(2012/12) Dec 2012

sun_tan, it did ever came to my mind on the $$ too. haha. Can go for a gd shopping or gd food to reward myself. Wat i've heard is the recovery will be faster too and lesser side effects. Maybe when the time goes by i may build up the courage too. Let's see wat my gynae say then.

sun_tan, my hb also say no different after birth. Maybe first one won't affect much ba. Old generation they didn't sew back, that's why their there will be big and they have the thinking natural sure will be big. I think not true. Unless you give birth more than 3, maybe will loosen abit ba. coz our body will heal de lah. Just like if you have a cut, your fresh will seal back too ma. Choose a good gynae is very important too, they will do a good stitch for you. How you know it? Nurses will comment to you when they help you clean your wound. hehe...
JLJ, ya recovery is much faster. I was made to walk to the toilet to pee after 1 hr of my delivery. No pee still must drink water to pee! Nurse say must pee. If cannot pee that means something is wrong...uh-oh..

JAJ, ya i liked my gynae's stitching skill. Very good. Even after that, it wasnt painful at all. but of cos i was on painkiller. Even when sitting up was ok.
sasayeo, not pain to pee de. Don't worry, after labour take pain killer and not pain. haha... The most pain is labour process. If you are on epidural then no need worry about the stitching pain. I heard from my friends who were too late for epidural said can feel the pain when gynae stitch! Ouch!!
sasayeo, ya no pain when pee.

JAJ, before the stitching, i was given the injection first for the local anesthesia. So wont feel the stitching too.
Poo 3 times le

Anyone experience the same as me?
Sigh totally busy day cos MC queen colleague keng MC again (2 days last week. Today mc again) :-/ have to cover her work while feeling nauseous and puking whole day..

Anyone heard from Catherine? Is she ok?
JAJ, hmm I remembered my gynae did ask if I feel anything before he started stitching. Btw Mdm Suria replied le n she is available! So I would be engaging her service too. Ate u gg to buy a new cloth or use the old one?
Hi all
I am new here and having my 3rd pregnancy, going into 8 weeks. I have insomnia and will usually wake up at around 2am and can't sleep until 4am. The next day, I will be very tired while working. Recently, new CEO came on board, many new assignments and feel very stressful. Thinking of having to "tahan" for another 7-8 more months ( may be even more stressful) before my maternity leave, really dun feel like going to work every day. Have not announce my pregnancy to anyone in the office yet, probably wait till after 12 weeks... ): I have confirmed my CL because worry will not get any good ones as in year of dragon, demand for CL is higher. Take care all.
Mine is 3rd prenancy as well....so streeful for this baby, always have bad feeling. It is unplanned!

I attended wedding, bb shower and even a wake when i was pregnant last time, as long as the cuople won't mind, it is ok.

JAJ/sun tan,
I am at cck...
morning ladies!

i couldn't sleep well last night and its only wed today

seems like tonnes of work to do aside visiting the gynae. need to chope the CL and ML soon!

hmmm, haven hear from catherine, hope she's ok..
me too, cant slp well last nite and keep having strange dreams. Worst is i'm having running nose and feel like going home to rest.

ya wonder hows Catherine.
kong kong, I also have loose stool and sometimes have LS. I think is normal coz my previous pregnancy I also like that, I think not very common but should be not too much of a concern if you did not change your diet and still can eat/drink and sleep lah. My previous expereience was only during first trimester, after that ok le.

sun_tan, I will be using the old cloth with I bought from her, you can use other ppl used b4 if u don't mind (I think she provides such right?) But I prefer a new one for myself since we're going to bind for 8 hrs a day for few days to a week leh! If you are hardworking enough, you can bind the way she teaches you for 1 mth and sure will see better result. But I find her binding complicating. I am not good at tying knot haha.

happymummy, I also (I think most of us here) same, don't feel like going work everyday and wondering how to last for another 8 mths!! Just count one day by one day loh, I also haven't announce. Plan to announce in early July if I can, if not after 3 mths, depending on my tummy ba. If too obvious I can't hide further too.

you have the same thinking as me, worry cannot get any good one in the hot year of dragon, so book my CL/ML early.

Caroline, can attend baby shower, but not advise to go hospital visit friend who just given birth or during their confinement. I went to baby shower during my last pregnancy at 4 mths too. It's okay.

Loh, you staying at CCK? can book Mdm Suria too. hahaha... Next time we can all meet together (including you, kidomum) during maternity leave leh!
Morning ladies, thanks for your concern. I zonked out after visiting the gynae.

Dr. did a scan and everything appears ok, I was given hormone injection and hormone pills.
The mummies on this thread are so active and I can't seem to catch up...

Thanks for all the reminders on booking CL and ML. Really made me panick because I thought I could still take my own sweet time to book after the first trimester is over. Didn't realise that the market is so "hot". Good thing my CL for #1 is available. Also booked Mdm Ida, thanks to JAJ's recommendation. Hope she's good! Do we need to buy slimming cream, or any oil in advance? I am thinking of whether to buy the wraps on the baby & moms paradise BP, but really not sure whether those wraps are effective.

On epidural, I am also one who cannot take pain and worried about the side effects of epidural. The main side effect for me was shivering (just like shivering from cold), but that was still quite manageable. I am really envious of mummies who can go through the labour process without epidural. Wonder how the women in the earlier generations gave birth without all these painkillers.

On diarrhea, I used to have them when I was expecting #1, especially after dinners. So I think it is pretty normal.
Morning ladies.. yawn.. i woke at 3am, 5am & 6am. last night seems to be the worst. Hope will get better sleep tonight..

I am in Jurong. Maybe i'll sms Mdm Suria too. Thanks so much for this contact! :p
JAJ, I am looking up to you to teach me how to be more "ai mei". I have a tendency to forget all these when it comes to confinement, because comfort comes first. So, please impart some of your "ai mei" skills to me so that I can endure the 8 hours binding! I am trying to imagine the oil on my face & body and not being able to lie down in bed comfortably after the massage.
mama ling, think the oil would be provided by the ML. But soon i would needa get the Clarins anti stretchmark oil. Hate the smell, but its good, so no choice loh.
Mamaling, Mdm Ida is good de, you can google her and there are many good reviews on her service. You can buy the slimming cream for her I think $15 only? I bought mine from Mdm Suria, coz that's what they apply on our tummy just before binding. If you want Atas product then maybe can look at Clarins slimming cream? Bind if you are hardworking can buy from her a long cloth and bind using her method, is very efficient but I find it not easy to bind lah. If not buy those binder which can be found at most retail shops?

Mamaling, I also had shiver and thirsty effect by the epidural. I also admire the older generation where they gave birth without painkillers. I guess that is why some weak ones can't make it and pass on? coz they don't have gynae and equipment to help them. If cannot come out means no choice liao?
I hv confirm my ML too just CL still looking around.

Last round was done my MIL.But this time thinking of doin at the comfort of my own home...hee hee
mamaling, just develop your pretty slim photo and paste on your wall infront of bed or mirror so that you can remind yourself how you used to look like and motivate yourself to get back to figure ASAP? To me, I keep thinking of full month party I wanna show the best of myself, at least not so big tummy anymore, so that's what made me endure the 8hrs of binding. I didn't nap during these 8 hrs loh coz too uncomfortable to nap with the bind on and oily body. I just surf net and watch TV.
Any recommendations for stretch mark cream for the tummy & when can we start applying? i heard is good to apply early (but i dunno how early is early), cos its more effective to prevent than "cure".
kong kong, thanks but thats not the link. That link doesnt work.

Hai..been sending out job applications but no reply..so demoralising..but expected since i am preggy :`(
Realize so many of u replied me but I miss it

Thanks for the precious Infor sharing And concern

Hope u ladies are fine too..

Me on mc today but feel better after medicine

Went to buy some bigger size pants and underwear. Although tummy not obvious yet, but could sense I got a bit fatter n so tight.. Still no taste yet, every meal have to think abt what to eat .. Sian

No ms yet cos I think still early, but I still wish to Hv a pregnancy without ms de.. Reali peifu ppl who can work n have ms..

About morning sickness, ever occurred that u will puked in mrt? How to avoid?
sun_tan, wow! no stretchmarks.... anyway, i think its really tougher to get a job when preg.. dun give up, keep looking around, dun get too stressed up over it.
I also used Clarins. Now already applying my Clarins every morning and night.

I finally booked my 1st gynae visit. Going to Dr Seng. I should be in my week 6 by then. Hope to know everything is well and hb can be detected.
Berryjay, you can start to apply stretch mark cream now. Good to start moisturising it to prepare for future stretching. I use Elancyl. Some mummies swear by Clarins oil.

Sun_tan, baby is more important now. If you get a job, it is a bonus. Think positively ok? At least you have your husband's support.

JAJ, I am a really lazy person, that's why it took me almost 2 years for the tummy to flatten. Haha. My MIL always tell me to lie down whenever I have a chance, and I always listen to her and I don't have backache problems after birth. So I will practically eat, sleep, eat sleep.

Btw, how does their slimming cream smell? It is something new to me cos I never did all these last time.

Actually my hubby prefers that I put on some weight. My face tends to slim down very fast but not the body. I used to be underweight before I had #1. I still have 2 kg left from the first pregnancy, and I think will have more this time. No good.
sun_tan, I'm also on my toes everyday coz I've taken 3 days of MC this month! I hope my company don't serve me fried cuttlefish... I intend to take a few days' leave next month to rest at my mom's place (good food, and no housework!) and avoid taking MC
Jak nikiko; Haizzz my lion head will b out due to no rebonding n sure can't fit into my Bermudas..

Suntan; y not work after pregnancy?

kong kong me too! My fringe got natural curls..sian.. financially very hard to sustain cos hubby doesnt earn much. So i am looking for contract jobs. Hopefully chances of getting 1 is higher.
