(2012/12) Dec 2012

I think i must be crazy! Was very bored thus went to look into other threads and i saw this thread "support group for stillbirth"...wrong move...was crying away.. really very sad. Makes me worried too. no matter #2 is boy or girl, as long as healthy and full term, i am contended..
sun_tan: I paid $40 for 45min massage. i think its usually $40 for 1hr massage but mdm ida said if its head and shoulders massage, cannot do for too long.. 45 min is more than enough.
Hi all,

I'm expecting my #2 in mid dec. Been silently reading but din come in cos my Gynae suspected blighted ovum. Finally saw my "clam" today with strong heartbeat. Phew!

A bit fearful now cos I suffered from hyperemesis for #1 & it started ard 6weeks. So scared to go thru it agn while having to look after #1.
Alamak sun tan.. please stop reading. I also got carried away and read too much last week on mid pregnancy termination due to Oscar >.<
I, too, was reading the stillborn thread &amp; scaring myself silly the past weeks.

Xta, I'm supposed to be 7.5 weeks but Gynae say I ovulate late so now 6.5weeks. My edd is 3jan2013 but as I'm opting for csect so anytime after 13dec can bring bb out
me too watching youtube on stillborn -_-
btw just now i had a fall
but tummy didnt feel pain or any discomfort at all, baby should be alright??
Hi mummies went for my first visit to the my gynae to confirm my pregnancy today. I'm into 9 weeks 3 days now. edd is 14 dec but may not be accurate cuz can't rem my last menses date. Took so long after testing positive at home cuz I was in self-denial mode for 1 weeks plus (couldn't believe it) and last Monday finally called my gynae to book the nurse told me whole week was fully booked!! Then today my gynae dropped a bombshell. She's gonna be away for two weeks in dec so the cover doctor may deliver instead!

Oscar test slated for 6th June also fully booked. The nurse told me to "walk in" at 8am!!

I don't rem it was so packed when I had my son who's born in the year of the tiger. Super dilemma now. Should I stick to my gynae or use someone else? Heng my previous confinement lady happens to be available. Haizzz
Queque: I think if got choice, I rather my baby to be Jan baby, very stressful to fight with all the dragons for childcare and schools ah!

My hub still ask me can wait till jan or not ...zzz

Mi_baby: no cramp no spotting should be ok.. I also keep knock here and there..
Xta@ I share the same sentiments. I'd rather have a jan baby. So stressful to have year end dragon babies. By the time they go to school they will be a few months younger than their peers. My hubby is a dec baby so he said he can attest to it!
Cherie: maybe u should change gynae? I think delivering is quite crucial and should be someone u trust.

Is this ur #2 or #3? Why the self denial?
Xta@ my second one.. Haha cuz wasn't really expecting to have a second one so soon..finally when my son can run and speak a few words the thought of going thru labor pains/confinement/waking up at night etc is a bit scary..
cherrie77 - how old is ur #1? I am still quite surreal abt my pregnancy. Din expect to happen at all.

I would change gynae and have the same gynae that follow throughout the pregnancy and deliver the bb.
Cherrie77, my #1 is a tiger baby too!

My #1 is via csect so #2 will follow. Not possible to have jan bb cos Gynae will not do csect so near to edd date. Anyway I'm a dec bb myself &amp; I've never felt any diff or pressure in school compared to my peers. School wise my #2 will go wherever my tiger bb is in at tt time so shld be fine
morning ladies,

May and beeryjay, my gynae's antental package fee is $550 (before GST) and starts from 16 weeks onwards. Normal delivery is $1k, assisted delivery is $1.4k.
Agree with queque, my #1 also tiger baby. By then, #2 will have priority cos elder sibling alr in the school.

cherrie, can understand how you feel. Its time when we can finally sleep through the nite without waking up much, and now we gg to go thru all the horror again. wahhaha but i consol myself by thinking that, better to get over and done with. If not, if wait for a few yrs more, even more nuah and maybe by then wont wanna have #2 anymore.
Sad liao lor.. my #1 is dragon... can't imagine the madness especially for P1! Hopefully the 2 primary sch within walking distance has enough vacancies lor!

But seriously lack of pre sch centres in my area... my niece tiger baby still on waiting list for playgroup even =.=
I went to register for #1's N1 (for next jan's class) back in March. Hubby went at 6am+ to Q when the school only opens at 9am. And he was alr 12th in line. My fren sent her bangala to help her Q over night. We still suan her say she very KS, but to our surprise, there are alr alot of parents alr queueing outside the school overnight! These are normal pre-school. Nothing special about the school and its tiger year,alr so hard to get a place.
wah.. i peeped at the learning vision beside my office.. infant care $1600, child care $1200... FAINTS......
kidomum,maybe u have learnt to control ur bloatedness??? im feeling worse than before, and my morning sickness is persistent.. i'm already in week 11 so why am i still feeling terrible?
Hmmm....... i can button back my pants now. Maybe our body has slightly adapted to the change?

But i am feeling very very very low energy........ once i reach home i will start dozing liao..
xta, i feel so too.. recently tummy not as hard as few weeks ago.. some pants can button back too..

JLJ, i still get tired but better than few weeks ago too.. but i still try to control what i eat and avoid oily and fried food to prevent nauseousness and pukiness..
kidomum, for proper meals i did control but i always craving for ice cream.

sasayeo, i have alot of gas too. *blush* but i realize yakult helps me in digestion.
I'm looking for IFC cos my mum not v keen to help with #2. But IFC now v hot, enquire also won't get back to me. Do I really have to take NPL? sigh!

My energy level is at all times low now. Though second pregnancy will be easier, turns out to be more difficult than first. I still have 6 more weeks to 2nd trimester!
morning mommies!
me too feel less bloated compared to last week.
still feeling nauseous though.. 2.5weeks to 2nd trimester.. jiayou!
everyday my hub look at me and ask me why i become so fat ah? zZzzz.. but my weight still the same. maybe face bloat haha...
but this is also the period when we cannot feel anything in our tummy...so always gotta look forward to our gynae visits to see how much baby has grown =)
yar.. 3 months ago i still showing my hub that i finally have a flat tummy.. then now.... haiz...

Haha Sun tan you tummy can talk! lol!
Hi good noon mummies,

this is my 3rd girl, and first 2 was c-sect GA. This time my hubby wan me to go for natural birth but my pain endurance is super low.. haixxx..
sun_tan, yours is much cheaper. My current is far too expensive n too far. Anyway I have decided to change to Thomson Women's Clinic, delivery is 1350 to 1650 and antental is 588.50 including gst. Night clinic at cck.
Sun_tan/May... yours still much cheaper than mine,,,

my antental is 700 where there is no night clinic..

I think west side the price seem cheaper leh
Hi everyone...

I am actually been following this thread since I was tested positive...Didn't wanna "make an appearance" till my first gynae appointment today... Was so thrilled when I saw and hear my "peanut"'s heartbeat.

This is my no. 2, My son is turning 5 this year, and this baby is a long wait...especially after my miscarriage last year...

I am now 7 weeks and 2 days, Anyway, my EDD is 29 Dec. My gynae is Dr Arthur Tseng from Glenagles.

My doctor package starts from 16 weeks and is $950.
Kindly update my info pls..


my tummy look bloated too. and im so looking forwars to my appt tml. everytime i will be excited when my appt times comes but i moment i enter the clinic i will be so worried hoping all will be fine.. anyway i cant seems to join the FB Group.. 2nd request can someone help me plszzz :p
