Dotty: I don't have to make deposit for my massage. Just sms confirmation. Anyway she did for me 2yrs back and we both have mutual trust in each other.
For PEM, I didn't take up the herbal package. My mom don't trust that they will give good quality stuff so bought the herbs herself.
Piangz: I have inverted nipple on one side and my massage lady did help me massage my breast and help to unblock the milk duct on that side. She says that side only has one big milk duct open. The rest all blocked. After the massage the supply did get better, but still quite low. Max I get is about 100ml while the other side can go as high as 270-300ml. But I gained 24Kg then and was weighing close to 80kg and she keep telling me I have to bf in order to slim down. Hahahahah maybe she pity me bah!
Sweetycute: The agency did help me do the paperwork for work permit. Just that MOM will send the bill directly to me instead of me paying the agency. So legally I'm the employer for the CL and not the agency.
I think it is good apply work permit for the CL. Safer and CL can't play punk. I heard so many incidents of CL work half way then say they have something urgent at home and need to stop working and will introduce their friend to stand in for them. Or they call you last minute and say they can't come and will introduce their friend to you. Alot of times, these friends are new and inexperience and they are earning commission by help these newbies find assignments. So in a way getting them wp will kind of ensure they work throughout the assignment....i think
Cindy: I bf #1 till 11mths. Wanted to hang on till 12mths but I went for a 10days business trip and well dried up after that. I think I was tired out during that period even though i continue to pump out my milk hoping to keep the supply.
For bonding, I think as long as you play an active role in their life, they will still bond well with you. Not every mummy bf their kids and their relationship is still as close. I think is the quality time that you spend that is important.