(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Blue & Msmiele - I bought Old Navy & Gap via US$ and ship via VPOST. Cos when I use SG$ and straight shipping, its much more expensive than using Vpost.
Blue, u can consider this method.

Andreanie, how did you pay when purchased items from Old Navy and Gap? Apparently they don't accept Singapore issued credit card. Thanks.
msmiele - hmm I asked 3 moms today on colouring using organic and they said nooooooo....some said they got white hair and some said they bald and it was till bb was 4 mths old before they grew back
sad hor, the things we go through for our little precious.

Andreanie - hehe next time we can spree together and spilt postage cost! HAH! Yeah, its good to be vain. As much as I can, esp since today last day of work, I try to look presentable for myself, bb & hubby. Haha. I noticed on days when I put a bit of makeup and all he kisses me more. hahahaha. Ive seen some preggers on the train, wah some look v haggard cuz no makeup and their eye circles can fight with mine (except i got tinted moisturizer and sunblock) to conceal mine. hehehe
Actually I asked dr loh about the dyeing...and he said can dye in 2nd trimester using organic products...cause I also have white hair...balding the head a bit too extreme la...no need to make ourselves so miserable.
kimmy - I can never not wear makeup lah babe..hehe no makeup looks so like not awake hehe.. but i notice that now that im preggy my makeup more thicker than before. So vain me. hehehe...
Esp must wear mascara! and upper eyeliner, thats a must! Same like u, I dnt want to look haggard! Cos I also saw some mtbs no makeup, big tummy and wear anyhow.. aiyoh i feel sad for them and vowed that I will not be one of them looking like that when im preg!
Vann- try drinking prune essence from brands it is very concentrated and helps in constipation. Also try to drink plenty of room temperature water.
Andreanie - I agree w u!!!! Yes wen I see the haggard ladies w no makeup and can't be bothered to dress im like hai, this is one of the best phases in my life! I wanna look great! Hehe ^5! mascara and eyeliner for me too. Hehe.

Vann - really ah? Dr Loh approve dye hair ah? Tempting! Okay! I shall check out pricing and time my dye properly so can last me Xmas, new year and cny! Woohoo then wait for a short while, pop then do hair again just before baby one month! Steady pom pepe!
Hi All,

I was reading this trend and realizze there is several peeps who's gynae is in kk as well. I'm not sure if you experienced the same thing as me. I also cannot seem to know the baby's weight whenever i see the Prof Tee. Now I'm goin into my 7 months but still nothing about baby's weight from him. I've asked the sonographer as well and she told me they concentrate more on length now than weight. Wonder is you guys managed to ask your gynae who are from kk as well.
Msmiele, i have decided to go back to my previous gynae dr.tham kok fun, so i won't be seeing prof.ng again. Otherwise will confuse myself with 2 gynaes. Just saw my babies, 8.5cm at 14w3d. I'm still having MS ;(

Kimmy, my gynae told me that i may need to bedrest from wk 28 to 32 as that will be critical period, need to try carry the twins to at least 37 weeks. So i decided to advance my child birth education course with mrs.wong to the earlier batch in nov. Won't be seeing you in class ;( hope i won't forget too soon since it's still a long while to go, but no choice they don't have class in dec/jan.

Wow all this talk about online shopping makes me wanna shop too! I have yet to apply for my vpost..
Have to wait another 2 and half weeks to see baby...it seem so long...last saw baby 2 weeks ago! Telling myself not to go to private and scan and see baby in between anymore...
Kimmy, our hormones are different during pregnancy. That cause out skin n hair texture to change. Dyeing our hair may cause more hair to drop or other hair condition coz now is not our skin is sensitive but our scalp too. U can bear with a few mths of unglam hair right? If not, cut short like me!
Ashley - its okay...if u do forget, ask me again and I can remind u
I'm sure we have chance to meet, like me seeing your twins !!! hahahahaha :p

Hazel - really ah? makes sense hor. True, I also don't want to cause more hair to drop out than the usual liao. Yes, I shall tahan then after pop liao juzt before the full month celebration I go do hair swee swee. HO HO HO ;p My hubby dont like me to cut hair short short cuz he says I will look like a boy boy
Hv not bought anything. Croc is closed for the day coz too many pp there to clear. Tomorrow morning will go again for croc sale'
Hazel - really nothing ah? Siannnnz. Chey! Mm Catherine the bb fair from 12-13 nov is taka one or? Alamak, now thinking whether worthwhile to make the trip there...
Kimmy, nothing interesting. Wait for year end Xmas deal at taka plus taka card better meh! I stay in the east, near for me to go there. Tomorrow m going for the croc sale! Hehe
I went to the Baby Expo just now. The peg perego stroller i wanted, 2011 model is lesser by $120 at the expo compared to when I went to baby hypermart last week. But we didn't buy.

We didnt buy anything except for sleeping bras which is gng at $15 (i bought my first one at $23.00 local online shop) and my parents bought us a baby cot which can turn into junior bed from babybeannie's booth. $399, solid nyatoh wood, white colour, come with 3" mattress, delivery and installation. Totally love the design of the cot, very english.

Other than that, nothing interesting. Baby clothes also not that attractive. Will wait for the next baby fair then we will decide to get what we really really need.

You can go to look see or you can just give it a miss and wait for the next baby expo.
Andreanie - I'd prolly give it a miss this time round. Ooh is the 2011 model the SI one? super light and compact?
Kimmy, I saw the expo list of events it state there is a bb fair on 11-13 nov. Mayb I will juz go to expo to buy playmat for my princess and head to the bb shop at kaki bukit.
Sisters, went for my 4th beta test ytd. Beta at 12917. Still gotta go for 2 more nx week on tue and fri. Was wondering y need to do so many beta since its increasing normally. Sometimes wonder is it the clinic wanna earn more $...

Then the nurse told me nx fri can scan coz i'll be at week 6 already. I oso forgot to ask her scan wat. Is it scan for sac or hb or both.
Ashley, congrats on your twins! I wish for tat too. But dun know got tis fortune or not.

I was previously seeing Dr Tham Kok Fun too at Gleneagles before embarking on ivf. I'm considering to go bk to him when i enter 2nd trimester. He is very fatherly, patient and humorous. Just that the long queue is quite a put off. Especially since dh has a short fuse. Then again, i always see him on sats. Wonder if see him on weekday will be as bad or not.

When i went to my ivf clinic at novena specialist center ytd, i saw Dr Tham Kok Fun's name on the directory board. He is one of the gynae in a O&G clinic on level 6. My ivf clinic is on level 5. Was wondering if he moved from gleneagles to novena specialist center.
Sisters, I need your advise. I'm supposed to go on a work trip to europe in dec for 2 weeks. (During 12w-13w) Told the nurse abt tis during my 3rd beta test on tue. She asked me how long is the flight and when i told her abt 13 hours, she advise me not to go coz its a ivf baby. As angela (care) is not bk from the states, she asked me to consult angela when she is bk.

Then dh and i gg for our long over-dued honeymoon to spain for 2 weeks in jan (during 18w-20w).

Sisters, any of you have experience of travelling while pregnant? Is it true that bb conceived via ivf is more vulnerable and at risk thus should not travel?
Hi Kimmy n Catherine, the nov BB fair is by motherhood magazine. See the banner at top of webpage.

Hi Amelia, personally speaking I dun mind going back to repeat BT. Cux to make sure the hcg is increasing nicely n body have enuff hormones to support. 6 wk scan is to see sac, heartbeat, n if it's singleton or twins.
As for travelling, we cancelled our anniversary trip as well in sept when I bfp cux we felt that this BB is so precious aft 5 years n we have went thru so much during ivf. Really dun wan to risk any chance. But I guess it really varies from person to person cux I think some sisters here do travel..
Ameila, I lost my bb last yr at 18wks when I was at bintan. Heart beat just stopped. Chinese believed that I either step on something "dirty" Or the banyan tree room I stayed in was dirty. It was a v v expensive lesson which I hv learnt.
This other sister who was from Care, went Hk n Macau at abt 16wks. Dunno for whatever reason, she started to bleed badly when she was in Macau. She quickly went to see a gynae in Macau n went bk to hotel room to rest. Next day she went to Hk to look for this famous gynae which Angela told her abt before she left SG. She had to rest on bed on the hotel room. Luckily bleeding stabilized n she was able to return bk to SG. If not, the plane wun take her. N luckily her bb is ok. But wat if it is otherwise, she will be like me, regret for life. This was just last yr. Maybe u can ask Angela. She shld still remember coz she gave this sister the Hk gynae name. She told her anything in Hk, look for that gynae.
Hi Amelia,
Like hopeful, I won't travel too. Actually more is hubby don't want to take any chances in case I need a doc urgently and can't get assistance, how? We've come such a long way and well for us we almost thought we wouldn't make it so now we are willing to postpone any trips to when bb is safely born. Then again it's really personal choice and up to u. If u feel good about it and comfortable, of cuz u deserve to enjoy yrself. For me I rather tahan for few more mths than have to ttc again for few years. That's just me la... Hehe

Hopeful - woo hopefully event by motherhood should be better? I heard this weekend expo one is mainly by online baby shops... Hehe whatever the case, am penciling in taka's fair too!
Yellllloooo sisters,
Thanks for the feedback on rebonding & facial.. Looks like I won't b gg for rebonding then.. I was tinking juz for the wedding dinner, I go salon to wash & blow + clip the hair abit to straighten my curls.. & it shld last me the nite..
& for the ROM, buy thse clip thongs (watever it is called) & DIY @ home? How's tt? No chemicals, no harm?
Juz went spring maternity & bot a pair of working pants.. Wow.. Juz felt comfortable wearing them than my norm working pants (which I can't button up now)...

& juz went oscars scan.. Heehee.. Baby's hands moving ard & crossing legs til got to wait for awhile bef legs & feet can b measured.. It definitely ease my 相思病 of seeing baby.. :-D
Vann, it has always Been a regret. N will nv be forgotten coz we cremated her n place her in a niche in a catholic church. So, though she is gone, the pain is always there when I see her at the niche... N the day where I had to deliver her.. She wld be 1yr plus now if this event nv happened..

That time, family mbers tell me dun go. I said they supersitious! Now, I guai guai listen. Even stuff like Perm hair, rebound, all these even organic pdts r still chemicals, can do without for the sake of the little one for now. I saw those pretty bb clothes, wan to buy but hv been told to do it only at 28wks thereafter n to place an empty angbow on the bb stuff I bought got gd luck.. I was also told bb cott or play pen dun install untill bb is born.. Wedding dinners, bb showers or even birthday cakes esp kids one, all i avoid this round..Last time I will think all these r crap.. Now I will just do wat I m told.. Superstitious or not it does not matter. I just dun wan any more regrets in life..
Hi Kimmy, found this on d web. Maternity clothes warehouse sale. Not sure if it's any gd. But I m going nx wk to check it out.

Hi Queenie, ur BB was moving? So nice? When I was doing my scan, BB sleep like a log! Refuse to move a bit. End up it was so difficult to measure. Hahaha.. I ve those dyi iron rod at hone. Dunno if I m clumsy or wat. I burnt my face b4 from it. So if u r using it 1st time better ask someone to do it for u..
hazel- i feel so sad reading about the pain you had to go through...this journey is always not easy...till today i worry what if something otherwise happen to baby but i try to be positive...i even bought a doppler to hear baby's heartbeat now and then to reassure myself that everythings fine...you are so strong to try again...i hope GOD will bless all our sisters here with a healthy baby.
Hazel, sorry to read about your experience. Can you share in details what are the pantang things that we should avoid? My office is undergoing renovation soon, I don't know how to avoid this or do what stuff to reduce the counter effect. Heard that renovation is bad for bb
Meryl, I hv named some above. Some of my close friends delivered recently. I didnt visit them or give gifts also. Was told cannot go n give present also. Same thing for funerals. House warming, shop opening, weddings, birthday parties unless own family members, I all avoid. If is my niece or nephew birthday, I dun eat the cake also.

On renovation, try to Siam if there r heavy drilling or knocking/nailing. If dunno how to avoid I also dunno.. Maybe Ask the old folks they will know better..
Hopeful - thanks for the link! Hehe but hor I think I better steer clear frm maternity clothes shopping cux my shipment from online arrived last week and I got about 12-13 pieces. Hahaha last me till dec/Jan cny I believe. Lol!!!!!!

Queenie - I got the kiap kiap if u want. I got spare but I think u ask salon do for u better cux at our state, sure bo patience to sit and kiap esp the back! Just tell them kiap after blowing and i think shld be okay. I love it when I walk out frm salon, hair feels so soft and nice. Hehe
Hazel, so sad to hear your story. My husband and i also don't want to take a risk now, after all we've been through. No travelling until the babies are in our arms! Maybe the most if we really canot tahan, drive to malaysia?

Amelia, dr.tham kok fun is still at gleneagles, not sure if he has a second clinic at novena specialist centre. The waiting time at weekdays is also quite bad lah. Last thursday the nurse called me to come on that day, instead of on my original schedule on friday. I reached there and was asked to go home cos apparently no chance. Have to come again on friday. The nurse can drive me crazy! Hope you have twins too, keep us updated!

Kimmy, how many times a day do you take the DHA prolacta for mothers? My ivf doctor asked me to take 2x a day but now my new gynae told me to take just once.

Enjoy your sunday afternoon sistas! I'm thinking where to go and eat with hubby.. Been taking metochlopramide still, otherwise can die from MS all day long! Wonder if this will ever go off me cos i'm week 14 and a half already ;(

Bought a few items from expo yesterday.
Avert digital sterilizer and warmer at 209. Used the avent electric sterilizer for my boy. Find the size v good fit both avent n tradition bottles from pigeon n nuk. My boy was using Nuk bottles. Last week, i went kiddy place they sell just the sterilizer at 199 after sale. Btw, Tried using the warmer for my essence of chicken. Works perfectly!

Also bought the LG mat at 199. The cheapest I have come across is 228.

Also bought cabriofix capsule at 249. Motherworks selling at 358 with 10% off for members. But color of fabric is last year range. I find it alright but saved 100plus.

Also, bought the swaddle from a caucasian lady. Saw my cousin using it in Sydney this June. His new born (a week old) seems to enjoy it. They sell it at motherworks too but slightly more expensive.

Oh, I also bought this mini monkey baby sling fr marina square last Sunday. The baby store. Selling at 99. Original px is 139. Both my hubby n I find it v comfortable n easy to sling on. The length adjustment also v easy.
Ashley, be careful if u do drive to Malaysia. Try not to carry any handbags or bags. I was pull by a motocylist for a short distance once when he snatched my handbag while I got off the car to walk to a restaurant in JB. Hubby was just 2-3m in front of me. I was lucky handbag strap broke n thus didn't drag for even longer distance. But I was badly bruised at the ankle, waist n tummy areas with deep scratches. Imagine wat if I was pregnant then? I still go JB n malaysia after that. But not now when I pregnant.
Hohoho... Mums n Babes moving out sale at Tampines One. If anyone is keen in Bloom's stuff go check out. Limited display sets left. But very worth it!! 50% off.


Bought a baby lounger n table chair for 274!!

Medela stuff all at 20% off. Last day today..
Medela freestyle breast bump selling at 699 at KKH shop. I hv not seen any other plc cheaper than that wor..

Just now at mrs Wong boi boi class. She mentioned tt bb shld be 400g at abt 24wks preg.. Hm.. Made me abit worried coz my was close to 800g at 22-23wks so I asked her. She said veri good! She said minimum must be abt 400g at 24wks if not is worrying.. Phew! :p
Sisters, thank you for the generous advise. After my scan nx fri, will speak to my boss about the work trip. See if he can send someone else to go instead.

Looks like our honeymoon trip to spain in jan is not gg to materialise afterall. Hopefully the travel agency allows us to postpone the trip otherwise we may hv to forfeit the 1k deposit we paid. We booked the package during the natas fair in sep.

Am sick. Down wt flu. Took 2 Lemsip Max cold and flu capsules at 2pm. Very slow reacting.

Sisters, hear some of you mentioned Mrs Wong. May i know what kind of service she provides?
Amelia, get your gynae to give u a memo "not suitable for Travelling". Use that to show ur boss n ask for refund on travel arrangement. Mrs Wong boi boi is fr TMC. She runs antenatal classes at AMK hub

Ashley - I'm also not gng to travel overseas except drive up to maybe Kuala Lumpur this Christmas. But see how also, don't know I will still want to go cos will be 25 weeks then. But the food there is so tempting, haha... either we will drive up or take plane and then rent a car at the airport and drive in the city.
