(2012/12) Dec 2012

Cordyceps is actually to bu lungs, and it will help build a stronger BB. This is what TMC told me lah. It's even better than taking bird nest. Bird nest take too much may cause phlegm in BB i think.

bird nest take too much can cause bb skin prob too.. agak everything in moderate shd be fine..
I haven't popped in for a long long time!

Just on the topic on cordyceps, same as JAJ, I took once a week/fortnight during the 2nd and 3rd trimester. And my son has got really powerful lungs. Everyone can remember him in TMC, even the PD, cos his cries were so loud. Even up to now, he also cries very loud until we cannot take it. Haha.
Hi ladies,

Supposed to see my gynae tomorrow but suddenly got discharge this afternoon. So rushed down to see gynae today instead.

Lucky my "peanut" is ok...So happy to see and hear it's heartbeat, and first time seeing it move!

Given injection and took blood, now have to wait for oscar test 2 weeks later before I can see my peanut again..
cherry83 - when i first went to the gynae, i thought i was already in my 6 weeks. Turned out that I am barely in 5th week. One week later, I went back, I barely entered 6th week but the good thing was heartbeat could be detected. It was only on my 3rd visit, my little beanie sped up in growth and that was when my EDD was fixed. So do not worry about too much, so long ur beanie is growing, u have no pain or cramp or discharge, ur pregnancy is still healthy.

So u could see, edd from my LMP is about 1-2 weeks earlier from my scan LMP. Both my gynae and hb think the scan EDD is more accurate than based on LMP.
sasayeo -glad that everything is well with u. Yup, the jab at the butt left me quite sore for a few days. Rest more.

Glad that everything is ok! I also got a jab but at the side of my thigh..Now also very pain!

My gynae say my bb very notti cos hide in one corner....Hahha
sasayeo: glad that everything is fine.. I had the jab also alternate days when I was in hosp.. its sooo painful that i cant sleep on that side.. hehe..

LMP not very zhun de.. cos some ovulate early, some late.. so based on scan and size is more accurate..
ladies, for TCM, actually i think it is ok to eat moderately but i suggest you all go see a TCM so that they can prescribe accordingly to each of our health requirements..

from 2nd trimester, we can actually start to see TCM to "bu" for us and baby liao =)
Thank you..

But for late ovulation, bb will still grow healthy right? No premature case or anything bad right?
sasayeo: I didn't follow your earlier posts but I read that doctor gave you bed rest? In that case, better wait until things are more stable before you take the tonic stuff. I started taking towards the middle/end of 2nd trimester. You can boil cordyceps with pork. You can ask the medical hall also when you buy the cordyceps from them.

kidomum: Funny as it may sound (I try to inject some humor), every word is true. PD told me last time that my son was very angry when the nurses did the hearing test on him, he cried so loud that the nurses didn't dare to do anything to him.
Thanks all for clarifying on the cordyceps. my MIL is very generous but she will get angry if we turn her down which is why i am checking haha. I already pissed her off once when she gave me some funny "grandma" secret tonic in the 2nd mth and I said no. So this time she spent so much i dun dare to defy her again wait she withhold the birdnest also haha

<font color="0000ff">sasayeo</font> glad you are fine. I am still doing 3 jabs a week that my bums are now rock hard and painful everyday.
hopefully can stop soon
Lil Olive, can fully apppreciate what you mean. My MIL also tends to use herbs in her soups and for my first preg, I tend to avoid drinking those because I wasn't sure whether it would be ok. And she would also boil birds nest with lots of pao sheng which I wasn't sure whether can take or not. But it is all coming from their good intentions. But for some herbs e.g. ginseng/pao sheng, it is best not to consume too close to delivery as I have read last time...
cherry83, if u ovulate late but u conceive on ovulation, also can have chance of boy lah..

unless u ovulate late and conceive late =P

my #1 is a girl =)
mama ling, i also heard from my TMC that some herbs will cause contraction.. i can't remember, i think is dang gui and american ginseng or something.. so better check ..

also bitter gourd also will also womb to contract so better dun take ok.
Actually I thought dang gui is a no no when we are pregnant? American ginseng is to bu qi, but I read that it may lead to excessive blood loss so it is better to avoid close to delivery.

Oh didnt know bitter gourd will cause womb to contract. Have been eating that occasionally. I suppose it might be too liang also?
Wow.. today then i know cannot eat bitter gourd!

Then i better avoid them for my yong tau foo! I still thought they are "healthy" hmm..
my hb also forbids me from eating salted veg. he said those are "liang" veg too.

xta - I still eat one piece of bitter gourd if I'm eating YTF. But I dun eat YTF frequent (cos always long queue).
glad to hear that BB is safe, sasayeo. Rest more and don't walk too much.

Mama Ling, my boy also came out with very loud cries!! Mouth open big big! lol...

Yaya, dang gui is a No No! American ginseng also better don't eat but pao sheng abit is okay to ease your tiredness.
ya man I love bittergourd too. Last friday was my wedding anni so I ate a pc of foie gras although i know not suppose to. So shiok!
purplewish80: Yah Kenneth Lee is funny, I like that he is very chatty and forthright. I'm opting for natural, no epidural. How come you are having C-sect?
xta - thanks for sharing. I was feeling nauseaous but feel better after i looked at the food planner.

Going to eat more wholemeal bread n green veg.

kidomum - oops... think i better avoid the bitter gourd.
I am printing out the trimester 2 meal plan now lol...

The meal plan looks good in highlighting the foods rich in the necessary nutrients for our growing bb!
Babycenter's 2nd trimester meal plan contains bittergourd (week 2 meal, Sunday dinner).

Actually I believe in listening to the body. Apart from those foods that are a definite no-no (such as liver), most other foods should be OK.
joyce, i think if it's just 1, 2 pieces from yong tau fu, i think should be ok..

but if it's drinking juice type, then maybe too excessive .. =)

Ya lor, me kenah jab today cos got brownish discharge. Scare the wits out of me when I go to the toilet. Called hubby and he rushed back home from work and send me to my gynae.

Lucky everything is ok with my peanut..By the way, I meeting ur sis for lunch tomorrow... Hehe
Joyce: Cos my 1st 2 all are c sect... #1 cos low placenta, for #2 dr lee say let me try natural.. but last min got so complications so he adviced me better dun.. so LL go c sect.. #3 duno if he will advice me natural anot... if really cant then bo bian.. go cut again.

He is super chatty and joker... Feel no pressure with him... unlike #1 is with Dr adrian woodworth..
My Tcm said cordyceps can only be taken after the first trimester. Can cook with soup or can be made into powder. Just take small scoop.

My gynae told me 4 NOs to preggie women - ginseng, pineapple, alcohol and raw food.
My EDD is 25th December and honestly, I am shit scared about delivering. Suffering a lot for the past 10 weeks and am having so much of fear and feeling extremely down all the time.
purplewish80: How come you switched from Woodworth to Lee? BTW where do you stay? Must be serangoon/hougang/sengkang area right, since both woodworth and lee are nearby. I'm in serangoon.

Kongkong: Mine has always been acid and water/phlegm. Did you eat anything out of the ordinary today, or do you think it is just the usual worsening of morning sickness before it becomes better?

Kidomum: Bittergourd juice nice? :X I've been avoiding coconut, pineapple, some special species of banana, stingray, raw fish, and prata houses (coz unhygienic...)

Daphne: First trimester will be over for us soon! I met a friend who is 8 months pregnant, she told me she suffered from morning sickness constantly but ONE FINE DAY, sometime in 3.5mth mark, she woke up and the morning sickness symptoms were all gone. I'm waiting for that day.
Anyone experiencing a constricting feeling around their neck, near the front of their throats?

I didn't use to feel it till last weekend, when I retched quite badly and puked a little. Now the feeling is constant.
Joyce: thanks for being here

My 1st puke of orange juice started onli on thus, follow by today which is acid. So this puke is the 1st time I puke out food. I'm scare, for fear it may be the start of my morning sickness..

I don't even know if I can take in any more food a not. The most food intake has been vomited out by me. I'm scare of such feeling again
Joyce: actually my #1 is help frm Lee de.. But tat time I think Mt A is abit far for me n I didn't know he has a clinic at marsiling.. I stay by panjang.. So choose Adrian at cck.. But after my MC in 2008 he didn't help me much n find tat his service is not as gd as b4 so decided to stop seeing him n went back to Lee..
Joyce : Thanks for the encouragement. It's been really really tough and very depressing. Did u experience the same thing?

Kong : yes I'm working but was admitted to Mt A about two weeks ago and put on drips. I didn't eat or drink for about three days straight then and nearly collapsed at home. The only water I drank those few days was like half a cup just to swallow my folic acid. So I'm still on hospitalization leave.
Kong, my mom told me to try to avoid the sour and acidic fruits or food if we have nausea problems cos that sort of food will just increase the acid and when you puke it will be a lot worse.
snowen - oh dear! hope everything is ok with you.

Daph - yes, i think those sour things make MS worse. Hope u have at least some appetite back.

Kong Kong - I'm counting down to 2nd trimester but like very far away... Sigh!
