(2012/10) Oct 2012

serenelm> oh if its a gift, then just make full use of it and push yrself to "work hard" to pump..but of course i have read about mums who feel happier with FM and the baby still grow up healthy, so if you really end up no ss dont blame yrself, but sell it to another person. How's yr ss for previous 3 boys? there's a time when my ss did drop and i continue to express and latch and eat supplement, it seems to work for me but some people just doesnt see the effect of the supplement, so it works differently for each person.

mommywong, i am in week17 now. consider early to feel fetal movements? means my lil one is really notti!

i also got a medela freestyle which i feel is super useful and convenient. can pump anywhere and quite handy to bring out. but with the bottles, accessories and milkbag, i still end up with 1 big bag.

btw, are the post natal massages suppose to be relaxing or painful? for #1, my post natal massage was super painful, i really dread the massage sessions. then my fren who gave birth recently said her post natal massage was far from relaxing. please advise
Rainbowpooh, I also called up afew CL and mostly asked for $2300 and still need to apply work permit for them. The work permit can amount to around $100-200. Sorry, cant recall the amount as my hb was handling all these during my #1 time. So I guess market rate for this year is around $2300-2500. For my #1 in 2010, I think we paid around $2300 in total. But she's not that good, so got to look for another one this time round.

Melody, I also had a not-so-good confinement during my #1 time. And after my confinement, I feel that my body really weaken. Felt cold at times and during the early stage of this preg, I also felt cold which is very difference from my #1. Cause as preggie, I suppose to feel hotter than normal. So I guess probably cause I didnt do my confinement properly. And alot of my relatives are telling me, confinement is the only time we can build up our body, after that its very hard, unless we go through another labour. So this time round, I also hope for a good CL. Called several and most of those 'recommended' ones are booked. Actually the CL for #1 also one of those internet-recommended one, but she's not good. So now, Im quite wary of the recommendations.
<font color="RED">mummywong10</font>:<font color="blue">Oh no wonder, alright! Thanks
wishing for a boy or girl?

<font color="red">serenem</font>:Hahaha, hopefully baby be good! :p

<font color="red">Melody</font>:Thanks alot babe!
Congrats to mummies who knows the gender. Be it girl or boy, healthy is the best. Hope i can see the gender tmr for check up.

serene: how i wish to be a sahm too. But true enough, pre-sch fees are getting too high. This is crazy, even with govt sub is not enough man.
Your sis is so good. My brothers didn even offer anything. haha!
JustALamb> oh i just refer to the table, its yr #2, maybe that's why u can feel earlier. usually #1 is not so early.

sksf> i'm hoping for a boy still though my #1 is boy. my hubby &amp; myself hope to hv 3 kids (if we can in future, but depends on after #2 is born, physically/mentally/financially). so if #2 is boy will motivate me to try for #3 (hope for girl). but if #2 is girl, it might discourage me to try #3 since i will have 1 boy and 1 girl. our reasoning is funny right? however, we are fine with both boy/girl cos we are fortunate that our #1 is boy, and yes due to traditional thinking, we want #1 as boy to "succeed" the family line also..so i'm very lucky that i do not need to worry about gender for #2. i can really feel the stress for #1 to be boy that time (the stress we give ourselves).
<font color="red">mummywond10</font>:<font color="blue">Wow, ok. My husband is the one that have the traditional thinking, lol. He wanted another boy, but my #1 wants a sister. hahaha, so let's see who got their wish. I'm fine with girl &amp; boy in fact, healthy most importantly.. tho secretly am hoping for a girl so i can gladly stop producing. Hehe. As it's my wish to have a pair
justalamb, I had c-sec previously and only started my post-natal massage after 7weeks post labour. I engaged a Malay massage lady and she's quite good. The massage wasn't painful and she will 'tie' my tummy up after the massage. The best part I like was.. she will massage my breast and it helped to clear the milk clot, can really see the milk 'shoot' out when she pressed for me and its not painful. I had some milk clots on the 3rd day after labour and the lactation nurse was helping me to massage. It was super painful that I was crying buckets when she touched me. It nearly drove me into depression, thinking that bf-ing is that painful.
Serene: haha u make me laff leh... ok lah ok lah u hope that the KKJ is umbilical cord and I hope my one KKJ is hiding lah

Raspy: Yah CL not good its a nightmare! Shedun even need to do much, she herself tell my mum her life at our hse very gd cos my 2 maids do everything. She only need to cook and take care of baby. My hubby dun even bother her to cook seperate. Even when i coax hubby to eat other things cos everyday eat confinement food will get heaty, he say he will eat what i eat cosmust ggive me moral support eat similar things everyday for a mth hhehe... he is sofunny sometimes

My hubby and MIL made me feel so touched when I discover mine 90% girl. My hubby say even though he and his dad only son but his ye ye has 4 bros all boys and his surname Wong damn common so dun need to carry on the lineage lah.

He also say on average nowadays urbanised countries such as SG, the birth rate for each couple is 1.4 and has a decreasing trend, so he say even if we have a boy now, who is to say that our lineage will contnue forever n ever? After we die, for all u know it will still b broken, so why must we bother ourselves with it now?

My MIL say even if we have 2 girls or more girls, since my hubby only son, everything sure his in the end so makes no difference hence I shouldnt stress myself....

;) Well at times like this, i count my blessings to have a wonderful hubby, beautiful and intelligent daughter (My PD say her IQ most prob pretty high, she learn how to speak at 8 mths and walked on her own at 10 mths hehe) I remind myself that I shouldnt keep counting what I dun have or dun have yet and should count what I have instead ;)
<font color="ff6000">Hi babes!
Gosh I havent posted in a while. This thread moves so fast that by the time I'm done catching up, I got no time to post or have lost track of what I want to say :p

So many many mummies appearing now that we are all out of the first trimester uncertainty. Congrats to all the mums and babies who have made it so far.</font>

<font color="0000ff">JustALamb: </font> <font color="ff6000">My little darling has been moving a lot too! And I'm only starting on my Week 15 in two days time. My frens are all saying it could be a really active boy. Oh dear, oh dear. Bb moves the most at night and jsut before I go to sleep. I've been so addicted to feeling for the movements that I will just lie still for almost an hour before sleeping, just talking to bb and feeling for the response. This is my fave part of pregnancy! Just me and my little darling hanging out :p</font>

<font color="0000ff">Sksf:</font> <font color="ff6000">Yeah, a pair would be nice, can even out the gender ratio in the family. But I personally prefer girls cos im v girly myself and it would be nice for my girl to have a sister. I tink sisters have the closest bonds, like me and my younger sis. But oh well, we'll let God decide.
serenelm, I just pm you my email address. Can you help me to inform novembaby to add me into the FB group too? Thanks!

Melody, Your hb and mil are soo nice and understanding. Its really a blessing to have them. Truely, we should always be contented with what we had and not what we don't have.
<font color="0000ff">Melody</font> <font color="ff6000">wow, your girl started speaking at 8 months? That's incredible. Did you do anything out of the ordinary? like flashcards? Are u a SAHM who spends a lot of time with her?

My girl is 28 months and was speaking in monosyllables until she turned 2, only then did she start stringing words together. Hehe.. But my in-laws tell me my hubby didnt speak till he was THREE! so that kinda explains hahaha</font>
Serene, oh u are the co-ordinator of fb grp ah? Ask novembaby to add me to? I PM u my addy. Must change fb settings so u guys can find me? If so what musst i change huh?

Raspy, yah loh thats why i wiling to go thru all the horrible MS n pain for them see if I can have a boy the next time or not mah. They nice to me, I also nice hehehe

starrymummy: Yup i quit my job to stay hme till i finish giving birth n close factory cos' even though my work pays v well but long hours so not conducive to start family. Hubby dun need me to provide financially so he leaves the choice up to me. With my #1, i vomit 9 mths straight so doc comfort me say like tt baby most prob pretty smart. hehe... i managed to catch her speaking at 8.5 mths on the video n posted it on my fb. if I m added n u r there u can go see.

She started memorising numbers 1-10 since 10 mths in english chinese and japanese

My daughter can also do san zi jing at 14 mths. Now she can count items 1-11, as in u give her a pile of items, she can count how many there are.

She used to go Shichida since 8 mths but at 10 mths, she articulate her feelings n told me on the way to the class ,"Mummy, i dont like here." So i stopped her immediately. She was at JG and was the only child that could speak for a full 3 mths in her class.

So not much flashcards cos she doesnt like the shichida method. But my mum said I spoke at 9 mths plus... so maybe that too....

hehehe ok ok i m blabbering cos all mummies like that one, talk abt their beloved babies, cant stop
<font color="0000ff">melody</font> <font color="ff6000">i see i see. amazing hor to see your child progressing so fast and so early. yours got a lot of potential. you should nurture her interests and maybe you have a child prodigy on your hands!</font>
starrymummy: hehe no lah i dun wan a prodigy lah, i just need her to be healthy n good natured but if in the event she continues to stay smart through her academic years and get scholarships then I zhuan dao loh, I can have more money for shopping instead hiaks hiaks hiaks. If not, I will b contented if she gets a degree, marry a good guy and just live life to the fullest ;)
<font color="0000ff">melody</font> <font color="ff6000">true true. dont put too much pressure on the kids, the terrible education system here is pressurising enough. kids dont enjoy their school life once they enter primary school. the thot of my darlings having to go for tuition and enrichment classes, and not have time to play, pains my heart. sigh. hopefully the system eases up before our kids enter the school system man. but then again, this is competitive singapore aka ratrace. not much hope of a more relaxed pace lor.</font>
Hi ladies,

Went for 15 weeks check today and doc says quite likely it's a girl since no kkj was in sight. I let out loud YAY when i heard that.
i very much prefer a girl since i already have a boy and im closing factory after this pregnancy. Have to re-confirm the gender in 4 weeks time. Whatever it is, I hope for a healthy baby with no birth defects.
Today the nurse "suck" 4 tubes of blood from me for the triple test. Almost fainted when I saw how much blood was taken!
How's everyone feeling in the second trimester? Better now? My ms is still not subsiding.
Hi sksf - which gynae are u with now ?

Hi charris - twin , what time is ur FA scan o. 23 may? Mine is at 230pm n with d dr (not d sonographer) at the fetal assessment unit , decide to pay abit more cos we want d doc view to ease our mind since oscar test was borderline pass.

All - I felt I am learning so much abt myself for d past 15+ weeks, coping with each development . D biggest for me is learning to focus on being happy n positive! There are soich change at work for me , as much as pregnancy does to me n at d same time period ! I'm sure I will cont to learn alot in the next months !
sing ling: for a newborn, disposables would be better coz they poop very often and usually runny/watery. Try diff brands on your bb starting with the cheaper ones first. If your baby has no prob with cheaper brands, then u can save quite a bit in the long run. If bb develops rashes, then try more expensive brands ;)
Sing Ling - Just like sha85, I used disposables and I used Pampers active baby newborn. I remember max. just buy 2 packets because baby will outgrow to size S very soon. I intend to use this brand for #2.

But now, it's good to go to the diapers and baby milk powder websites to sign up for free samples, maybe for size S. That's the fun part to receive free stuff!
Good Morning Mummies

sing ling, The old saying or our mum generation saying will be cloth diapering is better as more 'airy' for the baby bottom. Because the disposables at their generation is quite bulky and 'thick'. The disposables now is quite 'advance' now, the absorption is fast and dry. My mum was also quite amazed with the pampers that my girl used. She even went to cut up the heavy used diaper to see the 'contents' inside. Heehee..

I think if you are using cloth diaper, then better stick to the old method, just the normal cloth diaper with the inserts and no other outer stuff. Because I feel that those 'new' modern cloth diaper also not very airy, infact the cloth is quite thick which defeats the original purpose of using cloth diaper to 'air' the bottom.

The cons of using cloth diaper is the washing and drying. Really use alot of them during the early period and its disgusting to scrub those early poops out. Still need time to dry and fold them. Really alot of work, one of my friends was quite persistence in using cloth diaper. She gave up in the end, as it even affected the relationships around her. Because everyone was so drained off taking care of baby and still got to spend alot of time to scrub, wash, dry, fold the cloth diaper. And you cant miss a day washing as its going to stink and you'll run out of them very fast. So they got regular squabbles over who should be washing it. When she finally changed to disposables, she said its a life-saver. Heehee..
sing ling: i used cloth diaper for day and diaposable diaper at night for my #1 during confinement period cos they poo alot chances of developing nappy rash is very high... cloth diaper is not as warm as disposable diaper but hv to change very often. we paid so much for the CL so might well use cloth diaper (abit for ma fan)... but i allow my CL to use washing machine to wash bb clothes lah.. if not i think she will faint...

now #2 i also intend to do the same way... this way u can save alot... that time i only used 3/4 packet of the diaper it is a pass down by my fren, so i nv buy any NB diaper.
as wat raspy mentioned, it is very tiring to use cloth diaper... i change to diaposable diaper once my #1 poo became normal as in he dun poo so many times a day... that was when he's around 1 month plus old, by that time he can wear S size diaper liao... not so expensive as the NB diaper.
<font color="0000ff">Serenelm &amp; Kanelmo</font> - Thank you thank you! Grabs all the boydust, rubs on tummy!

<font color="0000ff">Mummywong10</font> - Welcome to da club, hope you enjoy your stay here &amp; congrats for being pregnant! I'll update you into the list shortly.

<font color="0000ff">Sksf</font> - I'm already male dominated (HB + 2 male dogs) at home, I dont mind being so, like that I become exclusive at home leh, heheh!

RE: Breastpump - Ya, agree with <font color="0000ff">Serenelm</font> on when to buy the breast pumps cause for me this is #1 baby &amp; not sure if I do have enough supply or not.

<font color="0000ff">Nyctora</font> - Throw some boydust over please, hahaha! I would take it as confirm lah, will update your list shortly.

RE: Confinement Lady

I finally found her, yay! So nice of her to visit my neighbour (she delivered last Nov) and I managed to interviewed her yday since she try to squeeze me in (which means I can only do 28days) so looks like I can now go back to Mum's place to do my confinment le loh. I quite like her, she's clean &amp; neat, not like the typical CL as she attends lessons &amp; is very knowledgeable - all thanks to my dear neighbour! Phew..

Before I get drifted away.. Sorry I hadnt been noticing much on this topic - sp, may I ask again how much is considered reasonable for welcome &amp; depart angpaos? Is it really a practice to give bigger welcome angpao so it would be more inviting for her to work harder for you? Please enlighten me, thanks!

<font color="0000ff">Rainbowpooh</font> - Just for your reference, the CL which I would be engaging is charging S$2.3K too, but excl. levy. Perhaps you can find out if yours is included? Cause levy is about S$200 (S$6 x no of days stay + S$20 government admin fee). Prev I spoke to 2 CL also S$2.3K so maybe yours is really fishing for more income? Just my 2 cents worth, no offence.

<font color="0000ff">Devilene</font> - I'll update your BB gender too, ok? So happy for all of you lah! Anyway I got sucked out 6 tubes during OSCAR - cause I had to test for advanced Thelessemia too. Thats worse, I nearly faint!

<font color="0000ff">Btil-twin</font> - Ya, FA scan brought forward to 23th May @ 930AM cause I think later that week, all the gynae from ACJ would be having a conference &amp; since I always visit gynae after test (to save a trip) so, usually morning go and do test, then afternoon gynae check, then 3/4 day gone. Well, if I am still around, we can catch up for a short while!

I didnt know the gynae can do FA scan, if not I would had opt for her too, really like her, she's like a friend &amp; I'm always at ease (so is HB) and perhaps with her, we can find out the gender (cause I think FA scan machine is also the better machine, right).

Dont feel bad my twin, me too. Past few weeks had been abit roller coaster for me too (ie. stressing to want a boy) and still couldnt get confinement help &amp; was looking for classes to attend (but HB doesnt wanna go with me cause he paiseh) so I became like 'not looking forward to the pregnancy' etc... If anyone actually notice that period I wasnt active on the forum too. Mayb hormonal changes made me think too much too, sigh...

RE: Gender
Can anyone confirm that by FA scan, confirm will know gender? Will the sonographer check for you or like OSCAR, they might just hazard a guess only?

<font color="0000ff">SingLing</font> - My 2 cents worth, cause I was v pro cloth diapers but after my research &amp; reading other's experience, I think I would stick to disposables. I know it's cheaper to use cloth (average premium diaper per pc is 30cents) but weighing in proper proportion - not forgetting the water, electricity needed to wash, I think they work out to be the same too leh. Moreover, I ask myself, is it worth it to spend the effort to wash (just to save that few cents) and give up time to rest or bond with baby (because I dont have a maid). But I do hope my BB can chinchai &amp; accept cheap diapers too lah, then perhaps can save abit loh.
My SIL and I got preggy around the same time. As she is the elder DIL, i suppose the "stress" is on her to have a boy? My PIL are in their 70s and I know for certain they want "nei4 sun1" and prefer a boy cos MIL let slip a long time ago. But hubby and I wish for girl!

When I went for the oscar scan, gynae said the baby looks like a girl, but don't go around telling people yet until she is more sure of the gender. Well esp after my oscar results, all the more I've not announced my pregnancy. Only immed family and bosses know. The colleagues at work might guess something from my growing tummy? Hee.

Btil, I think we are kinda on the same boat, trying to stay positive with a borderline result (for me T13 is def a termination if confirmed
). I just started a new job b4 finding out about pregnancy so it really is not helping, the saving grace is bosses are cool about it.
<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">October 2012 Babies</font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td><font color="ff6000"><center>No.</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Nick</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Age</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>BB#</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Hospital</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Gynae</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>EDD</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Gender</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>NSEW</center></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Ariadne</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>01.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>JustALamb</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dy Yvonne Soong</center></TD><TD><center>01.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>3</center></TD><TD><center>ReineLuv</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Chua Yang</center></TD><TD><center>02.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>4</center></TD><TD><center>asphere</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>03.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>5</center></TD><TD><center>Wens</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Choo Wan Ling</center></TD><TD><center>03.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>6</center></TD><TD><center>Kitty01</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. HK. Ho</center></TD><TD><center>03.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>Girl</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>7</center></TD><TD><center>skies</center></TD><TD><center>36</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>8</center></TD><TD><center>Keiko</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>9</center></TD><TD><center>Wenty</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Fong</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>10</center></TD><TD><center>oekmer</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Woo</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>11</center></TD><TD><center>starrie_nite</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. LC Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>Girl</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>12</center></TD><TD><center>Liang</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. LC Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>13</center></TD><TD><center>jaime_g83</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lawrence Ang</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>14</center></TD><TD><center>Zen</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Pritam Singh</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>15</center></TD><TD><center>Lil'K'smummy</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Ang HY</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>16</center></TD><TD><center>kanelmo</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>Boy</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>17</center></TD><TD><center>Ms_Lala</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Kenneth E Lee</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>18</center></TD><TD><center>eiggam</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>SGH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Devendra</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>19</center></TD><TD><center>kikilala</center></TD><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt. A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chua Yang</center></TD><TD><center>06.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>20</center></TD><TD><center>mei ziang</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>06.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>21</center></TD><TD><center>berser</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>MAH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Douglas Ong</center></TD><TD><center>06.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>22</center></TD><TD><center>JuneGoh</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>NUH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Su Lin Lin</center></TD><TD><center>07.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>23</center></TD><TD><center>Donkey</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Parkway East</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Heng Tung Lan</center></TD><TD><center>08.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>Girl</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>24</center></TD><TD><center>Chapa Chic</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Woodworth</center></TD><TD><center>08.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>25</center></TD><TD><center>serenelm</center></TD><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>4</center></TD><TD><center>Mt. E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Kowa Nam Sing</center></TD><TD><center>08.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>Boy</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>BabyJo</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. C.H.Koh</center></TD><TD><center>09.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>Davier's_Mum</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>4</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Koh Cheng Huat</center></TD><TD><center>09.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>Btil</center></TD><TD><center>37</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr LN Sim</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>ming8110</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Caroline Khi</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>novembaby</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>SGH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Tan Wei Ching</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>Cindy</center></TD><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr LC Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>ccharis</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC or Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Caroline Khi</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>Central</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>Raspy</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. HK Ho</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>McKay423</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>Missy</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Lawrence Ang</center></TD><TD><center>11.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>airex</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Joycelyn Wong</center></TD><TD><center>12.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>36</center></TD><TD><center>Tammy</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lisa Chin</center></TD><TD><center>12.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>37</center></TD><TD><center>strawberry128</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Goh Shen Li</center></TD><TD><center>13.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>West</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>38</center></TD><TD><center>Njon </center></TD><TD><center>36</center></TD><TD><center>3</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chin YK</center></TD><TD><center>13.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>39</center></TD><TD><center>nyctora</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Eunice Chua</center></TD><TD><center>14.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>Boy</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>40</center></TD><TD><center>mayday80</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chua Yang</center></TD><TD><center>15.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>West</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>41</center></TD><TD><center>Sharon_k</center></TD><TD><center>24</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Douglas Ong</center></TD><TD><center>15.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>42</center></TD><TD><center>devilene</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chan KH</center></TD><TD><center>15.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>43</center></TD><TD><center>ynove</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC or Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Tan</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>44</center></TD><TD><center>Eeyore</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr John Yam</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>45</center></TD><TD><center>Lil_D</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>46</center></TD><TD><center>Yam</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>47</center></TD><TD><center>Quinny</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Ann Tan</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>48</center></TD><TD><center>angelsky1885</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. LC Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>49</center></TD><TD><center>sha85</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>17.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>50</center></TD><TD><center>angie_mummy</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Yvonne Chan</center></TD><TD><center>17.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>51</center></TD><TD><center>zeezzen</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lim Teck Chye</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>Boy</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>52</center></TD><TD><center>SnU</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>53</center></TD><TD><center>Ally</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Wee Horng Yen</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>54</center></TD><TD><center>Coco Pops</center></TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Tan Thiam Chye</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>55</center></TD><TD><center>Twish</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Raffles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Cordelia Han</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>56</center></TD><TD><center>candizhu</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Woodworth</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>57</center></TD><TD><center>kiko_sale</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC or Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Woodworth</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>58</center></TD><TD><center>Angie</center></TD><TD><center>42</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>(Auckland)</center></TD><TD><center>NIL</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>59</center></TD><TD><center>cac</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>West</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>60</center></TD><TD><center>tiggermummy</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Lawrence Ang</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>61</center></TD><TD><center>SillyJ</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Chan KH</center></TD><TD><center>20.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>62</center></TD><TD><center>Vankel</center></TD><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Adrian Tan</center></TD><TD><center>21.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>63</center></TD><TD><center>Marvliz</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Prof SC Ng</center></TD><TD><center>23.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>64</center></TD><TD><center>Rainbowpooh</center></TD><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Caroline Khi</center></TD><TD><center>23.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>65</center></TD><TD><center>slchua</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Han How Chuan</center></TD><TD><center>24.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>66</center></TD><TD><center>BBTM</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Seng</center></TD><TD><center>25.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>67</center></TD><TD><center>Autumn</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Woo BH</center></TD><TD><center>26.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>68</center></TD><TD><center>Felicia Ng</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Parkway East</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Heng</center></TD><TD><center>26.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>69</center></TD><TD><center>Giantress</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Chew SY</center></TD><TD><center>26.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>70</center></TD><TD><center>Mini22</center></TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Mr HK Ho</center></TD><TD><center>26.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>71</center></TD><TD><center>Lavender1979</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Mary Yang</center></TD><TD><center>27.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>72</center></TD><TD><center>zonkkie</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Joycelyn Wong</center></TD><TD><center>28.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>73</center></TD><TD><center>Sksf</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr LN Sim</center></TD><TD><center>30.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>74</center></TD><TD><center>preciousgal</center></TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Mr H K Ho</center></TD><TD><center>30.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>75</center></TD><TD><center>Meredith</center></TD><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Joycelyn Wong</center></TD><TD><center>31.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>76</center></TD><TD><center>pEI</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Kang Wee</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>77</center></TD><TD><center>Icjpiggy</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lim Teck Beng</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>78</center></TD><TD><center>nmx</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Kowa</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>79</center></TD><TD><center>constance</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>5</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr PS Lui</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>80</center></TD><TD><center>Shir Shir</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>Parkway East</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>81</center></TD><TD><center>Stephanie Ang</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>KHH</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>01.11.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>82</center></TD><TD><center>Mummywong10</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>(HongKong)</center></TD><TD><center>NIL</center></TD><TD><center>01/06.11.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="ff0000">As usual, please check your details &amp; if I leave out any - Sorry &amp; please remind me to update again, hehe!

For those whom wished to be added onto the FB secret group: Please PM Novembaby your email address and keep your profile &amp; email address searchable, otherwise she cannot add you.</font>
I feel so depressed today. Received a call from gynae early in the morning to inform me that I have fail my OSCAR. Ratio only 1:60. Now have to decide if I want to go ahead with amino.
Thanks. This is my #2. Got a hunch after the test that the result will be less than positive. Thought I am prepared for it but just cant stop tearing once I hear the bad news.

Has anyone done amnio test before? Can share what is the procedure like?
<font color="0000ff">Kanelmo</font> - First time, simi also dunno. Could you recommend a few brands for milk and diapers so I can write to them for samples? I think I only know Pampers, hahahaha!

Oh! <font color="0000ff">Felicia</font> - If use cloth diapers, how long would the baby need to wear till they need to change to disposables? You just gave me a brilliant idea (to make use of the CL) but then once she is gone, I would be taking care myself, so wondered if using cloth just a month would be a wise option? Heheh...
<font color="red">Devilene</font>:<font color="blue">Congrats on knowing your baby gender! Hopefully i won't see a KKJ on my next visit! :p

<font color="red">Btil</font>:I'm with Dr Woo Bit Hwa now. Go to his clinic @ Tiong Bahru Central Plaza, He've night sessions on monday &amp; wednesday
You sticking to Dr Sim? Got package with her alr?

<font color="red">ccharis</font>: Hahahaha, if my #2 is another boy! Then i'll be the exclusive one just like you! :p

<font color="red">Meredith</font>:Feel you babe, but please keep a positive thinking, OSCAR Result sometimes aren't very accurate too.. Did your gynae go through with you bout the amnio procedure like? Maybe you can check with her?</font>
Meredith, *hug* Don't worry too much first. Oscar had alot of false positive. I saw this thread that you might want to read.. alot of mummies had good results from their amnio.

ccharis, I heard from my CL that the few better disposables brands are pampers and mummypoko. Since then, we didnt go for other brands. Personally I like Pampers, I think their absorption is good and not as bulky as mummypoko. But my family quite funny, sometime buy pampers, sometime buy mummypoko. From the start, I told hb, diapers are something that I rather not save on as the poor baby will suffer if his bum is red. So far, my #1 bum is quite ok.

For milk sample, I think most, if not all doesn't give stage 1 (newborn) milk for sample. Infact, stage 1 milk is the most expensive one, out of all the stages, cause they want to encourage mothers to breastfeed.
Mummywong: Actually I oni fully bf my #3 cos the other 2 stopped after a short period of time. For #3, he oni latched on, I din pump out at all cos my old pigeon pump didn't work well. I actually latched on till now (he's 3+ this yr). But since he fully latched on, I oso dunno how much my milk supply is at all. For #4, I plan to both latch on and pump so as to get him used to the bottle earlier.

Sharonk: Yes, my sis is superb, love her to bits

Melody: No lah, I'm not the coordinator. Just helping the mummies here where I can

Melody / Raspy: Dunno why I'm having problem retrieving my PMs. Can u post your FB details here instead? I think just need your FB name and email address

Devilene: Congrats on ur baby gal

Wow, 4 tubes of blood!! That's a lot. My gynae's nurse oni took a tube from me for the triple test. Even then she had a hard time locating my veins and extracting the blood. Think she'll faint herself if she had to extract 4 tubes of blood from me. Haha!!
My MS hasn't really passed too, some days I still vomit or feel nauseous.

Singling: I used Pampers Newborn disposables too cos newborns tend to poop often initially and it's quite watery. I oso prefer Pampers brand for newborn cos there's a line on the diapers to show if it's alrdy full or baby has peed and needs a change of diapers, unlike other brands. But once the baby's past the Newborn size, i usually switch to Mamy Poko brand which is as good but cheaper. Then once baby's older, I'll use Drypers for day and Mamy Poko for nite to further save on costs

Meredith: I'm sorry to hear that, pls stay strong. My sis did the amnio previously and told me it's not very painful but u need to rest in bed for a few days after that cos will hv slight cramping and discomfort.
Meredith, i did amnio for my #1 b4... i did the oscar test was ok... but fail my detail scan cos my #1 neck skin is very much thicker then the usual, therefore i did my amnio... is actually not as painful as wat ppl say, its bearable de...

ccharis, only change the diaper when bb wet the diaper lor... usually they wun pee if they are in deep sleep, they will only pee when they wake up... some baby will wake up and cry cos they pee... just change and they will go back to sleep...

i changed to disposable diaper after my CL left lor... cos by the time my boy dun poo so often (the most twice a day). after that i still use it on and off...

the reason i use of cloth diaper is to min. the chances of baby developing nappy rash... and god blessed... my boy dun hv nappy rash till he is abt 6 months old and now still on off have rashes but very minor de...
it has been a while since i came in, the pages is so long i think it will takes me ages to read =(

Meredith: hmmm i think Oscar some pple do already have bad results but the baby just turn out fine.. Now i really wonder does it really matters to do Oscar now? seems like the results are not so accurate...

I am going for my Oscar tml =( so excited yet scared too..
Meredith, and the process is very fast... less then 5 mins u will be out liao... nothing to worry just need to bed rest after that, usually MC will be given for the test.
Meredith, I feel you. this is my #1, my blood test result less than ideal so most probably will go for amnio for peace of mind. from what I know, they will draw fluid from the womb to collect baby's cells that is present in the fluid and do a 100% test. But the thread posted by raspy is good, i think got mummy relate her entire amnio experience.

I've been putting my pregnancy "on hold" ever since the oscar came out not too good. as in never tell any friends, stopped reading pregnancy information or planning anything. I don't know what there is to do except wait for amnio test and result. dare not be too excited or plan in case of disappointment. only come in to this forum once a while to catch up on the threads as the mummies here are quite encouraging. Of cos the tummy continues to show more, so I hope ppl esp colleagues won't start asking.
Quinny: normally the results will turn out fine de as what i read.

So those who has not good results, all did amnio test? i was told that why can't we do amnio test straight away instead of doing oscar follow by amnio?

btw Oscar test is there scan being done? if yes, will it be tummy scan or v scan?

normally the blood test they will extract 4 tubes? is from TMC? sorry for so many question ask
Thanks all mummies for your comforting words. Am feeling better after I digest the news. Will be seeing gynae later for a more detailed explanation on my result, hope it will give me some inkling what to do next.

Hope all mummies have a better day than me. Cheers,
OSCAR test includes a tummy scan and a blood test. Usually 2 tubes of blood are drawn.

You can choose to do amnio straight away but most people will opt to do OSCAR test first because amnio test is invasive and carries a certain risk of m/c.
Joanna, thanks for the positive words. Yup I read that many amnio tests came out fine. Keeping fingers crossed!

My SIL is going straight for amnio. she wants to be fully assured the baby is healthy so she skipped the oscar. But i think hers is a less common case.

Another SIL went straight for amnio too but she was nearing 40 when she had her #1.
Hi all mummies, good morning! Well, it's a falling sick morning for me. I had a bad sore throat the whole night and cant sleep.
Now still feeling it. My 2 yr old daughter loh, deliberately sneezed in my face and hubby's face then when i call her "Bing4 Mao1", she was so indignant and told me "Mummy, Noooo dont call me that" then proceed to lick my thighs, bite my shirt like a puppy, then after 2 hours she started to have drippy nose, still dare to come and tell me before bed that "Mummy, bing mao not sick already." Then proceed to kiss me. I also dunnoe to laugh or to cry.... then i fell sick lor....

Serenelm, okok my email [email protected]
Dun laff at the obiang email name hor hehe had it since i was 17 in the Uni

Singling, I agree with the "old method" to use cloth nappy for the day and disposables for the night cos its more airy and easier on the newborn's delicate skin

Raspy, remember i said my CL not gd almost caused me depression? Incidentally 1 of the main things she did that made me cry was that when I was resting in the day, she refused to use cloth diapers on my baby even though this were my clear instructions! I told her a few times to use it, she keep on "forgetting". I mean she really really did not have to do anything else but take care of baby and cook for me and wash baby's clothes, i dunnoe what's her prob! Worse still when hubby is back from work, she told my hubby to persuade me to use disposables she say better for the child, my hubby trusted her experience n promptly relayed her message to me, drove me almost nuts! Cos i feel that disposables or cloth all have pros and cons but this is my child n my preference so u should respect and she is really lazy for 2300 we paid her loh and hubby so tired after work already she still want to go n bother him abt this issue!

Meredith: yah i heard and personally know a few cases where OSCAR results not gd but baby turn out fine one....but this is ur choice abt amino cos it also carries risks, as i mentioned before, if u decide to keep this child no matter what then IMO, it is not worth doing amino.

Btil: Regarding the journey of pregnancy, i agree with u that there is so much to discover abt ourselves and our family in the process, a lot of different physcological barriers emotional hurdles to cross then finally when the BIG day comes to give birth, u need a lot of strength literally and confidence but the moment the child is in ur arms n u know he/she will be there with u and for u for life, the feeling is amazing. A lot of great things in our lives, in order to get them and enjoy them, the process may not be easy. The process is a test to see if we are ready to be a mother of a miracle life. For first time mummies, I feel that it is also an initiation ritual to transcend us fully into womanhood. Just like in the tribes, no initiation ritual test is easy, u need to prove u are ready ... ;) Every single hurdle is a lesson learnt. It's not easy but i know we will all come around and face the current obstacles and whatever is coming with positive thinking and the right mindset.

Jia You everyone!

Rainbowpooh: Thanks for the recipes. There's so many variety for us to try out

I'll be sharing 3 of the more common recipes for confinement too. Hope u mummies like it as much as I do

* Chicken - cut into small serving pcs
* Chinese mushrooms - wash and soak in water till soft. Remove from the water and set aside the mushroom water for later use. Cut away the mushroom stems and slice the mushroom into half.
* Black fungus - optional ingredient as some may not like it. wash and soak in water till soft. Cut away the hard middle parts to throw away and slice the softer parts into small pcs for use.
* Sesame oil - 2 tbsp
* Old ginger - sliced into thin strips
* Salt and Sugar - to taste

1. Heat sesame oil in wok on medium fire
2. Put in old ginger and fry till fragrant
3. Add in chicken, mushrooms and black fungus and stir fry for a few minutes
4. Add in a little of the mushroom water (amt depends on how much gravy u prefer) and cover wok till the chicken, mushrooms and black fungus are cooked
5. Add in salt and sugar to individual taste
6. Serve hot with plain white rice

Note: This recipe can also be used for pork liver/kidney (no mushrooms or black fungus needed) and thin loin pork slices.
