(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

I was thinking of just telling him the truth, i guess since i will have to go back to him for a repeat case, honestly is the best policy.

haha bbnn...me so bz today that dun hv time to come in...glad to hear your gal is ok....yipee...time to knock off....
ahhah tzac so cute! And I think bbnn disappear liao.
Yeah agree honesty is best policy. I'm sure he'll understand and knows you'll be back to take home the remaining frozies anyway!
Kimmy, how many wks r u now? Since can c hb, must b at least 6 wks. My first 'date' with the gynae still so far away. My god, the wait is agonizing .....

Peko, me tried to change to tps but no more time slots, will hv to make do w scan at amc.

Vann, u r doing scan at amc n then c dr loh, correct? When is ur scan date? 16aug? Can update me how is it like? Thanks....

Haha i think i more kan cheong than my first pregnancy
tzac, yep! I'm 6 weeks. Tho my friend managed to hear hb at 4 weeks - she said she was lucky. Haha I know what you mean about the wait.... I also have scan at amc then dr loh on 16 Aug. Hehe. But knowing that I have to wait 2 hrs long is a torture!!!
How was yr first pregnancy like? gave birth at kk?

Ya, I'm also waiting for Ariel's update....

And also wondering how bbliss is. I hope the discomfort is much better for her now too...
Hi sisters...did my scan today....saw a heartbeat...I cried!! Actually my beta hcg was quite high at 1250...but it is a singleton.I'm happy it is a singleton, I don't think I can carry two! Was given mc for 2 weeks cause of ms...another scan in 2 weeks...can breathe a little now.
Hiya! Back from dr. He's friendly and doesn't make me feel uncomfortable. Saw bb's sac n hb! Singleton! Fluttering, then he switched to the blood circulation scan, can see the red spot where heart is beating. So awesome! I'm oso 6 weeks, actually 5 weeks 6 days he said. Did urine and blood tests too. He said some nausea is gd as it's an indicator of preg hormones increasing.

My edd is 6 April, when is yours kimmy? Brought home lots of pamphlets and the cd of the scan. Now to convince dh, he still doesn't like the idea of a male gynae...
The thalassemia report in 3 weeks? Why so long one? I have beta thalassemia myself but I didn't need to go thru anymore tests when I disclosed my condition prior to my ivf.. I was diagnosed with beta thal when I was 8 yrs old cos my mom has it.. Why kkh so weird one? So many times must ask about testing testing.. When I just knew my husband(then boyfriend), I had asked him to do a blood test to see if his levels were ok.. All blood count parameters were normal and therefore he need not proceed to do hemoglobin electrophoresis(HBEL).. It will just be a waste lor.. Nobody pestered me to do another HBEL nor asked my hubby to do it cos I will get my way out of it..

Sata misdiagnosed you! They shouldn't have said you have thalassemia minor just by looking at your blood counts! That is ABSURD! Every major labs will NOT diagnose anyone with thalassemia unless HBEL is done! It could even be other hemoglobinopathies.. But glad that u didn't have it.. At least ur child won't carry the defective gene.. Since you have been diagnosed with iron deficiency, did sadhana prescribe iron tablets to you? Because if u have had the history, it will be worst during pregnancy.. You might be more anemic now.. I was given iron tablets too but I'm not taking them everyday cos I know I'm not iron deficient.. I get side effects like nausea when I have too much iron which can also lead to hemochromatosis..
Yay vann! We saw heartbeats on the same day! It's a beautiful moment, seeing the little life inside you isn't it..

If I do continue to see him, I'll prob deliver at gleneagles. Heard it's nice and new compared to Mt e.

Oh kimmy, I din mention you but he himself said yesterday someone saw him and also ivf case, then he mentioned your age. You're young! Heheheh...
Me too...thinking of switching...maybe i'll do it after first trimester...but have to end well with dr loh
Congrats vann!!! I know what you mean when you cried seeing heartbeat!!! When's your edd?

Congrats Ariel! So glad you find him friendly! hehehe. Yes, he switched to blood circulation scan and explains everything right? I'm also around your time and my edd is 4 April (estimated by Dr Chris) but the scan indicated 5 April. So Ariel, we same time give birth! Woohoooooo!!!!!!! ahah yes Dr Chris likes to tell you a lot of stories of his patients to make us feel better :D hehe yes I heard his stitching is excellent you don't feel anything and yah if continue see him I'll also prob deliver at Glen. Wahahah! Ariel when's your next check up?

Ya! They still can tell me thalessemia report in 3 weeks is considered "urgent" and they are "rushing it" already! the nurse still tell me dont think taking iron or red meat will help me and all that.. can faint!!!
First is natural n never think so much, blur blur throughout haha. Yup at kk so m wondering shd go back to the same gynae. Difficult decision...

At least u done the scan at pte so 放心 mah, do updaye us how is it like after ur 16aug, wonder can ask qn at amc or not
Oh Ariel, sorry..I too excited that I din't realize you put your EDD earlier. Hehehe. Ya, Im young but DH is year 74. Hehe...and since we planning for 2 so needed to action when nothing happened for over 3 years.

Is your real name Ariel? hehe next visit I'll tell him good feedback again? Did your hubby see him today? He's very gentle right? Even when he does the v. probe...
Vann congrats!! So touching. at dr loh, ther is no more scan? Can ask qns at amc? Pardon my many qns but neck long long with the wait for my first scan...

Ariel, congrats to u too :) the scan like very detailed hor. Is tat the diff btw kk n pte??
Hahaha I'm imagining myself telling dh, "dear, dr Chris stitching is very good!".Do you think that'll help convince him?
No, dh din go with me tdy.

When he counted off the days from my ET, he estimated 23 April, then scan and it said 6 April. He also said he doesn't
over book himself cos I asked what if there're ppl giving birth at the same time in diff hospitals? What I liked about him was that he doesn't believe in inducing the bb to come out just so he (dr) can get a gd nights sleep. He said he'd rather do it at 3am and hv peace of mind. That's a true dr.

My next appt is 25 Aug. Yours?
Yes! I like that he is v considerate and I only heard good things abt him from friends so far. Haha u can tell DH that when he delivered my nephew, he was v observant and notice the cord ard his neck as soon as he crown and safely delivered the baby. He's quite cautious and careful, calm and not kan cheong. Can talk nonsense type also! Haha. His dad, wife, mom all gynaes! Heheheheehe. My next appt is one day before yours! 24! I gg alone tho. ;) cool hor, put everything in a cd. I like that he answers all my questions too. And even for ds test he said now got non invasive way, no need amiontics test first
Hi sisters, I went to c dr loh ydae. Well, he told me e cramps are due to ligaments pull as e uterus is stretching. He said these r common cases among his patients n asked mi dun worried too much.

While seeing him, I oso had my scan done n get to c bb's hb. My hb's comment at tat mmt was like 'soooo.....cute'.
My next appt wif him is on 19th instead of 16th liao.

Tzac- congrats !!! Now u r officially one of e 'long ma ma' to be
Been catching wif all e threads I missed so far. Apparently, there some discussion on switching dr. Juz curious wat constitute e tots? Which r e Pte gynae r u looking at besides dr chris ya?
Bbliss! Hello! So happy to hear from you and that you got to see hb too! Flicker flicker! Cute right????? So all is good! Hehe yr edd should be similar to Ariel & mine too... So means I won't get to 'bump' into u on 16th liao... Was the queue long?
Ariel, vann, congrats for seeing hb!! I will cry too if i were you. Such an amazing thing.. Wishing you smooth sailing ahead!
Congrats to bbliss too for seeing hb! Glad to hear that the cramps are normal according to doc..
Wow look like everyone c the flicker, flicker! So envious :) congrats bbbliss n glad to hear fr u.

Me gonna wait patiently for my scan 2 wks fr now...
Kimmy, ard e same dates as u gals. Ya, wun get to bump into u gals on 16th den. E queue is as per normal long but expected la. At tat mmt, when u get to c e 'lighthouse'(using ur prev description. Keke....), it really very heartwarming.

Tzac, soon will be ur turn to catch e 'lighthouse'

Ashley, thx. When ur scan too?
Bbliss, mine is on 26aug, what a long wait.. Especially when you are no longer working like me.. Will busy myself to kill time;)
Don't worry Peko, you will see hb coming Tues!!

Tzac, I haven't start on any milk, maybe after my next scan will start. Afraid of feeling vomity from the milk smell. Is your dumex milk good?

Kimmy, haha you were so funny when you first saw dr.chris. I also don't feel pregnant right now but just try to calm myself and be patient until next scan.. Haiz, the worry never ends..

TGIF everyone!
Silsilly, sadhana says my iron level is ok, only prescribe me multiv - new obimin. I do try to eat steak once a week n fish as often as I can, coz she says she dun prescribe fish oil coz of the metal level.

Anyway, u feel ur bb kick already? Boy or gal? My week 12 scan says possible girl. I got more of gas popping in my tummy, definitely not the bb coz it happened just under my chest. Bb should be bewteen our pelvis n navel now right?

I dunno boy or girl yet.. Wah, u havin girl! So exciting! I'm not feeling baby movements yet.. And my tummy isn't big too.. Makes me so concern lor.. 16 weeks preggy but tummy still small small.. I was thinking whether baby got space to swim anot.. I have alot alot alot alot of gas! If I'm not burping, I'm farting and farting.. If I don't release the gas, I will feel miserable.. Anyway, have u gain any weight? I actually lost weight in 1st trimester because of my terrible MS.. Puke and puke and nausea and nausea.. Glad that it is behind me now and I can eat better..

Good that your iron levels are ok..
obimin contain sufficient amount of iron anyway for daily needs..
Silsilly, think that's coz u r v slim, I already have a tummy before ivf. But's all gas la so I get bubbling quite as early as week 13. I have no vomiting thru out, just nauseas in week 8 n 9. Think have ms better coz it prob means ur bb is healthier. Anyway, my bb seems v passive during ultrasounds. Is urs always moving around?
Hello everyone!
TGIF too!

Bbliss >> hehe steady lah. we can all be poppers at the same time :D Can join in the playdate session with Silsilly, RitzC & bbnn who will be waiting for our bubs.

ashley >> ya. Its like after the bfp, paranoia sets in for me. hehe. Good lah, if you can be patient till next scan, I'm also sure it will be totally worth the while when you see the little flicker flicker aka. lighthouse

ritzc >> congrats girl! Girl girl can dress up! hehehe. haha because its my #1, so boy or girl I also okay. Healthy most important

Silsilly >> I haven't reach you & ritzc stage yet but I already farting a lot more in the evening. haha.
RitzC, I also think its because Silsilly is slim that's why tummy small. I also have tummy before ivf. But I keep hiding it in loose clothes. Haha. So now that preggy liao can pretend that tummy is part of the bump. WAHAHHAHAAH!
Kimmy, ya, I'm looking forward to having my gal. Gender doesn't matter so long as bb is safe. Cozi spotted in week 13 n again 2 days this week. Think I can't walk or stand for too long coz my spotting this week is after I shopped for 5 hours w my frens. Anyway I minimize walking about for the next two days n am fine now.
I just finished mopping the floor.. Phew! My hubby has been doing it for the past few months when I was bedridden because of my MS.. Now, I can get back to my routine and clean the house as clean as I want!

U also slim what.. Can u just erm, describe to me how ur tummy look like? I know I'm weird to be asking you that but I'm paranoid la.. everything also paranoid..
My baby is very shy.. Maybe girl also because so shy.. My baby was in a looking down position and the legs must cover privates one.. Haha.. Our parents are guessing if it's a boy.. Dunno la.. I'm happy with boy or girl.. Wait so long to have baby, so gender doesn't matter to me..
Oh, and please dun walk too much k.. 5 hrs shopping is super long.. Please take care.. I'm trying to tell myself to dun over exert myself too.. Cos everytime I do housework, I have more leukoplakia.. The whitish discharge.. Also scare me la.. I think many ivf pregnant ladies are paranoid.. Hehe.. It's natural..

You'll have more gas as me I think.. Hehe.. I will be farting and farting and hubby is also so used to helping me burp because I will be so uncomfortable with all the gas.. At least it's good practice for him when baby arrives.. He can help burp the baby!

I want to see my baby bump leh.. I have been waiting to have a baby bump.. I guess when the time comes for the bump to appear, it will..
RitzC >> Wow! You can tahan shopping for 5 hours? I salute you! I can't even walk for more than 30 minutes I must sit down already. hehehe. You are really good! but yes, rem to take care and rest whenever you can k?

vann >> nice! I understand from friends and read in books that nausea is a good sign that bb is active!!! Wow, you are puking everytime means even go out also need to puke? Gosh I hope you feel better soon but nausea is good sign!!!

Silsilly >> I"m quite sure when your bump appears you will be wow-ed by it. hehehehe. You applying stretch mark cream alreadY? Yah everytime I fart my hubby will tease me and go "eeee" so mean right. Cuz when he farts I do the same thing so now he doing 'payback' time on me. And yes I agree. ivf ladies tend to be paranoid. Wahahaha!

I just woke up from a 90 min nap. And I had a wet dream but heng my sheets are dry! I dream I ask my hubby for more more and he said no no none! And then my mom suddenly walked in to my room and ask what I am doing making funny moaning noises? Am I okay? And then I woke up! I think so long nvr bd (cuz last time every month must try right?) then dream of all these nonsense...

Hahhahahahaha! WET DREAM! I had done it with a random stranger in my dream last night!!! Hahahahahahakz! I've been getting silly dreams la.. But sometime very nice! Feels so refreshed! Told my hubby about it and he said he feels betrayed! But then, I told him he also got alot of wet dreams b4 what.. So fair lo.. He still very erm careful when he wants to do me la.. He said scared I pain and will poke baby! Oh well.. Ivf pregnancy really brings some funny moments in a marriage.. I love my hubby more and more because his concerns are always for me and my baby.. I feel very loved..

hehe you also very cute. Oh I didn't mention that before I ask my hubby for more it was with some guy with a nice bod but I didnt get to see face leh! hahaha. Your hubby sounds very sweet. Awwww.
Wow, you 2 still can do it ah? After 1st tri? Yah my hubs scared of hurting the baby so ytd I told him abstain for months how? He said can....(ya right!!!!). Awww, I had a little discussion with some ivf sisters before and we agree that through this journey, our bond with husband gets stronger...
Kimmy, yeah i quit working 3wks ago just before ER/ET. Now idling at home most of the time, i want to do something more useful like learning mandarin maybe after i feel more stabile;) maybe after my wk6 scan.

Ritzc, wow a girl, congrats!! I love baby girls;)

Silsilly, don't worry my sil also tummy very small, but at last trimester grew very fast and baby was born 3.1kg. Don't get too tired!

Vann, just hang on.. Crazy me also want ms to ensure that baby grows well;)

Bbnn, tsac, can start your countdown already, less than 4hrs to go;)
Kimmy, silsilly, you guys are naughty!! My hubby just told me this morning that he had those dreams, i hope was with me! Haha.. who knows i will have similar dream soon too since have already abstained for a long time, haha. So, erm when is safe to bd again?
hi tzac...at amc can ask questions....the lady there showed me the heartbeat and explained the different parts to me...they are quite nice...jus long long waiting hours at AMC and later consult with Dr loh
I only started BD after week 10.. But still cannot enjoy cos I was having bouts of nausea.. Must go SLOW and STEADY.. Then we have it maybe once a week.. Now can have more la.. My sex drive is on overdrive! hahhahahahaha!

MS usually start by week 8 onwards.. I was MS free all the way till week 8.. I thought I won't have MS at all lor.. Apparently not.. MS is one very miserable symptom!
I too feel v paranoid...maybe cause ivf baby...scared if all will be fine in the next scan...the nausea is killing me!!!
Kimmy, shall look forward to e playdate session ya

Mi too oso tend to fart quite a lot. Nid to control when go out in public. Haha.....

Agree tat we tend to be more paranoid n kan cheong spider. Ppl who r nt in our shoes dun really understd hw we feel ya.
Hi ladies, am so gassy too! Fart in bed must lift the covers..phew! How come ah?

Feeling more nauseous today, tried to eat lunch but no appetite.

Ashley, you can try choc milk if you can't stomach plain flavor.
I bot enfa mama choc and mamil mama vanilla.. So can alternate. Especially if you can't eat much, it's good to supplement with a nutritious drink.

We just started bd, dr said no prob if no bleeding. I'm not really in the mood yet,, but every man has needs... Slow and
steady, no acrobatics

Kimmy, vann, bliss n Ashley, do you have tummies like 3 mths preggy? Mine is like that!
Ashley >> hehe not naughty... people always say preggy ladies are horny mah (keke, finding excuses). Ahh I want to learn something useful too, but maybe I will brush up on my cantonese so I know what my DH & his family are talking and reply them properly instead of only understanding & not able to speak properly...hehe good lah we can meet for kopi once we hit week 10 onwards!

vann >> how's the consultation w Dr Loh like after scan? He just tells u all is good then leave liao ah? Will he prescribe you anything else? :D

Silsilly >> steady lah sex drive overdrive! wahahaha. Yeah I heard MS usually starts around that time...good la, you have it means bb very active. Maybe so active cuz mommy is sexually hyped up. wahahahahah!

Bbliss >> yes we shall look forward to that.
hehe. Ya loh I bo pian once in public had to do then quickly ask DH to leave that area. wahahah. luckily nobody step in that zone for a while (i monitor from a distance). So paisay.

Ariel >> haha looks like we got another gassy kaki! Wah, you started bd-ing already? Envy. My hb so happy I no need to ask him every month schedule liao, but of course I think he enjoys spontaneous not scheduled sex (who doesn't). ahha so cute, no acrobatics. I think if we bd, I will do it the 'safest' and 'slowest' way! haha but like that how to enjoy ah?

My tummy has gone down a lot. Used to be 3 mths preggy since ET day till last week. Then this week subside quite a bit and now its just back to the fatty tummy I used to have. Although I still can't wear any of my jeans/shorts and need to buy those stretchy waistline type.

I'm gonna meet a preggy friend for kopi later. How ah? she' might keep talking about her pregnancy and should I tell her about mine too? Or keep quiet? She was telling me how easy it is to get preggy...& those that a bit take for granted cuz try natural & strike quite fast. Any advice?

ariel, my tummy osso back to normal

vann, wah even at amc osso need to q har, then i think i go slightly earlier then. is it first come first serve?

for myself, keep feeling tummy pain and urge to go toilet leh though no output (sorry for tis) ...is tat normal? am also pondering whether shd i go c pte gynae b4 my appt with dr loh...cant help but think whether everything ok or not.

hv to wait till 6 weeks then can c heartbeat, right?
