(2012/10) Oct 2012

Babiesmeme, nothing we can say will be able to ease your pain. I am just so sorry for your loss. Very sad. All of us haven't actually met but I think we all feel for you cos it's a fear we all have too. So so sorry it has happened to you. Please take time to heal, to cry and to mourn. But be strong. God will bless you with another child. Hang in there. #1 needs you.

Babiesmeme - I'm really sorry to hear this, iyrs v heart breaking. Pls taken v gd care of urself , ur Bb wants mummy to be happy with gor gor I'm sure . U did ur best and sometimes life is like this ... Take gd care n rest n then spend time w family to recuperate
babiememe, i'm so sorry for what happened. take some time to rest and allow yourself to grieve. i'm sure there's nothing we can control, so the blame is not on u.
Babies meme,
Sorry to hear about your loss. Something's things just happen w/o reason. You have done your best for your little one, please don't blame yourself. Meanwhile, have a good rest n take care.
(((for those that need update, I'll do so on Monday)))

<font color="ff0000">I just need to interrupt as some MTB may not be on the FB page yet. I just thought this is pretty important as most of us are taking calcium supps but no one has mentioned, nor has been forewarn by gynae and I also vividly recall just some time back how some of us are taking, and now that I know better - actually in a wrong way...

Read this link: http://www.babycenter.com/0_calcium-in-your-pregnancy-diet_665.bc</font>

<font color="0000ff">Jo</font> - If memory serves me correctly you mentioned you always "fan wei" after taking calcium (and you were prescribed to take 2 tablets a day) so you take both at night. Actually I did the same after reading yours but I somehow felt that they are not absorbed (mayb because I've been having aches &amp; noticed despite the increased dosage, my nails still have lines - a sign of calcium deficiency) so I went to read up &amp; was shocked!!!

For the rest - if you are asked to take calcium, for single tablet of 1000mg make sure you break them into dosages each time not more than 500mg for optimum absorption. Some need to take 2 tablets as I believed each tablet is about 500-600mg only BUT taking together at one go means that the other tablet is as good as going to waste actually.

I kinda feel stupid after reading the link, after all these while that I have been taking &amp; thinking that jt's all good -- I hope this would help another MTB too, no point being religious in supplementing but all in the wrong way...
I was informed on wednesday that my Oscar result was unfavorable due to the NT too thick and baby has high risk of down syndrome. Gynae have asked me to do the amniocentesis in one months time. Very upset about this and crying everyday even at work. Saw my gynae today and have decided to go for another blood test, triple test down screening, next Sat. Have also arranged to see dr Anandakumar at Camden medical on 20 apr for a second opinion
Btil if you also want to see him. Must call asap as his schedule is very full and the earliest he can see me is 20 Apr.
Mummy Ho - Thks for d info n stay strong ok ? I hv booked an appt w dr anand of Camden medical for d genetic scanning next fri . However hv not booked d amino test ... D risk for my case is abt d same for taking d amino vs ds Probability
My ultrasound risk is 1:33. Really hope all turns out well.

I had hyperemis gravidarum ( severe vomitting ) for #1. thought this round is better. Who knows must get this kind of bad news in second tri.

If all the results are no good then really no choice. Have to be fair to baby and the rest of family. But I cannot help but feel very sad especially when I see or think of images of my baby.
Izya: I went to semb clinic as TMC is very out of the way for me. usually i go in the morning n it's not so crowded. so pretty okie.

babiesmeme, sorry for what has happen. stay strong. We are all here for you. most important is to build up your body now. Jia You mummy.
Ladies, im going for my blood &amp; oscar test on tue. Can anyone advice me when will result be out? What ratio than consider pass? My #1, gynae nv ask me do oscar. Now #2, he told me got to do. Appreciate your advice.
Baby - if u r in 1st trimester, it's ok to have folic acid only. My gynae gave me that too. In 2nd trimester, then fish oil, multi vit &amp; calcium added normally
Was at my mum Hse n my bro went to fix a table for my nieces. Halfway thru my tummy cramp badly than I remember I can't stay around. Hope my lil one is alright.
<font color="0000ff">babiesmeme:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Sorry for your lost.. Please do take care of yrself.. Try to move forward for yr #1 and family..</font>
I am sorry for your loss. I understand how you are feeling now, having gone thru one chemical pregnancy and one blighted ovum pregnancy myself. Take time to grieve and do a mini confinement. Take care.
Dear mummies, thank you for all your support, care and concern. I dont really know any of you but your support is really is what i need most now. I really damn upset whenever my little bean appears in my mind. Perhaps its just not meant to be, perhaps this little one do not wan to bring burden to me. I have come to accept the reality. I promise i will stay strong and not to worry anyone anymore.
Hi ladies, I've always been a silent reader seldom post. Next week I'll be in my 12th week. Going to see the gynae on Fri. Recently keep having weird dreams. Hopefully friday's scan will be okay as it's my 1st pregnancy. By the way, any ladies here seeing Dr Chan KH from gleneagles?

Babiesmeme, takecare and be strong!
Babiesmeme, glad to hear from u! Was wondering how u r? Glad to know that u have moved on to accept reality. It's ok to so still cry when u think about it 'cos we r only humans. Take care n be strong!
Sorry to make everyone worry about me..i should hold myself up and concentrate more on my no.1 now..i was thinking of not to work or get a part time..any idea where can i get part time job from?
I am glad that i have married a good man he is always there for me. .My hub never fail to hug me and console me he will stay long nights with me till i fall asleep before he do..he help me look after my no. 1 while o take my rest..my no 1 like know what happening he will kiss and hug me always there to cheer me up. I should be contented already. ..
SillyJ, I have very vivid dreams myself almost every single night. last nite Dreamt of going back to work at my 2 ex co, discussing stuff with my ex coll, feeling the dread of OT (haha).. but i only rmbr my dreams very vividly for abt 15 mins after i wake. this one i rmbr cuz being a weekend, i could share w hubby so i rmbred.

babiesmeme, yes its impt to have a good hubby! I'm sure things will be even better for u...
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning everyone... I had a sleepless nite again.. Could be my afternoon nap cum Monday bluz.. So sad.. Hope tt my frequent sleepless will nt affect my little one..</font>
I had a sleepless nite too, suddenly woke up in the middle of the nite yesterday and only fell back to sleep after a long while... Seems it's pretty common for us to lost sleep now...
<font color="0000ff">Serene:</font> <font color="aa00aa">At least u manage to slp abit.. My eyes big big till morning.. Think just abt to close and my alarm rings at 6.10am le.. OTW to office oso can't slp in car.. Almost reach dan I wana doze off again.. So torturing..</font>
ccharis: eh.. i just saw yr post.. i went to see my calcium pill it states 300 mg leh.. does it means one tablet is 300mg? and so right now u taking in by spiltting it?

babiememe: i am sorry for yr loss. do take care of yr health now and rest well.

TO ALL: i lazy to scroll back i remember someone going for walk in oscar. any updates? how is the waiting time?
<font color="0000ff">Babiesmeme</font> - You are not alone, and I'm sure this is definately not the end for you. This may sound selfish, but your health have to always come first - look up into the skies, there's a star that belongs to you now. For the sake of your #1 and soon-to-be another, please be strong &amp; take care of yourself. Also, we are always here to listen to you, please please please feel free to pour whenever you need...
<font color="0000ff">May</font> - I was told, when you are awake, BB is sleeping. When you are asleep, BB is awake. Reason being when you are awake &amp; moving - BB is like being rock to sleep. For me, I'm on the extreme other side, I'm perpetually hibernating (still!) yes, despite in 2nd T liao. My HB said even when I am in my 3rd T when others are having severe insommia, I also wont kenna de, lol! (I hope so too...)
<font color="0000ff">MummyHo</font> - If it encourages you, my BFF's results was 1:36, and she went through not once, but 3 times amnio test (somehow the fluid they drew got no baby cells) so imagine how high the risk of m/c yet she delivered a healthy handsome cheeky boy...
<font color="0000ff">ccharis:</font> <font color="aa00aa">It is true tt when we are awake bb will slp most of the time.. But I was told only when our movement are not v big n moving ard too much.. As too rocky bb oso cant slp.. I have been hving problem slping since 1st trim.. Even now in my 2nd oso like tt.. Dan my 3rd trim will be worse.. Sob sob..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Jo</font> - Yup, if it states 300mg that means it's 300mg/pill loh. Yes, ever since I read that article, now I split my intake to 1x600mg/twice daily (during pregnancy the daily recommendation for calcium is 1,000 mg) but sometimes I only take 1x600mg for the whole day if I think I'm taking alot of other sources of calcium (ie. tofu/yogurt/cheese/milk - I rem you're drinking Meiji milk too, I am too, thats about 200-300mg in a med size bottle) cause too much calcium causes constipation. Oh, PMV also contain about 200-300mg of calcium if not mistaken.

You might also like to take note if you are taking with other supplements, ie. IRON or PMV as they hinders the absorption of calcium too. To be honest, after reading what I read, I'm a litle bit pissed and I am gonna confront the gynae on my next visit, if there's truth in what I've read, then all these while we're pointlessly taking the supps cause all wasted.

From: http://babyfit.sparkpeople.com/articles.asp?id=202

<font color="aa00aa">- Do not take more than the recommended amount of calcium.
- Avoid taking calcium with iron pills or your prenatal supplements. Calcium can interfere with the absorption of the iron.
- Do not take your calcium supplement with a high fiber meal. Fiber reduces the absorption of the calcium.
- It is best to take calcium with meals or at bedtime. It is better absorbed.
- Drink a glass of milk, juice, or water with each supplement to promote absorption.
- Do not take more than 600 mg of calcium at one time. If more is needed, take smaller doses several times during the day.
- Not all of the calcium in a supplement is absorbed. When choosing a supplement, the amount of elemental calcium per tablet will indicate the approximate amount absorbed. Most supplements should provide 200 - 500 mg of elemental calcium per tablet. </font>
<font color="0000ff">May</font> - I dunno issit stressed or living in denial, but I also experience mild insommia during 1st T, after I think about Week 9/10, I started sleep-hibernating.
I tell you loh, having what I am having also no joke, I can sleep 16 hours &amp; still yawn, geez!
ccharis: i nv take meji milk leh.. i wanted to but hubby forbid me to drink i onli drink fresh milk and the australia brand.

bec he say meji fresh milk is made from powder.. i duno how true but i love the strawberry one hehehe..

ahhh.. so i should take one 300 mg/pill in the morning and one in the night? since advice given by gyane is 2 tablet a day? seriously i am sick of taking all these pills.. i am scared =(

oh man i didn't even sleep the whole night yesterday cannot sleep leh tossing around now like a panda in office...
<font color="0077aa">babiesmeme</font>
Hugs babe. I know how you feel, your sweetheart is going back to make himself stronger for you. He or she will surely be back. :p
Take good care. For me, I went to TCM to tiao yang, keep yourself happy and positive.
<font color="0000ff">Joanna:</font> <font color="aa00aa">My gynae say I can go dental for cleaning n filing.. Anythg with anesthetic cannot only..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Jo</font> - Oh I thought you did, anyway check labels &amp; they should give you the information you need. For me I drink a variety of milks, Meiji is just 1 of them (and I read all my labels de) but whether or not it's powdered or not (cause Annum, NAN, Nestle - these pregnancy milk are all powedered formula leh) but thats not really important right - the key is to drink pasterised milk.

RE: Calcium -- please take what I say with a pinch of salt, I wouldnt say absolute yes or no to you cause I also wanna confront gynae first (well, for me I am a "da po sa guo wen dao di" person - and I dont keep quiet just because you're a doctor, I will throw questions &amp; debate) but I do trust what I read for myself - so yes, I am taking 1 with each meal (breakfast &amp; lunch) cause after dinner I usually take fishoil. I would take my PMV, Folic, VitC about 2 hours after my brekkie. Since your gynae recommended 300mgx2/day - then you can take with meals loh? I tried over the weekend &amp; it didnt cause me to fan wei... Disclaimer hor, lol!

From what I know, dentist can go anytime, but when I mentioned previously I think some MTB recommend to go in 2nd T instead cause bb more stable? I'm going sometime this month, but do make sure you let your dentist know you're pregnant just so to be safe, cause I think if there's anesthetic involved, we cannot do.
Regarding calcium, I'm only taking 500mg at night with food. I also read somewhere not to take with your MultiVit as it contains Iron and Iron deters the absorption of Calcium.

<font color="0077aa">Joanna</font>
I still use mouthwash. I find that my mouth very stinky recently. haha. I dunno why!
<font color="0000ff">Reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I find tt too.. I keep hving the feeling tt my mouth is stinky as my taste bud is always v funny.. </font>
<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">October 2012 Babies</font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td><font color="ff6000"><center>No.</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Nick</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Age</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>BB#</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Hospital</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Gynae</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>EDD</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Gender</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>NSEW</center></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Ariadne</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>01.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>JustALamb</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dy Yvonne Soong</center></TD><TD><center>01.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>3</center></TD><TD><center>ReineLuv</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Chua Yang</center></TD><TD><center>02.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>4</center></TD><TD><center>asphere</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>03.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>5</center></TD><TD><center>Wens</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Choo Wan Ling</center></TD><TD><center>03.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>6</center></TD><TD><center>skies</center></TD><TD><center>36</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>7</center></TD><TD><center>Keiko</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>8</center></TD><TD><center>Wenty</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Fong</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>9</center></TD><TD><center>oekmer</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Woo</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>10</center></TD><TD><center>starrie_nite</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. LC Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>11</center></TD><TD><center>Liang</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. LC Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>12</center></TD><TD><center>jaime_g83</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lawrence Ang</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>13</center></TD><TD><center>Zen</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Pritam Singh</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>14</center></TD><TD><center>Lil'K'smummy</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Ang HY</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>15</center></TD><TD><center>kanelmo</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>16</center></TD><TD><center>Ms_Lala</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Kenneth E Lee</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>17</center></TD><TD><center>eiggam</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>SGH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Devendra</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>18</center></TD><TD><center>kikilala</center></TD><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt. A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chua Yang</center></TD><TD><center>06.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>19</center></TD><TD><center>mei ziang</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>06.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>20</center></TD><TD><center>berser</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>MAH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Douglas Ong</center></TD><TD><center>06.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>21</center></TD><TD><center>JuneGoh</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>NUH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Su Lin Lin</center></TD><TD><center>07.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>22</center></TD><TD><center>Donkey</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Parkway East</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Heng Tung Lan</center></TD><TD><center>08.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>23</center></TD><TD><center>Chapa Chic</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Woodworth</center></TD><TD><center>08.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>24</center></TD><TD><center>BabyJo</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. C.H.Koh</center></TD><TD><center>09.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>25</center></TD><TD><center>serenelm</center></TD><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>4</center></TD><TD><center>Mt. E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Kowa Nam Sing</center></TD><TD><center>09.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>Btil</center></TD><TD><center>37</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr LN Sim</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>ming8110</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Caroline Khi</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>novembaby</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>SGH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Tan Wei Ching</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>Cindy</center></TD><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr LC Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>ccharis</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC or Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Caroline Khi</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>Central</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>airex</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Joycelyn Wong</center></TD><TD><center>12.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>strawberry128</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Goh Shen Li</center></TD><TD><center>13.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>West</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>Njon </center></TD><TD><center>36</center></TD><TD><center>3</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chin YK</center></TD><TD><center>13.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>nyctora</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Eunice Chua</center></TD><TD><center>14.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>mayday80</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chua Yang</center></TD><TD><center>15.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>West</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>Sharon_k</center></TD><TD><center>24</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Douglas Ong</center></TD><TD><center>15.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>36</center></TD><TD><center>devilene</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chan KH</center></TD><TD><center>15.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>37</center></TD><TD><center>ynove</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC or Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Tan</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>38</center></TD><TD><center>Eeyore</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr John Yam</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>39</center></TD><TD><center>Lil_D</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>40</center></TD><TD><center>sha85</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>17.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>41</center></TD><TD><center>angie_mummy</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Yvonne Chan</center></TD><TD><center>17.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>42</center></TD><TD><center>zeezzen</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lim Teck Chye</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>43</center></TD><TD><center>SnU</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>44</center></TD><TD><center>Ally</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Wee Horng Yen</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>45</center></TD><TD><center>Coco Pops</center></TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Tan Thiam Chye</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>46</center></TD><TD><center>Twish</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Raffles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Cordelia Han</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>47</center></TD><TD><center>candizhu</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Woodworth</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>48</center></TD><TD><center>kiko_sale</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC or Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Woodworth</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>49</center></TD><TD><center>Angie</center></TD><TD><center>42</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>(Auckland)</center></TD><TD><center>nil</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>50</center></TD><TD><center>Vankel</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Adrian Tan</center></TD><TD><center>21.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>51</center></TD><TD><center>Marvliz</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Prof SC Ng</center></TD><TD><center>23.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>52</center></TD><TD><center>slchua</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Han How Chuan</center></TD><TD><center>24.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>53</center></TD><TD><center>BBTM</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Seng</center></TD><TD><center>25.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>54</center></TD><TD><center>Autumn</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Woo BH</center></TD><TD><center>26.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>55</center></TD><TD><center>Felicia Ng</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Parkway East</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Heng</center></TD><TD><center>26.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>56</center></TD><TD><center>Giantress</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr. Chew SY</center></TD><TD><center>26.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>57</center></TD><TD><center>Lavender1979</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Mary Yang</center></TD><TD><center>27.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>58</center></TD><TD><center>zonkkie</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Joycelyn Wong</center></TD><TD><center>28.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>59</center></TD><TD><center>Sksf</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr LN Sim</center></TD><TD><center>30.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>60</center></TD><TD><center>Meredith</center></TD><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Joycelyn Wong</center></TD><TD><center>31.10.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North East</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>61</center></TD><TD><center>pEI</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Kang Wee</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>62</center></TD><TD><center>Icjpiggy</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lim Teck Beng</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>63</center></TD><TD><center>nmx</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Kowa</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>64</center></TD><TD><center>preciousgal</center></TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Mr H K Ho</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>65</center></TD><TD><center>constance</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>5</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr PS Lui</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>North</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>66</center></TD><TD><center>Shir Shir</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>Parkway East</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>T.B.A</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>67</center></TD><TD><center>Stephanie Ang</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>07.11.12</center></TD><TD><center>-</center></TD><TD><center>-</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="ff0000">Stephanie_Ang: I've updated you into the list too since you mentioned Week 37-38 deliver would fall into Oct.

As for the rest, anyone know gender already or not?
So excited... Quick quick tell me so I can update the list, hehehe...

Help me check the list, cause I may have missed out some updates over the long weekend, paiseh..</font>
Joanna - last wk, went oscars at TMC.. Saw quite a few walk in. The nurse said estimated waiting time is 2-3 hrs. I'm not sure if it's due to the day before public holiday.

Ccharis - I stay in east.
thanks for the update
ccharis: haha do update me again!! bec i m only seeing gynae next week cannot ask also =(

btw help me update the EDD to 30 Oct 2012. Thanks babe in advance..

hahhaha nvm i am planning to buy similac powder.. u having it? or anyone having it? i ask for samples for ages until now haven seen any of it =(

Ahh thanks babe.. shall go during 2nd trimester too.. =)

As for calcium i also duno which one cause me fan wei is either calcium or multi vits. hmm usually i take all before bed time.. seems like it doesn't shows very good =(

Hmm reineluv mention multivits cannot take together with calcium leh...

reineluv: huh multivits cannot take together with calcium? i took it leh i always took it together...

hahhahaa lol.. y u say until so funny sia.. hmm.. i try using it den i feel like i am swallowing chemical leh =(

Caitlin: oh man so long?? i heard they say if there is really really no slot they might ask u go home =( sigh..
Hi All,

I am back from Sydney. All in all a good trip. No. 1 behaved wonderfully well (except for the flight back but that's another story). Funny think is I had no nausea or reflux when I was in Sydney but it all came back when I reached Singapore
<font color="0000ff">Ming8110:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Yr MS decides to take a break too while you are in Sydney.. At least is gd tt you can enjoy with MS free..</font>
<font color="0077aa">May</font>
Somemore my hubby say my mouth stinks. hahahahaah

<font color="0077aa">Joanna</font>
I remembered the nurse also told me the same thing as well. She specifically say to take my calcium at night while multiVit and Fish oil in the morning. Maybe check with your gynae again?
<font color="0077aa">ccharis</font>
Oops, I think you missed out my post earlier. I was thinking those in Sengkang, punggol, Buangkok etc can put under NorthEast. So it's clearer. hahaha I'm number 3, can put NorthEast for me? hee

<font color="0000ff">Reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Maybe my hubby finds tt too.. But he nvr tell me only.. Scare I upset.. haha..

I took calcium, mtv n fish oil in e morning or afternoon.. I dun dare to take at nite.. Cos last wk I took mtv at nite n I end up vomiting out my dinner.. So I think I can get the pills dwn during the day better..</font>
