(2012/10) Oct 2012

Hi mummies,

I have a brand new tube of Medela Purelan 100 nipple cream.
Expire in Dec 2013. This is my spare tube when I had my girl in Feb 2012. I am selling at $14 including postage. Pls SMS or whatsapp me if you want to buy HP 91788093

Just a gentle reminder - For mummies/daddies who would like to be added to our forum list & FB Oct group, pls provide the following info.

You can either post ur info here or PM me. For those who are gg to PM me, pls at least notify me here at this thread, as sometimes I've problems receiving my PMs (and hence may miss ur PM).

Format as follows:

NSEW (Area u stay at, north/south/east/west):
FB name :

And pls check your FB privacy settings to confirm that you've allowed public search and also allowed people to send friends requests to u. This is to ensure that Selena (Novembaby) can search for u faster and easier online.

Dadnmum: I can't locate u on FB. Pls check your FB privacy settings to confirm that you've allowed public search and also allowed people to send friends requests to u.

I will first send a friend request to u, pls accept it. Thereafter, I'll send an invitation to u to join our FB Oct group, pls approve my invitation then
Hi... I'm from the June 2012 thread

I've an opened pack of Goon S size to clear. Used less than 5 pieces from the pack of 52 but baby has since outgrown. Original price $21, now selling at $15. Self-collection only at Cityhall during weekdays. Feel free to PM me if you have queries. Thanks!
Anyone needed a Confinement Nanny presently?
My CN is available now till mid Dec before her next confinement.
PM me if you are looking for one.
Dadnmum: I can't locate u on FB. Pls check your FB privacy settings to confirm that you've allowed public search and also allowed people to send friends requests to u.

I will first send a friend request to u, pls accept it. Thereafter, I'll send an invitation to u to join our FB Oct group, pls approve my invitation then
Elisa Bakri: I've sent u a FB friend request (Serene), pls accept it. Thereafter, I'll send an invitation to u to join our FB Oct group, pls approve my invitation then too
Corrine (C0rr1ne): I can't locate u on FB. Pls check your FB privacy settings to confirm that you've allowed public search and also allowed people to send friends requests to u.

I will first send a friend request to u, pls accept it. Thereafter, I'll send an invitation to u to join our FB Oct group, pls approve my invitation then
hi all..me juz gave birth via csect on the 12th oct 2012 at TMC..doing my confinement now.. I must say TMC's service really dropped..so disappointed with them..

btw, any of u got lobang to buy preowned breast pump?? mine died on me..super sianz..
hi, bizznow, you had epi c-sect or GA c-sect? can share some experience? how's the cut now, bearable? hope you're feeling alright.
Hi serene

FYI. I have accepted your invite to FB. But I'm not much of a FB user though.

I've delivered on 8 oct to bb girl at TMC. Those following the Chinese confinement drinking the red date drink do u also drink plain water? How much? I'm tbf and finding my breast often soft. Dunno if I'm lack of water as I'm experiencing some piles too. I've done away with the longgan already.
Hi Monica

Congrats on the birth of ur princess!! I just finished my confinement, phew!!! I only drank red dates longan tea and hot milo during confinement. Oh yes, I drank fresh milk too but I dun think it's actually allowed but I dun care, I used the excuse tat I needed the calcium, haha... I oso drank lots of soups during meal times. When tbf, u need lots of fluids intake (water, soups etc). Else bm supply will be very low. That's why I'm forcing myself to drink more too. After my first engorgement (1st week after delivery), my breasts hv mainly been soft too. I was oso worried whether it meant that my bm supply was dropping. Luckily when I tried to pump out, I still had bm. And bb was peeing n pooping quite many times a day. Yesterday went to pd and found he had put on weight, so I guess he wasn't starved afterall, lol. So as long as u're taking lots of fluids daily n bb is peeing and pooping many times daily, it shld be fine. Hv u tried pumping out to see what's the amt u can pump out?
Hi bizznow,

I'm also an Oct mummy,but a silent reader.I see you are looking for preloved breastpump? I have 2 medela swings that I used to as a double pump using the breastpal sling.will you be interested? Excellent condition coz I rily took care of them

Pls PM me if you are interested.
Hey, any parents with babies out there? Want the safe and comfortable organic cloth diapers for your babies? Well, that was what I wanted for my baby and so I went on a search frenzy, hoping to find some good quality yet affordable organic cloth diapers.

And this leads me to my find!

I was just looking on the internet for any good deals and I came upon this website that are going to hold this wonderful 3-day “Buy-1-get-1-free” sale for their BabyKicks organic cloth diapers and baby products. There is also an additional 35% off other BabyKicks products as well as free surface shipping! The sale would be on from this Wednesday to Friday and they would be announcing the discount codes soon! Do look out for the the discount codes!

The website is zerzula.com and you can check
out http://www.facebook.com/pages/Zerzula/198654086883267 to find out more!

I’m so excited for this find!
Hi all,

I just give birth on 15 oct naturally to my boy in mt a. Now bb in the 2nd wks, any advise to make him sleep longer at night? Any advise on which pdr is gd in east? Tks
Hi Serene

Congrats to the end of confinement!

Yea started to drink water. Cannot take it. But so far restraining on anything cold. Apparently need to avoid cold drink, milk, ice cream for 3 mths. I have not pump. Breast like so soft scared I take away portion of bb's in take ie pump then bb suckle nothing. So now is bb stuck to breast. Also I have no place to store ebm feel waste if I pump and bb didn't consume. Tried nursing tea but bb let's out alot of gas. I'll start the nursing tea again when I need extra ss for storage. Now I try to drink more water.

Hi Belinda

Didnt Mt A provide any pd? I didn't go to the pd from TMC as I wasn't comfortable with her style and not cheap. Since I'm paying premium, I decided to go to pd Im comfortable & I know is good. but they are mainly in town though. Dr Elizabeth Khor and Belinda muragasu
Just a gentle reminder - For mummies/daddies who would like to be added to our forum list & FB Oct group, pls provide the following info.

You can either post ur info here or PM me. For those who are gg to PM me, pls at least notify me here at this thread, as sometimes I've problems receiving my PMs (and hence may miss ur PM).

Format as follows:

NSEW (Area u stay at, north/south/east/west):
FB name :

And pls check your FB privacy settings to confirm that you've allowed public search and also allowed people to send friends requests to u. This is to ensure that Selena (Novembaby) can search for u faster and easier online.

Belinda: I stay in the north and my PD's at Mt E, so can't offer u any advice. But we actually hv many mummies who stay in the East area. We mainly chat in the secret FB grp nowadays. If u're keen to join us there, I'm sure many mummies would be glad to share info wif u
hey! Pat here again! The deal I talked about just released their discount codes on their website - http://3w-grp.com/?p=344!

The codes are as follows:

“Buy-1-get-1-Free” discount code for Babykicks Diapers and Inserts: B1G1

35% off other Babykicks products: BBK35ALL

Free surface shipping: FSSAP

The sale starts tomorrow and ends Friday! I've been wanting to try cloth diapers for a while but always thought it was too daunting! But this sale was just the push to get me to try cloth diapers!
Hi Serene & Monica,

Thank you for the info. I was appointed Kinder clinic in MT A. But was wondering if there is a good pdr in the east which i suppose will make life really easier.

I need to include the format to be included in fb Oct grp?

Details as follows :

Age: 29 years
BB#: 1
Hospital: MT A
Gynae: Irene Chua
Edd: Delivered 15 Oct
Gender: Male
NSEW (east)
FB name : Belinda
Email: [email protected]
Belinda: Ccharis (Andra) and I will add u to our FB Oct group and the SMH Forum Oct Mummy list.

Pls check your FB privacy settings to confirm that you've allowed public search and also allowed people to send friends requests to u.

I will first send a friend request to u, pls accept it when I do so. Thereafter, I'll send an invitation to u to join our FB Oct group, pls approve my invitation then
Hi mummies, I popped in 23 Sep and just finished my confinement 2 days ago. What a great relief! This time round, I got so heaty from the lack of water consumption and heaty confinement food that I constipated, have piles and severe sore throat which leads to 39deg fever and 1 week of cough. To think that I went through that while nursing my baby. I just had to drink some hot water in between the red date tea if not I will die of dehydration. So glad that all well's end well. Went McD and had iced lemon tea ytd.
Hi serene n monica,
I wd like to join oct mummies group on fb.
My details:

Age 32
edd: delivered 18 oct
bb gender: girl

thanks very much! Look forward to joining the grp
bb #: 2
hospital : mt alv
gynae: dr chua yang
Name of mummy: julian lim
facebook name: julian lim
email: [email protected]

thanks very much!!
Belinda: I still can't locate u on FB. Have you changed your FB privacy settings to allow public search and also allow people to send friends requests to u? Once u've done so, pls let me know so that I can try to locate u on FB again.

Thereafter, I will send a friend request to u, pls accept it when I do so. And then, I'll send an invitation to u to join our FB Oct group, pls approve my invitation then

Some mummies in FB hv shared concerns that their bb do not poo daily either but other mummies hv shared that as long as there's at least 6-8 wet diapers daily, it shld be okie. For my bb, initially he pooped almost after every latch on. Then later he pooped abt 3-5 times daily. Now at 5 weeks plus, he's pooping 1-3 times daily.
Julian: Belinda: Ccharis (Andra) and I will add u to our FB Oct group and the SMH Forum Oct Mummy list.

Pls check your FB privacy settings to confirm that you've allowed public search and also allowed people to send friends requests to u.

I will first send a friend request to u, pls accept it when I do so. Thereafter, I'll send an invitation to u to join our FB Oct group, pls approve my invitation then
Hi serene,

I have changed my setting to public view. Can u locate me? My bb have at least 6 wet diapers daily but not poop. He is 2 wks old n its seem that he poop every 3 days on a average of 2 poop daily.
Hi mummies, i am supposed to be Nov mtb but as expected, i delivered in Oct instead. By now, most of you delivered too? Any recommendations for full month celebration cakes?
Heartbeats: congrats!! I've delivered too. I ordered from Sweetest Moments. But for the Ang ku kueh n red eggs, I prepared separately
hey ladies sorry for the late replies..

monica, i managed to get preowned from my sil .. so dun need breastpump liao..thks for the offer

belinda, there's a gd PD in tampines.. her name is Dr Cecilia Lee in Tampines St 11.. my #1 goes to her.. but #2 got jaundice so i go polyclinic instead n check the jaundice level cos can do blood test there directly..

sushi, i had elective GA c-sect.. their service really terrible...after my c-sect this time round..they put me at the waiting area in the operating theatre n i can actually feel the pain leh..my anaesthetist told me if i feel pain after i wake up..juz tell the nurses..they will give me more painkiller..

guess what..i really feel the pain lor..so i told the nurses..3times n they ignored me!! told me that they gave me 4 doses oredi.. but it's really pain lor.. the 4th time i really insist..then the nurse go n ask the doc..doc said give..then they give!! rubbish rite!!

n the nurses nvr take my blood pressure on hourly basis which was requested by my gynae.. when my gynae came n visited me he asked me did they take regularly..i said no lor..cos he checked the records..they took only 3hrs after my c-sect n somemore not hourly.. he was very pissed!!! scolded them in front of me..

then come the hygiene part.. total shock to me!! the day after my c-sect the nurse came n wipe me..n gave me a USED robe to wear with BLOOD STAIN!!!! can u imagine?? luckily i saw the stain when she put 1 arm into the sleeves.. Oh my god!!! i told her..how come got blood stain??? she said..ooh..maybe the used robes had been mixed with the clean 1s!!! then quickily change another 1 for me.. to me this is totally unacceptable lor..how can a hospital have such a standard of hygiene??? ridiculous rite!!!
serene..i forgot to ask u to add me to fb.. pls use [email protected] to add me into fb.. ehehe.. after talk so long n i totally forgot abt requesting to add into fb...heheh..paisay..

sushi, forget to add..the cut is bearable..i actually find this time round is more painful..but i recovered faster compared to the 1st time round..n i hardly used my binder..cos hor..the stupid nurse from TMC dunno how to remove my plaster at all.. pulled off part of my skin at the buttock area..super duper pain..can see raw skin.. so bo bian..must air mah..if put binder will get worse!!
hi bizznow,

you use cecilia lee ? is her q long and service gd ?
my bb need to take 6 in 1 jab in 1 mth time. my friend is asking me to go gp or polyclinic which is more afforable or neighbourhood pder instead of pdr as per appointed by gynae.

What do you ladies suggest ?
Hey belinda, I'm seeing Cecilia lee if my #1 is sick.. Her queue very long but service is gd.. Every time I try to be either the 1st patient or last patient.. Cos at least won't wait so long.. For injections I go poly clinic.. I feel charges r reasonable n the wait at poly clinic is actually quite short.. N as sporean jabs like measles n something else I can't remember what is free.. And u get free checkup for ur kid when they r 9mths.. Subsequently got growth checkup also which is free.. My #1 had his 4yr old checkup done there as well wher they check hearing n eye sight.. Which I find it's gd lor.. Got reminder send to ur hp on ur appt some more.. So u wont forget..
Just a gentle reminder - For mummies/daddies who would like to be added to our forum list & FB Oct group, pls provide the following info.

You can either post ur info here or PM me. For those who are gg to PM me, pls at least notify me here at this thread, as sometimes I've problems receiving my PMs (and hence may miss ur PM).

Format as follows:

Edd / Add:
NSEW (Area u stay at, north/south/east/west):
FB name :

And pls check your FB privacy settings to confirm that you've allowed public search and also allowed people to send friends requests to u. This is to ensure that I can search for u faster and easier online.

Bizz: Are you #116 in our Oct list above? If yes, Pls check through the details and see if the info is still correct and provide me with the missing info (eg, FB full name, age, Add etc).

And pls check your FB privacy settings to confirm that you've allowed public search and also allowed people to send friends requests to u. This is to ensure that I can search for u faster and easier online. Thanks
Belinda: I still can't locate u on FB, tried using both email addresses that u provided. Have u changed ur privacy settings to public?

SM was good, my guests loved the package I gave them (mini Swiss rolls, choco donuts and fruit tarts).
pibymummy: I've not received ur PM. Pls send it to me again.

And pls check your FB privacy settings to confirm that you've allowed public search and also allowed people to send friends requests to u.

I will first send a friend request to u, pls accept it when I do. Thereafter, I'll send an invitation to u to join our FB Oct group, pls approve my invitation then
hey serenelm, yes i am #116 in the Oct list..i receive ur fb request and added u in oredi..

Age: 34
BB#: 2
Hospital: TMC
Gynae: Dr KC Yeo
Edd: 23rd Oct 2012
Add: 12th Oct 2012
Gender: Male
NSEW (Area u stay at, north/south/east/west): east
Bizz: Okie, I'll proceed to add u to our FB group shortly. Ill oso request Ccharis (Andra) to update ur info into our Oct mummies list. Thanks
Bizz: I just checked. U haven't accepted my friend request in FB yet. Let me know once u've accepted so tat I can add u to our FB Oct grp
Raelene: Ccharis (Andra) and I will add u to our FB Oct group and the SMH Forum Oct Mummy list.

Pls check your FB privacy settings to confirm that you've allowed public search and also allowed people to send friends requests to u.

I will first send a friend request to u, pls accept it when I do so. Thereafter, I'll send an invitation to u to join our FB Oct group, pls approve my invitation then
