(2012/11) Nov 2012


Is there any recommendation for female gynea who delivers at Mt A? I was looking through the site, only saw Dr Kang and Dr Ng. But from the Mt A website, Dr Ng's clinic is not opened on Sats. Am going to see Dr Kang next week.
Any reviews on her?
Or any other recommendation?

I was tested positive on clear blue, but i don't have any MS at all. Wondering if it's a false alarm

By calculation, i should be 6th week this week.
A little worried.

Hi oli-olive,

I m also 6 weeks, no MS too.
Do you have other symptoms like tender breasts, frequent need to urinate, tiredness etc?
Not all woman will experience MS tho my Gynae told me it's more assuring as it indicate a good HCG level to support pregnancy.
Clear blue is highly accurate so trust your instincts.
Me also supporter for mt A! Love the nurses there! Very patient n caring .

Oli-olive n hamrachleia, me also 6th weeks n no MS. I dun have MS for #1 too so it's perfectly all right.

Foxinsnow, just curious . Do they charge more for twins?
Thanks housewife for the info. Will call his clinic to check on mon

Oli-olive & hamrachleia.. I'm oso in 6 weeks but with v bad ms until I feel v xin ku.. So envy those mummies with no ms but hubby console me that w ms, bb come out will b good so now xin ku nvm la.. So I can onli console myself this way? 

Would like to check w those 2nd time mummies, how r u all coping with this pregnant? Who's helping u to look after number 1? I'm so tired everyday, den weekend still need to look after my boy.. Omg.. So tired.. 
Hi Mrs Chua, my mum's helping me with the baby even on weekends now. A little guilty but with the ms and tiredness, I really have no energy to look after #1..sighz
Mrs Chua,

Well, having MS is probably an obvious sign that the pregnancy is progressing well but I do have quite a number of friends who had healthy babies with no MS.

But if that makes u feel better, well y not think in that way?
Ms Chua, i just got a helper recently. Cos hubby works on weekends and very hard for me to cope with 2 kids alone in the future. So got a helper now and can start to train her. Ask ur hubby to help to take care of #1?

Hamrachleia, yup my #1 was very healthy too weighing at 3.3kg at birth. He was a full term bb, ie came out exactly on his edd.
Wow! Congrats on the twins - first set on this Nov forum I think. They will definitely be born on the same day lah, can't be 3 days apart right...

You were mistaken... it's Heartbeats who's having the twins, not me.
Hi hamrachleia,
Hmmm maybe just tender breasts.
Hope things are fine!
Swimming at this phase is still ok right?

Seems like really more babies in the dragon year!
I see so many preggies on the road
Mrs Chua, my hubby is looking after him over the weekends . Currently I am on medication which makes me drowsy more than 3/4 of the day. Really cannot imagine if I am still not well by third week of April when my hb need to fly to US for biz trip
Hi oli-olive,

Don't worry too much.
See a gynae immediately if you have spotting especially red bleed.
Rest more on bed until the next Gynae visit.
When's your next Gynae visit?
Thanks for your advice! I keep going to the toilet to check if there is spotting... paranoid!

Hi oli-olive,
I don't have ms too, but sure have tender breasts.

Not sure if all mommies are experiencing the nipple changes at 6/7 weeks? Is it a wee bit too early?

Swimming is good for preggies, not sure if Jacuzzi is fine? It helps my backache though
I'm seeing the gynae on Tuesday!
Thanks for all the messages.
Its comforting and good to know that so many of us are "growing" together!
housewife..my first one i opted for one bedded but they ran out of it so hey gave me a room for two bedded and i have the room all by myself..my hubby oso have a proper bed to slp on,shoik!as im emergency c-sect, my 5 day stay bill came up to about 3000+ after medisave deduction..

oli, im also like you, no symptoms at all, even my period is not regular cos i am still breastfeeding...when i tested on clearblue the positive sign turn out almost immediately!when i go back to my gynae, thats when i find out im almost 10 weeks pregnant, my gynae still say i best realise so late...as my hormones level has always been low, he's pretty surprise i survive the last few weeks with no cramps or bleeding..so now for the next two weeks, i have to be on pills and injection twice a week...gd luck to u when u go c ur gynae next week!

3G, i let my hubby take up more responsibilty to take care of arius now...cos sooner or later i wun b able to look after him when the 2nd one comes along..its hard cos at the young age, he keeps crying wondering y mummy doesnt want to carry him...but its just a phase, they will get used to it....but i still give him the usual hugs and kisses to let him know mummy still loves him...
morning everyone!! can we still drive? cuz hubby abit worry.. ask me not to drive too much..

this pregnancy i gain weight FAST!! hopefully I can get back to shape.. really scare cuz it's number 5.. scare cannot go back to my weight.. any exercise to do now??
mrs chua, i have to look after my #1 myself as she is very clingy to me, even though im staying with my in laws. agree with u, its so so so tiring, esp during the weekends. im just glad that im working during the weekdays to get more rest. somemore im still breastfeeding & this makes things worse...

i gave birth to my #1 in TMC but stayed at the premium ward (5th storey), the services that the nurses provided were quite different from those normal ward, the director of TMC visited me every morning just to see how you are doing, & the lactation consultant will visit you like twice a day to check out your breastfeeding progress..but of cos you pay a bit more, but it's all worth, afterall how many times do we give birth, so we must pampered ourselves a bit...hehe
Housewife, Lol.. I don't have this problem last time..
cuz I just got my car license last year after I gave birth..
if i don't drive the car will be there n nobody can drive already as hubby don't have license yet..

as for the exercise thingy.. I don't know much about exercise de..
last year after I gave birth I take around 6 months to slim back down to 45kg.. I'm taking care of the kids by myself.. nobody helping.. so maybe everyone can try this way.. but is very tiring la..

hopefully this time will be the same..
candymama, my job requires me to drive everyday as im doing outdoor sales...in fact for my # 1, i drove myself to the hospital with my mild contracton...=)

i think after giving birth, breastfeeding will help to get us back to our weight, thats what happen to me for my #1...
Hi there, i tested positive 2 weeks back. Just want to drop in to say hi.

Can someone advise which weeks can your babies' heartbeats can be detected?
Piangz, should be till next year.

Candymama, Idrove till the day before I go into delivery for my first one. You sure are good, to be at 45kg after delivering 4 kids.
Thanks Shirlynn. My estimated EDD based on last menses should be late Nov. But i had a incident of mild spotting last weekend and my gynae is telling me i should be only slightly over 5 weeks (So edd should be in Dec?).

So can only see sac. Was abit worried.

Hoping next visit end of week can detect heartbeat.
wow heartbeats.. u're hving twins! congrats!

shirlynn.. are u better now? read that u went on drip. must be very serious..

hi leeen..i got to see and hear the heartbeat at week 6. i think it differs for everyone. think by your next visit, shd be able to detect

hi chrisq..wow that sounds like a great experience! how much more expensive is it compared to normal 1 bedder ward?
Leeen, dun worry if your gynea never say anything wrong
can see sac means its at the right place. Next week should see te heart beating

Piggiedearz, ya, better now, thanks. I changed to my second gynea already as first gynea only deals with Mt E, I prefer to admit in Mt A for the drip. Forgotten what term is that, think it men's excessive vomiting . My second gynea say no food for me to let gut rest. After discharge on medication which makes me drowsy , this week on HL. But so far so good, no more "v". And can eat more things a,though sometimes till feel nausea.

Talking about ward, I also feel like going for 1 bedder for delivery this time round since I closing shop after this one. Maybe should pamper myself a bit. Then hubby and son also can stay round
wah.. the thread has been moving fast.. hope everyone has a great weekend last week..

congrats to heartbeats for having twins..

leeen : mine is the same as piggiedearz, at 6 weeks, can hear bb heartbeats liao.. its exciting..
shirlynn: wow the drip helped so much? how long do u need to be on it? few hours? glad to hear that u're much better now and can eat more stuff. this few weeks i've been feeling.. 'cannot' eat is really very cham. lol.

yup so far i see my sil staying in 1 bedder for all 3 kids, i really feel its gd. family can stay ard without fear of disturbing others. most impt, ur hb and son can hang ard too, give u support
i think i shd be gg for 1 bedder, but whether more premium one or not i think nearer to date then decide hehe. skali strike lottery then on ah! lol :p
Hi Ieeen,

my lmp is 23 Feb n BB EDD is on 30 Nov so don't worry, your gynae is right!

I visited gynae 2 sats ago n can only see a flat sac.
I was 5 weeks then, also had spotting last wed.

Surprise surprise, heard the strong heartbeat last sat.
Still spotting on and off so don't worry too much ESP when the gynae never raise his concern.
That's good to hear that we still can drive..

I'm about 6 weeks plus also.. have yet to go to my gynae..
later he sure say, wah u again.. lolx..
cuz that time he ask me still want to give birth anot i say i don't want..
amanpp.. are u gg? hehe. now like quite earli.. duno wad to get yet. bz waiting for 1st trim to be over lol. no mood to go out and no mood to eat. so sian haha.

im craving for salad! i only know we can't have caesar dressing but the other dressings r fine? anyone knows?
piggiedearz: i ustd how u feel.. cos i m feeling the same.. my last weekend was totally sucky.. has been staying home over the weekend and do nothing, just want to sleep.. maybe will be gg to see if my condition permits that day.. wahahaha.. go see if there is any offer items.. my fren (who is a mom of 2) give me a list of things to buy for preparing bb arrival.. let me know if u need, i can send u for reference too..

bb clothes no need to buy first, cos duno the gender yet.. but there are some items like bibs, towels, etc.. which no need to wait for gender releasing.. can go see see look look first lor.. there are so many brands around lor.. see till i @.@".. lolx
oh ok... send me! heheh. tks ah! when do u plan to do up ur bb room? maybe 2nd trim onwards? i think bibs, towels, no need bother so much abt the brand..more impt is the milk bottles, breast pump... which brand is better etc. i think i'll get those items much later cos now too earli..
do up bb room? think not so soon.. ok, will send u the list soon..

yes, i agreed.. milk bottles and breast pump more impt.. for breast pump, i should be getting the one my fren recommended.. medela.. she say its good.. for milk bottles, i heard from her.. need to consider the brand.. cos certain brand, the bottles can fit in to their own brand of sterilizers, bottle (milk) warmer only..
yup i heard medela is gd too. but my fren told me to go to those bb fair to try out on the underside of the upper arm, to test if u can tahan the suction power of the pump. cos not everyone can use a certain brand. her fren bought 1 and its so painful that she sold it and bought another 1. made some losses.
Hi piggiedearz, i think 1 night cost 600+, but it's really like a hotel. i didnt plan for that, only wanna a normal 1 bedded room but my gynea booked me wrongly in 2bedded room, so that was the only 1 bedded room left, then no choice lor but it was really a great experience..the nurse still turned down bed for my hubby, & the computer is just in front of u..hahaa
overall the hospital bill is ard 8k, & i got to fork out 4k cash, my friends all say very expensive for normal delivery but i still think the money well spent!
i hope i get to stay there again this time round
Caesar salad is fine if the restaurant uses premade dressing (i.e. from a bottle). Some places make their own and the traditional recipe uses raw eggs, which can be dangerous for pregnant women. Just ask the restaurant before you order...

Re: Medela
Agree that Medela is quite good. You can control the power of the suction, so start from a lower setting and progress to a stronger one. I used the Medela Swing and thought it was good, too bad it was only single pump. If I bought another pump, I would get a double pump. More convenient and more milk.

The Avent manual pump is also pretty good. Comfortable (until your hand gets tired, haha) and surprisingly effective.
I stayed in a 1-bedder at KKH when delivering #1 and I think the money was well-spent for the privacy and comfort. Especially when you feel so exposed all the time while in labour and right after delivery (moaning through labour pains, bleeding all over lah, limping to go shower/toilet, breasts hanging out while attempting to bfeed, etc) even if there is a curtain in place.
chrisq.. really sounds not bad hehe. ya lor after all the hard work from pregnacy to labour... if can afford it, its gd to pamper ourselves...after all.. how many times do we give birth in a life time hehe.

foxinthesnow : ok tks for the info! many experienced mommies here, can share experiences on pumps and bottles and so on.. save us a lot of headache
y don't u sell the swing and get a double pump? my fren sells her 2nd hand pump for the same price she bought after using for 2 kids. used for free lol. zhuan dao ah! wad u say abt the 1 bedder really makes a lot of sense! but sounds scary too :p
Thanks Piggiedearz, Amanpp
Twins also means extra MS and extra worries. Can only pray hard everything goes well and they stay in there as long as possible cos if preterm then very very expensive!
Sun tan, so far my gynae dont charge me double but come delivery maybe will have more things to pay for. For now, i can only think of oscar tests, maybe that one pay double since scan 2 babies take longer bah.

I scared they preterm leh, if need NICU, costs can go up to hundreds of thousands, gotta sell house liao.
Hi heartbeats,

Don't worry unduly now.
I have friends who have twins n carry to full terms.
Most imptly is to stay cheerful as mummy's mood does affect the little babies.
One of my friends actually took early maternal leave to prepare for twin labour.

my medela freestyle serve me well for the past 13 months..the only thing i think is the most worthwhile among all the baby stuff i bought...definately gonna continue using it in 8 months time...=)

heartbeats, not all NICU is expensive...depends if they need incubator or oxygen box etc...my boy came out at 33 weeks, at first nurses told us normally will have to stay two weeks about 10K plus...but turn out my strong boy didnt need any incubator or oxygen tank, just the normal bed...stay for 1 weeks in NICU plus 3 days in normal nursery..his bill came up to below 2K, even cheaper than mine!
