(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi Chrisl, good timing for your dad's visiting
He's decided that he will be spending a white Christmas afterall? hee...

Some of us are taking the milk powder for pregnant mums, also to help with hunger pangs. Perhaps can also get bird's nests for 2nd trimester
For natal supplements, just waiting for dr to prescribe.

Thanks for the UTI strips info, looks like may be useful for future. Btw the accupressure point weblink for giddiness, do you have weblinks for other accupressure points? I think they do quite come in handy some times, thanks

Actually, I didn't really have MS, appetite just not as good. Hubby was 'lecturing' me abt me drinking cold soft drinks. He said that must have caused my diarrhea

Msmiele : did u pay Extra to upgrade it? The app I mean?

Anyone tot abt insurance? Not this savings endowment plan. Those maternity costs kind. Last time i know of an insurance plan that covers for maternity expenses costs but withdrawn now but suspect those assisted conception pregnancy not covered.
yes it's good he visits cos i need to replenish my 'asianmart' stocks--like bah kut teh soup, a1curry paste etc haha ;) I think they have a class/workshop kinda in singapore, Look here :

Thanks Sunnie Gal!
Do you keep a food diary? Cos sometimes it's good to keep track of what you ate and food that trigger illnesses like these..So next time you know and can avoid..
Hi kimmy/hazel

i'm tested positive for UTI, now started 5 days of antibiotics... urine tested traces of white blood cells and protein.No wonder the pain at my bladder getting worse. Dr asked if i want take "painkillers" for the pain, i say no and he said if i can tahan then with the antibiotics kicks in my pain should gradually reduce. Wow now pelvic cum bladder pain is killing me... i now wobble side by side and walk like a penguin.

Dr says its very common for preggy woman like us to get UTI from 3 trimester onwards, partly also i held by urine cos last 2wks super busy, i covering my colleague who is on leave and another one mc...so didn't had chance to visit toilet and time to drink water..so kena UTI lor...Dr also told me off that i should visit toilet often nd not hold bk urine especially during this stage...hiaz...pls dun be like me.... Its especially painful at this stage cos bb already pressing on the bladder and with the infection wow the pain is terrible man.

Sunnie gal, you are so lucky
I just found out from my mum that my sister who delivered earlier this year, had mild MS all 3 trimesters, sigh...hope mine will be different, knock on wood. Cold drinks can trigger diarrhea too?
Looks like really have to be very careful with food.

Chrisl, (you probably already know this), the brand Prima does very good vacuum packed sauces for laksa, chilli crab, mee Siam, prawn mee, hainanese chicken rice, etc. It was my favorite when I was living overseas but Prima was available at our Asian groceries shop, surprisingly prices similar to singapore's
Enjoy your soon to arrive Singapore food feast!!

Thanks for the link, I'm aware the community centers here offer such courses but no one else is interested
Hence, I was thinking of picking up little tips online. I have bought a book about it but in Chinese
So still remains untouched....
Chris, drink lots of water pls. Dun hold your bladder next time. Is a no no & only encourage infection. Go buy canberry juice, those pure n soury type to drink. After u recover, drink yakult light daily, the live cultures will prevent infection. Take care n rest well.
Hi Chris, hope you will be cleared of UTI asap. Your descriptions of the pains sound bad

Just curious, why would holding back urine cause it? I thought it's caused by exterior bacteria entering urinary tract.... Thanks for enlightening.
Chrisl, check the packaging before you consume. Bat kuh teh may contain herbs Like dangui which will cause bleeding in early pregnancy.
Tromoso, There are many causes of UTI, bacteria & sexual intercourse are just some of them:

The most common cause of UTIs are bacteria from the bowel that live on the skin near the rectum or in the vagina, which can spread and enter the urinary tract through the urethra. Once these bacteria enter the urethra, they travel upward, causing infection in the bladder and sometimes other parts of the urinary tract.

Sexual intercourse is a common cause of urinary tract infections because the female anatomy can make women more prone to urinary tract infections. During sexual activity, bacteria in the vaginal area are sometimes massaged into the urethra.

Women who change sexual partners or begin having sexual intercourse more frequently may experience bladder or urinary tract infections more often than women who are celibate or in monogamous relationships. Although it is rare, some women get a urinary tract infection every time they have sex.

Another cause of bladder infections or UTI is waiting too long to urinate. The bladder is a muscle that stretches to hold urine and contracts when the urine is released. Waiting too long past the time you first feel the need to urinate can cause the bladder to stretch beyond its capacity. Over time, this can weaken the bladder muscle. When the bladder is weakened, it may not empty completely and some urine is left in the bladder. This may increase the risk of urinary tract infections or bladder infections.

Other factors that also may increase a woman's risk of developing UTI include pregnancy, having urinary tract infections as a child, menopause, or diabetes.


Pregnant ladies r prone to Infections, other than UTI. Thus, personal Hygenie n one's diet are impt. Eg A diet high in sugar n carbo promotes yeast infection.
I see, thanks for the note Hazel.

I guess it will be better to empty my bladder more thoroughly before going to bed tonight then. These past days, when I visit the bathroom in the middle of the night, I discovered it was kinda hard for the urine to come out
Hv to sit and wait for like 5-10s before the flow comes but even that, it's very slow flow. Hmm...good to get into habit of going to bathroom more often then. Thanks.

I read that if have gestational diabetes, may become diabetic later in life too, and the kids may have a higher chance of getting it. Good to cut down on sugar for this reason too.
Hi Tromso
May i know why u mention we cant eat guava?? As i just eat one bowl yesterday..;(

Hi gals
If i will like to eat delifrance for dinner. What filling should i eat since we cant take tuna and mayo..? Thk u..

Hi chris baby
Oh no.. Do take care n try what hazel suggested.. Try not to control urine for too long next time k.. Rest well..
Hu Chrisl, I m taking obamin since the day my gp confirm I m pregnant. It's also a multi vit my gynae recommend. I m eating daily Even to date....

Hi kimmy and hazel, maybe I have been to bigger and better premium outlet this one in jb is s big disappointment. My colleague said the coach bag he saw at the jb premium outlet cost RM700+ and in us, it cost usd99
Thanks Hazel, I'll try that

Joanne, I dunno why guava is not so good, my SIL says so, she is the very pantang and careful kind. I'm also eating guava on and off, I think should be fine.

Other ladies, do you know anything about eating guava?
Sisters, dun really hv to be so Paraiod over food lah. As long as no raw n uncooked food, certain herbs n liang stuff shld be fine. If u wan to be so particular, alot of things also cannot eat! Stuff like mayo some kS sisters will tell u dun take as may u dunno if the chef put raw eggs. Dun tell me u wan to interview the chef what ingredients he uses? Even salads, too. Pls, we are in SG, not in some third world countries lah or ang moh countries who make codiments freahly. Dun tell me u dun eat out at all, are u going to ask the chef out what they put inside the food before eating? Eg western food, got cheese, u know what type of cheese they put? Even pasta, also has cheese. Dun mind me saying, then may as well dun eat outside. Pack your own meal to office everyday.

All these will only cause unnecessary scares to other sisters Which i dun wan to see.
Excessive Guava causes indigestion. Anyway, who cares? As long as we enjoy it n be happy, then eat! I take Guava too, some other sisters do to. Even papayas, a no of us took too. We are still alive till now right?

indigestion or bloatedness or MS are part of pregnancy. Take note of the food u eat. If u can't take the discomfort, then cut down on food that makes the discomfort worse. enjoy the pregnancy journey the discomforts are just the start. The months ahead will not be easy. Bear with them, who ask us to want to have kids? when bb is born, it will be worse.
haha yes i like the laksa, never tried the other flavours..maybe another time..cos my dad's luggage is almost to the weight limit already hehe thanks for reminding me though, my mum almost forgot to get the laksa one! which i wanted
i had called her a moment ago already

Thanks thanks!! will take note
Hazel, you are mistaken. We are not trying to induce fear leh. Joanne and I were discussing a few things in email and she asked if guava is ok. So I said my SIL asked me to not take too much. I did say I'm not sure and I'm eating it too.

Actually quite normal to have many queries, especially it's our first trimester, if we don't ask, we probably will be wondering. Knowledge is acquired through constant asking right? Rest assure, we don't just take the discussions here as bible or religious truth, we take some, some we don't. We are also matured enough to seek 2nd opinions outside forum. Understand you are concerned about our state of mind, and appreciate your advice. But please also do try to understand that we are just exchanging tips and info. Thanks for your tolerance.
Subway sandwiches also hv cheese. We can supposed to take pressurized daily products. That is why cheese like blue cheese, soft cheese, brie, etc are usually avoided coz may nor be pressurized. Do we know wat cheese these dining places used?

Hawker food, Kuey chap, most put dangui in the dark soup with the Kuey. Even roasted duck meat. do u know? Dangui is often used for flavoring of food and as condiments outside. But the amt used is so little until most wun be able to taste it. So, it wun cause bleeding unless u take rich herbal soup that contains higher amt if dangui. Even fruits like oranges, how many can u take? One only. U going to get phelgm after that? If u do, share with us. Everything in moderation, it will be fine.
Tromso, I know everyone is concerned. But then again, the more u worry abt this n that, the more paranoid u will get. Most food is safe in SG. I worry too, on other things. But I try to get it off my head coz it really give me the jitters &amp; I get emotional abt it.

The other day, the topic was on soon Kuey can eat or not. Yes the veg is liang. But how much can we eat? Kimmy also shared that she took some. I took too.

Now chrisl said she likes laksa. She enjoys it n makes her happy then eat. But do u know that laksa causes wind &amp; bloatedness. But it doesn't matter, as long as mommy enjoy the food, that is good enough. If mommy cannot take the wind then dun eat. There r very few food that is in the NO eat list. Ie, those that will harm bb.

Some sisters here are quite innocent n young. They may get worried n think that they hv eaten the forbitten food. We went thru a tough journey to get pregnant, some of us, repeated failures before we bfp. so, is better dun add on to the stress anymore.

Some KS sisters told me, chicken rice, char Siew rice, cannot eat. Why? Coz they are hang in the open n attract germs. Later we hv diahoria. well, if we nv have LS prior to pregnancy, why shld we have LS now?
Hi elyna - I had a real hard time finding maternity swim wear. Have u tried the maternity shops? Most carry only a few pieces of the basics (tankini or one-piece w Joey-pouch). The swimwear shops in SG rarely carry maternity options. I tried searching online but was not comfortable buying a swimsuit without trying. Otherwise u can try online coz options r much better in terms of design &amp; cuts.
I agree with Hazel that unless it's those raw and uncooked food, we shldn't worry too much about what we can eat or cannot eat during pregnancy. Most important is we are happy with what we eat. Happy mummies will have happy babies. Stay happy and stressful
chris_baby >> you take care of that UTI. Yeah I sometimes have that horrible habit of holding in when I'm sleeping out of laziness - though I ultimately kick my own arse to get to the loo and pee. Plus these days the pee take forever to complete. So slow-mo. Haha.

hazel >> whee!!! My 1st parcel from Ralph Lauren has arrived! woohooo. Like you said, their packaging very nice - comes with the hangers too. Heheheeh.
Elyna - Maternity Exchange sells maternity swimwear and some others in marina sq which I saw. But what I know is that most preggers wear bikini (best time to show off that bump and not worry about having tummy hanging out) and a boy shorts or a tankini. Hehe. Happy shopping
Hazel, mwahahahaha! Yah, I had to go upload the photo as attachment. I'm so happy!!!!! Gosh! Can't wait till boxing day sale
Kimmy, these r bb clothes or ur clothes? My mom asked me to stop buying when she saw so many bb clothes.. All the way to 9mths! She asked me also y even 6 mths, 9 mts clothes I washed now! Keke
Hazel, these are bb clothes. haha Im not so 'jian' to buy my own clothes (yet) since my size seems to keep increasing. I managed to snag some polo tees for myself at very good prices recently though (they were only left with Large size and I could fit into them nicely!). Wow, ur parcels seem to be arriving really quickly! haha mine seems to take forever but I shan't complain . I will only start washing them in Feb since due date 4 Apr. Yah I bought all the way to 12 mths can! My mom said "babies grow so quickly out of clothes", ask me don't buy so many but then she see already also went "awwww and ooooh so cute" ...-_-
Hi ladies, just wanna know does anyone here ate sashimi during 1st tri? Is it ok to eat a couple of slices? Goin to hve Xmas buffet wif frens, 1 of them suspecting I'm pregnant.. But I dun wanna let her noe.. She's got a big mouth.
Miracle, the risk of raw food, such as sashimi is real. So, is really up to your own comfort level. If u eat coz u wan to hide the fact that u r pregnant then not worth it. Can always give thw excuse as u just recovered from a stomach flu. But if u take coz u think the source of sashimi is reliable n they r fresh, then is a well considered decision where u hv weighed the likelihood of risk happening. That said, it does not mean no risk.

Bk to ur qn, yes I took 1-2 slices of sashimi once in a while all along. But is at reputable hotels or restaurants which I m comfortable with n hv always dine there pre pregnancy days.
Hi, J03,
Yup.. Juz did my detailed scan on last fri &amp; Monday.. m in my 19+ week... Expecting a baby girl.. &amp; looking forward to lots of dolling up. :-D
There was once my colleagues ordered sashimi &amp; I didn't wan to tell them I m preggie.. So I juz outright lied.. Like wat Hazel said, smthg like stomach don't feel good recently... Dunno y.. Which is true lo.. The bloatedness reali made my tummy not feel good mah... :-D
Watever I don't wan to eat or my colleagues complained I walked too slow during lunchtime, I juz say not feeling good..
&amp; oso cos when I went for my FET, I took HL (without telling my colleagues y).. So I juz played along &amp; say, my doc said I shld abstain fr such food.. So far, it works for me lah.. Try it &amp; good luck...
Hi hazel, Joanne

Thanks for the advise. Yup learnt my lesson the hard way, cos last week, manpower down to only me supporting 4 managers at one time, as both my colleagues aren't around.. I was sooo busy that i didn't have time to go toilet and drink water.. Esp when i finally went toilet, can feel like bowel gonna "explode".. As i got pelvic pain and pain getting worse esp near the bladder area didn't realise i got UTI, until this morning the pain getting worse then it suddenly dawn on me that i could have kena UTI, so quickly went and see doc.
Hi Kimmy,

Thanks. ya now i faithfully pull myself up from bed to urinate liao...cos my throat get thirsty easily at night and i tend to drink water. Now with this UTI, I felt the pain all the while its painful when i try to get out to bed i still visit toilet last nite. Now looking for my 1 week leave next week...
Dr have given me 5 days course of antibiotics to clear my UTI, and by MOnday just nice cos is my appt to see my gynae
She always does urine test for me so by then will know if my UTI improves or cleared. I'll just tahan the pain till end of the week, yup got to walk like penquin lor... think my hb sees me like tat also faintz... Even getting out and on the car can be painful for me cos bb pressing on the pelvic and now the bladder...

my company dr told me that once bb has engaged from 36 wks onwards, she will press even harder on bladder tats why preggy woman will find even higher urge to visit the toilet and he also advised me not to hold my urine anymore...
Hi Elyna,

u can try mothers at work at tanglin mall, they sell swimwear too.. but for me i wear bikini when i preggy
I find preggy ladies most sexy during this period.
hi all...went for scan yesterday and baby is developing fine...I'll see Dr Loh next at TMC 4 weeks later...still anxious but getting a little more excited as I'm creeping into third trimester...

Kimmy: You are on a roll!! All the shopping....I was jus reading the past posts and realized that you have done quite a bit of shopping...We are giving birth around the same time and I haven't done any shopping yet! Totally barred by my mum...After 8th mth only can...tks for all the loops on discounts.

JOannne: Like what Hazel said a lot of us are very anxious cause it's a IVF baby and for some of us it's our first one and we don't ever want anything to go wrong. Do keep your spirits up! You can eat anything and everything except UNCOOKED food cause of bacteria that can potentially harm your unborn. Frankly, the evolution of pregnancy is not so weak that the baby will be harmed by just taking some food. Alot of it is old wife's tale. Be happy!

Hazel and Kimmy: Love the Ralph Lauren clothes, packaging, everything!!So tempting...
Vann, maybe u wan to negotiate with your mom on buying bb stuff at 8 mth, aka 32 wks. U will be big then n physically straining with pelvic bones aching. If u r unlucky, your feet may swell then too. I started at 28wks, physically cannot take it n I m so breathless after walking abit. See if she allows her to let u buy when u r 28 wks. For bb stuff u bought. Put an empty angbow for good luck! If not, u start window shopping now, make a list of items n the brands u wan. Ask hub or mom to help u buy later if is too much a toil for u. Late stage if walk too much can bring in early labour too. Dun forget, u still need to wash/clean all the bb stuff.. U may end up doing these at 36 wks if u start only at 32 wks. Going to be a toil on u if no one helps u

Chris, once u hv UTI before, the probability of recurrence is as high as 40%. same as yeast infection. That is why some ladies keep getting them.

So sisters, watch your hygiene n dun hold your bladder. Drink 2 litres of water everyday. Excuse yourself to go toilet if need be. Pregnant ladies r queens so we hv privileges. When u r outside, see a toilet just go even if u dun feel the urgent need to go. Empty your bladder coz u nv know if a toilet is nearby when u really need to go. When bb is bigger n presses on the bladder, it will be worse. If engage in intercourse, pee before and after intercourse. Coz intercourse increases the risks of infection. If down there feel weird, eg abit itchy, sit on a basin of warm salt water. It always work for me! Also if use panty liner, remember to change a few tines a day even if it is clean. Wear cotton underwear too.
I'm down with this runny nose, teary eyes and frequent sneezing. Doc give me the small yellow pills and lozenges which I hv not touched and 3 days mc.. I hope can recover by itself if I just sleep thru these 3 days... But seems to be getting worse. My HB says his Frn told him thatthis is a kind of baby frenly medicine which is more expensive than normal medicine n it's baby safe. Is it true ? Got such medicine? Mine is the normal sort cost usual price. See doc plus medicine $28 only
Tanny, the yellow small pills are chlorphenamine (piriton)? If so, that is safe. I hv this at home on standby prescribed by dr loh. Go take &amp; then sleep. It is drowsy. U can skip the lozenges. If got fever, take panadol, that is safe too.

Bb safe med? nv hear before coz dr loh didnt even prescribe me before. I usu get from him common flu n cough syrup on stand by in case I feel sick. Medicine are classified into category, A, B, etc. Those categorized A are tested to be safe for pregnant ladies. So gynae or GP will give those med. Category B are medicine which has yet to be tested safe. B and beyond are not safe.
Ron, Kimmy, Chris,
Thanks for the tips. I went mother care @ Harbourfront, but only a few designs, not much choice. Thinking of trying maternity exchange and maybe the mothers at work shop. Getting tankini maybe.... My bump not so big or sexy still leh.... People may think I only fat then still dare wear bikini... Hahaha......
Hi Tanny - my take is if no need to eat the meds to get back at work, then just rest. Our immune defense is very weak at this stage so no surprise if flu takes longer time. Just lots of rest, water and sleep. It may seem odd that usually we take 1-2 days rest to recover but now 3-4 days still so weak but it's quite normal during 1st tri. However, up to you if u want to take the meds to feel better.

Chrisbaby/Kimmy/Elyna - hehe.. yeah! i'm actually using my 2piece bikini with my big fat tummy protuding out proudly. haha. people still stare but I dun care-la! The kids are the best - one little girl stared at me and asked me if I ate a watermelon! hahaha...
Vann - hahah Ok la not on a roll. I slowly buy so the bills won't pile up on me at one shot and also only buy when there's good disc otherwise wait last min, hubby confirm buy incorrect model, I dun wanna run ard to so many places too because my feet starting to cramp up if I walk/stand for long already and then very hetic since last 2 mths i will prepare washing, nesting, anenatal class, last min logistics etc. Like hazel said, u can place red packet. Alternatively most of my stuff are purchased thru my mom also so in a sense she is buying it as a 'gift' first. Now that I hardly shop for myself, so that itch is re-directed to baby stuff! Not too worry, I'm probably the kiasu of our batch. Hehe

Elyna - yea try mothers @ work. But they tend to charge a premium for anything maternity. Hmm maybe a taniki will do it! Good luck!

For times when I get impatient drivers horning me to go quickly I wish I could step on a pedal that pops put a sign saying :pregnant woman driving, deal with it. Gosh! Cuz when I jump, I can also feel baby jumping. And I'm not even road hogging! I'm waiting to re-join traffic from slip stream...

Ron - the little girl so cute!!! Haha ya dun care la, u happy can already. My little nephew ask his mom if there's a pillow in my tummy that's why my tummy look fat. Mwahaha
