(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group


my dogs? still surviving..hbs still dun wanna put them to sleep.. bring my gal daily so as trial run like wat time we get out from house to reach in-laws place and go work hahaha every day also late like machiam activate war like tat rush like mad...faintz..wonder if we can both make it come monday when i start work????

haha for me we normally buy extra if there is sale of left around 10pcs then we stock up so there won't be any balance leftover. My sil buys petpet brand says its cheap wor..she says to calculate whether is worth to buy diaper is to use the total price divide by no. of pcs and if you gt $0.19 per pc then she'll buy..anything more than tat consider ex..faintz..hbs and i bochap her we just buy when we need or if sale lor like huggies ultra if sale works out to be $0.26 per pc and my sil says we siao one is too ex..even mammy poko she dun buy.
hi hi dear mummies,

mothercare got sale now, look for the post season sale is 50% off the usual price for selected long sleeve rompers, body suits and pJs. Got some today material very good
i got mine at centre pt branch.
Chris, my mum is like yr sil.... Say each diaper should b less Than 0.20. My mum will go sheng siong, ntuc, cold storage, giant to compare price for me. but she only limit herself seeing mamy poko or brands I say I like. Yr sil should buy ntuc brand la the cheapest. That's y my dad goes to Msia to buy for me.
Chris I must learn from u... Do lots of trial run. I can't b late for work if not system will reflect red and must give reasons!!!!
hahaha so your mammy poko works out to be less than $0.20 / per pc if you buy fr msia ah????

i went in the carters.com website ..very tempting but i find the baby gap and polo ralph baby more tempting le...heehee muz learn how to use vpost fast fast hahahaaa
Chris I m not gg to look. I told myself this mth I m buying clothes for myself. Mon u help me bang my IFC door to admit elis then I go learn and teach u heehee.. I dun know the per piece price. My mum say cheaper in Msia I juz give my dad ringgit and he buy lor.
Went to c my GP as she knows my history. She reassured me that the infection will not harm the fetus at this stage but she will not prescribe anything for it as for now cos I'm still at e early stage of pregnancy. Asked me to get the female hygiene wash n cut down on sugar intake. After consulting her, feel much better
been taking yoghurt this 2 weeks cos of constipation initially. Will continue to take it. Recommending this brand of yoghurt, called Yoplait. The rest of e brands esp Meiji has very high sugar content.
I love epidural... It is called happydural... I dont feel anything thru the whole process, when they tell me push, I push

Baby out after 3 push.. Hehe
Meryl, all house under NICU which has different categories! Did u scold dr Loh for not coming to see u earlier? He didn't read your email ah?

Btw, who is your pD? U chose one or dr Loh?
Congrat to u Meryl!!
It must be so great n happy to see ur bb!! Very touching moment right... Did they say bb need to be in special care for how long? Curious abt the tmc charges for bb in special care , can advise me or pm me so tt my hb can hv a rough guage of $ to set aside? Thk u n in the mean time.. Rest well!! Think ur bb is the best mothers day gift u ever get..;)
Meryl, u mean dr ong saw yr prince?? If he did means it's a long day for him. He has night clinic till 8.30pm on weds. By the time he saw u its like 1am!! Same long day for dr loh.... Really well done. 3 pushes. I dun know push how many freaking times! Think u should b up now cos dr ong drop by around 7.45am one of the earliest doc.... He is off on thurs afternoon so if u got question ask him today
Chris, tell yr sil, sheng siong selling huggies dry diapers-$14.95. Per pieces is $0.186875. Drypers is $31.95 for 2 packets. Per piece is $0.1775. Cheap right? My mum told my dad to buy huggies again. Now I have 200 over pieces at their house. My house also has about 200 pieces. Lao sai also no fear....
Ladies, straits times heard yr concern about constipation. Pls read pAge 14-17 of mind yr body today. Talk About the different types of stools, when must c doc, what r the different types of laxatives. Also in page 8 there is an article' chubby bb does not mean healthy bb'
Hi Catherine, I'm trying to recall was it your hubby who bought some baby items from UK and it was less costly and very good buys? Do you know which departmental/ baby stores to buy from?

Or was it Chris or Hazel's hubby....

My sister will be in London next month, so am thinking perhaps can ask her to help scout out a bit. Thanks!!
meryl...gratz....i agreed with u on epidural...haha

juvi, gd to hear that everything is fine for u now..are u gg back,to work soon?
Tromso, my hubby bought from mothercare uk and a shop I can't remember the name. Ya it's cheaper there given the exchange rate when he was there was only like 1.97. U can ask yr sis to buy from h&m too.
Hi Hazel, can't bear to scold him, he really stand by to help me deliver. Btw , he is very zhun, if he check dilation, he can tell u when baby will come out. Hahaha. By the way, Dr loh recommend Dr Ang Ai Tin, but Dr Ong was recommended by Dr Tham . Since Dr Ong has seen us, we stick to Dr Ong

Hi Catherine, the pd came, think baby will be in icu for ard 5-6days as the water bag burst for while before baby is out. As baby is preterm, the pd stands by during the delivery to see if baby is ok

Thanks Sisters for the well wishes.

Joanne, will let u know once I have the bills.
Meryl, Congrats! :) You must be very eager to see your baby!!

My babies' weights have dropped by 10 %, was told by the docs that it's normal....haiii...another 1-2 more weeks to go waiting for them to put on weight!
Hi may its normal my bb weight drop initially but picked up after she was warded for phototherapy

Hi Meryl, rest well. R u gg to breast feed?? how do u find dr ong so far? When u r discharge dr ong will tell u when to bring bb for check. Call his clinic immediately and get a slot even though u have priority.

Hi hazel, The dr ong referred here is dr ong Woon hong. There r 2 external pd seeing tmc patients. The other dr ong has a clinic at mt a. Elis saw both dr ong when she was warded. The other dr ong is my fren bb pd and she dun like him. Long q at clinic and no one answer phone. Elis is now with dr ong Woon hong. Charges v v v v vv reasonable and v friendly pd.
May, new born will lose water the first few days after birth. But after 1 wk, they will start to put on abt 200g a wk! No worry ok. Wats more impt is that they r healthy!
Meryl, hv u seen your bb at NICU? Bb girl right? That time, we were told to go first floor to make a deposit for NICU charges. Over there, we were also told how much it will cost per day.
Catherine, there is another PD at Tiong bahru that always go TMC too.. Dunno is is mentioned here or another link. That's my hub's cousin. He always call him Edmund.. Not sure his surname. U heard of?
Hazel, nope din hear b4. My colleague bb is seeing one at tiong bahru too not sure if that's yr hub cousin. Heard v long q. I like dr ong clinic cos its v spacious and he has lots of fishes. Elis likes the fishes there.
All mummies, wishing u an advance happy mother's day!!! Though we already hv gotten the best gift, do enjoy that special day with your family!
Congrats Meryl
yo, have a good rest and eat more nutrious food. are u breastfeeding huh?u managed to get the single bedded room?
hi hazel, chris baby, cat, kimmy, bbliss,

jus wan to ask whether is CTG compulsory after week 34 huh? or depends on gynae? cos i hrd my fren told me if you notice in dip in baby movements, the gynae will ask you to do CTG.

as the D day coming near, aniexty tends to build up hehehehe ...not sure whether you all have experience these jitters hahahaha
Sunbelle, bb's well being is better monitored by ctg than thru scan. But, is always the call of the dr to decide if ctg is needed. U can ask dr loh if it is necessary. So, when is ctg necessary in third tri? Circumstances like, bb is not gaining much weight, poor blood flow, low fluid. Etc which can be detects thru scans, or, mummy's instinct that something is not right, eg dip in bb movements, constant violent movements of bbs which r not there previously, etc.

B'coz of my previous loss, dr loh did think of doing ctg for me, at abt 32wks, but then, when he saw that bb is gaining weight v well, lots of fluid, etc from scan, he called it off. Initially, he was worried when I told her belle rarely moved alot & had nv kicked me hard to wake me. But after scan, he said I anyhow scare him. Ctg takes time, minimum 30mins.. If bb is uncooperative n moves a lot, may even take longer.

Dr loh is very accurate one. Like wat Meryl shard earlier, fr the dilation he can tell when bb will be out. For me, i always ask him if I can natural delivery, dun wan end up emergency c section. He always assured me, he dun think I hv a problem. Even when I was admitted into tmc, I asked him when bb will arrive after he forced my cervix to open 4cm he was spot on... ESP when 4 cm to 10cm can take 1-2 hrs to 6 hrs or more!

Anxiety to see bb? Or the sleepless nights n loss of freedomahead? :p
Anyway, we all hv come so far, if u feel not right or uneasy, just walk into his clinic. It may not be anything, or it May be bb is arriving, just put yourself at ease.
hi hazel,

think you know me best hehe nuttin escapes your sharp eyes hehehe
even though we havent meet each other hahahah ...great that u share so many useful information on ctg hhehee

yes, you are right, dr loh did say that i might have c-sec cos my baby hasnt turn yet. i trust his judgement too. so i leave this impt decision to him as i felt the baby wellbeing is most impt.

sleepless nights is one tin which i felt fear most cos all along i been sleeping like a pig
hahaha i am a good sleeper and also love sleep ehhhehehe at the same time you r rite, i am anxious to see baby too hehehe
hi baby journey, think most fish essence are made from snakehead essence leh. Better avoid for the skin to heal nicely.

Hi Chris baby, time flies. Wow you are going back to work soon. is a good sign that clariss is growing up healthily n steadily. guess definitely you will she bu de in the initial period. mi so happy playing with my fren's baby gal n when the baby gal of 5 mths smile, my heart melt hahaha
Sunbelle, I also need to sleepy Alot type! I tried expressing BM in the middle of the night in the first mth, cannot take it meh.. So after a few days, I just sleep thru the night! :p

After cL left, it was really tiring but I got to sleep in the afternoon when my mum took over taking care of belle. The 2nd mth was tough as belle kept crying coz of colic n thus dun sleep much during the day. We tried all ways, inclu Yao LAN also useless. Though now is much better as belle will sleep thru till abt 5am for her feed. But I stil feel tired despite that my mum still helps me to take care of her in the afternoon..
Can't imagine how tired I will be when I go bk to work as I can't rest in the PM anymore..

My body is aching everywhere from the carrying n rocking of belle.. Even, my feet arch hurt after a big of walking..It nv seem to recover.. Now I m at the massage Palour again coz these few wks didn't come, body aching even more,,,

How I wish time can fly faster to belle is 3-4 yrs old!! :p
Tromso, there's also a shop call Primark at Marble Arch (very near the main road of Marble Arch tube station), they sell clothes quite cheap, especially good for baby clothes since they grow so fast.

There's also another branch at Hammersmith but Marble Arch is easier cos near Oxford St.
Hazel, when belle is 3-4 yrs old they run we also must run even faster. That's worse for me. Like u now my shoulder and neck r aching. Knee is painful. I have made an appt to see my doc at sgh. I dun hope that he tell me my condition has deteriorate though I felt it. This Sunday i m gg for massage. Bringing elis along. Heehee. Happy mothers day to u too. Hubby celebrating for u? How I wish elis can make me a nice breakfast or a card....
Hi Catherine, thx for e 问候. Past few days been bit dramatic. Dh felt tat I being to shw signs of post natal depression as there once I lost my cool n started scolding my gal (which i cant control coz all e while i dun bear) n there were days I cried while feeding n coaxing her. Dh tink I over tired n suggested I take a brk n asked mi to bring gal to my mum place so tat I can rest. So these 2 days, I m bk my mum place wif my gal. My mum helping mi wif nite duty. So nw emo wise kinda feeling better....

Sunbelle- I was asked to do ctg by dr as anmotic fluid was low n was eventually asked to induce. Ctg will be advised by dr so no worries.
Bbliss, I always scold elis .... Haha if i felt bad I say sorry to her the next day. I m juz thankful my mum comes by every evening and morning b4 she goes to work. At least an hour breather for me b4 she goes home. When my princess is hard to handle I also cry with her... Haha now I cry bcos I dun wish that my ml ends so fast... No 24x7 bonding with her... Well relax and enjoy yr bonding with yr darling princess
Hi butters, thanks for the info, I'll have a look online
I'm actually hoping to get other baby supplies there cos we already have many baby clothes fr my niece.

For example, the netted cot bumper is $80+ here (always not on sale, dunno why) but only about S$50 there, baby monitor is about half price (same brand), cot blanket (those with holes) are very pricey here too. Even the sleepsuits there are half the prices. I've also checked the prices in Australia cos sis will be going over in Aug, still cheaper than what we can get here during sale and better quality. It's just very puzzling why baby items are so pricey in Singapore

If only sis can help get carseat and stroller from overseas too, heee.....same brand but few hundreds cheaper. But for now, will depend on her help for light and small items only.
Tromso, Ya agree that baby stuff are quite expensive in Sin. But my hubby travels quite a bit so I usually give him a shopping list when he is overseas. Got a bunch of stuff from the States and Oz recently. But bigger items have to get in Sin like you said. Now trying to see where can get Manduca carrier cheaper in Europe that is easily accessible.

For other baby supplies, you can try Boots online. You then have the option of picking up the items you ordered at whichever Boots store nearer to where your sis is staying or just send to the add where she is staying. They usually have some 3for2 deals or some sort of bargains or sales. Plus can get tax rebate but I can't remember what is the min amt.

Meryl, congrats on your smooth delivery!

Babyjourney, forgot to update you. I am not doing cerlage this sun already. Decided not after some considerations.
