(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

*waves* tzac, yes it is me and you for 6wk scan next week, i'm getting nervous each day, can't wait to check whether everything's ok..

Peko, good luck for BT tomorrow!

Kimmy, i think you should just stick to the doctor you are most comfortable with. Sometimes long wait is also worth it hor;)

Hi everyone - *waves*

Hi tzac & ashley - can i take over as the last to go for week6 scan now? haha. Appmt 29 Aug before Hari Raya - boss just declared replacement holiday for Election, no need to take leave!
Peko yes i meant scan, what was i thinking! Good luck and update us tomorrow ;)
Ron!! Ron!! Ron!!!

Congratulations and celebrations! No katong laksa! No more char Bo crying inside bus! I'm so happy for you!! I was quietly rooting especially for you!! Yeay!

*waving frantically*
morning everyone!!

ron, welcome!! I am happy to do that as it means of another successful case :)

peko, u must b too stress liao...relax and enjoy your trip to gynae today :)
Hi silsilly, - *waves* nice to talk again. how many weeks are you now?

hi summer -thanks!

hi peko - good luck for the scan! hope you see the little one today...

hi Tzac/ashley - when are your week6 scan? i am trying to relax but paranoia starting to sink in today.. hahaha..
Hi Ron, congrats ! Another ivf graduate onboard! so when will b ur 6th wk scan?

Sisters who went for e 16th aug scan prev, may I noe wat med did dr loh give u gals n when is e next scan ya?
Hello Ron!!!!!! hehe I know what you mean about paranoia. hehe it started to sink in for most of us here too at week 5 and I buey tahan, went to see private just to see my sac is here. Wahahah!!!

Ashley - Yup, I agree with that and will be sticking w doc that I feel most comfortably with :D

tzac - after 1st follow-up, KK's next follow-up is 3 weeks later. But I read in the ivf/icsi support group hazel mentioned Dr Loh might go private? Wow like that then I don't mind following him. I just hope he dun mia suddenly and then I duno where he went to from kk...agree that ours is assisted so need a 'zhai' gynae and the pte one I'm going to also does ivf ...

peko - ya, when it comes to emergency/complications, I agree that getting priority attention comes first. That's why each time Dr Loh has to leave consultation or ET or ER for emergency delivery, I feel glad to know he will obviously attend to the more important one...heehhe
Kimmy - haha.. ya, i felt v pregnant yesterday (BT day) as womb was twitching every day last week, and this morning i feel like no more twitching & pulling at womb anymore & all the fear start to sink in. It is paranoia right, sigh?? Trying to restrain myself from going mad coz this is only Week4 hhaha...
Hello Bbliss >>

Dr Loh just continue my duphaston and folic acid prescription and next scan he arranging to be in 3 weeks time. That's why I don't know whether I can deal with such a long lapse in between each scan a not... He didn't say anything much to me also except don't eat this, don't eat that, make sure your cosmetics don't have retinol/retinol A and another ingredient.... Oh and he said can start stretch mark cream and told me to get Clarins one. He told me try to steer away from Palmers Cocoa Butter becuz quite a few of his patients had allergies so he said to best not to use...
Your next scan is 19th right? :D
ron, mine is next week...i can understand as everyday i m osso wondering how is the little one doing. am happy whenever its the end of the day as it mean one day nearer to the scan date haha..play with the thought of seeing a pte gynae juz to c sac too....crazy hor.

hv u all starting to look for maternity clothes? any idea where to get nice and cheap ones?
Ron >> completely normal! Womb twitches for future expansion when organs start to form wk 6-7 and will stop and come back. Hehe. I cleared this with the doc. keke :D
Hi kimmy, oni duphaston n folic acid ya? Hmm...m thinking when do they start giving iron, fish oil tablets etc. Hee... Yup, mine is this fri. Me b seeing him at tps liao. I will c hw long is e waiting time there.

Understand u r in a dilemma whether to contd dr loh or Pte. Perhaps u can tink y do u choose to c dr loh in e place? Nw wif dr loh assistance, u finally got ur little ones. I believe when we choose dr loh, we oredi experienced n heard abt hw long it takes to c him etc ya. Do u plan to go bk to him for ur remaining embbies? Wun it be awkward if his patients leave him aft getting preggy n den go bk to him again for their subsequent ones?

Prev I was oso seeing a very famous gynae be4 resorting to choosing ivf. The waiting time to see this gynae oso took 2-3hrs time. I feel tat as long as gynae r those branded or famous type, long waiting time r inevitable.

This is just my 2 cents worth. Ultimately is u n bb comfortable with which dr. Fyi, last week when I went to c dr loh, he saying he plans to retire in few yrs time. Haha. Dun noe whether he joking or not. But he like very poor thing. Busy for e whole day, from clinc d to delivery suites to tps. On tat day I saw him, he said he yet to have his lunch n dinner n tat time is oredi 830pm at nite liao.
Hi Ron, e twitching is due to ur womb expanding. I been pestering dr loh wif this twitching issues for e last 2 weeks as I been experiencing that too. He said is normal n some women may experience in early weeks while some later. So dun worry too much ya. Like u, prev I oso very worried but dr loh said something I feel very warm is tat, he said "dun worry wif mi around." Cool ya ?!! Hehe...

Tzac- for mi I din buy maternity clothes. Instead I buy those tat I can wear as per normal n yet there room for expansion in subsequent trimesters. Feel tat wun be so wasteful as still can wear aft giving birth. Haha. I brought a few dresses fr g2000. By wearing a belt over e dresses can still look modern n formal for wk n when expand later, juz remove belt ya. Hehe...
Hi ron, my 6wk scan will be on 26aug, just after ron, haha yes you are the last one on 29aug! I'm looking forward to my scan cos so paranoia whether all is ok.. I had twitching too sometimes, but don't worry if sometimes you don't have that. I'm also like that ;)

Kimmy, don't worry you should be able to find dr.loh even if he moves to pte one day. Just google can already;)

Peko, how's your scan today?

Haiz, so tired of having to lie to people why i cannot meet them for dinner etc. I told some people selectively, but don't want to broadcast to everyone just yet. The problem is my tummy is still quite swollen (due to mild ohss & also constipation), so cannot hide liao.

Btw i still have a lot of red dates and ginger at home, is it ok to drink those everyday even after 2ww?
Hi Ron,
I'm 17 weeks.. Just came back from appointment at gleneagles.. My baby was kicking and then got very shy and turned his/her back to the scan.. So cute la..

You will feel the excitement once u see the heartbeat.. I cried the first time I saw my bb heartbeat.. Feeling was awesome sauce!

Good luck to those waiting for your very first scan! 
Hello bbliss!
Yes I completely agree w u. Since I wanted to see dr loh in the first place I know I shouldn't let the waiting time deter me... Hehe maybe cuz it's my first so now I'm v kan chong to keep knowing what's happening to my body esp wen I dun have any signs. Hehe today nausea started, hooray!! A sign!
So cool, I like what dr Loh said to u, with him ard no need to worry... Woohoo!!! That's really cool. Yea he does know his stuff and he has the experience. I think ultimately I will still stay w him, update me on tps wait time k?

Hazel mention he will give pregnant supplements and fish oil all after week 12. For me I already taking bcuz the pte gynae prescribe me, mentioning that bb brain start developing 3 weeks after conception. Haha I'm just kiasu....

Thanks again for yr pov. Really appreciate it. Make it more clear to follow him hehehe
Hallo silsilly! Wow what a beautiful moment today! U r with Jothi right? What made u change to him from kk? Hehe
Hi kimmy!

Yes I'm with jothi! He is such a nice and relaxed and professional man!

I went over to change becos I really really really CANNOT tahan waiting time at kkh.. I'm a very impatient patient.. I hate having to wait for doctor and then queue to wait for medicine.. I just don't like queueing for a 5min consult.. I'd rather pay abit more to get comfortable.. My appointment was at 3.15pm just now, saw doctor on the dot and left at 3.30pm after collecting medicine(I have flu) and hubby to take blood test.. Just pay abit more for the comfort and satisfaction.. But me and hubby always very anxious b4 seeing doctor.. I will start shitting and start vomitting becos of anxiety.. When I reached there, i vomitted and hubby went to pass motion.. Haha.. The paranoia still lives on in 2nd trimester.. I also became asthmatic all of the sudden.. After doctor say everything ok, I suddenly got better! Very funny la my body..
Kimmy, care to share wat supplements ur Pte gynae give n brand of fish oil? Since KK oni give aft wk12, I c if can try get fr outside or ask dr for advanced prescription. Hmm....dunnoe cannot.

Heehee..... I oso bit kiasu since I heard fr u bb brain start develop so early...
Silsilly, how often do you go for ur scans? My gyne likes to schedule at 5 weeks intervals, even though I spot easily. Am so tempted to walk in to get a scan this week. Outwardly have u start feeling fetal movement? I get bubbling under my ribs and chest, too high to be the bb right? Ahhh, think I will get myself a scan next week, paranoid
Bbliss, these are the supplements pte gynae gave me:

1) ProLacta with DHA for Mother (to boost growth of fetus brain & help to supplement vit E)

2) Nature Cure Calcium gummy (500mg) -strawberry flavour for dietary requirements (my another preggy frd just told me its after her 14 weeks scan she realized how much calcium bb takes from her and she scared she not enough calcium to sustain so now then she starting to calcium tabs cuz she can't take milk) This gummy also available in pharmacy but think safer to check w gynae on dosage. For me now its 500mg but once hit 14 weeks have to increase to 1000mg from what I heard

3) Prenaforte Prenatal Formula - this is the one Dr Loh prescribes to all his patients once they reach 2nd tri also :D Haha this pte gynae is 'kiasu' so he said no harm starting early to get my vitamin & nutrients in order bcuz I told him I dun usually eat nutritiously although i try to. I mean sometimes I only get to eat chicken rice (hardly any veg) or noodle soup (hardly any proteins) so that's why he started me on these....

That's all :D Yeah gynae told me to start when I was about 5 weeks cuz he show me the pamphlet and told me that's why bb brain start to develop. I also realized that the preggy frd told me now she week 14, her gynae ask her eat more fish for her bb brain so now she realized she should have started early....

Hope this info helps! hehehehe Update us on your Friday scan too :D
Kimmy, but not all fish we can take right, due to high mercury content. Do u know which kind of fish we can take? I don't know which ones are deep-sea and not;) are you taking fish oil too?

For me maybe start listing down what to take, after my 6wk scan.. Looks like it's going to be quite a long list;)

You mentioned about going to go back to work? Me still idling at home, boredly;)

I felt flutters aredi.. But they are around my belly button.. It's right where the baby is la.. So cool..

I get scans every 4 weeks.. Everytime paranoid lor.. Thinking of getting a Doppler so that I can monitor baby Heartbeat..

If you are feeling very paranoid or worried, just go for a scan to ease your mind..

Waiting for 28 days to pass till the next visit is aredi very scary.. If I had to wait a week longer, I dunno how I would be.. Haha..
Yah not all fish we should take due to high mercury, u are right. That's why I take fish oil via DHA instead. Those are the good oils already. We can take those 'Chinese' fish cook with porridge, those fresh water fish, in farms...just rem. to avoid sharks fin, salmon, tuna, seabass, can't rem the rest for now but I know they are mostly western types of fish... the chinese steam ones like grouper can. :D

I mentioned I have some job offers recently. One is temp for 5 weeks and another may be full time and another part time. Still considering, hehe but counting my blessings as maybe God knows I need to increase my baby funds cuz once baby is out most likely I prefer not to work to spend more time... hehe. What do you usually do at home? Maybe when we more 'stable', we can go out gai gai.
Hi all, I don't ve good result. No hb detected. Saw sac and yolk only. Dr Loh said 50-50 chance. Next wk scan again. Haiz...
Kimmy, look forward to the gai gai session!

I see, so maybe i don't need to worry so much that i don't take much fish, just pop fish oil lor, hehe.. But i haven't bought any now, any recommendation?

Work part time will be good for you, not so demanding, right? For me, nothing much at home, just reading newspaper, watch korean drama (i just finished dong yi, if anyone wants to borrow ;)

currently my mum is still staying with me and she doesn't allow me to go out yet
which i know is for my own good, but i'm so bored already. Think next week i will try to 'escape' already, maybe find fish oil and bio oil.. Fish oil have to buy on your own right, won't be prescribed by doctor? I'm not sure what to expect during 6wk scan next fri, counting down..
Peko, oh no.. Could it be just the timing, maybe hcg not high enough until can see hb? i hope hb will be detected on next wk scan..

I just remembered something that my SIL encountered just a few days ago when she was at kkh.. It didn't exactly happen to her but to someone else who was in the same observation room as her in labor n delivery when she had diarrhea.. My SIL is okay by the way.. The patient beside her was accidentally prescribed a medicine she was allergic to from the pharmacy.. She got so bloated and swollen and the midwifes there had a very hard time trying to locate the baby's heartbeat.. She was then admitted because of the allergic reaction.. I remembered that you are allergic to some medicine too.. Please always remind them of your allergies.. Please remind them cos sometimes when people get too busy, they tend to overlook even the most important thing.. Medication allergy isn't a walk in the park.. It can cause anaphylactic shocks.. Just to share.. Pls take care..
Silsilly, thanks, I will definitely remind them again the next time I go down. Can't understand how as a hospital the staff is so screwed up in it's record. Even normal gp I just have to let them know once then it will be in the system.

Wow u v lucky to feel clear signs of ur bb moving
u feel that every time u touch ur tummy or on off?
Hi peko,
Oh no sorry to hear that. Maybe yr hb will pop out more clearly on scan next week! Late implantation so can only see sac and pole first? At least dr Loh said got chance means 50% battle won, now only need bb to coorperate ya... Hugs. Hope next week scan u tell us dr Loh found the hb!

Hi Ashley,
Haha ya can go gai gai! Fish oil I'm taking he prolacta with DHA for mothers as per the post I wrote to bbliss. My doc said that is the sufficient amt required for now so I juz take that once a day...

I woke up at 5am for my first vomit/ms but then I read elsewhere then even after week 8 also can get heavy menses. Sigh... Worries abound...
peko - how many weeks are u? my doc gave my boy till 8th week to see hb. she said some bbs are slower in development. my fertility doc is into D&C at 6th week. I am glad i took her advice and gave my boy 2 weeks. we saw hb at 8th week.
Good morning everyone, one more day to Friday!

Peko - can already see the sac & yolk, maybe just waiting for hb next week. Hope it will be good news at next scan.

Silsilly - very touching! Can't wait.

RiztC - glad to hear u are doing well too.

tzac - i think i will adopt your style. Every end of day is one day closer to scan. how are you coping taking care of your little one during this time?
Hi all,

No time to catch up with all the vomitting ( It makes me depressed!)

Kimmy: Dr loh said the same thing to me. About the ectopic pregnancy and how you cannot see it in the scan. I know he was telling me all the possible scenarios but it made me pretty scared.

Now i can't wait for week 13 cause vomiting all the time is simply depressing.
Hi Ron - just curious what support meds does Thomson provide?

Hi vann - ya scary right, now I also wanna just pass 1st tri scan. I hear already I was like ok... totally unexpected. And today is the start of my vommitting. How many times a day do u vomit? I'm either v early in morning or night time. So much for calling it morning!!!
morning everyone :)

peko, like what the sisters said in earlier posts, it may just be slow. do not worry too much though I know its easier said than done.
ron, u referring to my #1? feel quite bad tat cant spend much time with her as have been feeling unwell most of the time.

dun mean to be depressing here but read of few unfortunate cases tat i m getting worried as still hv not gone for the first scan yet..Did not know so many worries abound....
hi kimmy - Am on duphaston, folic acid, & crinone, & weekly progesterone jab - same meds as in 2ww. Nurse also said can continue any pre-natal vitamins for now, so continuing Conceive Well. Tot of upgrading to the Blackmore Pregnancy pills but decided wait for scan first, dun want to jump the gun..

err... i wondering if i can take long leave during m/s period coz i dun want to tell my office until week 12...

how do the MTB cope with the MS when in office if did not tell colleagues? Ours is unisex toilet some more

Tzac - ya, your sweetiepie#1
I see my SIL struggle to keep up with her #1 (2yo) as she was tired alot during the initial pregnancy when expecting #2, so was just wondering if u have help...
ron, lucky for me, she is old enuf but like i said, feel bad that i m not able to do vigourous play/games with her when she asked.. sorry but is this your first?? r u with dr cheng?
tzac - this is (hopefully) #1. Spent days "entertaining" the toddler when my SIL was preggers, my job as aunty was to make the boy tired, ends up this old Aunty konk out and he's still running around, so really respect mothers for their energy!

ya, with Dr Cheng @ TFC.

Have a nice day ladies. going to bring the nephew to bird park this afternoon,hope it doesn't rain...
Hi peko, talk to bb n ask he/she to jia you. Hope to hear good news next wk.

Hi Ron, hv a great outdoor trip with nephew.

Hi kimmy, mammil gold sweet or not? I dun like sweet one. My Ensure milk hv yet to finish, find it too sweet.

Hi all, Dr Loh only give me fish oil n prenaforte, is it enough?
hi summer, sorry for answering qn posed to kimmy but me drinking mammil gold too and find it ok, not very sweet :)
hi summer & tzac,
yah agree mamil gold is ok and I'm drinking vanilla which taste quite okay, not say very milky type of taste. Am gonna try chocolate soon haha just to make comparison.

Hi ron,
ms for me only hit in week 7.... so maybe by then you can request for additional leave from Dr? Possible? Some girls hit in week 6, some in week 8. And its tough to contain it I feel... today alone I was in a cab to the airport and i got out and ran to the loo right away and puke water. Then get some gummy sweets to help, then puke abit more water. Its crazy one. Then lunch time no appetite liaos. ...

Hi kimmy, ur ms start already? It's better to take small meal. Am lucky dun hv MS for #1 & now. Only backache.
Will try mammil gold after I finish my ensure milk.
