(2012/10) Oct 2012

Kitty I missed my feb menses by right my edd shd b nov but gynae says oct. like my #1, I missed my jun menses & edd in mar which is correct. Went online check also indicate edd oct.

<font color="0077aa">Btil</font>
Where's the baby expo?
Actually I'm not sure what I can buy now. Clothes? In fact I don't even know what I need. Haha.

<font color="0077aa">strawberry</font>
I also dunno gender yet. hahahahah Hopefully next week, if not have to wait till detailed scan.

<font color="0077aa">Kitty</font>
Should be about right. I missed my Jan menses due end of Jan. My EDD is 2 Oct. So most people will miss their menses around Feb?
Hi everyone, sorry for the late reply. I was down and out with a persistent flu bug.

Thanks ML and serenelm for the advice. =) It sure helped. A lot of mummies told me I must change to non-wired so will have more milk. But I'm more comfortable with wired bra as there is more support. Sadly, instead of growing bigger, my breasts have shrunk! Now I'm worried that BF will be a problem.

Kitty01: Yeap, most of us should have missed our menses in Jan. Some of us will miss theirs in Feb due to having a long long menses cycle. But conception is still in Jan. The doctor also uses the baby's length to estimate the due date. =)
Went to see gynae yesterday and did my triple test, now praying that results are normal. Gynae oso told us baby's a boy, very confirmed, he even took pic for us from u/s
I want a gal!!! My hubby and boys were very disappointed but no choice lor. It'll be chaotic in my hse next time wif 4 boys. Now just hoping for a healthy baby...
Ccharis: Pls help me update my baby's a boy and my EDD is actually 8 Oct (i recalled wrongly previously, kept thinking it's 9 Oct), thanks
Welcome to the new mummies and congrats to those who have found out on gender.

My MS seems to have improved this week (15 weeks) although I went for a wedding dinner last night and came home feeling terrible - think it was indigestion
Thankfully feeling much better today. But the weather! It's SO HOT. And to think I did confinement in such hot weather during number 1's time. Not sure how I survived it.
Just logging in to have a peek (I'll update the list when I'm on PC on Monday). Anyway realised quite a no. of you know gender already - I'm 15w3d but still couldnt see gender, BB legs closed then after awhile use hands to cover private parts, sian! BB hands very active! Well, I'm still hoping its a boy - at one point Gynae said BB legs open abit but cannot see anything inside (in the end she told me cannot see instead of X% confirm its a B or G which is what usually Gynae would say?)
but HB is still very positive leh... Gotta wait for another month for 20th week detailed scan then can determine the gender, the suspense is gonna kill me!

Where is my KKJ, sobs!
Ccharis: Good luck, hope u get what u want
My fate's alrdy sealed, my gynae said 100% boy, dun even give us a chance to hope for wrong gender. Baby even opened his leg wide wide for gynae to take pic
serenelm, 4th boy! Its fated then. Ur house is one of those guaranteed to be re nao

tiggermummy i dunno how to rea the chinese calendar cuz it requires your lunar age and the lunar month i think??
<font color="red">Btil</font>:<font color="blue">Good morning babe, Nope. I'm not sticking with Dr Sim anymore, the comments &amp; advise she gave me always doesn't help instead adding onto my mental stress
So changed to another gynae again .. Doubted i'll be going back to her anymore!! + Her staff(nurses) are always so impatient whenever i call to enquiry. Very impatient &amp; etc making me very upset also.. So ended up with a decision of changing to another gynae which makes me so much positive now.. Cause my current gynae won't say anything that worry me or scares me .. I've experienced the same for my #1, miscarriage &amp; now my current. Scare liao.. lol..</font>

<font color="red">COngrats on mommies that had found out on their baby's gender! Can't wait to find out mine on the 14th May my next appt! Gynae said will confirm gender with me on that date!</font>
Good Morning Mummies

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Tiggermummy, I missed my feb menses, supposed to be around 28th-30th feb, my EDD is 10/Oct. I think the calculation also depend on the cycle days. Some had longer cycle like 40days. Mine is quite normal, around 28days.

Btil, Cheer up. Got to stay happy.. our babies can feel us. I think most guys are like this, especial 1st time dad. To them, its something new and harder for them to relate as they cant feel or sense anything different yet. Even for 1st time mummies, at this early stage, most still cant feel their babies to have a connection. I remember for myself, even until Im almost due for delivery, then the mentality set into me that Im going to be a mother. So try to communicate more with hb, let him know your body changes etc.. as they cant feel anything yet. Stay happy ok? Happy mummy, happy baby.
<font color="red">La mer</font>:<font color="blue">How many weeks are you now? I've weird dreams too! but had been dreaming my bb gender when i'm in early pregnancy &amp; just recently when i hit my 2nd tri. lol, so funny &amp; weird too!</font>
La mer, Im also having weird dreams. And I could remember most of them even after I woke up. There's one which I remember waking up sobbing was.. I was at the coffeeshop with my group of friends and hubby, then I so wanted to eat the popcorn from a stall (yes, weird, popcorn selling at a coffeeshop stall). I got hb to buy for me and even told him specifically where and which stall. But he simply refused to get them for me. Made me soooo upset that I was sobbing hard, even after I woke up, I was still sniffing hard. Hehee.. told my hb that he got to get a package of popcorn to make up for this lousy behaviour he had in the dream. heehee..
Morning Mummies!

I didn't sleep well last night. Couldn't sleep from 3.30 to 5.30. I thought it was hunger so I ate cheese, but it didn't help. I thought we were supposed to sleep better in 2nd Trimester?

Thanks <font color="0077aa">Btil &amp; serene</font>!
I probably won't be able to go until Sunday. Actually I also dunno what to buy yet. It really depends on this thursday!

<font color="0077aa">ccharis</font>
Can you feel fetal movement already? If so, maybe can ask baby. If he is a boy, if so, knock twice. :p

<font color="0077aa">serene</font>
4 boys! Wow. Look on the bright side, even if you have a girl, she's going to be very boyish!

<font color="0077aa">tigger</font>
My mum got read for me. I roughly know how to see too, but I noticed, not really accurate for my friends, since same age easier to count, but sometimes opposite leh.

<font color="0077aa">sksf</font>
I think gynae and nurses's attitude very important. Since you have changed gynae, then don't think so much, remember to keep positive.
regards to the bb gender...

do u mummies believes in the craving that we crave for to identify your bb gender??

there's some myth saying if u craving for spicy food most likely u will be having a gal and if you are craving for sweet food most likely you will be having a boy.

when i was expecting #1 i nv really crave for sweet food... but i like to eat sweet... and i'm really having a boy...

now #2 i still eat sweet cos it help not feel so nauseas (MS)... but this time i really crave for spicy food...

hope to have a gal... my gynea say she will be able to tell me my bb gender on my next visit (4 May)... hope that it will be GAL!!!
<font color="red">reineluv</font>:<font color="blue">Extremely important, they can really affect us alot lo! Yes, not thinking so much now ;) Gonna take up the package with my new gynae next visit
Looking forward to it as gynae mentioned will confirm baby's gender next visit~ Can't wait! Felt like still super duper long!!!

<font color="red">Felicia</font>:What i heard is craving for savoury foods = boy. sweet food = girl. hahaha, but actually this myth not so accurant now alr... lol.. it went haywire ~</font>
skinneybeannie: the chart got to use your lunar age on time on conception and also lunar mth on time on conception.

It wont be accurate for some.
Ccharis: Sigh, ya lor, if only I've a gal n u hv a boy. But u still hv hope lah
Why do couples always get a boy when they're hoping for a gal while others get a gal when they're hoping for a boy??!! It seems so easy for my frens who hv gals or even a mixture of both gender...

Tigger: Its Novembaby (Selena) who can add u to the FB page. Pls leave ur FB details in this thread and I'll write to her in FB to add u

Skinney: Yah next time my hse sure very noisy. I comfort my hubby saying at least he'll get a full hse attendance on CNY eve for reunion dinner :p

Sksf: Hmmm, it's indeed impt to feel comfortable wif ur gynae cos he/she'll be the one u need to trust during ur pregnancy to know what's best for u n baby. I'm very comfortable wif my gynae, that's why we stayed wif him even thou his charges hv been increasing during the past few yrs and he only delivers at Mt E. Hope u find a better gynae soon
By the way, b4 u go for ur next gynae visit, talk to ur baby loudly and ask him/her to show u her gender at the gynae visit, say u really want to know so that u can buy things for him/her. That's what we did too, just that we din get to see what we wanted to see :p

Reineluv: You're welcome. I haven't bought my stroller yet either. Was hoping for a gal so that I can buy a pink stroller but now that it's a boy, it's back to either grey, black or brown (Maclaren). Will prob buy during the GSS when Mothercare or Taka hv sales.
I've been losing sleep too, either can't fall asleep or wake up in the middle of the nite and then can't sleep back till a few hrs later.

Felicia: Good luck!!
<font color="0077aa">serene</font>
I actually tried your method and talk to the baby before gynae visit. I told the baby to wave to us and show us the gender. Then my hubby said, no baby, show us the gender when you are comfy.

In the end, the baby was so active, can't see properly cos the umbilical cord was covering. So I say the baby only listen to the daddy!
<font color="0000ff">Btil</font> - How much more "twins" can we get, you also couldnt peek gender on the exact same day cause BB legs closed, hahaha! Anyway my next appt also on the 23th May leh! Incl. FA scan! Maybe we can meet up!
<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">October 2012 Babies</font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td><font color="ff6000"><center>No.</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Nick</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Age</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>BB#</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Hospital</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Gynae</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>EDD</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Gender</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>NSEW</center></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Ariadne</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>01.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>JustALamb</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dy Yvonne Soong</center></TD><TD><center>01.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>3</center></TD><TD><center>ReineLuv</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Chua Yang</center></TD><TD><center>02.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>4</center></TD><TD><center>asphere</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>03.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>5</center></TD><TD><center>Wens</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Choo Wan Ling</center></TD><TD><center>03.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD><center>Kitty01</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. HK. Ho</center></TD><TD><center>03.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>Girl</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>6</center></TD><TD><center>skies</center></TD><TD><center>36</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>7</center></TD><TD><center>Keiko</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>8</center></TD><TD><center>Wenty</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Fong</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>9</center></TD><TD><center>oekmer</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Woo</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>10</center></TD><TD><center>starrie_nite</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. LC Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>11</center></TD><TD><center>Liang</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. LC Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>12</center></TD><TD><center>jaime_g83</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lawrence Ang</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>13</center></TD><TD><center>Zen</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Pritam Singh</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>14</center></TD><TD><center>Lil'K'smummy</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Ang HY</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>15</center></TD><TD><center>kanelmo</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>Boy</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>16</center></TD><TD><center>Ms_Lala</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Kenneth E Lee</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>17</center></TD><TD><center>eiggam</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>SGH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Devendra</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>18</center></TD><TD><center>kikilala</center></TD><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt. A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chua Yang</center></TD><TD><center>06.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>19</center></TD><TD><center>mei ziang</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>06.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>20</center></TD><TD><center>berser</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>MAH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Douglas Ong</center></TD><TD><center>06.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>21</center></TD><TD><center>JuneGoh</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>NUH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Su Lin Lin</center></TD><TD><center>07.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>22</center></TD><TD><center>Donkey</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Parkway East</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Heng Tung Lan</center></TD><TD><center>08.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>Girl</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>23</center></TD><TD><center>Chapa Chic</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Woodworth</center></TD><TD><center>08.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>24</center></TD><TD><center>serenelm</center></TD><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>4</center></TD><TD><center>Mt. E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Kowa Nam Sing</center></TD><TD><center>08.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>Boy</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>25</center></TD><TD><center>BabyJo</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. C.H.Koh</center></TD><TD><center>09.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>Davier's_Mum</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>4</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Koh Cheng Huat</center></TD><TD><center>09.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>Btil</center></TD><TD><center>37</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr LN Sim</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>ming8110</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Caroline Khi</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>novembaby</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>SGH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Tan Wei Ching</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>Cindy</center></TD><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr LC Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>ccharis</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC or Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Caroline Khi</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>Central</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>Raspy</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. HK Ho</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>McKay423</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>Missy</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Lawrence Ang</center></TD><TD><center>11.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>airex</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Joycelyn Wong</center></TD><TD><center>12.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>Tammy</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lisa Chin</center></TD><TD><center>12.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>36</center></TD><TD><center>strawberry128</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Goh Shen Li</center></TD><TD><center>13.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>West</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>37</center></TD><TD><center>Njon </center></TD><TD><center>36</center></TD><TD><center>3</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chin YK</center></TD><TD><center>13.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>38</center></TD><TD><center>nyctora</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Eunice Chua</center></TD><TD><center>14.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>39</center></TD><TD><center>mayday80</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chua Yang</center></TD><TD><center>15.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>West</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>40</center></TD><TD><center>Sharon_k</center></TD><TD><center>24</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Douglas Ong</center></TD><TD><center>15.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>41</center></TD><TD><center>devilene</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chan KH</center></TD><TD><center>15.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>42</center></TD><TD><center>ynove</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC or Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Tan</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>43</center></TD><TD><center>Eeyore</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr John Yam</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>44</center></TD><TD><center>Lil_D</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>45</center></TD><TD><center>Yam</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>46</center></TD><TD><center>Quinny</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Ann Tan</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>47</center></TD><TD><center>angelsky1885</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. LC Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>48</center></TD><TD><center>sha85</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>17.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>49</center></TD><TD><center>angie_mummy</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Yvonne Chan</center></TD><TD><center>17.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>50</center></TD><TD><center>zeezzen</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lim Teck Chye</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>Boy</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>51</center></TD><TD><center>SnU</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>52</center></TD><TD><center>Ally</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Wee Horng Yen</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>53</center></TD><TD><center>Coco Pops</center></TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Tan Thiam Chye</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>54</center></TD><TD><center>Twish</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Raffles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Cordelia Han</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>55</center></TD><TD><center>candizhu</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Woodworth</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>56</center></TD><TD><center>kiko_sale</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC or Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Woodworth</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>57</center></TD><TD><center>Angie</center></TD><TD><center>42</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>(Auckland)</center></TD><TD><center>nil</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>58</center></TD><TD><center>cac</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>West</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>59</center></TD><TD><center>tiggermummy</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Lawrence Ang</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>60</center></TD><TD><center>SillyJ</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Chan KH</center></TD><TD><center>20.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>61</center></TD><TD><center>Vankel</center></TD><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Adrian Tan</center></TD><TD><center>21.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>62</center></TD><TD><center>Marvliz</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Prof SC Ng</center></TD><TD><center>23.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>63</center></TD><TD><center>slchua</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Han How Chuan</center></TD><TD><center>24.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>64</center></TD><TD><center>BBTM</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Seng</center></TD><TD><center>25.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>65</center></TD><TD><center>Autumn</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Woo BH</center></TD><TD><center>26.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>66</center></TD><TD><center>Felicia Ng</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Parkway East</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Heng</center></TD><TD><center>26.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>67</center></TD><TD><center>Giantress</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Chew SY</center></TD><TD><center>26.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>68</center></TD><TD><center>Mini22</center></TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Mr HK Ho</center></TD><TD><center>26.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>69</center></TD><TD><center>Lavender1979</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Mary Yang</center></TD><TD><center>27.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>70</center></TD><TD><center>zonkkie</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Joycelyn Wong</center></TD><TD><center>28.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>71</center></TD><TD><center>Sksf</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr LN Sim</center></TD><TD><center>30.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>72</center></TD><TD><center>preciousgal</center></TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Mr H K Ho</center></TD><TD><center>30.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>73</center></TD><TD><center>Meredith</center></TD><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Joycelyn Wong</center></TD><TD><center>31.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>74</center></TD><TD><center>pEI</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Kang Wee</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>75</center></TD><TD><center>Icjpiggy</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lim Teck Beng</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>76</center></TD><TD><center>nmx</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Kowa</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>77</center></TD><TD><center>constance</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>5</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr PS Lui</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>NE</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>78</center></TD><TD><center>Shir Shir</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>Parkway East</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>79</center></TD><TD><center>Stephanie Ang</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>KHH</center></TD><TD><center>NIL</center></TD><TD><center>01.11.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="ff0000">MTBs, please check through to see if the details are correct or not. For those whom I've missed, I'm sorry (cause the thread moving so fast) so please remind me and I would update again</font>

Congratulations to those whom have already known their BB gender!
(BB Boys, please sprinkle bucket loads of boy-dust on Ccharis Mummy too, hehehe!)
Ccharis - I also sprinkle boy baby dust on you!

Yeah, me too. I was hoping to buy all the cute girly stuff, e.g. the trendy tu-tu skirts, those cute pink tights, hair-clips, etc. Sigh! OK lah, just have to drool on them now.
<font color="red">serenelm</font>:<font color="blue">Decided to stick to my new gynae Dr Woo Bit Hwa. Since he can assure me more too.. Really? Shall talk to my baby loud loud the night before! Hehe, totally can't wait for the day to arrive! 3 more weeks though. so long~~~ ptttff. My #1 was a boy too, hus wanted another boy. But my #1 wants a meimei. Haha, see who get their ways :p

<font color="red">Seems like this thread have alot of babyboys currently. muahaha.</font></font>
hi mummies!

i would like to join u all "officially" by introducing myself. I'm already in the FB page though. i feel more comfortablle to join after the baby is more stable. i'm wk12 tomorrow but EDD keeping changing, but I think my baby will likely be due in Oct as my #1 was ealy by 3wks plus also, slightly pre-term.

I'm was from Nov10 thread for my #1, which some of the mums are here..*wave*..My #1 is boy, currently 18mths. I stay in HK currently so the hospital &amp; gynae is not applicable for me.

<font color="0000ff">ccharis></font> can u help me to update my info please, thanks!

Nick: mummywong10
Hospital: NA
Gynae: NA
EDD: 01-11-2012 or 06-11-2012

i have been a silent reader since this thread was up, so hello to the mummies here! Think almost everyone should have passed wk12 since I should be the last one (EDD) on this thread. Congrats on passing 3mths!

Gender chart> it was accurate for my #1, not sure about #2, cos I'm doing Oscar tomorrow, and likely I will know gender tomorrow base on previous experience. My SIL also get to know her bb gender is gal even at wk12 at this gynae.

Breastfeeding> you really need to be hardworking &amp; wake up to express even at night, I used to pump every 3hrs for my #1.

Breastpump> my friend lent me Medela PISA and I bought a Freestyle eventually due to portable size, so I was using both models at same time, one in office, one at home. I personally preferred PISA strength but Freestyle is very useful for FTWM given its size &amp; portability.
Hi mommies,

Monday blues!! Still got so many days before its the weekends again.

Oh! I started to feel movements from my little beanie, he/she seems especially active in the evening and i can feel light kicks. Think I have a notti fella inside me
Hi dear mummies, how have things been? I havent been up here for a while cos very busy lately and I had to read like 3 pages of this thread. Serves me right ;)

I thought I would just update cos' my doc say 90% sure its a girl cos cant see boy's part. The baby was crossed legged though. I also want a KKJ cos my #1 is a girl.

My hubby has been gender blind since day 1 when i was preg with #1, and my in laws are very nice, they never force me to have a boy or stress me over anything even though hubby is the only son but becos they are so nice, i feel a tad guilty that i cant "give" them a boy, even knowing that gender is really beyond our control.

Part of me feels a little disappointed, part of me feels guilty, afraid also that the baby will feel mummy is disappointed. Took me a couple of days to get over it with loads of support from my hubby and my MIL and of cos my parents.

Hubby say we can stop at #2 if i waat, if I want more he will b delighted as well. Think I m inclined to have at least 1 or 2 more after this. If all girls then I will still enjoy my house full of little pitter patter feets and will be convinced that it is destinated. If we can have at least 1 boy in our lives then better still loh! ;)

Now I m looking forward to the child no matter what gender as long as healthy (bonus if pretty ;) ). I have to catch up with the train of happiness that my hubby n my 2.5 yr old girl is sitting on since the day I was pregnant! Jia You all mummies!
<font color="red">mummywong10</font>:<font color="blue"> Wow, HK doc able to find out gender at wk 12! that's fast! Phew. &amp; Welcome! Congrats on your pregnancy!

<font color="red">Melody</font>:please gimme some babygirl dust! hehe.. If my #2 is another boy, i'm fine with it also. Just that my house will be filled with boys &amp; i'll be the only woman!
sksf> hmm i think is that gynae's machine is good? its a different clinic/gynae from my monthly visit gynae. i have to go this gynae at another location for the Oscar (NT test) and the wk20 detailed scan. From what i heard from my SIL, which i'm not sure true or not, he has to "report" back to my gynae the gender in his report (he will indicate "likely male" for example).
Sksf: Good luck, hope baby'll let u see gender at next visit. I'll still ask my gynae to double check again at next visit, though I know chances are almost nil. Heehee :p

Mummywong: Welcome

I'm oso thinking to buy the Pisa pump, my gal fren told me to get that if I'm serious abt pumping cos it's the better one between Pisa and Freestyle. But it's very costly, so still thinking (cos worry milk supply will be low, then not much to pump out after latching baby on). Oso thinking whether to get it b4 or after delivery. Any advice?

JustALamb: Wow, nice to feel the movements. I haven't felt any movement yet, hope to do so soon. Even during gynae visit, baby was sleeping, I think. Not moving much, so it was easy for gynae to measure his neck n check his nasal-something (I oso dunno what exactly my gynae was checking, I forgot le. A blur mommy here)

Melody: Seems we're not getting what we wished for. No choice lor. At least u can consider to try again but for me, this should definitely be my last. After all, how many more times can I try after 4 boys?! Oso not young anymore, at 35 yrs this yr
Sksf: Glad to give u baby dust. Being a mother is not easy, somehow even though in this current era, we know that the gender is also very dependent on the male's sperms, the very old age chinese thinking stillhave remanents in us and somehow females are more incline to be blamed or self blame. So if other mummies can get what they wiish for even if I cant, I wil be really glad for them too

Serene, 4 boys ah, should have asked u to give me some dust, i did harbour a tiny weeny 10% hope that the KKJ hidingsomewhere lah but hopes not high lah nowadays very little room for error. To be frank even though I understand those with boys sure want some girly sweet balance, u guys are better off than mummies ith all girls and no boys in a chinese society leh... Maybe i m still pretty traditional in my thinking n hubby has been chiding me for this ;) should change it...
congratz nyctora!

I hope to have a confirmed answer on my baby's gender during my next visit. *prays* no matter boy or gal, this will be my last pregnancy! i dun want to go thru the morning sickness and all the pain again

serenelm, mine little one is quite active. during my last visit, i can see him cycling his legs nonstop throughout the scan. worse than my #1! you will feel the movements soon!
JustALamb> how many wks are u now? so fast u can feel the movement! exciting right? i think i felt at wk18 for my #1

serenelm> wow u are another super mum! 4 kids! u are FTWM or SAHM? PISA is cheaper than Freestyle actually. Will you consider getting 2nd hand pump? Hmm if u are worried that you do not have supply, it is actually quite risky to invest in it especially i doubt u'll try #5. I was lucky my friend loan me her PISA as she need not use it during that time. After trying it, I like the suction strength which is strong enough to stimulate supply for my case. I tried my SIL Ameda brand the suction power is too gentle compared to Medela brand. I heard you can borrow breast pump from hospital, is it true? Actually if you worry you do not have supply, its best if you can loan from someone first. Cos when you want to purchase it after delivery, you might have to wait for stock to arrive etc? But you can let your bb latch first instead of express.
Tks for advising on the CL rates. My friend was being charged $1800 by this CL few years back...but now shoot up to $2500! See what difference dragon year makes! My mum helped when I had no. 1...big mistake...hb said like I didn't 'bu' much. True also, she didn't really cook proper confinement meals

Hence for this 2nd one we comtemplated having one...only to find out the exorbitant charges now! Anyway my mum already asked me to look for a CL, which clear enough means she's not going to help this time round.
Pls help to update

Nick: Rainbowpooh
Age: 34
Baby no. 2
Dr Caroline Khi @ TMC
EDD: 23 Oct
Baby's gender - unknown (hoping for a gal :p)
Staying in the NE

rainbowpooh: I paid $2300 for my CL leh, when I called 2 of them, all asking $2300 but 1 CL actually told me a few of her frens tryig their luck ask fr $2500.

I also paid $2300 for my #1 CL 3 yrs back cos hubby say since recommended should be quite good, pay more is ok as the confinement mth v impt. But hor pay more not neccssary gd hor... my #1 is terrible, almost caused my depression. So now i change another one, hopefully I m lucky and #2 is better loh ;)

Nyctora: Congrats!!

Melody: I'll gladly blow all my baby boy dust to u asap if I can hv a baby gal. Hahaha :D
After 3 boys, my hubby's the one who seems more disappointed n upset than me that #4 is a baby boy again. He's been gg on and on and on since Sat's gynae visit. I keep telling him that he's "defective" lah, that's why I can't get my gal :p But he seems very down tat it's a boy, sigh, no choice lor... Now just hoping for a healthy baby...

Mummywong: I'm a SAHM, very tough to be FTWM wif 3 kids. Childcare n student care is so expensive nowadays. I'll probably spend a huge part of my salary paying for all these, might as well stay home for the kids.
Actually my elder sis has offered to buy me the pump as a baby gift but I feel bad to ask her to pay too much cos she's oso buying a stroller for us too (she's a wonderful sis). She oso bought me loads of herbs, 泡参 and bird nest for me last weekend from Eu Ren Sang, despite my protests. She really dotes on me, so I feel bad abt it. Guess I'll see how things go and buy it after delivery.
