(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi Tanny
Shd be able to see gender on 16th feb.. Depend whether doc Loh free to scan the gender for u n whether ur bb cooperative or not..;) me opp fr u., i dun mind the wait n carpark.. I just want to get assurance fr gynea to know bbies r doing well.. I request 3 wk once scan n my hb feel why i want go every 3wk as when hv my boy, i go once monthly.. I just want assurance than not sure wht is happening inside.. I remember Hazel says she requests to go 2 wks once till when she is 20th wk.. As we hv bad experience in the past so the forbe is there..;( and Doc Loh can understand why we always want checkup n he never reject us too.. Now, am happy for her tt she has make it to deliver her healthy princess.. Look forward to deliver my bbies healthily soon too..

Hi Chris
Glad to hear fr u..;) oh.. Breast pump ah.. But tt time Hazel say no pt to bring breast pump to hospital as we dun hv the equipment to sterlize the pump after use too.. So if we use, how to sterlize? So shd bring or not?? Nice to know ur bb is growing well.. Hows ur wound? Hope u r feeling better now.. Take care gal..
Gals, thanks for all your well wishes!

Yes, did natural delivery without any assisted, but got epidosomy. Dr Loh told me tmc mid wives are v experienced to guide patients. He does not even need to use vaccum! haha!

today lots of deliveries too... the nurses told me non-stop!

My PD? dr loh didnt even ask me! the nurse asked him in front of me after bb was delivered & he said Dr Ang Ai Tin! The resident PD at TMC loh...
she wore a really pretty cheong sam today when she came & told me that she has checked bb and she is healthy... just need to do a blood test to make sure she didnt kana the infection from me (which dr loh told me, wun coz i was on oral antibiotics and drip antibiotics during delivery). Anyway, if bb has infection from me, just need to take antibiotics. Dr Ang said no big issue.

Catherine, actually, the whole process was not really painful or unbearable EXCEPT the vagina check! Dr Tham was really gentle. BUT, not dr loh hor... he really "bu ke qi". he told me he has wanted to make my cervix open! Yesterday night, while he was checking me, it was painful like HELL!! made the whole area so sore until i can release my bladder! then the nurse came in and put the tablet insertion to start the induce process, she also caused me alot of pain! anyway, yesterday night just mild pain considering my pain threshold is low & no need epidural. IF not, they will hv started me on that.

This morning,dr loh told me cervix 3-4cm dilated so he will burst waterbag.. i told him, i cant take the pain he caused via the vagina & down there, it is so sore & is bleeding already. SO he said, put me on epidural first before he burst waterbag. 1 bottle of epidural last 6 hrs. my 2nd bottle i only used for 2 hrs! once on epidural, i cant get down from bed already... that is the torturing part... n the cervix was checked many times by Dr Loh & mid wives. They need to check how far i have dilated... but with epidural, no pain though i can feel the check. at times, bb's heartbeat dropped & i was given oxygen to breathe.. was told that went to bb.. & that really helps.. though out the whole induce process, i was strapped to a ctg & BT machine. they monitor bb's heartbeats by the minute. If need be, bb will be taken out by c section.

the next part i found tough is the pushing process, per instruction by the mid wife. Dr Loh will only arrive after bb's head is "crowned". Pushing is like we have constipation... usually needs alot of stamina & strength.

oh ya... i felt pain too when dr loh stitched me! he said with my pain threshold, i will take 2 weeks instead of 1 week to recover! :p

Oh ya, for dr loh's patients n delivering at tmc, please bring along a reciept from dr Loh's O&G clinic so that u can claim another $400 from medisave. We didnt know.. told hubs to walk over to dr loh's clinic tomorrow & asked for a copy.
Chris, u hv problems pooing with the wound down there? i very scared of that when i think of it... the stitch and the rectrum are so near each other... use a bit of strength confirmed with hurt
I am not latching bb on tonight. In our womb, she was kept at body temp of 37 degrees. but hospital is cold. the nurse told me new born are generally cold n needs to be put in warmer. so if i wan to latch on, must off room aircon, quickly do & put her back to warmer. she pushed her over just now.. she is sleeping soundly also. so. i said dun disturb her & i want to rest tonight. So, she will be at nursery tonight & on cup feeding of FM. TMC FM needs to buy 10 bottles each time. and one bottle cost abt $1.50.

a few nurses told me can latch on starting tomorrow. no need to hurry.
Hazel, thx for the update. The way u describe is like I better hope my gynae is gentle when she did the vagina check. Better tell her on sat haha. On the receipt u need to keep for the amount $450 not $400. Anyway mine is done. My gynae nurse staple with my admission 'passport' to tmc.

Hazel- did u cry when she is in yr hand? Ya u need to sleep tonight. Dun worry she will b in the gd hands of the nurses at the nursery. How about yr blood pressure? Back to normal??
Catherine, my BP is normal throughout the delivery & i was not on medication.

PD just pop by my room & informed me that bb has to be placed in NICU on 4th floor (equivalent to KKH's special care) as she has seemed to be breathless... she told me she is considered as premature bb and shared that some bbs born at 37 wks also hv similar issue. As this bb is v precious, she wants to play safe. in NICU, she will be given oxygen & tomorrow, she will do a chest Xray for bb.

also, as i hv gbs infection, n bb's BT result will take 2-3 days to be out n she is premature, she has started her on antibiotics via the drip on her hand. No milk feed for her....

abit worrying to hear this news though PD said dun need to worry as she dun forsee long term effects.

Dr Loh still told me bb is safe to deliver at 36wks....
Hey Congrats Hazel!! Finally can hold bb in your arms
Rest well and recover..oh btw, i heard from my aunt that it would be wise to get a swimming float (with a hole in the middle) as down there will be so hurting over the next few days and this is good to let you sit down on without hurting the main part..

Tromso thanks for asking
it went pretty well! PIL + hb likes most of the dishes..esp the sliced vension hor fun with sauce..haha FIL so cute..he said the 'cheese could have been lesser' All of us stared in disbelieve...what cheese? LOL he tot the top gravy are cheese covering the 'pasta underneath' LOL his 1st time eating this dish lah LOL But amidst everything i still wish im back in SG cos more mood and more ppl eating together- thus more happy mah...How's your reunion dinner + visitations? Did you tell relatives the good news yet? hehe looks like we both sama sama..i prefer girls(cos can dress and doll her up) but then boy also no harm as carry on family name..;)

Fatefully Joanne you gals not alone..me too..wondering if all's well in there sometimes..wish someone can invent some gadget which allows MTB to peer into our own womb to see bb anytime and anywhere lol

ladies you gals talked abt the mrs wong bb class, what's it actually(what does it covers)? and how long is the duration?
Hazel, congratulations! You can get a rubber ring from the hospital pharmacy before you discharge. Just ask your hubby to tell the pharmacist that u have epidosomy done they will know what to give him. U will need it for siting. I have epidosomy done when I delivered my boy. Painful n can't sit for 4-5days. Another think is ask for mild laxative so that you will have watery stool instead of solid. One of my stitch burst when I trying to poo on the 3rd day. So so so damn painful. Also, remember to bring a little basin with warm water n cotton wool w u when u go toilet so that u can use it to clean from front to back. Hope this help.
Hazel, dun worry so much. Bb is juz naughty. She will b fine tomorrow. My fren daughter was in nicu the moment she was to b discharge. Bb naughty. In the end?? Bb playful . Sleep tight u need the rest
Dear Hazel,
CONGRATS!!! So happy for you!!! It has been a long and arduous journey and now the fruit of your labour is finally in your arms!!! Very happy for you!!! We were all rooting for you!!!

Dear Chris Baby,
Thanks for coming by to update us!!! It’s valuable experience that you’re sharing! I copied your paragraph on tips for the first breastfeeding. Thanks loads!

Dear gals,
The baby wipes is Kodomo one at one packet $1.60? I thought it’s the watson’s house brand at $5 and buy one get one free? I saw 1 packet at Tampines One Watson’s. It’s out of stock there. But there were lots of the Kodomo ones.

Also, if any of you have any purchase list to prepare for bb's arrival, can email me at [email protected] pls? I hope to be mentally prepared too!!! Thanks in advance
Hi Catherine,

U don't need to bring any storage bag for breastmilk cos the real milkflow starts maybe after 3rd, it depends on individuals. The 1st 1-3 days are basically colostrum which is either transparent or yellowish milky color and it's only 1-2 drops. It is very precious cos it is high in protein immunoglobulin and protein and is secreted in the 1st few days following the birth of your bb. It will 1st starts as transparent sticky kind of fluid then when milk starts to flow its yellowish in color then follows by your milk turning the normal whitish. So once BB is born try to let BB latch on every 2-3hrs to stimulate production. Demand equals supply, good to start early.
Hi Catherine,

Do take cordyceps. good for both u and bb's immunity. My bb now knows how to kickboxing and playing with the dad now.

Hi Ladies,

Do talk to BB when she/he is inside your tummy. Its proven!!! I always sing this 2 songs to her like twinkle twinkle little star and ABCD, hahaa cos only know this 2 songs hahahaa... There was once when she was in the hospital, and my hb let me carry her cos he needs to go to the restroom. (i daren't carry her, and most of the time hb carry her, he recognises daddy's voice so will calm down). That day, bb starts crying and HB in the toilet, so no choice i carried her and once she hears me singing she immediately stops crying and calm down.
Hi hazel,

dun worry about poo poo, u won't feel like poo poo for this 2-3 days cos before delivery they already cleared out most of our poo.... just relax, when poo poo comes in 3rd day it will be alright For me poo poo has been soft so no problem with the wound. Just relax and let the poo flow out, dun push too hard.
Hi Hzael,kimmy,catherine,

If you can, remember to drink 1 bottle of chicken/fish essence every morning after delivery, it will help to build up your health faster. And start taking "Sheng Hua Tang" from 2nd day onwards to clear the dirty blood and contracts womb. I got mine from Dr Zou AMK, it comes in packet powder.form
Dear Hazel,
My Dr ang was very gentle with the vagina check and swipe, i only felt alittle discomfort that's all. After she broke the waterbag i was put on epi with low dosage administered and to increase if pain. I only used 1/2 the dosage of the whole epi, HB joked with me whether can asked for refund for the balance hahaaa...The only pain i felt was when waterbag broke cos it brought on contraction, but still bearable is like when we having period cramps.
Hi hazel,

Dun worry if you can't breastfeed bb yet, use your medela pump 2-3 hrs apart to stimulate milk production by pumping each side for around 10-15mins. So by 5th day,you'll have some milk ready for BB to drink. Dun be like me, started out late and now BB big appetite and i can only feed her FM and (1-2 x) express breast(EM)milk per day and each feed not able to meet her requirement so need to top up with FM. For EM, it will last B 1.5-2hrs, for FM it can lasts BB around 3hrs or more. I used NAN milk cos its similar to BM as normal FM is thicker. So far NAN and Enfagrow FM resembles BM. Dun worry about BB's preference over FM, cos at this stage they do't know how to differentiate, just feed them and they will sip all the way.
Hi ladies,

just remember to bring this few items which i found essential, it depends on individuals.

1) Socks to keep you warm in the delivery ward or hospital ward.

2) 2 sets of PJs (front opening)

3) disposal panties (Mt alvernia only gave me 1 set all the way)

4) Pad (Kotex maternity pads pink packaging)
The 1st day of delivery, flow like waterfall so the nurse helped me put around 2-3 pads at one go. Its thick, and when i sit down my epidosomy wound doesn't hurt that much. I used up the whole 10 pads in just 1 day cos i changed 2-3 times per day.

5) Laptop or Ipad to keep you and HB entertained.

6)Remember to bring charger and multipurpose plug for HP and laptop

7) Breast pump.
Chris, i took cordycepts essence before I admitted.

Oh ya, those with sf Loh, the TMC pre admission record is for bed booking at TMC. Need to ask dr Loh for another admission memo which will state key medical details of mummies. I was warded n sober so I was able to answer the qns asked by the nurse at pt of admission. Was told, our gynae shld gave us an admission memo which has all these details... Coz unlike KKH, pte hospitals dun hv our case files.
Just seek a 2nd opinion from head of Pd in nuh, hub's friend. She said bb is premature so lungs may be wet. So breathing at 80 breathe per seconds instead of 60. As for my infection, hub's friend said no issue since bb Is on antibiotics already n I was on antibiotics during labour.
Hi ladies,

My bb's umblical cord drops off on the 7th day which is last nite after her 1st PD appointment. PD commented tat my CL did a very good job in taking care of BB as her Umblical cord was very clean and ready to drop off in 1-2 days time.
Ya it was really good to have an experienced CL cos my CL takes care of the nite feed and hence we are able to rest thro the night. This is very important esp when we 1st discharge, we need to eat,rest well, relax (stress free) for good milk production. And very important, CL says that we need to sit down when we drink or eat, cos during preggy and delivery our intestines are straighten and needs time to "contract bk" so if we stand when we eat and drink next time we will have urine incontinence when we are older.Also try to lie down in bed and not walk around too much cos we will have backache in the future,
the 1st nite without CL was on eve of CNY, hahaa HB slept with bb in bb's room for the nite feed and told me to rest thro the nite. BB slept at 2.45am after her last feed and slept thro till 10am the following day and we have to coax her to wake up if not she'll sleep till noon ah. So far, I'm very lucky cos HB was with me this week, he'll be starting wk tomorrow. He is very hands on and learns very fast, bathing, changing nappies etc he is very good at it, we learnt from wong BB's class and CL was there to guide him along.

Hi Catherine,

If your HB is unable to take leave during this period, maybe if possible you can get a CL to help you cos the 1st few nites,you might need to wake up a few times as bb in new environment so might wake up a few times and also we have not get a hold of bb's timing and feeding... And your wound will hurt and u might still feel abit of backache like me. So climbing up and down the bed may be tiring for you.
hazel:Congrats!! So So happy for you...don't worry about your girl...she will be fine and soon you would be able to bring her back home. Pls take care of yourself and recuperate well...
Hazel, congrats for your little princess! Wow looks like epidural is a real life-safer. Am sure your baby will be fine, though she's in Nicu now.. you will be able to bring her home soon!! As your baby didn't want to latch on, and other girls mentioned you should pump breastmilk every 3 hours, does it mean your baby won't get the nutritious colostrum as it's only 2-3 drops and not possible to pump?
Hi Hazel - Congrats on your baby girl! Wow, thanks for the details...sounds like a smooth delivery except for the initial part where Dr Loh put his palm in. Haha but it was to help you induce faster :p Can you still feel the stitches now? Oww... And as for your baby girl, she's in great hands with the PD...plus PD updates you often on the status which is good. Husband's friend has also assured you that all is okay so just rest now so that you have energy to care for your little princess later k?
As for receipts you mean all the visits to Dr Loh we go, just bring along as can claim ah? Okay will take note. Meanwhile, rest well.

Chris baby - thanks for the additional tips too and glad to hear that your baby is going very well and everything sounds good. Which PD did you go to? the one gynae assigned you to? I heard got a good PD at Mt. A and its nearer to my home for next time hehe. Sounds like your CL is very capable too!
Kimmy, receipt as in one only to show that u r with dr loh's clinic at TMC so that can claim the full amt of hospital stay at TMC.

For stitches, feel soreness n tightness there..
Yes Hazel
Dun worry too much abt ur gal as she will be fine.. Did u check with great eastern which we bought earlier whether can claim for the nicu fees at tmc??

Hi Chris
Pls advise on which day shd we start to use breast pump in hospital n how can we sterlize the pump since we r not at home?? Thk u n glad to know ur bb is doing sooo well..;)

Hi chris n catherine
May i know for cordycep, how u gals prepare the drink n how frequent u drink? Quite expensive hor to buy the herbs so how much u gals put each time to make the drink? Fr what week of pregnancy can we start to drink?
My tcm oso asks me to start red date drink.. Do u all drink red dates during ur 2nd trimester onwards too?? Thk u so much for ur advise..
Hazel - thanks for the prompt response. Wow. you must be feeling super tired now. Hehe so which room at TMC did you get in the end? How's the stay?
Great, I will just bring along the one receipt to claim full amt then.
Re: stitches - could you feel them becuz your epidural had worn off already? but able to walk? like you, my threshold is super low too...soooo I'm really hoping that I can tahan through everything. Hehe. So will baby be able to discharge same day as you? Also good that Dr Loh tested you for GBS early so that he can put you on antibiotics. When I asked him the last time he still told me at 37 weeks then check...
Hazel, juz saw yr pm. Will note and ask my gynae on sat.

Chris bb, my parents r my cl. Dad will b the driver, marketer, ordered to buy things. Mum- bb carer, chef, laundry lady, marketer. Haha That's y my angpow to them must b at least $5k. Pai seh leh. Hb will b my frustration pack, I dun know what role he will play but will juz assign him to give me $ etc

Fatefully, will send u the list tonight. Sashamama I will include u in the email. Now back to work. Feel faintish today.
Joanne, my dong cong cao is $700 for 12 times of cooking. Each time /week my mum put 12 pieces brew with lean pork. The shop keeper say I must eat up the dong cong cao. U should start drinking at mid 2nd trimester but I din I only took at 3rd trimester cos I was angry with my mum not taking care of me. Also I eat black rice ... Well I mix a bit to cook with white rice. More nutritious.
Wow... Get to learn so many things in these 2 days threads. Fr delivery process to pumping breast milk etc. Apparently still very confused wat m I suppose to do when my day is here...:p

I yet to done any gbs test which u mummies tok abt. Haven get any pre-admission form, haven discuss on e package wif dr loh.

Oh no... Can any sis here kindly list wat e the things I need to settle while waiting for e big day to come, pls. Really very blur. Room oso haven booked.
I tend to agree with Chris that we should talk to bb. Juz like the past few days I was looking for the bb wipes but can't find. Yesterday I was talking to my gal, asking her y we can't find the wipes and whether she dun like it. Told her if she wants help us to get it. Immediately after I finish talking, my hubby called and told me he found at hong Leong building. Then I found at Amoy st too. It's juz like magic. I always play song to my gal as I drive that calms her down.

Chris, lucky u have a hands on hubby to help. I m sure he will rush home to c bb daily after work. I also have faith in my hubby. He will manage better than me haha I admit defeat.
Bbliss - I agree with you. So much to learn and what to expect these 2 days from forum. Haha!!!
Only things I'm aware:

gbs test - which I asked Dr Loh and he said will start testing wk 37 onwards or near delivery because test too early also no use and results will not be as accurate near delivery

pre-admission form - I haven't done this yet too but you can start doing it from week 32 onwards. Get the form from the admission counter on level 1 before you take lift to see dr loh so that he can stamp on it during consultation.

Hope this info helps!
Bbliss, u should juz book yr bed... Since no deposit is required. My gynae nurse made me think at week 20. I hesitated. Then at week 24 they press the bell on me say if I dun book no place to sleep(they told me in joking manner). Cos dragon yr ma... I still hestitated. I wanted mt a but gynae want tmc.... Finally i gave in after talking to frens, and did the hospital tour at tmc. I only confirm at week 30. Lol.....
Kimmy, can walk. I washed up too with boiled water here, just some sting feeling. I feel tightness n discomfort more than anything. On oral painkillers, postan. Good enough. If cannot take it can pop another 2 panadol. But wun need now. Epi wears out after 4 hrs. Stay on 5th floor. Premier single bedded. PD said bb to stay estimated 5 days...

J03, discharged tomorrow noon. I feel that the treatment for Pte patients in KKH n TMC r similar. Tmc labour n observation wards beds are separated by curtains. KKH has doors so more quiet..
Hi ladies,

wondering if anyone has just started their ivf process of injecting suprefact? Appreciate all your advises as I'm seeking the treatment at chr currently.
J03, the GE insurance cover bb NICU as long as we deliver in any of the registered maternity hospital in SG. It is written in the policy sent to us. Of course TMC is in the list.
bbliss, the estimated bill size per type of bedder, u can actually get from TMC level 1. For my bill size, i wun know until i discharge tomorrow

First and foremost, a big congratulations to Hazel, you've made it mummy!!! Sincerely hope your princess will recover asap and stay healthy.

Hi Catherine, thanks for the cordyceps info. Just curious, do you know how much your cordyceps costs in terms in 37.5g 一两? I was told about $600 for good ones. I wonder how many sticks...how long did you boil the cordyceps and lean meat for?

Just curious, any issues starting cordyceps at start of 2nd trimester instead of later?

Hi Tanny, for parking, you can also get hubby to drop you at TMC, then he can drive to the open air parking lot further down the road (towards novena mrt). TMC valet parking service uses this huge open air parking too, we only discoverd during last visit, cos valet service drove us fr TMC to that parking area to collect our car. We are also going to try the hdb flats opposite TMC. If the wait is gonna be 2-3 hrs, good idea to go shopping at novena sq like Kimmy did
