(2012/12) Dec 2012

@sasayeo? Needle and thread? u mean gender prediction or what?

Talk about sewing.. ytd i was helping my customers to punch some buttons on returned clothes.. my MIL say i cannot offer such services till next yr liao =.= then ask my hub come punch for me @.@ I thought the pantang is on sewing or cutting on bed? I was doing it in the living room floor and PUNCHING buttons nia =.=

For me, #2 will go IFC and #1 to CC by next April. I am planning to return to work in April, ML should end around mid March, so will take 1-2 more weeks of leaves have a full March at home with #2.

I used to let my mil took care of #1 for 6 mths and end up with huge conflicts, so learnt my lesson, not going to let my mil looks after again. It's so difficult to say your mil if you are unhappy abt anything. Even if you say her it might not change her as they think they are more experience than you and they always think their method is right. Never care about what the mother really wish how her own bb is to be taken care of. Unless you have a very good mil, I won't encourage ppl to leave bb to mil's care. Or the mother just have to learn how to close one eye and endure. I can't close one eye when I see things myself, so no choice.
xta, i think better get confirmation... usually if she's staying with you, naturally she should be the one i guess..

what about your confinement? who's doing for u?
Confinement i have in laws staying with me + my Mum staying opp street... 2 sets of mum i think is enough. Anyway i don't need to do chores so i just focus on baby. Planning to Bf, so i still have to DIY every 2 hours feeds and nappy change.

Already told my hub to take night duty since he pa game till wee hours everyday, i tell him to keep it up as i "bought him a new game that is coming soon in Dec so please level up and pa your new game till day break!" lol.....

Yar.. gonna force my hub to get an answer.. cos my mum dun mind to help me look after, but also need to plan how she want to shift her tuition jobs or i can ask my neighbour to take care.. but must book early la!
Good Morning to all

not logged in for some time as m still coping with morning sickness.. hopefully to see tunnel light soon! m in my 12 weeks!

personally not much luck with maids! if i can do without one, i'll choose to go without but my mum will have hard time coping with housework and #1.. my new maid will b here tmr.. praying hard this one will finished her contract.. got all sorts of annoying indo maids in the past.
kidomum, I already pre-informed my #1's IFC that I will put his sibling in the same IFC since my #1 is happy there. I just haven't place my deposit coz I don't know if it's too early to place deposit b4 everything is confirmed safe for #2. It's easier for sibling to go into the same IFC as #1, so I am not so worry. Just like in future for pri school, #2 will sure get a place of #1's school. Have priority for sibling. Those who need to worry are those having #1 in dragon year, right?
I will be putting in ifc as well. How long advance must we inform the ifc? Cos my hubby went to enquire and they told him its still too early for us yet and told us to return after baby is born and bring baby along to tour the place but Im worried that by then there will not be vacancy left.
doing my oscar scan next week, will know results immediately as have done my blood test when in my 10th weeks..

getting alittle worried how the results will turned out and with the new maid... really hope everything will turned out well or at least norm..
angel9, it takes 2 hands to clap. so no matter indo or filipino, its the same.

Luckily i dun have the prob of moms fighting to take care of my kids as my mil out right says she dun wan to take care for me. Anyway my mil dunno how to take care of bb. Both my hubby and bil are brought up by their granny. There was once my mil wanna be helpful and wanna help me change the diaper of #1. Guess what she did? She put newspaper on the floor and almost gg place #1 on it when i saw it! Phew..
Joyce: you r a good mummy wor. insist to take unpaid leave to take care till bb is older.
Dr Lim not that bad, but i guess she got lots of mummy to take care, so abit 'cool' when talking. So if u wan those very caring, talk alot to you, i think not that suitable. But her nurse is very friendly & very experience. I love talking to her whenever i go for checkup.
I am also grappling with the arrangements for #2. #1 is now in childcare as he is now coming to 30 months. Deciding between a helper, IFC or nanny. Helper comes with its set of issues. Between IFC and nanny, most of you seem to favor IFC. Any reason? I am worried that they are prone to viruses e.g. HFMD etc at the IFC. Plus I would expect the IFCs to have long waiting lists as the childcare centre that my #1 goes to does not have IFC. Nanny seems to be a good option but quite difficult to find good nannies in a new estate. Plus housework will be a challenge too without a helper at home.
Littleantz: Good to hear... initially I wanted to check out Dr Lim's clinic, in the end settled with Dr Kenneth Lee recommended by a friend, also in Mt A.

Idk leh, coz it's my first baby, I stay with my inlaws but my MIL say she's too old to help take care, quite unwilling to. I was brought up by my grandparents, both my parents work full time. Then now when I think back to when I was younger, I only remember times spent with my grandparents, very little good memories with my mom especially coz I have a younger sister only 1.5years younger, and since she was born my mom seldom was there for me already. Kinda don't want my children to end up with the same childhood memories.
But i feel that filipino maid are too clever than indo maid wor. Mayb filipino maid are more educated.
I dono but my uncle encounter a filipino maid. She is too clever that she thought can trick my uncle. My uncle decide to send her back, den she still wanna try to steal my cousin toys & pocketmoney. Pants belt area thicker cloth & is conbine of 2pcs, she cut a hole & stuff all the coins around the belt area & left with my uncle. My uncle sense something wrong why her pants keep dropping. Den luggage put 2 of my cousin dolls.
Btw how did lunch on 12Jun go, for those who attended?

So sad, I couldn't make lunch, and am going to miss 14Jul gathering coz that weekend I'm planning to go babymooning.
Suntan: Your MIL power... My hub also brought up by his grandma, don't think MIL got much experience that's why she hesitating.

Mama ling: I personally think IFC is better, as they have some kind of learning programs and curriculum one? That's why have to pay more ba?
Littleantz, thats how i feel too, thats y in the end i decided to take the risk and go with indo maid.

Joyce, lunch was good! had a great time chatting with the mommies. where you going for your babymoon?

The taking care of kids for me is settle, but now i am fan on the sleeping arrangement at night. As my house only got 2 rooms (my maid is sleeping in the other room), so me, hubby and both kids gg to sleep in 1 room. #1 is a super light sleeper. So i scare if #2 cries, #1 will wake up and vice versa. And i dun wan my kids to zz with the maid. Fan ahhh...
Hi mummies,
Sorry to intrude. Bought too many and selling now.

Desitin Diaper Rash Maximum Strength Original Paste 4 oz (PURPLE)

Exp - 11/2013

selling $7 exclud mail.
Please PM me. Have a great day.
Sun_tan, but like tat very sad leh... YOu all whole family squeeze in one room and your maid so gd life get the whole room by herself!
JAJ - how nice you have a place in IFC.

The IFCs i enquire have a long list of waiting list. I think no chance for me. I don't have much option now. Is either IFC or I look after myself.

sun_tan - then what about the confinement nanny? where is she sleeping?

I think during confinement month, confinement nanny will sleep with NB in another room. Then get the maid to sleep in study room. I sleep with hb n #1 in MBR.

After confinement month, HB sleeps with #1 in MBR, I go sleep with #2 in another room. maid no choice, has to sleep in study room.

mamaling - I think both IFC n nanny has its own pros and cons. Nanny is good if u know her personally.


Lunch time approaching.

what's for lunch?
Actually I have another question for SAHM.

I always wonder what will happen when your kids grow up. Do you plan to return workforce?

For my industry which is so niche, I think if I become a SAHM, I probaby have to switch line. And my company makes it such that with NPL, you are as good as starting from ground zero again. Which I feel that I have wasted all my efforts all these years.
Pommes: Huh the ifc u went to already got long waiting list?? The one I went to told me too early and ask me to go back again when I delivered! Im scare by then no vacancies!
snowing - i'm looking ard my place which is Clementi area and also around my work place which is like holland, buona vista areas. Either no IFC or IFCs with long waiting list.

Pommes, I think another way from you. I'm worry that if I work for my whole life and miss bb growing up stages and lessen the time to be with them. As all of you know when our kid becomes teengage they will not want to stay at hm so much le, they will prefer to be with friends more and after they marry and set up own family they will move out and we will have lesser time for each other. Don't you find by then if you plan to retire but kids all grown up and you are back to lonely life again? So sad loh. Whereas change line is nothing, since we just need job to earn money to survive. Our life is not about work, but more importantly about our personal life and family. I really scare to miss out whole of my kids childhood. I'm hoping to be able to be SAHM at least for few yrs when my #1 goes pri school. As I also don't want him to spend his whole childhood at childcare/student care. like so poor thing.
snowing, still ok cos my room is 2 rooms combine into 1 so its bigger than usual. But just that with everyone in 1 room, 1 cry, all wake up. -_-"

Pommes, my plan is for nb, confinement nanny and maid to zzz in 1 room. Might ask my maid if she prefers to zz in the hall for that 1 mth, if not she might get waken up by the crying baby. I will leave it to her to decide. But if i manage to latch successfully, then nb would be sleeping with me and not with my CL. So see how it goes.
indo maid also capable of sneaking things ard.. i had a maid, came to my place without hp but when she run away on 2nd day, she had hp with her... *scary*

btw, indo maid will have the mentality of doing funny "black magic" on employer..

one thing abt indo maid, you have to tell them "do not squeeze their menses from the sanitary pad" *disgusting*
yes it takes 2 hands to clap. but it does not help when your hands are full with the kids and house management, and there is a maid there trying to steal your husband.
sure, the husband can try to avoid the maid or do his best to not be swayed by her.
but in the end, it gets awkward, you don't know what the maid will do, or what will happen...
and in the end, men are men.... they are not enuchs...
Hello mummies,
Its been a few days since i logged in.

Joyce: I tried the chart that u posted. it showed boy. but jus to double check i did a prediction according to my #1. It showed Girl! When i actually had a BOY!!! Now my totally confused...

Went for my Oscar scan on tuesday. Results were good. The risk is low. And baby is doing fine. So relieved.

Now have to wait for another month b4 we see baby. Meanwhile, preparing to go on my holiday tmr evening.
bloom, yucks thats disgusting! squeeze menses from pad? :x

angel9, then in my opinion, that man is not worth keeping. Get a super ugly maid? lol.. well in the end, i guess then it all boils down to luck on whether you manage to get a good maid bah. So whats your arrangement for childcare?
mama_ling, thks I already felt so much better.
Already decided to stay cheerful so tat my bb will feel happy too
dun wan to be upset over this type of employers.

Anyway just receive phone call from MOM, that they will forward my case to the respective dept to see if they wan to take up my case.
JLJ, jiayou and good luck! I am sure there would be justice. They will have bad karma for it! Same goes to my ex-employer.
JLJ, glad that you are feeling better. Our moods do affect our babies. For instance, for my #1, I used to get frustrated/impatient at work, and it shows up in his impatient & stubborn character now. I also hanged around a lot with a friend whose kids laughed a lot, and my boy is also very happy and cheerful, most of the time. So now, no matter how frustrated or angry I am now, I still try to keep my composure and smile.
Selvi: The chart only for reference, not very precise. For example, my husband is supposed to be a girl. I think maybe coz he was born 30th of the month, so maybe it's a bit off? Anyways, so far quite accurate, about 80% accurate for all the people I tried it on are correct. But sure got 20%. We try see the chart how accurate for us
JLJ: Sometimes when something bad happens to us, we might feel sad/ affected at that point in time. But a few months or years later, you might come to think, eh actually it was a blessing in disguise. All the best to your appeal, have faith that things will turn out well! I got retrenched from my last job, at that point in time I was so affected by it, but now on hindsight, my current job is so much better for raising a family. If I had stayed on in previous job, I wouldn't have been able to start a family.

Cheer up!!
joyce - haha... if i really quit, i will go back to do my piano teaching. miss giving piano lesson to little kids. In fact, i miss playing my piano and violin. sad ah...

I'm a SAHM too. I don't intend to return to the workforce after kids are all grown up. It was not an option when i left my job after i conceived my #1. Now that #2 is coming, I think my hands will be full running around. Keeping a positive thought that as the kids grow and have their own life, i'll have more time with hubby.
wow so nice. i always hope i can dun work too. every morn i wake up i will ask my hubby: can i dun go to work??? lols. especially now cos i'm forever tired.
Joyce, so true. I sacked my boss back in apr. Now I am with another Co. So far so good for this Co. Less stressful.

Pommes, then go back to your passion! I have a fren who is a full time piano teacher. She is teaching at her own home so that she can be with her gal. Earnings quite good too.
actually i very peifu the SAHM. Really not easy to do it. I feel that its more tiring and hardwork than going to work.
Pommes: Go back to teaching piano and violin! Btw do you teach adults? I'm learning the violin now, but haven't found a teacher/sch. Just started only, attended 3 groupon lessons so far. What are ur charges and where do u stay?
I admire you SAHMs !
For me, I can't.. I thought of being one before. But when I take care of my #1 during my maternity leave all on my own, I gave up the idea.

Re maids, seems that its really a matter of heng, suay to find a good one..

angel9, why on earth would a husband be tempted by a maid?? if that is the case, the man is not worth..
u are lucky that u are SAHM, not all has the option to stay hm.

Sun_tan, definitely the tot of it is yuckie.. so i will make it a point to highlight to my maid theat no black magic here.. n i ensure that they will put on gloves esp when cutting fresh fruits.. ur maid does the cooking?
