(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Thx sunflower. I actually called Kk to chk on nausea medicine. They sd they will chk with dr.loh and get bk. so I can't expect a call from them?

Can anybody care to chk with their gynie if "novomin" is safe to take?
Btw, hazel and other sis under dr loh, may I know wat does he generally prescribe for nausea?

Thanks Kimmy..
Hello Sisters! I am so sleepy now after lunch... I had Korean Ramen!!! Literally instant noodles and eggs. Hahaha...

Jane, after 1st tri you can start prenatal yoga. Which week are you now?
Koirc, 6+ weeks only.. Still a long way to go

Duphaston med is making my tummy bloated. Lots of gas. How to reduce that uh? I look like 3 months preggie. I also feel nausea when my stomach is "empty" but I'm not hungry. So I have eat some food.. Is it because of the med too?
Jane, my tummy is also very big! I am week 10. I walked into a maternity shop last Friday and the lady asked if I'm 4 months pregnant!
When I told her "no", she asked "3 months?". So sad!!! :'( I try to drink ginger drink but doesn't seem to help me. When I went for my last scan, sonographer told me I have a lot of wind! Argh! And looks like you're having morning sickness!

Meryl, I had light pink spotting at week 5 but it didn't persist. If you're worried, go see your doctor!
Thx andreanie

Meryl- I had spotting startg 5thweek for one week. Most of the times being brown and black, ocassionally red too. Had been to24 hrs clinic and dr loh also. Baby inside was fine even while apottg.He gave me a jab, even then it took another 5 days to stop completely. Yeah I was advised to do the bed rest and I strictly followed it. If u r worried go see ur dr and yeah rest well.
Koirc, ok.. now I know I'm not alone! :p Yes yes, my sonographer also said the same time to me. Mine very fierce and quite impatient. She sighed when i didn't lie down in the position she wanted. That was my first scan!

My "nausea" feeling started quite early, Around 5 weeks. That's why I'm thinking that it could be due to duphaston. Now I have to make sure I have food around me. Instant porridge, soup, biscuits, bread..Oh dear..
Sisters, in the past weeks, I would always feel hungry. And the hunger is very sudden and quite severe type like I must eat immediately.

But since the spotting on Saturday night, I feel very normal now. Not that tired and not hungry. How ah? I am very worried... :'(
Thanks Hopeful and Koirc, just visit 24hr and saw a sac, dr wants to monitor me , ordering a better scan tmr and maybe another blood test on wed. They are afraid of ectopic due to my hcg readings.. Haiz, don't understand what the dr is talking about

I want to rant abt horrible boss.. My boss don't allow me to go and see dr, she was scared that my work not done and she willget scolding.. Irritating.. Then I tell her that I will get permission from the big one..as if I am a very irresponsible staff ...
Hi everyone,

Thank you for the warm welcome.

Ron8129, I've updated my details on the spreadsheet but I'm uncertain how to add the correct number of sequence in the column before my name.

Kimmy, I didn't Prof Ng's son is also a gynae. I have so much gas my husband is calling me a "burp machine". Yes, I'm looking forward to joining in this forum and getting to know everyone better.

Jane, if I had known that Duphaston causes bloatedness, I wouldn't be so hard on myself;). I thought it was my constant eating. Like you, I also feel nauseous when my stomach is empty (worse in the mornings). I look like someone who has been having too much buffets.
Meryl, I was spotting intermittently till 6wk 5day. At times it was pink, dark brown and bright red. I was prescribed proluton and duphaston as an added precaution. I think the doctor was merely listing down the causes of spotting as sometimes spotting is a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy. During your scan, the doctor would have also scanned your tubes right? If nothing was amiss, then you need not worry. Do have plenty of rest. Hope your scan and blood work will show promising results.

It can be frustrating when your boss is not understanding. Is she aware of your pregnancy? If she is, assure her that being the professional as you are, your pregnancy will not be in the way of you delivering your job. Good luck.
Hi kimmy, thank you. Going for my 3rd beta test tmr mrg. 1st beta 400 on 12 Oct and 2nd beta 1600 on 15 Oct. Feeling very pensive. Actually, ever since i BFP last wed, every waking moment i live in fear that bb will stop growing. During 2ww, super bo chap. Anything also do/eat coz we were expecting it to fail. So very shocked when i BFP. I'm gg crazy!
Hope283, dr loh wun prescribe any unless nausea is really bad, eg u cant stomach anything coz is no gd taking these nausea medication. Or u request from him too. I requested vitamin B6 n that helps. Is a vitamins so no harm. U can google online.
My 2nd beta is back( actual beta is today too) and I am required to go back tmr. My hcg is 4000plus, which is abnormally high. Dr ordered me to go back tmr. Sigh..
Meryl, I was spotting pink, or brown and sometimes red from 5wk 4d till just 2 days ago. Scared the wits out of me, as I was on duphaston, so should be having enough support, so went back to see dr 1 day b4 my wk 6 scan. I was on blood monitoring, turns out my hormones are of good levels, and baby's fine. Just tat I got a blood clot inside, perhaps tat accounted for the spotting. Dr also explained that becos placenta is forming, sometimes a little break inside while formation can cause the spotting. Dr put me on hospitalization leave and ask me to rest a lot and not exert.
Today went for my wk 8 scan, baby's grown! So my mind was really put at rest. Do take lots of rest and try not to move about too much when spotting.
Hi everyone, I'm new to this thread. Just received confirmation from kkh today that I'm BFP.

Elyna, tks for sharing yr experience. Really useful info for all who have just BFP. Glad that all is well at yr wk8 scan!

Meryl, hope all goes well tmr.
Wow.. Just bought maternity undies n it's so comfortable!! Shd ve bought it earlier!!

Btw, I have small problem. My blood pressure is on d low side n hence I almost fainted thrice last wk on d road. Anyone has any thots on this?
Hopeful, did u tell yr gynae? R u eating iron supplements? I have a fren who is also like u when she was preggy 5 yrs ago. Let me ask her how she overcome it. Pls rest if u feel faintish
Thx hazel. I jst took one nausea tab on Sunday. Since then mnging without tab. Trying to control throw up by tkg a bit of walk after food Nd also by Eatg small portions. Dr loh's asst calld me yestdy and advised he will be bk on 25th. Until then if nausea is severe to visit 24hrs. Thankfully now iam alright. I will later chk abt b6 also. Thx.

Hopeful- I heard u need more fluids when low bp. Drink lots of water and fruit juices.
I just did my scan and now waiting to see doc. Sonographer didn't show me the scan. I asked if everything is ok and she said doc will explain. Is my baby in danger? I am very scared. I asked if I need to wait for the report. She said don't need. She will bring over. I am very scared now. I feel like crying! :'(
Koirc - dont think too much first, just wait for your gynae to explain. sometimes this sonographers they like not sensitive to us pregnant women. I hate the sonographers at SGH last time, poked me like i have no feeling like that. Went out and complained to my hubby who then went in and gave the sonographer a piece of his mind! No more SGH for me after that!
Koiric, kkh some sonographers also dun explain, says dr will brief. Although i usually try to probe more results from the sonigraphers coz my gynae is quite brief.

Summer, i went to see benjamin tham for second opinion. He is v thorough n explains a lot clearly even the ultrasound n my cervical scan. I will follow up w him concurrently w my curent kkh gynae, in case premature still have a place at kkh.

What is surprising is that my cervical length (labia) is 3.6cm n vaginal cervical scan is 4cm, which place my current length as normal. Dr Tham says maybe the medication nifedipine relax my womb n lengthen my cervix. He assured me that it is safe to consume during pregnancy n in my case prevention of premature birth is important so i should continue taking it. The whole gynae visit today puts me at ease for the first time in so many weeks.
Koirc, don't panic ... It is a standard protocol... The radiographer said the same thing to me. I think they are not in the position to comment.. All the best ! I am waiting got my result too!
Cindy, welcome and congratulations! I'm also new here. Like many of us this will be an exciting journey.

Koirc, most sonographers are just train to look at scans. They are not equipped to go into further details and usually leave all the explanations to the doctors. Unfortunately, at times this can come across as insensitive and only makes the situation worse. So stay positive and I'm certain it will be nothing serious.
Hi ladies,

May I know what pre-natal vitamins or supplements are you taking? I'm only taking folic-acid and iron. Just wondering if I need more than these. Will definitely ask my doc on my next visit. Thank you for sharing.
Koirc, i'm so shocked and sad to hear that.. Pls take good care of yourself now. *hugs* did doctor explain what happened?
Koirc, I'm so terribly sorry to hear your sad news. I can only imagine the pain you are going through. Be strong and know that you are not alone. Take care of yourself and most importantly don't give up. My heart goes out to you.
Hi Koirc,
Am in a meeting now and am in deep shock & reading your news. I feel sad too. but my colleague had a similar incident, and she went for 2nd opinion and the other gynae detected hb. Not too sure if u wanna seek 2nd opinion. Big hugs.
Koirc, shocked and sad to hear your news. hugs n do take care. u may want to seek 2nd opinion as mentioned by other sisters.
