(2012/12) Dec 2012

Sasa, yes, it's was a little awkward for me coz I never knew there was this method. But since my gynae was so good-looking, I was distracted. Haha.

Bye ladies, off to celebrate my birthday!


That's why i die die choose a female gynae.. haha... else i think my hubby will feel odd also if he is beside and then the male gynae there checking!
Thanks Catherine. Happy Birthday to you.

Wish us both best of luck this Sat! I hope to hear baby's heartbeat.

V Scan is only done in the first trimester. Once the tummy is big enough, the gynae will scan from the tummy. That is also when you can see your baby moving and kicking inside.
Good morning all!

Happy belated birthday to Catherine!

Sasayeo, v-scan they will poke one long slim scan thing into your below and scan Loh. It's clearer as the scan is nearer to bb... This is not the most scary after you been through the child birth. I find vargina examination (VE) is more disgusting and painful! I hate it! The nurse will wear glove and dig your below with their hand (or few fingers?) and it's really deep until you will ouch! Omg! Dec we'll all go through this! Arghh...

Last night I had bad MS, though no vomit, but I couldn't eat much n no appetitie. Very nausea. I end up bought many types of sour plums home to eat. Why my MS hits me worse at night? Lol... Hope everyone feels great today!
Morning ladies,

JAJ, i have the same problem. MS very bad at night. Now progressing to occasional afternoons will have MS. Looks like its only breakfast, which I can enjoy.
Morning All ^^

VE sounds so scary ><

I felt so giddy this morning and having MS oso, luckily reached office nobody is in so i took a quick nap. Must be not enuff slp last nite cos i woke up 3++ and took me awhile before i can slp again..
Take care Sasayeo.

you might want to start training to sleep on your side. As you get bigger, sleeping on your left is the best for both you and your baby.
Good morning ladies. Thanks for the well-wishes!

Today, starting to feel puke-ish again too.
If no MS, will worry if BB is ok. If got MS, will wish that it goes away soon. I'm so contradicting. :p
sasayeo...thats a gd one.... but hubby dont really understand actually...they only know how to say only...they dont actually know how to comfort you....
chubbyfingers...ya its like that lor... thts why I delay my #2....my boy now 4yrs++ liao....

cos sian man got to go thru all this hassle youself... and got to comfort youself..hee hee
haa mommies, i feel that the preggy part is the easiest of the whole journey of being a mom. Even child birth cannot be compared with what is to come. Not to scare you all..but the thot of sleepless nights again, all the poo, pee, feeding, crying, jabs, fever, pumping milk every 4 hrly, heart stopping moments when you see ur kid fall..really...nothing can be compared to those..and its a ongoing process. Not to forget all the scarifies that you would be making. Say bye bye to clubbing days, late night movies, the feeling of going out without packing tonnes and tonnes of diapers, milk bottles, hanky etc. So enjoy ur pregnancy!

But of cos with all those problems, worries, it comes with great experiences, all the love, hugs, kissed, the joy you feel when they reached their milestones, when they first call you mama, nothing can describe all these feeling too.

Motherhood is nv easy. but it sure is a fulfilling experience and i nv regretted it one bit. All scarifies are worth it.
Well said, sun_tan. I totally agree with you. Every stage has its difficulties and joys, let us all try to appreciate &amp; enjoy each stage as it comes
There will be no regrets when you look back in future.
Sasayeo, terrible feeling to puke. Take a short rest and take drink something light (a juice, lemonade, ginger + lemon etc) to soothe your stomach?
sun_tan - you are definitely right. Pregnancy is not the most xin ku. in the labour also not xin ku. After the birth, this is when the real Xin Ku sets in. Sleep derived and the chronic fatigue. Lack of social life.

But still, the smile on my baby face is worth every single inconvenience and every sacrifices!
yes, after a bad day at work, all i need is a hug from my baby, a smile and kiss and suddenly everything seems all right
Agreed with Sun_tan. I hate the first 2 months the most!!! Especially during confinement, I totally couldn't sleep well. every 3-4 hrs have to pump milk then BB kept crying for many reasons n my bb reflex (puke milk after feed) alot, so frustrating and tired. It's only after 2nd month then I feel much better, maybe already used to it by then. I don't know this coming bb early days how. Hope this bb will be a much easier baby than my first one. *pray hard*

sasayeo, you have to find the balance in life between ur personal time n family. I think for #1 no problem to still go holiday with family or hubby n bb. But 2, I am not sure. I still go out shopping (with friends alone during weekday) or with bb on weekend. Clubbing, unless ur hb is okay to look after for u.
sasayeo, please don't be too hard on yourself. While it is true that you will need to make adjustments to your lifestyle, you will find all the sacrifices worthwhile as you watch your baby grow up every day. Before you know it, you will be planning for another one. That happened to many friends I know. God made babies cute for a reason. Otherwise why do you think parents are willing to make so many sacrifices to bring up their babies?

You are not a bad mama, you just need time to reassess your priorities and make the necessary adjustments
@sasayeo - dun be guilty. You are not the only one feeling this way. Even myself (mum with 17mth old kid) still sometime miss going out with frens, clubbing and holidays.

Im not sure with other mummies. When i was out with friends (after my girl was ard 4mths old), my heart will still be with my daughter at home. In the end, i din really enjoy the time with my frens and ended up feeling guilty for not being at home. Now i enjoy every single minute with my girl at home with or without hubby around.

I believe is just a matter of getting used to new role as a mum. Dun be too stressed up, give yourself some time.
JAJ, I had the same experience as you. I nearly sank into depression during the 3 months maternity leave when I was at home. My son was colicky, and he had reflux. After the confinement nanny left, all the problems started. At the worst point, he was throwing up all his milk after every feed. I was alone at home most of the time, and I have to settle him when he cries, and clean up the mess. Really couldn't wait to go back to work. And when the baby cried, I cried together with him. But I told myself, if this is the worst, then it should get better. If this is still not the worst, then I should count my blessings.

Things started to improve as he got older, but of course as they grow up, there are many challenges to face as well. But we will all be able to adjust to it. At the end of the day, what matters most is that the child grows up happy and healthy. The joy of watching them achieving their milestones is indescribable.
For me, i think wat i miss the most is food T_T cos i luv drinking kopi, raw salmon sashimi, cold seafoods, shell foods, half boil eggs, medium done steaks, etc etc. Ever since i noe i'm preggy I totally stop eating all these cos my hubby always say u sure u can eat/drink this.

Tiredness, giddy, nausea still trying hard to cope as well.
sasayeo, its perfectly normally to feel that way. cos we are having a huge change in our lifestyle and a huge permanent commitment coming by too.

Mrs Tan, me too. I cant bear to leave my boy at home. So far, we brought him along to where ever we go. His first overseas trip (to Batam only lah) was when he was 6 months old. After that we went HK. Malaysia trips, JB, Melaka was also quite frequent. Cant bear the thot of leaving him at home. Like what u say, if i leave him at home, i will keep thinking of him, what is he doing now, is he crying for me etc...still trying to learn to "put down". Wanted to plan a trip with hubby to BBK, which i am thinking not to bring my boy cos really not bb friendly..still considering..dunno if i can do it anot.

Actually we will go into mild depression after giving birth. its normal as our hormomes level is going back to normal range again. I cried alot during the 1st 2 months after giving birth. Sometimes it can be out of nothing. But i keep reminding myself that this is normal and soon will pass..and it did.
sasayeo, its perfectly normally to feel that way. cos we are having a huge change in our lifestyle and a huge permanent commitment coming by too.

Mrs Tan, me too. I cant bear to leave my boy at home. So far, we brought him along to where ever we go. His first overseas trip (to Batam only lah) was when he was 6 months old. After that we went HK. Malaysia trips, JB, Melaka was also quite frequent. Cant bear the thot of leaving him at home. Like what u say, if i leave him at home, i will keep thinking of him, what is he doing now, is he crying for me etc...still trying to learn to "put down". Wanted to plan a trip with hubby to BBK, which i am thinking not to bring my boy cos really not bb friendly..still considering..dunno if i can do it anot.

Actually we will go into mild depression after giving birth. its normal as our hormomes level is going back to normal range again. I cried alot during the 1st 2 months after giving birth. Sometimes it can be out of nothing. But i keep reminding myself that this is normal and soon will pass..and it did.
wow...so many telling off their feelings here...well for me I hate most is the 9mths of preg... other then that Im ok with it...

although just need to get use the new routine, well at first ya... keep complaining of lack of sleep...but after a while Im ok with the routine...

maybe Im diff from you ladies... hee hee
I know I am abit kia su, but I've already planned my bb (boy or girl)name for #2!! wahahaha.. Feel so excited about it. Shall reveal the name after confirming gender. Maybe by then we should include BB's name in our spreadsheet as well! hehe
I am going to a gathering and we are having buffet... and.. wah liao.. i know i cannot eat sashimi... but then now i realised alot of more things i can't eat too! like Cold seafood! The cold prawns and lobsters! =(
then i can only eat boring cooked food

i googled this:

Here is a list of meats, poultry and fish to avoid while pregnant:
Hot dogs
Deli meat
Under cooked meat like beef and chicken
Ready to eat cold seafood
Raw eggs and raw egg dishes
Raw seafood, especially shellfish

Sushi made with raw fish

Occasionally, raw fish such as salmon contains small parasitic worms, such as anisakid worms, which can make you ill.

Sushi made with cured fish

Some fish used to make sushi, such as smoked salmon, doesn't need to be frozen before it's used because smoking kills any worms in the fish. Other methods, such as salting or pickling, are also used to make raw fish safe to eat.

Sushi made with shellfish

A lot of sushi contains shellfish such as:
When you’re pregnant, you should only eat cooked shellfish. Raw shellfish can contain harmful viruses and bacteria that can cause food poisoning. For more information, see Can I eat shellfish during pregnancy?
If you eat sushi prepared in a restaurant, ask if the shellfish in it has been cooked.
sasayeo, try not to take any medicine unless you know it is safe for preg. U want to try taking something sour if it helps to make you feel better? For me, if I puke, I will drink grapefruit juice and it helps me feel better.

Xta, why can't we eat hot dogs, sausages, deli meat? What is pate? How come cold seafood also cannot eat? You are scaring me with the long list. Haha.
gals, after all of u poured out ur hearts on life after kids, i suddenly had a panic attack. is my life going to revolve ard my kids in few months' time? im a first time mum and i think no matter how much i was told or read, i will never be prepare for what will be coming. im trying to think positive but the part abt depression is true and sadly common. that just shows how much stress mothers have to take during the 1st 3 months. argh... i hope i have the courage to take up this challenge!
@mama Ling

I thought we can eat hot dogs, sausages and deli meat leh.. but apparently cooked but cold stuffs are prone to contamination? We can only eat them if we re-cook them ba!

"There is a chance that contamination may occur in ready-to-eat foods such as hot dogs and deli meats because contamination may occur after cooking and before packaging.

Be cautious when eating hot dogs, luncheon meats, or deli meats unless they are properly reheated to steaming( or 160 degrees F.): Eating out at certain restaurants that provide deli meat sandwiches is not recommended for pregnant women since they do not reheat their deli meats. Restaurants such as Subway recommends that pregnant women eat the following non-luncheon meat items such as meatball, steak and cheese, roasted chicken, and tuna (limit 2 servings a week).

Do not eat refrigerated pates or meat spreads.

Do not eat refrigerated smoked seafood unless it is contained in a cooked dish, such as a casserole."
mama ling, i think its advisable not take to cold cuts (deli) and cold seafood cos of bacteria... i think same applies to soft cheese as well although i just had the same last week and im still ok!
Pate is like goose liver etc. Contrary to Chinese beliefs of eating Pig liver to 补血, the western doctors do not recommend it.

If I'm not wrong, some hams/processed meats are not fully cooked during the process. So they feel it may be risky since some bacteria may still survive.

I even read that we should limit the amount of tuna we eat. Sharks, king mackerels are big no-no.
Xta: that day I just took hot dogs and half boil eggs....hee hee but maybe this only cant take during the 1st tri lah rite... after that all also can eat....

somemore I can't survive without cold drinks... now sometime I also take secretly when hubby not around... hee hee

Better be safe then sorry ladies! Especially now we are more susceptible to food poisoning..

"Listeria is a type of bacteria that can be found in some contaminated foods. Listeria can cause problems for both you and your baby. Although listeriosis (the illness from ingesting Listeria) is rare, pregnant women are more susceptible to it than non-pregnant healthy adults.

If you are pregnant and are infected with listeriosis, you are at an increased risk of :

Premature delivery
Infection to the newborn
Death to the newborn (about 22% of cases of perinatal listeriosis result in stillbirth or neonatal death)"
