how we know what she wants? Mil wants hb to use plain flour add little water and apply on elis back to c if it's lumpy. If it is means she has wind and have to apply whole body. I told my hb dun b stupid, flour + water, the mixture is lumpy what. Hb told me mil said if body got no wind, it will come out as loose powder type. Anyway he is not gg to buy plain flour and our house dun have,

This morning I told my mum what my mil says. She said crazy, that's not the right thing to do. What kampung thinking is this. Mum side me and dill not let elis go thru

Sinseh at yu GUo ask me not to give elis the colic syrup pd recommend. and cannot use too much ru yi oil, sigh everyone has their logic.

Does yr gal scratch themselves while sleeping? My mum told me to leave elis alone. Bb does that cos they r stretching to grow taller. Can't disturb them even if they make noise

During the 1s tmth, we had a booklet to track the number of feeds, the timing when she drinks milk n poo poo. Now we dun record anymore. For me, its easy to track how many times she poo cos 1-2x per day. Coz now bb's system is adjusting, if she can eat and sleep well, we normally dun bring her see PD when got watery stool unless continuous just watery stool for 2 days, we will call PD to check. At the same time if bb got watery stool, i'll dilute her feed to replendish water loss. In clariss case, we are giving her diluted feed cos Yu guo sinseh commented my gal heaty tats why got to dilute feed, and GP also advise us to dilute feed since tat time gal not poo for 4 days and urine abit yellow.

Last nite we gave clariss her last feed around 11.30pm then put her to bed, she wakes up at 7.10am this morning for her next feed. Now sleeping away. yup today really thunderstorm at my area too, raining so heavy and thunder.

your mil really kampung style la hahaha apply flour to bb's body? whahaaaa..to reduce wind, we burp clariss after every feed and of cos easier said then done we try our best not to let her cry cos the more they cry they will consume more wind. Even wong boh boi's show also said tat altho she is modern lactation consultant. heehee
Chris, I remember the pooing part as the most disgustin part too of the whole baby proces for #1. now can laugh. my gal also pooed on me few times when i was latching her on. she wawearing cloth nappies!
then when in her cot, she pooed when I changed her and her poo can fly out, luckily i jumped aside.
Also, she pooed in the car seat and when i lifted her up, the poo dripped out!

But catherine, if u are breastfeeding, the poo of the bb is normlly watery rite? and the colour is not greenish unless they are on formula.
It's also normal that sometimes they dun poo for a few days unlike on formula milk.
My gal highest record for the no of days without pooing was 9 days!
they said that it's becoz breastfed bbs absorb the nutrients and no need to worry unlike formula fed bbs.

Omg!! wow hahaha i told hbs lucky she pooed at home cos we still got time to clean her up and change her if she pooed in the car seat on the way think i'll faint when i lift her up and poo dripped out on my clothes, cos we got no time to go bk and change clothes liao haahaaaa.

Touchwood so far my gal pee on me when i was bathing her...however she did poo and pee on me at the delivery ward when gynae lifted her and put her on my tummy when i pushed her out. Then i heard my gynae and midwife laughing away tat she pooed on me. Faintz...hahahaaaa
Chris, ya imaginee not only if u have to pack bb clothes to go out, but muz remember to pack ur own clothes, hahaha...
luckily that was just that one time and we were going hme already. phew!
the adventures i had with her, haha...cant imagine!

oh my, so cute, she came out only and pooed and pee on mummy.

yup can't imagine if our clothes kena the shit. faintz.

Clariss is still sleeping should be waking up any time.

fil just called and said tat he read from today's chinese newspaper tat if bb were to sleep then we shouldn't wake them up for feeding. Cos clariss normally KO around 7pm+ and hbs will wake her up for her last feed at 10pm if not she'll wake up like 3-4am+ crying for milk. fil says we shouldn't wake her up just let her sleep and if she wakes up 3am then feed her lor, then i told him like tat we sure die lor..he said the newspaper said if bb's sleep is disrupted will affect their intellectual development. Felt like telling him before they develop me and hbs die 1st ah.
Hi, I am starting my 2nd IVF attempt in about 2 weeks time with 3 eggs implantation. I need advise as to whether for the two weeks waiting period after ET, is it advisable that I should take 2 weeks leave from work to rest at home or 1 week? My 1st attempt I went back to work after ET. Thanks.

Nope i don't have a CL...

My gal is pretty guai...only cry when hungry or stripped...hopefully she remains guai...
Chris, Catherine, Hazel, my hb still chging my gal's diapers. 3rd change in 30min. And i m late for my pedicure. My ger is literally full of shit!!!!!
I record her feed in my iPhone notes. I day 1 page since birth till now. Time; L/R; duration/pump volume.

Sun belle, don't use cloth diaper. Baby v easily awake when in cloth cos everytime wet then wake up. And the sticky meconium poo it is v hard to wash n they pass many times a day. Plus no place to hang. We use disposable diapers. I turn on aircon. I don't put water proof sheet on bed, only at the changing station.

Catherine, my gal also scratch herselft got blood some more. But we just leave it

Yes, her jaundice improved at last...peak was 10.1

Thank god...I hate sunning her...like i am sun burning her small tender body...now no need to anymore...yippee!

yup we let clariss wear disposable diapers, like wat nelle says sticky meconium poo very hard to wash and CL didn't wanna wash for us asked us use disposable ah. We don't put water proof sheet in bb's cot and where she sleeps.


Congrats!!! glad to know your gal's jaundice improved!!

clariss just woke up at 11.00am had her feed and i carried her like 5 mins then now leave her at the play gym to relax before i bath her shortly. She hasn't poo today yet.
Ya vann, hazel is right dun praise so early. I did that on elis end up....

Chris, yr fil is like my mum. Told her we woke elis last night she scold us too. We think for ourselves haha they think of bb first.

Neil, not surprising, elis always make us work, my record is 3 diaper in 15 mins. That was middle of the night when elis was few weeks old. Now my hb taught me to talk to elis. Like u done? Done lift up yr leg. Not done daddy will wait. This works.

Ai yo I can't imagine if elis poo on me outside, smelly! She already poo and pee on me twice, now I will take note haha.. Ya pierce she is on bm. Only when we go out she take formula. Maybe I m not a detailed person. I dun bother to track things.

Vann, yr rash better?
hahahaha ya vann,

sama sama here too..hahahaha we praise clariss too then ended up hahahaha u know lah.

ya lor, anyway we not like waking them up everytime for their feed mah. If dun wake her up, we die earlier ah!! imagine every 3am n 7am wake up feed her....Oh wat we do is we dun change immediately, we wait another 10mins (CL taught us, dun so kan cheong change immediately, give bb time to finish their poo poo) and we talked to her nicely and ask if she is done if not we'll wait for her to clear her poo poo before we change her diapers. It works. And whenever she heard me telling her mummy gonna change pamper for you, she'll be giggling away kicking and swinging her little fist super happy. Clariss never give us any "hint" or "cry" when she has soiled her diaper she can sleep thro with the pile of shit. faintz...sleep is more impt to her. She can smile at u suddenly then i'll suspect something is wrong and check her diaper and normally is soiled. Unlike my sil's bb will cry out laud if her diaper is soiled, even alittle shit she'll cry, and wanna change, very clean gal


did you see the link i posted on gmart.com.sg. Wow so tempting le, wanna buy some clothes online for clariss since nowadays very tough to go shopping ah. She's now wearing 6-9mths baby Gap's bodysuit.
I've not done any online shopping before, have finally gotten my vpost account. Should have gotten early and join hazel and the rest during the boxer's day sale and post xmas sale for ralph lauren's bb clothes ah. So cute!!!

ya trust me, hazel is rite!! hahahaa the 1st mth do enjoy when bb sleep n eat
heard from my frens tat once they reach 6mths and above or when they started to crawl or turn their bodies etc we will be very busy got to go after them...oooh can feel my old bones aching ah hahhaaaaa
Nell, catherine ,hazel

Like yesterday, she keep smiling at me at the bouncer and i thought to myself, wow today my gal very gd mood ah know we bring her go kai kai ah and dress her up...end up poo poo everywhere on her panty ah....faintz..Then told hbs is too good to be true when she smile and giggle at me tat way yesterday i should have suspected something..hahahahaa
Chris, mine same lah. Playing with her toys on the bouncer laughing giggling then when I get nearer to talk to her, I smell her poo. Smelly lah!
Chris, now u know y mil and I buay giam, my mil can say whatever she wants. I will not follow.

I also called parent craft for advice. I had overworked my breast. Now can only pump 5-5-5 mins on each side and stop. Then reduce it to like 80ml each pump. if feel engorged then pump like 30ml ti get relief. Later gg to buy cabbage again. Was told to put cold cabbage all over breast include nipple once a day.
Chris, elis is like yr sister in law bb. Little bit cry like Siao. Now she got the mmmmmm sound. I ignore let her mmmm first. I heard her break wind juz now. Soon it's diaper then milk time in 1 hr. I was so scare she poo on me after reading what u and Neil wrote. I hold her with her underpad. Haha.. Chris, me login to gmarket daily. Can't buy ... Elis has lots of clothes

Elis is gd in concealing evidence. Yesterday she spilled milk. Dun know how she use underpad to clean herself and hubby caught her in action.

I can go out later! In another 2 hrs. Mum will come after work to take care then I go cut hair and scold stand chart bank for addressing elis as 'mr'.

hahahah so envy u can go out later, i also wished to go out ah..but can't le... missed nadia's massage heehee.


how's belle so far? Is she better after in-house massage?

how ah? my in-laws tat day look at clariss palms and commented one of her palm is 断掌。 Tink no good rite? wat does it mean? they just keep ask me to find godparents for her.......
U brought belle to KKH for vacinnation. She was crying v loudly (milk time) when dr Yong checked her. Was told she has hernia n Needed a surgery! When she dun Cry cannot see... Vacinnation on hold till I see the surgeon. Was told need to wait till 6pm
As the surgeon is v packed today.. I m v v upset.. When belle has to go thru one ordeal after another?

Omg!! did PD says what kind of hernia? Is surgery a must? My heart goes all out to belle. But think on the bright side, lucky Dr yong is experienced and discovered it, if other PD might dismissed crying as colic or other conditions and the real cause is not treated. Please keep us updated on belle.
Hazel, dun worry though can understand how u feel, heartpain to c our bbs like tat. U 2 hv too take gd caee of urself.

I hv delivered via csection tis morning :) its super fast leh when doc start 'cutting me up' less than 2 min can hear her cries. Me almost in tears when i heard the cries. She has a loud voice hahaha. Same here for me, no milk yet for me but will juz let her suckle to simulate the milk ss. Anyone on enfalac? Is tat gd or similac better?

Congrats on seeing and holding your bb gal!!! wow you are very brave to go thro c-section. Do take care and avoid chicken n seafood as you have wound. Do take fish its very good in healing wound. And if u wanna massage i understand fr nadia massage lady recommended by hazel is got to wait around 4wks when wound heal for c-section. In the meantime, eat and rest well to recover your energy.

my boy has umbilical hernia.. when he is in pain, his hernia will protude out.. my pd said if it doesnt go down aftr one yr, my boy may need surgery too.. it is not serious but it may cause discomfort..

as for belle, it may b a serious case of hernia.. lucky she got checked.. hope she gets well..

when doc told me abt surgery that my boy may need, my heart dropped.. i kinda know how u feel.. but u must b feeling worst since surgery is impending soon.. my heart goes out to u too.. may all go well for ur family..

wanted to play with clariss but she KO since 12, woke up briefly for milk at 3.15pm then KO again around 3.40pm. think of the bright side at least i got some peace hahaaa but is it okie for bb like her keep sleeping?
Silsilly, umbilical hernia may resolve by itself. Belle has an inguinal hernia, though less common for bb girl, but it does happen occasionally. In this case, a loop of the intestines has pushed through the abdominal wall into the baby's groin area or sometimes all the way into her labia (the loose skin at the opening of her vagina).

Hers is at labia area.

Still waiting in the q to see surgeon... M v v tired n sad... Carrying belle who is sleeping soundly in my arms for the past 3 hrs...
Tzac, congrats!!!
Must have been a really touching moment!

These few days i also thinking whether want to ceasarian when its my turn! haha yea i know its too early to think of that now.
Thx chris n heartbeats. Heartbeats, heehee me no courage to try natural as 1st one csection 2 so opted for it. U hving twins? Tot it will b csection by default? Ywah, i din knw i will b so touched.

Hazel, my heart feels for u, belle will b fine. U take care. Anyone w u?
Hazel, i also feel heartpain for Belle. She still so small. Pray God bless her with as little discomfort as possible no matter what treatment doc advised and pray God grant doc wisdom to make the best options with the best skills.

Tzac i dont know leh. I just thot will be quite tired and pain pushing twice. Havent research for twins is it default csection. Have to start knowing my options and pros and cons soon.
Tzac, congrats !!! Tat time i was too numb n exhausted fr pain tat i din shed a tear coz initally i tot i wld as i e emo type...
Anyway, my gal is feeding on enfalac as till nw still no milk from mi. Similac, my sil in law bb used to drink but she commented very heaty. I chose enfalac as most recommended by my frds ard.

Hazel- as mummies, we can truly understd e painstakingly part whenever there anything wif our bbs. No doubt in this forum itself, we dunnoe who is who but still we try to give each other e necessary support whenever possible.

Be strong for e bb n keep us update again.

Think similac heaty cos my fren bb drank similac last time ended up too heaty and constipation. my gal drinking Nan HA.


How's everything? Anyone with you now?

Tzac, congratulations!

Hazel, managed to see the surgeon? Poor belle. Hope everything goes well with her.

Christ, my gal also slept a lot the day before. 8hrs without milk at night. Total only 5 feed for 24 hrs. A bit abnormal but she "nOrmalizes" the next day. You just monitor. If she drink, pee n poo normal shd be ok. If she KO till not drinking for 2 days then go see doc
