(2012/11) Nov 2012

sweety: here is the link: http://singaporeexpo.com.sg/2012/03/02/baby-expo-2012/ fyi

i scare too early go there aso duno wat to buy coz i 1st time no exp hehe...oh i aso intend to hv #2 then close production le. mayb i see by then tummy bigger, my face got look beta or not coz now got outbreak

heartbeats: Wah cabbage in curry! But won't cabbage cause wind?
I have been feeling very bloated and can see my baby bulge at 9 weeks!
And I thought stomach won't show till ard 3mths.
pinkie: ya, i aso scare abt early & ppl say if superstitious then dun get anyting b4 1st tri & now i am oni at wk 10 yet feel like gg to see see haha
housewife.. wow hougang is very far for me hehe. but tks for the info! tell ur hb tt u also v sick of the ms! but nothing u can do! so he has to tahan eating same food for a while hehehhe

sweetycute..yup i slipped and fell 2 yrs back, till now haven really recover fully. but b4 i was preggie, it didn't affect me that much. from week 6-7 onwards it starts to hurt quite badly.

josey.. oh i must take note for my confinement already! hopefully this can 'help to cure' this issue cos i went for tuina, doesn't help much de.
hey sweetycute.. my gynae told me to take the fish oil and multi vit in the morning and calcium at nite. so maybe u can follow too! i haven't get my iron tablets so i duno which time of the day to eat yet

dotty.. yea my fren told me its better to start getting stuff when ur stomach is much bigger like 5-6mths onwards. but we can do research first la.. then when the time comes, just buy when got fair or promo
piggie: oh then mayb i will go see see la hahaha coz curious leh + bb stuff all so cute reli feel like taking a look 1st then mayb can hv some idea & plan
now i go see gynae ppl aso like look at me lo got those 'u sure u preg' tat kind of look haha coz totally cant tell yet...
dotty.. ya i agree! last time i go shop for bb stuff for my fren's kids, i also find them very cute and sweet! v tempted to buy and keep for my baby next time lol. i think in another few weeks, we can see mommies here posting on their baby's gender! then we can aim wad to buy le hehe! so exciting!

ya lor smtimes when my ms is slightly better, i get worried, dunno is bb ok or not cos cannot tell at all. then after that ms come back..ok.. no need worry so much liao lol. u must be really slim huh, since haven really show
hi mommies here.. can i check with u all, if any of you had gone for pre natal classes at both mt A and tmc or heard from frens.. which is better?
aiyo now that you mummmies mention about fish oil then I remember that I have not taken my supplement today! I'm so forgetful this time round. Either I forget totally or only remember about it by noon time.

My doc prescribe NeuroGain to me too but I have not taken it as I'm quite turn off by the fishy smell now. I think I will wait till my MS gets better before trying. OR maybe I do need to take the fish oil soon...Bu my own nao!
josey.. eh smtimes i take it in the afternoon too lol. don care so much. cos smtimes i feel nauseatic in the morn, then stil hv to swallow so much water with the fish oil, cannot do it.

u can try setting daily alarm in your calendar tasks? so that every morn it will remind u
Pinkie: you are such a darling, went to change your nick .

My tummy so so bloated and look like i am at least 4 mths . My maid had help me to prepare ginger tea by boiling ginger slice and adding some brown sugar when it is done to make it less spicy. This time round is not easy for me. I can't be hungry nor too full as it make me feel terrible. So far I had lost 6kg.
<font color="0000ff">heartbeats: aiyo....u okie le mah? Overdose of cabbage is it?

Pinkie: hee dun worry....Pinkie sounds great too! Oh....if dun hv pkg then it wld b more x? Anyway, if u want fishoil can try NeuroGain (not bad :p)

As for bb fair, actually now also nt considered early lah. Can always go there and kpo what they have. At least have an idea what is needed
No nid to buy first if u are nt ready!

Dotty: Tks for the link. No nid to buy first if u are not ready. Can go n see what they have. Sometimes can b quite interesting :p Who knows can get free samples hahaha!

Just checked with my photographer, she says for bloom pic, can take when ard 33rd week onwards. Can start saving $$ now hahaha!

piggiedearz: ohh I see. I fell once but luckily majority of the impact is on my bum (cos too much fats to cushion the pain). Then u must really use this confinement to take care of urself. Lie down more instead of sitting up position.

Oh okie....mi not taking iron so I tink I can follow u

Nana: I'm taking NeuroGain and I saw it selling before either in Guardian or Watsons. U can go n chk it out

As for pre-natal class, I went before when I had my #1. Will teach u hw to breathe etc but I tell u hor, when it comes to the actual situation, u will automatically forget what to do hahaha. Can breathe good enuff already! The pain already made u forget how to breathe. So I wont be gg this time round. But if you are 1st timer, perhaps a gd way to go n chk it out. Afterall, it will be your own experience
<font color="0000ff">Pink: Wahhh can still lose weight ah and so much leh! I just had my lunch. The person forgot my egg and still charge me for it! Angry!</font>
Sweetycute: On certain day i can eat a lot but on my not so good days , i eat like 6 very small meal.

I am always feeling very tired and had no energy .I will nap if I can . Hope that after the 1st trimester I will get my energy back.
piggy: ya consider slim + i am losing weight aso perhaps aso the clothes i wear lo...i tink pants &amp; jeans cant tell but if dress will show a bump like got tummy lo hehe...tat y sometime worry lucky myself can feel the bump lo + gynae cfm else i aso cant convince myself hehe...

sweety: noted haha then mayb will drop by n see see but aso muz see any ms etc during tat day or mayb suddenly moody then end up dun feel like gg out le haha coz expo is too far for me too...
piggiedearz: yup! i shall try that

I plan to go to expo to KPO abit too..hahah. I have most of the stuff from my #1 so I don't think I will need to get any big items. But I'm keen to check out those modern cloth diapers like bumwear and moo moo kow. Anyone has any feed back on that?

I seriously cannot imagine my house stock up with all the S and XL diapers for my 2 kids. I think I can build a partition in the room with all these diapers if my #2 is on disposable diapers as well.
Sweety: Tell them abt the egg the next time u visit the stall.
Which photographer did you chk for the bloom package?
My hb asked lightedpixels for their rates and it's really exp!

pink: thanks! I will try your ginger tea recipe and see if I like it.
Sweetycute, ya i guess most probably so, 2 days of lunch with cabbage probably is too much for our very sensitive tummies now. My diarreoh better but still soft stools. Now abdomen area also cramp, not sure its womb or muscle. Abit worried, dont know whether want to go A&amp;E.
TO make ginger juice:
1. Peel off ginger(my mum did quite a lot at one go..think got 1/2 kg?). Use a grinder and grind til very fine.
2. Use a mash or cloth, squeeze all the ginger juice out.
3. Pour the ginger juice into ice cube tray. (my mum bought those super mini cube type)
4. Put into freezer and freeze.
5. ONce frozen, can take them out first and put al the frozen ginger cubes into a box den put back freezer.

To make the ginger tea:
1. Take out 3-5 cubes of ginger (depends on hw big yr cube and hw spicy u can take) and put into cup first.
2. Add one big tablespoon of brown sugar. (dont use other sugar cos only sugar is gd to help detoxify)
3. Add one teabag (any type is fine)
4. Pour boiling hot water.
For me, my cup is those bigger type, den I wil pour all into a small thermal flask den pour out to drink a little at a time. Makes ard 2 cups.

Iactually dun like ginger but I find dat it's quite nice and it has helped.

BTW, today is a gd day! I din vomit at all..but makes me feel so weird duno isit smthg wrong wif bb..hb says i very mafan..vomit oso complain..dun vomit oso complain..ha
Heartbeats, my gynae says cramp w/o spotting is normal. it's just the uterus or womb (cant rem wat he said) expanding..but if gt spotting, den must c doc immediately...but if u r worried beta to go check..beta to be safe than sori..

BTW, those with #1, can i check, wat arrangement have u al done for your elder one ar? I'm currently on leave and looking after #1 on my own. I'm tinking of:
1. Send #1 kindergarten (3hr type), hire a maid and get my mum to help me look after.
2. Send #1 to childcare (it's one of the beta ones as in gt swimming, speech &amp; drama in the afternoon) and get my mum to just focus on bb...

My hb gt no comments, as usual..haiz..duno wat to do..
Rin, MS comes and go one. I also had a handful good days but they didnt last long. Next day MS came back with vengence.

And people keep saying 2nd tri will be better. I am at 12 weeks, by right MS should taper off right? Nope, mine still sticking around. So now i appreciate the rare good days very much!
No spotting but i got diarreoh due to food so i am guessing either all the bowel movements upset the area or there are bacteria in there. Abit worried will affect pregnancy. So angwee with greedy me, go and eat so much curry cabbage!
piggie: I went for prenatal [email protected] wong boi boi. she's very popular so if u wan to attend her class, u have to bk early.. personally, i feel that while it's useful dat they teach u hw to bathe bb, feed bb, hw to breathe during labour etc..but nthg beats the actual hands on leh..i forgt al the breathing techniques when in labour lor...
Heartbeats, my #1 i vomit til the day i give birth! but I used to console myself dat MS means bb is growing..but d gd thg was ppl din noe i was preg for #1 til i was ard 7 mths..ha..
BTW, do try to drink sm h2o and more water to replenish the fluids lost.. Prenatal class usu attend ard 5 mths i tink but gota bk early..i rem for my #1 by the time i wanted to bk, al ful..so i cld only attend at ard 7 mths. wont be attending dis time.. in fact, nthg much to buy too..just nid to do sm renovation to the rms..
Ystd a Fren of mine n a salesperson coincidently asked if I am expecting. I'm thinking so fast my tummy is showing. I should try to wear more looser clothing. Hee hee.

Prenatal class: it's good to go for first-timer. Go with hubby will be good, both of u will be mentally prepared. He can learn how to massage for u when having backaches or contractions
Hey sweetycute!! The cabbage theory to
Stop milk flow is absolutely correct! Sorry, nw then I reading the earlier posts slowly.

For my #1, inexperienced hahaha. Milk flow came on 5th day. Omg horrible. Engorgement like Siao. So painful, cried and cried, in the end no choice. Got a lactation consultant to come squeeze and press for me. So for #2, I'm slightly more aware, at about 3rd day when I feel it's coming... I quickly put some cabbage but nt fr v long... Like a few hours, then when milk flow really came, it was much more manageable. Hahahah. And when I wanna stop bf, I did the same. So the cabbage theory works!!
hello mummies.. I am so happy that Dr took me off the jabs and pills because my placenta is formed.My EDD is 16 Nov and my first trimester will end next week.. YIPEE! : ) Mummies, GAMBATEH!
We all can do it! 2nd trimester is the honeymoon period- njoy it before the heavy third trimester arrives
HI Elated, can you add me into the table?
Nick/Name : Enid
Age 34
Gynae/Hospital : Dr Fong Yang/ should be Mt A
EDD : 16 Nov
Baby # : 2
Jus came back from my midnight movie date!went to watch cabin in the woods,didnt like the show!movie tic are so exp nowadays!!!went to eat prata before going for e movie.had some popcorn during the show and now im hungry again!argh!!

Went to babyfair today!bought my babycot!i think its a pretty goodbuy.spent $429 for the cot,mattress,bedding set,cot mobile.the cot can rock and convert to toddler bed.cool right!im in love with it.
Theres metro sales too!managed to get some good stuff for my hubby!men leather shoe at $19!! Goldlion underwear at 2 for $5 and its microfibre.damn comfy like adidas dry fit material.i even help my dad and cousins to buy!lol.super kiasu.
Tmr still got some furniture and it fair coming up too.want to get a king bed for myself.anybody got lobang?or know of any warehouse sales coming up?
Btw,theres only pureen diaper for sale.no other brands.no pigeon,only avent.pretty limited choice.
Hi rin,

For my #1, she will be attending pre-n class in july for 3.5hrs..ialready had a maid &amp; my mum is taking care of her while we work...

Hi all, my friend who went to bb fair was saying philips sale not bad.. I got her to help me buy avent manual breastpump..is abt 40% off retail price.. I this round getting manual coz my breast not reacting well to electronic pump for my #1..
Congrats Enid !! I know someone who name Enid tan and had a very cute daughter , Inez . Izzit you? My edd fall on the same day 16 nov.

Cindy: Is raining heavily now , Guess I will go later in late afternoon when my #1 finish her class.
Rin thanks for the h2o tip, you mean the energy drink h2o right? Simialr to gaterade and 100plus that kind right?

Ahko, i want to go, WBB class sounds fun! But for now i am still quite grounded at home, other than go work and go see doc, i have no energy to go anywhere else. Parents and hb also dont let me roam about. So sad.

Waa Housewife, envy envy! I also want to go movies! I missed having popcorn, hahaha! Tentatively going to see Avengers next week if i am ok in the morning of 1 May Labour Day PH.

Enid, how to know placenta formed? Your gynae scanned and can see? I always cannot make out what is what on ultrasounds except for the shape, limbs and heartbeats of my babies. Did notice that their yolk sacs seems to have disappeared or maybe shrunk in size and hardly seen.
Omg.... Dear mummies, I realise I cannot wear my normal pants anymore!!!! Horror. Button Liao feel v tight. Hahaha.

How is the belly belt bought by some of u? Is it good? I bought the belly band instead previously... So wondering if the belly belt is worth the investment!
Enid: Hi, so happy to see you here. My hubby saw your hubby yesterday at united square . I am the one that do up your place. So excited!!
Wah housewife, u bought the cot so early!

My hubby kept wanting to go for the fair, think we'll go chk it out later.
Just afraid I can't contain myself and anyhow buy stuff. Haha

How often are such baby expo?

Cindy: I can't wear my pencil skirts anymore. Sad

Tummy always bloated these days.
Even my other dresses feel tighter already. :/
Dear all, those Tat doesn't wan to buy bb stuff too quickly can wait for the bb fair at taka in august every yr.. More things n big brands will all be there.. As my no 1 edd was nov in 2009, I bought most of my stuff there too.. Jus in time, not too early n won't take up space in the house.. Now my no 2 edd is also nov... Lol
Hi Pink! Congrats! No wonder my hubby told me he saw someone familiar but couldn't remember who. Hehe ;)
Nice to meet you here! How have you been?
Hi heartbeat: it was the gyne who could tell it is the placenta

I could see the little one moving his/her hands
so cute!

heartbeats: yup, h2o as in the isotonic drink..helps replenish minerals lost..100 plus works the same but i usu take h20 cos not gassy..

Enid: glad dat u are off d jabs!i oso duno where's the placenta..haha..but for my #1, i had low placenta but luckily nearer due date, it moved up so stil can deliver naturally..

Yanyan: Tink i'l most prob send #1 to childcare after talking to my mum dis morning.. cos she's very attention seeking, i'l prob cant be able to rest@al during confinment if she's at hm cos she's very sticky to me..and since she's already 3, shd b ok ba..and we happen to past by the sch today and i ask her if she wana go and she said yes! i brought her to view the sch a few mths ago..shall bring her down next wk again b4 confirming..

Hsewife:wow..i cant rem the last time i watched a midnite movie..ha..i'l be using the cot dat i bought for #1..hopefuli dis time i wil nt b lazy..the first time i only used ard 2 mths..cos every nite take bb in and out to bf, i super lazy..in the end, bb just slp on bed and i bf lying down and just slp..haha
