(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Broccoli and spinach contains iron therefore they are actually very good. However, food like broccoli, cauliflower, beans, asparagus causes bloatedness more so if eaten raw.

Hi baby
I see.. How ur collegues know? They can see ur tummy already? For me, only tell one male collegue so he can help me dabao, carry heavy thing for me.. Thks for ur concern.. Me still feel ok as tummy still small except try not to walk too much so most hsework done by my hubby n part time cleaner.. Think will go out walk walk n buy things later..;) glad to see u r feeling so much better now..;)
Hi catherine,

i agreed with Hazel, labour pain can be really painful, i asked a few of my colleagues and they too advised me to go for epi as the pain far surpass the needle. Altho i'm scared of knife and needles, i might go for it, cos i got low pain threshold.
dedicating my time to major spring cleaning today before CNY... hmm I was reading pregnancy progress tracker and they mentioned that at 28 weeks, gynae may wanna see you every 2 weeks? Is this correct? My next visit with dr Loh is in 2 weeks' so am thinking if should request. Yesterday was horrible - my urinary incontinence was bad bad bad. cough - leak x 3 times. Good thing I was home by then.
Tmr's dh's birthday. Am thinking of movie. Anyone watched Sherlock Holmes and/or Special Forces? Which one more enjoyable to watch, any feedback? :p

Did you ask dr loh why are you panting, is it becos of your high blood pressure that is causing it or its normal for preggy laddies. I do pant but i try to take slow walks lor... no choice.
Hi Joanne,
Actually I only told one of my HR colleague. She can keep secret one. You know working in HR will know a lot abt all the staffs but she never tell anyone. But last month, my factory manager suddenly ask me if I'm pregnant. He is a guy in his 50s. He said I looked very different, he even said confirm pregnant no need to cover. I just kept quite. But I think he told everyone in the company, such big mouth haha. So got nothing to hide anymore. Last week he even said mine will be girl. I asked him how he can tell. He just smile n said confirm. So we shall see la haha.
Hi hazel, catherine,

yup i'm also abit stressed about labour, cos heard from Mrs Wong BB that at times your labour "pattern" will follow our mum. And i remember my mum telling me during my teens that her labour lasted close to 24hrs..Faintz ah...So me and hb praying hard tat mine won't be tat bad. My other colleague told me she delivered her 2nd child in 5hrs, 1st child in 10hrs. For the 1st child she didn't opt for epi. The 2nd child, she opted for epi at the advise from her gynae cos during 3hrs of labour she only dilated 4cm and bb and mummy very stressed cos she was in tremendous pain. And after taking epi, she begins to relax and she was also very surprised she reached full dilation in just 1.5hrs. Her gynae told her cos she was in tremendous pain, tats why muscle failed to relax and hence hinders the speed of dilation, and when epi is administered she dilated very fast.
It works for her, so she told me if i really can't bear the pain just go for epi.
Ladies, thanks for the advice
now just hope I can relax n stay positive till the first scanning on 20 Jan. Worry n excited
I noticed that when I start sneezing, it is always followed by coughing soon after and the rest is history. I totally know how you feel about having stress incontinence.

With regards to the movie, I've not seen both but it seems that Sherlock Holmes is scoring higher/better in the box office. I did see MI-Ghost Protocol and quite enjoy it. Enjoy your date with DH tomorrow
Kimmy, u may wan to do some exercise now to prevent the leaking or urine from getting worse after natural delivery where our muscles down there will be weaker.

Chris, dr Loh didn't say wat cause my breathlessness. Yesterday we went carefour to so cny shopping, the aircon was not working properly.. I was so irritated and shacked when I was there, caused by the warmth and the breathlessness. Just now, I went Seng Siong to do somemore cny shoppin for mil, I was shack too though I am just there for 30mins.. Hubs did most of things, I just followed him ard n I still can't take it... Haiz

Catherine, if u wan to feel labor pain, can always ask the nurse to remove the epi drip when the cervix is fully dilated... That tremendous pain will only last 30mins - 1 hr, n u can push. Your concern is backache afte delivery.. Yes, is a valid concern. But the other concern is if the labour pain is long. Will wear u out and when bb is ready to come out, u hv no energy to push.. U know wat will happen next? Dr will use vacuum or forceps to bring bb out... N these carry some risks to the bb.

Every delivery has a risk to mummy n bb, regardless of natural delivery or c section. But, we still hv to go thru that wat.. So, why worry abt the possibility of backaches after epi after delivery wen it may not even happen?

U may say, women didn't hv any epi years ago but they still manage. True, but not sure if u agree, women of today are more fragile and weak than our mothers' time. Women of the past were v strong, pregnant can still carry young bbs and did farming in the hot sun.. 很吃的了苦.... I defintely wun be able to do that..

Of course, end of the day, is your personal choice. We just wan to share with u the pros and cons on using epi.
Hehe thanks msmiele & hazel for the feedback. Oh yes, I watched MI and enjoyed it too last week :p so that's why looking for another show to enjoy.

Msmiele - yess thankfully when my bladder spares me the agony when I sneeze so far it only happens when I cough. :p Really don't want to change from liner to pad! The thickness & comfort is really different!

chris_baby, if labour pattern follow moms than i jialat liao because she induced me although it took only 3 hours after that. It was 1st day of CNY and she felt contractions but i think she was dilated only 1cm or something so her dr decided to induce her. Mwahahahahah.

Okay, DH spoke to mil. She said misunderstanding cuz 1) she dint know we spoke to sil and 2) she sharing about confinement not imposing because she had that sort of experience before. LOL.Whatever the case it, maybe cause I'm feeling much better now...soooooo yeah. ...
Chris, I m not thinking abt the labour pain. coz End of the day, we still hv to go thru it, be it with or without epi. If u were me will hv even more concerns coz I hv spinal scoliosis, so epi may not be effective to relief me from the pain.. Though dr Loh assured me the anthestic drs r all v experienced.. Anyway, I just wan to see my bb born healthily. My concern is whether the delivery will be smooth.. Not how long the labour process will take...
Hi catherine n bliss
I hv been thru epi during my delivery.. Cant stand the pain though my threshold for pain is high.. None of the needles hurt me.. Not even the proluton injection though many say is oil based.. But contraction pain really scary n too painful.. After wait for 4hrs, i decide to do the injection of epi, i feel so relax.. Else i cant imagine how many more hours i can last.. Anyway, we must not move during the injection n must curve ourselves so they can inject more accurately to our back spinal.. Side effect.. Not so much except feel very itchy at my chest area after delivery.. N backpain has a bit occasionally but not so much n not always so really nothing much to worry abt the side effect.. If u know u wun dilate so fast, in great pain for hours.. Pls consider epi..;)
Oh ya, the injection side effect only last the next day morning only.. After awhile will feel ok le..

Hi baby
Lol.. Didnt know a guy can be so observant too..;) Wah gal can dollup.. For boy, usually can see at 12th wks.. If cant see means most probably gal.. U try asks the sonographer on ur coming oscar scan unless ur baby close his leg tight..;)
Kimmy - I dunno if it's any good but my GF who had incontinence during her pregnancy said she uses this brand now called Poise which are for urine leakage (as opposed to normal liners or menstrual pads). Think can find in the bigger guardians/ watsons. She said each time she laughed also will leak, cough means gone case, hahahaha..
Hi sunbelle,

I was recommended to see Dr Fong Yang by Ying Chuan (jurong east sinseh). During the appointment, he went thro my medical history with me. I had adeynomisis, endometrosis, fibroid and ectopic pregnancy in 2005 and I had an emergency ops at KK for all the above as i was having heavy internal bleeding but i managed to save my 2 tubes. I did 2 IUIs and 2 So-IUS with gleneagles before i came to see him. He recommended me to go straight for IVF and advised me to go for laproscopy surgery to remove endo cysts (3.2cm) in 2008. He says that i'll need to go for this surgery in order to be successful in my ivf otherwise i'll be wasting my $$$. We told him tat i had GERD condition that is history of gastric reflux and that i'm on nexium 40mg. he scheduled my operation at 4.30pm eventho my hb told him about my condition that i can't be starving for too long and even asked if he has a morning slot for me. He's always so busy with his patients at paragon that he just brushed us aside. After the Ops when i woke up, i didn't feel too well cos my gastric was acting up again, he went to see me the next day morning and said will prescribe me gastric medicines before i was discharged in the morning. But he didn't and we forgotten to ask from the nurse as well and went home. I was supposed to go to his clinic to see him 5 days later for the review. And cos of my severe reflux i was admitted to Mt alvernia and was on-drip cos i was in such pain and dehydrated due to vomitting. My gastric dr roland chong from gleneages was at mt alvernia to visit me and he administered medicine for me and i finally felt better and was discharged the after 2 days. Dr roland chong was pretty upset and said that my gynae should have given me gastric medicine. The best part was when i went for Dr fong yang's review, he made a remark that oh he didn't know that the ops he did for me was the 2nd ops and that he didn't know i got such severe gastric etc...Please lor we have given him a copy of all my medical reports from KK and we have being seeing him like 4mths before i went for the Ops.
From then on, we didn't go bk to see him anymore. I went to see Dr S F Loh and he said that actually i dun need to go for the 2nd ops etc and explained the whole situation, we felt so cheated.

2nd case was my fren, she went to see Dr Fong Yang when she discovered she was 6wks preggy. The 1st appt was to do blood test and vagina scan and he asked her to go bk for review 3 days later. The scan showed her bb's heartbeat. Then 3 days later when she went for review, he told her can't find bb at all and no heartbeat and told her that she has miscarried. He did another blood test for her and told her to come bk in 2 days. Then 2 days later told her blood test positive and that she has ectopic pregnancy and need to schedule an laproscopy ops for her within the week to remove the foetus and told my fren to sign the papers for the ops. My fren and her hb was so devastated with the news. She signed the papers and left the clinic. She told one of her friends who told her to seek 2nd opinion and on the same day she went to another gynae at gleneages, and guess wat when the gynae did a ultrasound scan for her, they can see that the bb is doing very well and can see heartbeat somemore. They were so angry with Dr Fong Yang that when his nurse called her to follow-up the ops thing they just hanged up the phone. She complained to me tat she nearly killed her own bb if she has gone for the ops and couldn't believe how can a dr misdiagnosed her and furthermore with all the tests it cost her a bomb within the week and both she and hb has to go thro emotional roller coaster ride.
Dear chris baby,
That is a horrible experience with the doctor and your friend too. If i were your friend, I will go straight to the clinic and scold the doctor!!! It is really irresponsible to mis-diagnose and be so careless in not giving the proper medication!

Dear baby_me & Joanne,
Next time you write down or type in your handphone what you wanna ask the doctor lo, then won't forget. Last time i also keep forgetting but since i write down, i don't forget liao. hehe.
Hi Joanne,
Yes, good idea. Will try to ask the sonographer during Oscar scan. Maybe can tell hehe. Yesterday I asked Dr Loh, he didn't answer me n just laughed....arghhh make me more curious. I think he just didn't want to say anything that not certain yet. Sekalee wrong info hehe. Are you going to ask too in your coming Oscar scan?

Hi Sashamama,
Should try to write down then. Blurr me... I already keep repeating all the questions in front of hubby before my turn, but it just went blank. My hubby also forget aiyohhh.
Ron - thanks for the reco. Hehe guess what? I just came back from lunch at nearby mall and was going to post on forum that I just found this brand called Poise @ Watsons - and they stated that "for light urinary leaks". haha my husband laughed and said, wow so smart they actually have a product to cater for this. Shiok! So have just tried it and yeah it makes it slimmer than a pad but more secure than a liner (so I need not worry about walking about with wet spots on my butt unknowingly). hehehe. Yay.
Hi Chris baby,

Thank you very much for sharing your story with me. I also have adeyomosis and severe endo n there was a period i felt really depressed n hopeless over the condition. as I start seeking treatment, I realise that TCM can help conditions like us. I m not sure how I get those as the answer is never made known. Some doc say gene or cos I m fat haha

After taking GNRH jab, I started putting on weight after losing 10kg. People hard to put on weight unlike me.

Yes, Chris good that now everything is well for you
sometimes is really hard to find a good doctor. Cos good doctor in my hubby's opinion equal to busy doctor haha jus like good food attracts long queue hehee
Hi Kimmy,

great that you have found a comfy solution.

Hi ladies,

Wanna to understand where do u all normally buy bird nest huh? Saw one seven star 50g birdnest at $138 inclusive of delivery. Dun noe where to buy except EU REN san or Fu Hua. Which shop in your opinion offers reasonable deals?
Chris, if I were u I will not give face. Straight I go to medical council to complain. like my letters to prof ivy ng and moh on my "ivf" doc at kk. Though it's useless to complain to kk but I dun care. I felt so cheated too.

Hi baby, I usually write on a post it of all my questions and stick on my appt card. When I give my gynae nurse the card, I hold on to my post it. no point relying on man. Haha

Hi sun belle, busy doc may not have time to remember yr case cos he sees too many patient. What's important is yr feel. I was v lucky I had a nice gynae. Trusted my gp to recommend. First feel was ok.my mum ask me y din I go with a male gynae. I ask got diff meh? I could have scout around for the best but what's the best is everyone's opinion. Gd food does not really mean it suit yr appetite
Hi Catherine,
Yeah can't rely on man haha. During previous scan I went with my MIL n she is the one who asked all the Qs that I want to ask. Next time must bring along my MIL again haha.
Hi baby
Ya, why not as i am curious too.. ;) My boy sex is known at 12th wk too..;) btw, do u still oways feel hungry? Me yes.. N is getting more frequent hungry in afternoon till bed time.. I am feeling ok midnight n early morning though.. I think will grow fat if now oreadi keep feel hungry, later stage think i will eat non stop.. Omg.. So hungry now after eat 3 biscult one hr ago.. Is this normal?
Dear Sunbelle,
I also have adeno and endo! Dr Loh was so surprised that I got pregnant and gave me MC for my first trimester til 31st Jan and asked me to rest as much as possible! I am 9weeks1day today
Your success gives me more confidence of mine!

Dear Joanne,
Lol. Hold your phone with that page on BEFORE u step into his clinic to see if u have any more questions to add!!! lol.
hey talking abt the movies in SG, after i've seen different versions of various movies what DH have downloaded, it's very very much censored scenes...some movies hv original say 2+ hrs..cut until become a 1hr30min show..so very often the story goes strange cos no storyline already and thus down goes the rating of the movie..even store bought movies in singapore have been cut and rated...

BTW, Any one can recommend any online nice maternity website so i can do some 'finger shopping' since im hours away from the nearest shopping centre hehehe
Over here, we only hv h&m...and i realised that the online webby have limited selections..so in the end still hv to go down..
Baby me : my auntie (dad side) also asked if I'm preggy on my week 6-7, said my body look different. On week 5-6 another aunite (mom side)asked if I'm preggy cos she dreamt my boy. On week 5, my sil also dreamt abt my pregnancy... V qiao right? My bb seem to announce to everyone already... My office pple around week 7 also ask me if preggy which I deny.

Fatefully, Miracle happens, Baby me, Joanne, can I ask how big is yr waist now? Cos hor I keep thinking mine like dunno why quite big tummy now leh. I'm starting week 11 and my waist at my belly is 36.5" now. Feel v bloated at night. Is it normal to keep passing gas now? I passed gas the whole day!

My Oscar scan is on 19 Jan! I shall ask the sonographer too!
Sunbelle: I dunno where to buy bird nest too. U mean dried type that cook yourself? I also need to find out how to cook. I ask my mon and she din know too. Nvr cook bird nest b4, same as my mil. See if can google anything.

Joanne : I feel v bloated still. Not hungry yet...
Hi hazel,

Thx, lucky i did not order again. Hv paid for shipping costs. Normally how l long it take to reach sg?
I shouldn't have looked at yummy pictures of mee siam!!!!I shouldn't have looked at yummy pictures of mee siam!!!!I shouldn't have looked at yummy pictures of mee siam!!!! NOW i am craving for it!!!
Hi Joanne,
I always feel hungry too. Will always munch on something in between bfast n lunch, also btwn lunch n dinner. After dinner not so hungry anymore, maybe too tired to think of hunger n just go to slp. When just wake up in the morning will feel very hungry again. When in office, I will keep on munching every one hour haha. So far I hv put on 2kg. I think it's normal. Bcos of bloatedness we eat lesser that's why very fast hungry.

Hi Tanny,
I think they are very experience so can tell pregnant women looks different. Maybe the way we stand, walk, body shape is different without we realised it. I never measured my waist but it's confirmed bigger n thicker than before, bcos can't zip or button all my jeans, pants or skirts anymore. I also still feel bloated, burp more than passing gas. Every hour will burp, even when talking to my clients. Very paiseh leh. I dunno how to control. I only can say sorry haha.
Hi Chrisl,
Oh gosh, can u manage to find mee siam overthere? Or maybe can try to find recipe from Internet n cook it by yourself? I've been craving for instant noodle. But my hubby forbid me to eat this all this while. Today he went out in the afternoon n I hack care just cook 1 packet n eat haha. Told him when he is back. He only can stare at me, lost words.
hehe baby, i just made a hot bowl of tom yam soup...with ready tom yum paste/veggie choisum/pieces of pork & white straw mushrooms..satified bb!! lol now eating..i supposed i just crave for some hot spicy and sour food ;)
hehe u so cute baby..oh and baby, try not to put the powder with the instant noodles, cos lotsa msg..add some veggie/egg to make the dish more wholesome
add a dash of sesame oil or pepper/salt to taste..but then ocassionally should be ok lah
Tzac, festive seasons still.. Vpost Has lots of shipment. Will receive by 16 Jan that week. U can log onto your vpost account daily pr every 2 days to see the status of the parcel. When it has arrived in SG n ready to be courier to you, it will show. Usu at that stage, it will be sent to you within 24 hrs. If u not at home, then a slip will be left under your door. Or u can call vpost SG hot line using the reference no u saw for this purchase on vpost.
Hehe, yeah didn't put whole packet. Added egg n vege too bcos instant noodle without egg don't taste shioook. Last week craving for Korean kimchi noodle. Hubby also didn't allow me to eat this...aiyo he is more kiasu than me, told me this cannot that cannot. I couldn't hold anymore, so asked my friend go n eat with me, but I didn't eat the kimchi. I just like the soup which is sour hehe just like u
i kinda like the korean instant noodles too cos very 'Q', and soup is spicy enough! Hehe..all this talk abt food, i've to think of CNY menu soon..cos i'll be celebrating at home here..not going back SG
You got any CNY stuffs already a not?
oh sunbelle/tanny

my mum used to bring me go this chinese herbal shop behind chinatown point to get. Actually they have a few stores there, just ask prices 1st before buying

and tanny, i hv a recipe on bird nest with almond or was it milk? I forgot but i think somewhere amongst 'my collection'..you want?
Yeah! The Korean instant noodle is yummy! There go hungry again haha. How do u usually celebrate CNY over there since not many celebrating? I just bought few new clothings, bed sheet n pillows. Cookies n fruits will buy maybe next week. I'm not sure what else to prepare. I seldom celebrate CNY in SG, usually always go holidays. This time can't go any where so stay home to celebrate hehe.
Hi baby
Hee.. Lucky i havent put on any weight yet.. Maybe because i eat real small portion for all my meals.. Wht u munch every hr? For me can only think abt bread... Biscult worry too heaty..

Hi Tanny
Is very normal to pass out gas.. I already asks doc loh abt this so no worry..
Btw, u start ur fish oil n prenatal vitamin already?
Hi sun belle, I buy my bird nest (dried type) at Waterloo market 3rd floor. The shop I only go is call Lao ban niang. Chris also buys from there. The boss name is Helen she will get u the best and no need to bargain v hard she is quite automatic.

Hi baby, my mum told me when a pregy lady has craving must eat the food asap. If not bb come out will keep salivating. I had craving for pizza at week 8-9 week andi was staying at my parents cos my hb was overseas...immediately my mum din cook dinner next day we went out to eat. So eat whatever u like, yr mood will b better.

Juz now I was at a pasar malam, got smelly tofu, my hb ask y i had no craving unlike him, he is like food monster. I m the one stopping him from eating. I told him, yr daughter is nice to us. Imagine if I have craving, siao lor... Both of us will put on lots of weight!
Hi Tanny, I didn't measure my waist.. Don't hve measuring tape at home. I couldn't fit into my jeans & skirts already.. A few of my colleagues already can see tht I'm pregnant, my bulge is quite obvious. I've put on 1.5kg since bfp.

I don't intend to do the oscar test..since dr loh said tht im at a very low risk becoz im only 28.. just do the FA on 20week.
Hi Tanny,

U are right. Is those separate raw piece where u needs to brew yourself. hahaha mi still vomitting so will wait all vomitting stop before taking or else wasted money hehehee..

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your recommendation. Will probably go with mum to check it out.

Hi Shamama,

I was also resting at home too. how old are u huh? I m 35 yrs so guess have to be more careful.
Hi Catherine,

Thank you so much for sharing the valuable contact at Waterloo street. I always go to the temple there. The food there is very nice too
what kind of bird nest u buy huh? Guan Yan or jin si Yan huh? if no need bargaining good hehee
Joanne : I started today on my vit.

Ehh I did not put on any weight at all..

Thanks Catherine for the contact. Actually what is craving? Cos when non preggy I also think of food to eat and will go and eat. So now also the same leh - so is this also craving? If nvr eat will keep thinking for days..my hubby is a preserved food monster. He ate more sour plums than me. I asked him who is preggy huh.. I only eat sour stuff at night when feeling worse. Day time still ok. Week 10 and now 11 feeling v sianzz, like tummy dunno expanding or what, keep having this feeling inside. Not cramps but discomfort feeling.

Chris1 : Yes, I need the bird nest recipe..

Aiyoo only 230am; after pee can't sleep..

Baby Well for me i normally have some deco ard the hse for festive mood and play songs then make a CNY dinner and invite my in laws over (who are living next door to us)
Oh and i'll give my hb an angpow for him to put under pillow haha..When the children comes next time, i would like to continue some singapore chinese traditions
Cos it'll be a pity to lose roots i think

tanny and other ladies who would like to try this recipe with bird nest...here you go:

Sweet bird nests in almond milk
150gm bird nests
250gm blanched almonds
100gm sweet apricot kernels (nanxing)
10 pcs bitter apricot kernels (beixing)
100gm rock sugar, made into syrup with a little water
3 pandan leaves
1 cup fresh milk
4 cups water

1)Wash and remove fine feathers off the bird nests. Soak bird nests in hot water for an hour
2)wash almonds & apricot kernels, place in blender with water and pulse till very fine. Strain through a muslin bag.
3)Place almond milk in a pot, bring to boil. Add milk and bird nest.
4)Simmer using low heat until bird nest is cooked through and transparent. Add rock sugar syrup and serve hot.

note: they didn't mentioned how long the bird nest should be cooked in this recipe but then i suppose you can do a taste test and see (agah agah-estimate)
