(2012/11) Nov 2012

hi heartbeats.. yup those are valid worries but try to tink of the postive parts like u only need to be preggie once n give birth once.. (if u just want 2 kids la)..then can slowly lose weight and go bk to ur normal life le hehe. i always thot of it that way and want twins lol. so try to be positive!
Heartbeats: don't think n worry so much!!

Mummies: are your tummies showing already? I'm only 8 weeks but I feel flabbier!!! Omg. Tummy like very flabby... What about u girls? When does it really start to show? Although this is my third one, it feels like the first cause it's been like 5 and 3 yrs ago Liao! Hahha.
Heartbeats, my sil has recently delivered twins near full term. All of them return home on the same day. Normally
For twins, Gynea will ask you to rest earlier at home, maybe too.

Cindy , I do not understand also, I have lost weight but my tummy becomes bigger, looks like 4-5 mths pregnant when I having my #1.
hi... anyone had issues with breast feeding for #1? I had a hard time breast feeding and finally stop at 5th Month. However, for #2, I would really like to breast feed for longer period and was wondering if there is anyway to increase the milk supply.
I ate fenugreek, drank the papaya soup, drank the sacred tea.. All these did not work for me.
My milk supply was pathetic, i latched every 2 hours for the 1st month and pump after latching. Only manage to get less than 20ml each time (both sides)
I just went to the gynae. Everything happens do fast! I forgot to ask so many questions.
I see that most of you have heard the heart beat of the little one! How is that so?
I only saw the screen a tiny dot which she said is blinking. Is that blinking an indication of heat beat?
I'm so blur, I didn't ask her much.
oli, yes yes!! the blinking thing means it's the heartbeat!!
how come your gynae never tell u!! haha!!

shirlynn: how many weeks are u now? I feel really bloated most of the times. horrible feeling.
Hi oli-olive,

You can rest your mind now as that's definitely the heartbeats.
My Gynae won't ask for blood test unless something not so good during the scan.
For my case, I had flat sac during first visit n then spotting few days later hence Gynae ordered blood test for me.
My Gynae actually let me hear the heartbeat after seeing little beanie blink blink during my 3rd visit (last sat).

Hi Cindy n shirlynn,
I'm in week 7 and my tummy also showing!!
A liitle too early yah?
hi olive..yup i saw my bb's heartbeat this way too. the flickering... then asked gynae to let us hear it. next time u see ur gynae, rem to ask to hear it hehe. really amazing. feel much more motivated after hearing it.

hi cindy, shirlynn n hamrachleia, i guess the tummy is also partly due to bloatedness. i saw in pregnancy books that its common to look like 3-5mths preggie due to the bloating when we are still in first trim.
Wah.. Few days didnt log in & thread move so fast.. Congrats to all new mummies here!

Btw other than ms that we are experiencing.. Anyone had sweaty palms & feet? I realised even when i'm in aircon room, my palms & feet will sweat.. Is this normal?
Re: tummy
I'm also starting to look pregnant, hee... Am also finding my shorts/pants getting tighter. I actually am looking forward to maternity wear, some of it is so comfy, heheh.

First trimester bloating can cause your tummy to look bigger. For subsequent pregnancies, your stomach muscles have already been stretched so the bump is more obvious too.
Piangz, for breast feeding you have to be stress free. My son was crying every hour after I return home with him. I latched him till my breasts are so painful. To relieve my own stress. I quickly run to supermarket to get him a can of formula. After that I express milk out to confirm I have the supply. One bad thing is after that I do not latched my son. But I have him on full breast milk till he was six months and stopped due to work commitment. Really too busy to express at work.

Normally I will use some hot towels to apply on the breasts before expressing. Drinking chicken essence also helps lactation and keep us awake . And for each time expressing, try to give yourself half an hour or more. Do not focus on milk. I normally sit there and surf Internet till the bottles are full..

Cindy, I think I am week 9-10. Not too sure also. But I realize when I am wearing t-shirt, I can see a hump.
Hello ili-olive,

Is ur gynae from katong Thomson woman clinic? I went there and can only see blinking image as her machine is older and cannot hear heart beat

My previous gynae mahine can hear heartbeat and 3D scan...
Hi maycat, no, my gynae is not from Katong.
I went to Dr Kang Wee from Mt A.

I guess the whole scanning process went a bit rush because i really want to pee already :p
First scan i did, couldn't see clearly, so i was asked to go out and drown myself with another 500ml of water. By the time i was asked to go in again, i really need to pee. In fact, straight after the scan, i went to the toilet before i went back to the room for consultation.

Hi all,
Am glad that the blinking dot indicates heart beat!

I was given 3 vitamins, one calcium, one fish oil and one multi vit for folic.
Do you guys take so much too?
I guess i really need to note down all my questions AND bring a notebook for the next visit. If not like today, i'm completely in a lost. Dr Kang just feed me with lots of information; i havent' really got the time to digest and absorb when she is trying to say :p
I used Medala freestyle for #1 too and i swear by it! Can do other stuffs while pumping.

Didnt manage to hear or see the heartbeats in my last visit (which was my first visit ard 5 weeks). next week is next monday. should be ard 7 weeks then. Cant wait for it!

Btw, i declare to my boss abt my pregnancy alr and as expected, no reaction from her...not even a word of congrats or an acknowledgement that she realised i am preggy..hai...

My tummy also showing..but not sure is it becos i have been eating so much lately. when I had my #1, during the 1st trim my cravings was ribbena. This time round is Mcd fries! OMG..trying to control..

For hospital room, i stayed in a 2 bedded when having #1 even though i was dying to go for 1 bedded. But cos i was preggy right after my wedding and we just shifted house, was tight on money back then. This time round i think i will still opt for 2 bedder bah since hubby cannot stayover at night as he needs to take care of #1 and its quite scary to be alone in the room.
Argh...my tummy is aching!prolly due to excessive housework yesterday!lol.then today brought my girl to fly kite think i kenna heat stroke.have a terrible headache!!argh...can take panadol?
My tummy these few days also protrude quite significantly.like abit hard leh.into week 10..is it normal ah?seriously i cant wait for it to grow bigger!lol!
sun tan, at first i still regret buying freestyle cos so expensive..but once i started using nv regretted it!

i rem for my first child, i can hear the heartbeat at 6 weeks, even tho its jus a small dot on the screen...that feeling is jus overwhelming...now 2nd one, abit hack care..keke
Hi sun tan,

Same here. I told my boss about my pregnancy as I was on 2 weeks MC.
No words of Congrats from him (yes,its a guy!)
Just replied one letter k.
I was mad but what to do!
Luckily I got really nice collgs which is still comforting.
Think I am quite lucky . This week is my third week of mc. My direct superior and colleagues were only asking if me and baby are ok. Keep asking to rest and take care.

But I feel so bad
, keep trying all ways to go back to work. But always backfire and makes matter worse, become more mc.

Hope I will be ok soon, worried about my work, whether my colleagues are coping with it
hi mummies here.. need advise here.. anyone know if we can take gastric med? I think I'm having gastric pain now as for the past few days, my ms very bad den totally no appetite eat.. the most is eat a few mouthful den cant eat le..
Mrs. Chua, just normal antacid is ok.. the rest of the meds, better not take..

the yellow pill for cold, normal panadol and normal antacid are ok for pregnancy as far as i know...
kodomum & YJZL.. I'm hoping that pain will go off by itself.. if not den go see gp tmr to get med..

sianz.. still thought my MS was quite nice to me with mild one.. but it came back to look for me @5pm..
now feeling so uncomfortable.. tahan for another 15mins to off work, hope I can endure till home..
piangz: OSCAR is available at TMC, but whether others or not, i think may have.. not too sure.. TMC need to walk in.. i also have to a walk in at 8.30am..
I'm having this Suan Suan feeling at my tummy on the right side. Only today have such feeling and dull aching pain.. Any cause for concern??
Yjzllilon.. I'm also experiencing same as u.. My appt w gynae is next sat.. Shld i bring forward my appt?

Anyone in same situation?
amanpp: my email - [email protected]

thanks so much!!

oli-olive, yes that flickering is the heartbeat! i did transvirginal scan yesterday and i managed to hear the loud and fast heartbeat from baby!! very very EMO moment!! so touched!! felt like theres really a life inside me!

hamrachleia, Cindy n shirlynn, im week 7 too and tummy is showing!!
like very fast lidat....sadness...and i only can stop my nausea by eating...hai.
twinkle: you've got a mail..

morning mommies.. i hope everyone is well today.. to warn mommies who are taking train to work every morning.. i nearly black out just now when i on my way to work.. i was standing all the way in the train.. suddenly i feel cold sweat all over me and the puking feeling was right at the chest.. lucky i get out of the train to sit down, rest and breathe in deeply till i m comforty then i start my journey again.. if u have such situation.. pls make sure, u get out, sit down and rest.. take ur time.. its help.. dun endure..
charmaine, how much u paid for ur freestyle?

Shirlynn, your boss and colleagues so nice!! Envy...

piangz, i did my Oscar test at NUH for #1. Should be gg back there this time round too.But its going to be at least another 4 more weeks for me.

amanpp, yup nowadays i also feel quite light-headed and sometimes giddy. Need to sit down and recover before i can continue wwalking. No such problems with #1 thou. Maybe getting old liao. Health not as good as last time. TCM got ever say that my body quite weak. Needa "bu".
Hi ladies,

Just want to check, issit safe to have sex during the first trimester?
Wanted to ask the gynae but nurse around am embarrassed :p
Always think that the spermicide on condoms is bad for the beanie now. Without condom, don't feel good that "new sperms" are swimming inside?
Please advised.
I'm so embarrassed to ask this actually. But websites has different opinions.
sun tan, i bought it last yr at 899 i think..duno if the price went up now...

oli, its ok, jus not too vigourous..aniway me n my hubby dun use condom...=)
Should be okay lah as long as your gynae hasn't pointed out that you have a weak cervix or the placenta is low (think at this stage, placenta is not even fully-formed).

No need to worry about the sperm swimming with the baby - the cervix is closed to protect the womb and the baby, so sperm can't enter anyway... ;)
Hi, anyone suffering from backaches? My whole back is aching! Really cant wait for tri 2 to cum & i can go for prenatal massage!
Hi mommies,
i'm a new member to the site, and this is my 1st pregnancy.

My last menstrual was on Jan 30. I detected the pregnancy on Mar 9. Since then, i have some spotting on and off. My 1st visit to gynae was on Mar 13. We were so happy when we've confirmed the pregnancy and the location is fine. Due to i have some spot, Gynae gave me some medicine and injection as i was going to away for honeymoon in next 2 days for 9 days trip.

I went to see gynae for 2nd visit again after i came back from the trip, to ensure my pregnancy is in good condition. Everything looks fine except i still have spotting on and off. Continue to take medicine.

I went to visit another gynae when i felt cramp (i have cramp on and off but this round i dont feel comfortable) due to my gynae had half day off. The new gynae told me the baby is not developing and request to have D & C. I was really sad and tears were rolling down non stop.
My sister requested me to visit my gynae again for 2nd opinion, and i did. Gynae said it had heartbeat, can see the blinking in the screen. (though i didnt see it, maybe i do not know how to see it). Then my gynae told me that the baby should be in wk6+ instead of wk8, and my due has changed from early nov to end of nov. I'm still taking medicine as i still have spotting.

My next checkup will be on next week. Does anyone have such experience of having the spot for so long? Though i'm trying to ask my baby (mentally) to be strong and stay with us, but im still worry. I do not know what to do

Currently I'm working from home and manage to get enough rest. I have ms in last few wks but it seems the ms has changed. Is this a good sign or bad sign? I still get tired and backache easily.

By the way, how come the weeks can be different? Is it due to the menstrual cycle and conceive date? Mine one is 35 days cycle.

FL, dun worry too much. I have friends who are spotting all the way into their trim 2 and they goes for injections very often. Babies are all born full term and now healthy little toddlers. So its ok to be spotting while in trim 1.

The weeks are calculated at first based on your last menstrual cycle. Week 1 starts from the first day of your last menses cycle. So even though if the pregnancy kit states that u r preggy 2-3 weeks, by gestational week, you should be ard 5 weeks or so for a normal 28 days cycle. Thats how the gynae calculated. Secondly, they would also guage your gestational weeks by the size of your bb. Sometimes you might ovaluate later, thus the calculation base on last menses day is not that accurate. Thats y EDD sometimes will change through out the pregnancy too.

So dun worry too much. Just get lots of rest
