(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

First and foremost, a big congratulations to Hazel, you've made it mummy!!! Sincerely hope your princess will recover asap and stay healthy.

Hi Catherine, thanks for the cordyceps info. Just curious, do you know how much your cordyceps costs in terms in 37.5g 一两? I was told about $600 for good ones. I wonder how many sticks...how long did you boil the cordyceps and lean meat for?

Just curious, any issues starting cordyceps at start of 2nd trimester instead of later?

Hi Tanny, for parking, you can also get hubby to drop you at TMC, then he can drive to the open air parking lot further down the road (towards novena mrt). TMC valet parking service uses this huge open air parking too, we only discoverd during last visit, cos valet service drove us fr TMC to that parking area to collect our car. We are also going to try the hdb flats opposite TMC. If the wait is gonna be 2-3 hrs, good idea to go shopping at novena sq like Kimmy did

First and foremost, a big congratulations to Hazel, you've made it mummy!!! Sincerely hope your princess will recover asap and stay healthy.

Hi Catherine, thanks for the cordyceps info. Just curious, do you know how much your cordyceps costs in terms in 37.5g 一两? I was told about $600 for good ones. I wonder how many sticks...how long did you boil the cordyceps and lean meat for?

Just curious, any issues starting cordyceps at start of 2nd trimester instead of later?

Hi Tanny, for parking, you can also get hubby to drop you at TMC, then he can drive to the open air parking lot further down the road (towards novena mrt). TMC valet parking service uses this huge open air parking too, we only discoverd during last visit, cos valet service drove us fr TMC to that parking area to collect our car. We are also going to try the hdb flats opposite TMC. If the wait is gonna be 2-3 hrs, good idea to go shopping at novena sq like Kimmy did
Hi Hazel
Thats gd that u can use.. Btw, kindly advise on the nicu charges in tmc after u settle ur bill tomorow? Thk u n rest well..;)

Hi catherine
May i know where u buy ur cordycep? So u really eat the cordycep?? U drink the soup weekly?? Did u add anything else inside the soup beside the pork? Paiseh for so many questions as i dun boil this cordycep thing during my first pregnancy..;)

Hi gals in 2nd - 3rd trimester
Do u drink red date drink? If yes, How frequent u drink??
Hi Hazel
Thats gd that u can use.. Btw, kindly advise on the nicu charges in tmc after u settle ur bill tomorow? Thk u n rest well..;)

Hi catherine
May i know where u buy ur cordycep? So u really eat the cordycep?? U drink the soup weekly?? Did u add anything else inside the soup beside the pork? Paiseh for so many questions as i dun boil this cordycep thing during my first pregnancy..;)

Hi gals in 2nd - 3rd trimester
Do u drink red date drink? If yes, How frequent u drink??
Hi Hazel
Thats gd that u can use.. Btw, kindly advise on the nicu charges in tmc after u settle ur bill tomorow? Thk u n rest well..;)

Hi catherine
May i know where u buy ur cordycep? So u really eat the cordycep?? U drink the soup weekly?? Did u add anything else inside the soup beside the pork? Paiseh for so many questions as i dun boil this cordycep thing during my first pregnancy..;)

Hi gals in 2nd - 3rd trimester
Do u drink red date drink? If yes, How frequent u drink??
Hazel, got e price list. But with those deductions fr medisave for rm, dr etc, would like to know e final cash payout.

Share wif us e amt upon yr discharge if dun mind ya
Hazel, got e price list. But with those deductions fr medisave for rm, dr etc, would like to know e final cash payout.

Share wif us e amt upon yr discharge if dun mind ya
Hazel, got e price list. But with those deductions fr medisave for rm, dr etc, would like to know e final cash payout.

Share wif us e amt upon yr discharge if dun mind ya
Kimmy, thx for e info ya
Ya lor... So many to learn n do rite. Too much n can't really absorb... Haha.

Btw, u recovering well ? Fever gone Liao ya ?

Catherine, thx for e pointers. Hw do we book e bed huh ? Izit done tog wif e pre-admission form ? Besides this form, wat is e other form which Hazel mentioned in her earlier thread ?
Kimmy, thx for e info ya
Ya lor... So many to learn n do rite. Too much n can't really absorb... Haha.

Btw, u recovering well ? Fever gone Liao ya ?

Catherine, thx for e pointers. Hw do we book e bed huh ? Izit done tog wif e pre-admission form ? Besides this form, wat is e other form which Hazel mentioned in her earlier thread ?
Kimmy, thx for e info ya
Ya lor... So many to learn n do rite. Too much n can't really absorb... Haha.

Btw, u recovering well ? Fever gone Liao ya ?

Catherine, thx for e pointers. Hw do we book e bed huh ? Izit done tog wif e pre-admission form ? Besides this form, wat is e other form which Hazel mentioned in her earlier thread ?
Hi Joanne, I'm taking red dates drink about 5 times a week now

I just checked the TMC fees, nicu ward up to $500+ a day (I think our IVF compulsory insurance covers $300 a day). But I heard 1 x-ray about $900, plus ventilator costs and doc fees, etc. I wonder if our FBI package AXA hospitalization insurance covers non ward costs.... Sorry me a bit fretting out too cos people keep telling me I should stick to KKH b'cos its cheaper if preterm but I feel with proper insurance coverage, TMC or private should be fine too.
Hi Joanne, I'm taking red dates drink about 5 times a week now

I just checked the TMC fees, nicu ward up to $500+ a day (I think our IVF compulsory insurance covers $300 a day). But I heard 1 x-ray about $900, plus ventilator costs and doc fees, etc. I wonder if our FBI package AXA hospitalization insurance covers non ward costs.... Sorry me a bit fretting out too cos people keep telling me I should stick to KKH b'cos its cheaper if preterm but I feel with proper insurance coverage, TMC or private should be fine too.
Hi Joanne, I'm taking red dates drink about 5 times a week now

I just checked the TMC fees, nicu ward up to $500+ a day (I think our IVF compulsory insurance covers $300 a day). But I heard 1 x-ray about $900, plus ventilator costs and doc fees, etc. I wonder if our FBI package AXA hospitalization insurance covers non ward costs.... Sorry me a bit fretting out too cos people keep telling me I should stick to KKH b'cos its cheaper if preterm but I feel with proper insurance coverage, TMC or private should be fine too.
Bbliss, my gynae nurse book the bed for me. I juz tell them my choice. Mayb there was a form to complete. Sorry forgot already

Tromso and Joanne, I dun know the price. My mum ordered from Lao ban Niang at bugis market. I go pick up and pay. How long and y brew lean meat? Dun know too. I will ask my mum tonight. My mun put 12 sticks in per brew. I was told she has to smack the dong cong cao b4 brewing. She said will have better taste. Ya I really ate the fatty part of the dong cong cao
Bbliss, my gynae nurse book the bed for me. I juz tell them my choice. Mayb there was a form to complete. Sorry forgot already

Tromso and Joanne, I dun know the price. My mum ordered from Lao ban Niang at bugis market. I go pick up and pay. How long and y brew lean meat? Dun know too. I will ask my mum tonight. My mun put 12 sticks in per brew. I was told she has to smack the dong cong cao b4 brewing. She said will have better taste. Ya I really ate the fatty part of the dong cong cao
Bbliss, my gynae nurse book the bed for me. I juz tell them my choice. Mayb there was a form to complete. Sorry forgot already

Tromso and Joanne, I dun know the price. My mum ordered from Lao ban Niang at bugis market. I go pick up and pay. How long and y brew lean meat? Dun know too. I will ask my mum tonight. My mun put 12 sticks in per brew. I was told she has to smack the dong cong cao b4 brewing. She said will have better taste. Ya I really ate the fatty part of the dong cong cao
Hi catherine
Thk u.. May i know where is the lao ban niang shop u mention as me may go bugis later.. Thk u so much...

Hi tromso
Thks for ur advise but 5times a wk is alot.. Whole day u drinking? Wun u get too heaty?

Hi baby
I see.. Wah.. So fast n u try fet again n happy for u that u hv succeed this time.. Me too hv bad experience on May last year n rest for half year... So hv forrbe n stress...
Hi catherine
Thk u.. May i know where is the lao ban niang shop u mention as me may go bugis later.. Thk u so much...

Hi tromso
Thks for ur advise but 5times a wk is alot.. Whole day u drinking? Wun u get too heaty?

Hi baby
I see.. Wah.. So fast n u try fet again n happy for u that u hv succeed this time.. Me too hv bad experience on May last year n rest for half year... So hv forrbe n stress...
Hi catherine
Thk u.. May i know where is the lao ban niang shop u mention as me may go bugis later.. Thk u so much...

Hi tromso
Thks for ur advise but 5times a wk is alot.. Whole day u drinking? Wun u get too heaty?

Hi baby
I see.. Wah.. So fast n u try fet again n happy for u that u hv succeed this time.. Me too hv bad experience on May last year n rest for half year... So hv forrbe n stress...
Joanne - ahah I don't drink red dates drink at all cuz I'm watching my sugar level as my grandparents both had diabetes so I'm quite worried about GD. Maybe confinement then I start drinking.

Tromso - ahha yah but even novena sq after a while nothing much to walk!!!
If only the clinic was at Orchard. Hahahaha. Or near some baby hypermart!

Bbliss - Yah man I'm starting to take down notes. Then some more this Sat starting mrs wong class so hopefully can absorb more. Fever has said bye-bye to me. Hooray. But cough and phlegm still there so I was a bit of a vampire last night between 2.45 - 4am, cldn't sleep as kept dry coughing. But happy that I don't feel feverish
Joanne - ahah I don't drink red dates drink at all cuz I'm watching my sugar level as my grandparents both had diabetes so I'm quite worried about GD. Maybe confinement then I start drinking.

Tromso - ahha yah but even novena sq after a while nothing much to walk!!!
If only the clinic was at Orchard. Hahahaha. Or near some baby hypermart!

Bbliss - Yah man I'm starting to take down notes. Then some more this Sat starting mrs wong class so hopefully can absorb more. Fever has said bye-bye to me. Hooray. But cough and phlegm still there so I was a bit of a vampire last night between 2.45 - 4am, cldn't sleep as kept dry coughing. But happy that I don't feel feverish
Joanne - ahah I don't drink red dates drink at all cuz I'm watching my sugar level as my grandparents both had diabetes so I'm quite worried about GD. Maybe confinement then I start drinking.

Tromso - ahha yah but even novena sq after a while nothing much to walk!!!
If only the clinic was at Orchard. Hahahaha. Or near some baby hypermart!

Bbliss - Yah man I'm starting to take down notes. Then some more this Sat starting mrs wong class so hopefully can absorb more. Fever has said bye-bye to me. Hooray. But cough and phlegm still there so I was a bit of a vampire last night between 2.45 - 4am, cldn't sleep as kept dry coughing. But happy that I don't feel feverish
Hazel, am sure ur bb gal will be fine. Rest well.

Chris, do u take any supplement to increase ur milk flow?

Bbliss, when is ur EDD? Sorry, lost track.

Btw, anyone has the recepi for fish papaya soup? Tks.
Hazel, am sure ur bb gal will be fine. Rest well.

Chris, do u take any supplement to increase ur milk flow?

Bbliss, when is ur EDD? Sorry, lost track.

Btw, anyone has the recepi for fish papaya soup? Tks.
Hazel, am sure ur bb gal will be fine. Rest well.

Chris, do u take any supplement to increase ur milk flow?

Bbliss, when is ur EDD? Sorry, lost track.

Btw, anyone has the recepi for fish papaya soup? Tks.
Havent pop in for a while. Happy new year Mummies!

Congrats Hazel to on finally delivering your princess. Your birth story is really admirable. your princess will be fine and soon you can carry her home too. Take a good rest! more challenges ahead!

tomorrow is my second scan with Dr Tan at KKH. I havent decided whether to follow Dr Loh yet coz of the long waiting time. Quite nervous as everything is still early and due to my previous experience too. hopefully everything will be fine.
Havent pop in for a while. Happy new year Mummies!

Congrats Hazel to on finally delivering your princess. Your birth story is really admirable. your princess will be fine and soon you can carry her home too. Take a good rest! more challenges ahead!

tomorrow is my second scan with Dr Tan at KKH. I havent decided whether to follow Dr Loh yet coz of the long waiting time. Quite nervous as everything is still early and due to my previous experience too. hopefully everything will be fine.
Havent pop in for a while. Happy new year Mummies!

Congrats Hazel to on finally delivering your princess. Your birth story is really admirable. your princess will be fine and soon you can carry her home too. Take a good rest! more challenges ahead!

tomorrow is my second scan with Dr Tan at KKH. I havent decided whether to follow Dr Loh yet coz of the long waiting time. Quite nervous as everything is still early and due to my previous experience too. hopefully everything will be fine.
Hi pierced
How many wks r u now? Jiayou!!

Hi gals
Anyone know where is this lao ban niang shop in bugis village?

Hi kimmy
Oh i see.. As my tcm say can start drink the red date drink fr 2nd trimester onwards to bu xue.. Me opposite fr the rest.. Pp has been drinking it since ET but i no touch till now as advise by my tcm.. Enjoy ur lesson ya..;)

Btw, anyone know the price for wong boi boi class on werkday? Thk u..
Hi pierced
How many wks r u now? Jiayou!!

Hi gals
Anyone know where is this lao ban niang shop in bugis village?

Hi kimmy
Oh i see.. As my tcm say can start drink the red date drink fr 2nd trimester onwards to bu xue.. Me opposite fr the rest.. Pp has been drinking it since ET but i no touch till now as advise by my tcm.. Enjoy ur lesson ya..;)

Btw, anyone know the price for wong boi boi class on werkday? Thk u..
Hi pierced
How many wks r u now? Jiayou!!

Hi gals
Anyone know where is this lao ban niang shop in bugis village?

Hi kimmy
Oh i see.. As my tcm say can start drink the red date drink fr 2nd trimester onwards to bu xue.. Me opposite fr the rest.. Pp has been drinking it since ET but i no touch till now as advise by my tcm.. Enjoy ur lesson ya..;)

Btw, anyone know the price for wong boi boi class on werkday? Thk u..
Joanne, I'm taking it with my Chinese herbs, so only drink a cup a day, together with the herbs. I don't get heaty leh, maybe the herbs have balancing components. I'm also taking self made chicken essence, surprisingly not heaty too. Only got heaty with cny goodies...lol...so weird. If you feel heaty, then better reduce dosage, but I didn't take longan, I believe this one is more heaty.

Catherine, so the Lao Ban Niang was recommended by you hee...I read it in forum some time back and went to check it out few weeks ago. I intend to get the bird nests there, I've done some price comparison meanwhile, seems a bit cheaper there.

Lao Ban Niang is located opposite Guangyin Miao, at L3, above the double storey hawker. When you get up the stair at L3, turn left walk all the way and LBN is located on your right, facing outdoors. The friendly guy will explain all your doubts and will also provide a sheet about post natal care, like herb soups, herb drinks, herb bath, etc.

FYI I think they only sell bird nests collected from man-made facilities, cheapest is $135 一两 37.5g. I found out from elsewhere those bird nets fr caves are about $200. I was told no nutritional difference but man made ones may have 加功, so good to find out more before you purchase.

I'm going to get cordyceps at Wong Yiu Nam, Chinatown, also very renowed for it's herbs, many who visits thong chai for treatments get their herbs there.

Hope this helps
Beginning journey of our expensive purchases....
Joanne, I'm taking it with my Chinese herbs, so only drink a cup a day, together with the herbs. I don't get heaty leh, maybe the herbs have balancing components. I'm also taking self made chicken essence, surprisingly not heaty too. Only got heaty with cny goodies...lol...so weird. If you feel heaty, then better reduce dosage, but I didn't take longan, I believe this one is more heaty.

Catherine, so the Lao Ban Niang was recommended by you hee...I read it in forum some time back and went to check it out few weeks ago. I intend to get the bird nests there, I've done some price comparison meanwhile, seems a bit cheaper there.

Lao Ban Niang is located opposite Guangyin Miao, at L3, above the double storey hawker. When you get up the stair at L3, turn left walk all the way and LBN is located on your right, facing outdoors. The friendly guy will explain all your doubts and will also provide a sheet about post natal care, like herb soups, herb drinks, herb bath, etc.

FYI I think they only sell bird nests collected from man-made facilities, cheapest is $135 一两 37.5g. I found out from elsewhere those bird nets fr caves are about $200. I was told no nutritional difference but man made ones may have 加功, so good to find out more before you purchase.

I'm going to get cordyceps at Wong Yiu Nam, Chinatown, also very renowed for it's herbs, many who visits thong chai for treatments get their herbs there.

Hope this helps
Beginning journey of our expensive purchases....
Joanne, I'm taking it with my Chinese herbs, so only drink a cup a day, together with the herbs. I don't get heaty leh, maybe the herbs have balancing components. I'm also taking self made chicken essence, surprisingly not heaty too. Only got heaty with cny goodies...lol...so weird. If you feel heaty, then better reduce dosage, but I didn't take longan, I believe this one is more heaty.

Catherine, so the Lao Ban Niang was recommended by you hee...I read it in forum some time back and went to check it out few weeks ago. I intend to get the bird nests there, I've done some price comparison meanwhile, seems a bit cheaper there.

Lao Ban Niang is located opposite Guangyin Miao, at L3, above the double storey hawker. When you get up the stair at L3, turn left walk all the way and LBN is located on your right, facing outdoors. The friendly guy will explain all your doubts and will also provide a sheet about post natal care, like herb soups, herb drinks, herb bath, etc.

FYI I think they only sell bird nests collected from man-made facilities, cheapest is $135 一两 37.5g. I found out from elsewhere those bird nets fr caves are about $200. I was told no nutritional difference but man made ones may have 加功, so good to find out more before you purchase.

I'm going to get cordyceps at Wong Yiu Nam, Chinatown, also very renowed for it's herbs, many who visits thong chai for treatments get their herbs there.

Hope this helps
Beginning journey of our expensive purchases....
Btw whilst you are there - Waterloo St, Guangyin Miao, can also check out the shop which Hazel previously mentioned, sells cheaper green bean casing pillow $12, basic bb wears, towels of all sizes, disposable panties, maturnity pads, etc.

It's located in the row of shophouses opposite guangyin miao, on the ground floor, just right next to the toilet. Other shops in the same area sells dried seafood, etc, so you can't miss it

Another thing ladies....there is a seminar on 3 Mar, Start Smart: from bump to baby. Organized by Young Parents mag, can view more details in the website. I find the topics more interesting than previous TMC seminar, cos this one covers baby sleep routine and nutrition, other than pregnancy info. $20 per couple, in case you are keen

Sorry Joanne, I signed up for weekend Wong BB class, can't remember the price now. I think weekdays about $50 or so cheaper.
Btw whilst you are there - Waterloo St, Guangyin Miao, can also check out the shop which Hazel previously mentioned, sells cheaper green bean casing pillow $12, basic bb wears, towels of all sizes, disposable panties, maturnity pads, etc.

It's located in the row of shophouses opposite guangyin miao, on the ground floor, just right next to the toilet. Other shops in the same area sells dried seafood, etc, so you can't miss it

Another thing ladies....there is a seminar on 3 Mar, Start Smart: from bump to baby. Organized by Young Parents mag, can view more details in the website. I find the topics more interesting than previous TMC seminar, cos this one covers baby sleep routine and nutrition, other than pregnancy info. $20 per couple, in case you are keen

Sorry Joanne, I signed up for weekend Wong BB class, can't remember the price now. I think weekdays about $50 or so cheaper.
Btw whilst you are there - Waterloo St, Guangyin Miao, can also check out the shop which Hazel previously mentioned, sells cheaper green bean casing pillow $12, basic bb wears, towels of all sizes, disposable panties, maturnity pads, etc.

It's located in the row of shophouses opposite guangyin miao, on the ground floor, just right next to the toilet. Other shops in the same area sells dried seafood, etc, so you can't miss it

Another thing ladies....there is a seminar on 3 Mar, Start Smart: from bump to baby. Organized by Young Parents mag, can view more details in the website. I find the topics more interesting than previous TMC seminar, cos this one covers baby sleep routine and nutrition, other than pregnancy info. $20 per couple, in case you are keen

Sorry Joanne, I signed up for weekend Wong BB class, can't remember the price now. I think weekdays about $50 or so cheaper.
Thk u tromso
Me not intending to get any bb items yet as still early...;) will get at 5th mth onwards probably.. Thks for ur detail on lao ban niang shop... Not sure when shd i drink too...hmm...
The seminar on sat so cant attend too...;)
Thk u tromso
Me not intending to get any bb items yet as still early...;) will get at 5th mth onwards probably.. Thks for ur detail on lao ban niang shop... Not sure when shd i drink too...hmm...
The seminar on sat so cant attend too...;)
Thk u tromso
Me not intending to get any bb items yet as still early...;) will get at 5th mth onwards probably.. Thks for ur detail on lao ban niang shop... Not sure when shd i drink too...hmm...
The seminar on sat so cant attend too...;)
Catherine, now I read that you'll be giving your parents ang bao for helping with confinement, its starting to stir some thoughts in me too. I see my parents now take ginseng daily cos otherwise no energy to look after my sister's baby, previously they don't need Bu cos they have very active lifestyle and are never sick. Now I'm thinking how I can 'reward' and show them appreciation too, when it's my turn for confinement. Thanks for sharing otherwise I probably would have overlooked this
Catherine, now I read that you'll be giving your parents ang bao for helping with confinement, its starting to stir some thoughts in me too. I see my parents now take ginseng daily cos otherwise no energy to look after my sister's baby, previously they don't need Bu cos they have very active lifestyle and are never sick. Now I'm thinking how I can 'reward' and show them appreciation too, when it's my turn for confinement. Thanks for sharing otherwise I probably would have overlooked this
Catherine, now I read that you'll be giving your parents ang bao for helping with confinement, its starting to stir some thoughts in me too. I see my parents now take ginseng daily cos otherwise no energy to look after my sister's baby, previously they don't need Bu cos they have very active lifestyle and are never sick. Now I'm thinking how I can 'reward' and show them appreciation too, when it's my turn for confinement. Thanks for sharing otherwise I probably would have overlooked this
Hi Faithfully, I see that you are drinking bird nests with cordyceps now. May I know how many cordyceps do you take each time? I was previously told 3-4 pieces is enough but I saw Catherine takes 12 pcs, so just wondering what's your intake like. Thanks for sharing
Hi Faithfully, I see that you are drinking bird nests with cordyceps now. May I know how many cordyceps do you take each time? I was previously told 3-4 pieces is enough but I saw Catherine takes 12 pcs, so just wondering what's your intake like. Thanks for sharing

Hi Faithfully, I see that you are drinking bird nests with cordyceps now. May I know how many cordyceps do you take each time? I was previously told 3-4 pieces is enough but I saw Catherine takes 12 pcs, so just wondering what's your intake like. Thanks for sharing
