(2012/10) Oct 2012

<font color="0000ff">Constance:</font> <font color="aa00aa">You are lucky that PEM gave u the same CL when u requested.. My sis not so lucky.. She asked for the CL which did my frend's confinement.. But PEM say she was given to another person when near due date.. Dan the one who came initial ok.. But as days passed she like make gd frend wif neighbors.. Bring bb our for sunning.. Can go for more dan an hr.. Got once can see her chatting wif ppl fm the window.. When came back bb poo already.. N dun knw for how long bb was in her poo while she chatting..</font>

Shir Shir
Jaundice is caused by the bilirubin in the baby's body. When they are in our womb, the placenta helps to remove this. Once baby is delivered, his liver has to take over this work, which may need some time. Hence jaundice level will start to increase.
There are lots of chinese myths that yellow colored food like mango may cause jaundice in newborn. I was even advised not to dressed my infant in yellow. Up to you whether you wanna believe. Some pple avoid ginger totally during confinement if they are bfeeding and their babies have high jaundice level. For me, I eat everything in moderation. No problem with ginger at all during confinement. Jaudice level will go down slowly even when i bfed after eating ginger.
If baby has jaundice, besides sunning, can also rent those lights (which they used for sunning babies with jaundice in hosp) home.
yeah. heng my CL not taken yet. but gotta pay extra 200 booking fees for her.
<font color="0000ff">Constance:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Wah.. Still need to pay extra ah.. How much did PEM charge u if minus the 200 booking fee?</font>
speaking of jaudice, doc did ask us to avoid ginger..herbs..coz still BF bb..

but on 2nd hand..MIL bought 'ng kee' frm medical shops to bathe her..

anyway my bb jaudice was nt tat high in the 1st place..
May / Shir Shir: Yes, first baby better get someone experienced to help. Next time round, experienced alrdy then can settle by yourselves

Constance: I agree wif u... It oso depends on ur baby's pediatrician (PD) comfort level. For my #1 &amp; #2, they were grouchy old men PD from Mt E. They were the more traditional and conservative type of PD, so everything oso must go by the book. They pricked my baby for blood tests several times a day.

Then for #3, she was a very modern lady PD oso from Mt E who din even want any blood test done on my baby, even when I requested for one to confirm his jaundice level. She kept saying no need, this is just breast feeding jaundice, it will go away slowly. End up, to appease my hubby who was worried abt baby's jaundice level, we brought him to polyclinic to do the test. Haha...

But for mummies delivering in KK, the docs there are more conservative, beyond a certain jaundice level, they will insist to keep the baby in the hospital until a safer level. I know cos I brought #2 to KK for jaundice follow up check ups after he was discharged from Mt E (didn't like the grumpy PD assigned to us). Then due to his jaundice levels fluctuating up and down, he was hospitalized for three times within his first mth. He oso had a reflux problem that KK was unable to diagnose and treat.
mummies, side track abit from the topics. Wanted to check if any mummies here have use Boots Milk Bag previously? Any review?
Thanks for the wonderful advices, Constance and Serene ;). Ladies, anyone keen to go for a trial prenatal yoga lesson together? ;) not sure it's is to too early though? Let me know so that we can go for a mummies to be session together ;)
Wow I last sneaked a peak at this thread it was very quiet less than a hundred posts but suddenly 3000+ and furiously coming! Guess many mummies have since discoverd their pregnancies
Thanks mommies, I'll ask gynae on next visit regarding fish oil. My sis had to take so i guess I can't really escape. We share the same gynae and we are twins so maybe we are similar.

Constance: you are so lucky, the CL that I wanted from PEM is not working during the last quarter. I'll probably call her up and ask for recommendations. Does your CL have any good recommendations for her PEM colleagues?

Regarding durians, my friend said his bb was very small so during the third trimster, he fed his wife quite a bit of durians and bb came out normal weight so it is a good way to gain weight for the bb. Don't start eating it too early cos of sugar content but eat at a later stage. My husband can't stand durians so wonder how he is going to survive if i have to eat durians to gain weight.
I used boots bag. Cheap and good. Cheap to get from Thailand.

Re: fish oil
The nurse advised me to put it in the fridge so not so fishy. But the burping part can't be help bah
Hi mummies,
So many comments today!
I just went to see my xiaolongbao, gynae not confident to confirm gender, can only wait till 17 weeks. haha.
But my xiaolongbao should be 14w4days become 3days le though gynae say the growth is ok.

<font color="0077aa">ccharis</font>
I think places like punggol, sengkang, hougang put northeast better. :p

<font color="0077aa">shir shir</font>
My mum's helping me with confinement, so I guess considered our own. Going to keep it simple. I hope.
I'm quite keen on the prenatal yoga though, but probably from 4th or 5th month onwards?

Anyway, enjoy your long weekend babes.
Ooh, btw, my detailed scanning is scheduled during the 19th week instead as the gynae is going away on a trip. The nurse was saying, they may not be able to scan the heart or something, any experienced mummies have any comment?
ccharis: I'm using Elancy stretch mark cream for my #1. Super good. Stretch mark free. Now #2, I'm using it also. I recommended a few friends and they also stretchmark free.

BTW, can add me in the list:
33 yrs old
Gynae: Dr Lawrence Ang
Stay: North
EDD: 23 Oct
I found confinement lady! She originally could not do end Oct so she rejected a case but her end Sept case's mum can take over towards the end so she can take mine. So happy that one thing on the to do list is done. Next week after oscar will visit infant care to check out its facilities.
This weekend is home alone for me as hubby is travelling. Dog is at boarding school so I'll take the chance to relax and laze. I think I miss my dog more than hubby.
My mum is helping me out with confinement but we are staying in opp island (east and west).
Thinking of ordering confinement tingkat and she just come over and help me bath baby.

Any recommendation for confinement tingkat?
Hihi ccharis - I am no. 15 and I stay in the north.

My mom will do confinement for me but she said she will not do night shift so I'll to take care of the baby at night. She'll also cook simple dishes like fish soup (for my breastmilk), sesame chicken, etc and cook red date water. She'll buy the herbs for bath at the medicine halls. Of course, she'll help bathe the baby. I'm still quite nervous to bathe a small baby.

Have a great weekend! I'm bringing my boy to the bird park tomorrow.
njon, yah i went without epidural for #1. water broke at 5+ am, reached TMC at 7+ am. Delivered at 5+pm in the same day. gynae wthot i would only deliver after 12am cuz baby was front facing during last scan
Gave birth to #1 drug-free!
Din't know I was in labour. Reached TMC around 2pm and gave birth at 5pm+. Water bag only broke when reaches hospital.
I will be paying 2050 + 200 (booking fee) + 170 (levy) for this CL.
Actually its still cheaper than what i paid during my no 4 time, cos kenna CNY that time.

Let me check with her on which CL she can recommend in PEM then let u know.
Hi all mummies, i am first time mum, think i am in my 2nd trimester. I am 13weeks+. Am i??
Wanna ask a qn, is it alrite to eat laksa with cockles?? And can i eat the fu zhou cuisine "hong zao ji mian xian"? Thks!

Here my info:
age: 30
bb#: 1
hospital: tmc
Gynae: dr lawrence ang
Edd: 8th oct (Change fr 10/10)
stay in north east.
Izya: I love ang zao mee USA too and always eat it even when I'm pregnant. Absolutely delicious... I oso eat laksa without the cockles... I'm oso 13+ weeks now, just like u
Hi mummies

Maid issue. Would like some advice from u all...

Would u prefer a married maid or a single one?
With or without kids preferred?
What age range would u prefer?
Highest school qualification preferred?

The maid agency sent me some bio data but I dunno how to select
Serenelm, wah, u very lucky to have a hubby who can cook confinement food.

When I had my #1, she had jaundice and had to be hospitalised in KKH, maybe for about a week. I rented a room at KKH so that it'd be more convenient to breastfeed her. No need to travel everyday to and fro hospital, especially just after giving birth. As my gal's jaundice was quite high, I also avoided ginger during confinement due to bf.

My bump is quite obvious now too. Before breakfast it looks light spare tyre, after breakfast &amp; onwards, bump shows up.

Thank god my MS is gone. I've not puked since Mon. Tomorrow I'm week 13. Now I think I've to eat 6 meals a day. 2xbreakfast, 2xlunch (1regular &amp; 1lighter), dinner, supper. Always fantasizing about food! Although I worry about putting on too much weight now, but I'd rather that I can eat than to be suffering from MS!
Tiggermummy,ya same gynae..u went to his sun plaza clinic or tmc to c him?? Cos i c him st tmc (morning slot only n a additional charge of $11) dun wan to wait so long at his sun plaza clinic..

Serenelm, me too.. v delicious dish !! I tot of buying the hong zao paste to cook myself..but dunno pregnant can eat anot.. now all doubts clear, i can eat without worry. The pregnancy is tough, i keep telling my hubby y other mummy seem to enjoy alot. And it makes me realise all mums are so noble!
Ya your edd is ard the same time as mine.. gd production alrdy into your no 4..
usually when can we knw the gender?? i am so excited on every visit..
Izya: I'm still having MS, so not enjoying yet. Once MS clear, then will sure enjoy 2nd tri.

Oh yes, our EDD very near but I'll prob deliver in mid/late Sept cos my gynae's trying to convince me to induce at week 37 due to my fast labour experiences. So far we've tried to schedule induction twice for #2 and #3, but each time, they would arrive naturally 1 day before the planned induction date, which I kinda like cos I prefer to go into natural labour. The only stressful thing is worrying abt whether I'll get to the hospital in time.

For 1st baby, I got to know gender ard week 20. For #2 and #3, I thinks it was ard week 13-16. I'll be seeing my gynae in 2 weeks' time, gynae said shld be able to see gender then if baby allows. I'm looking forward to that
<font color="0000ff">Constance:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I have verbally cfm a CL already.. She say meet in may when she is in sg.. She ask $200 for deposit only.. Hope she dun play me out last min..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Hope tt all mummies are hving a good day today without any MS attack..

Last nite I vomited out my dinner after taking my MTV.. So sad.. 1st time I vomited twice in a day.. But today I seems to be MS free and always feel hungry.. How I wish I can be like tt everyday.. No MS and hv better appetite..
H cindy, missed ur post. Thanks for the advice too..!

Serenelm, my next appt is end apr, i am also looking forward.. hopefully can c the gender..
Regarding jaundice,

Info by one of my friend who has boy with jaundice.. She said, don't put any naphtalene balls in your home. Hopefully can help anybody.
May: I thot I was over the vomit stage but I vomited again this evening. Still very breathless non strength if walk too long. Sigh, when will our MS go away??

Izya: Yes, let's update once we know the gender...
i was happy to see my baby heartbeat when it was only 6 weeks. this baby came unprepared cos i just have d/c in last oct. I was happy that it arrived so fast. I went for my 2nd scan and found that my progestrone was only 34 and was asked to up my utrogestan by 2 pills 3 times a day. NOt only that i was asked to go for progestrone jab twice a week. for the sake of my child, i dont mind to take the pill nor the jab, its all for the good cause of my baby. I tried not to carry my #1 at all, i always felt very gulity to lie to him that i am unwell, mummy cannot carry him. I know with my age nearly 40 i know there are many tests to be taken beside amino test. like i said for the sake of this baby, i wil endure all pain, all expenses to ensure my baby is in good health. All went well, no bleeding, no spotting no MS, thought this will be a very smooth delivery, never do i realise i got light bleeding yesterday morning. When i rush to the clinic, my baby heartbeat stopped! my gynae tried on tummy scan and V=scan there is no moment no heartbeat at all i am already in 11 weeks, i can see its tiny little hands legs head and eyes. I was crying painfully. When my hub arrives, i was crying even badly i cant believe it has gone. The bleeding never stop and i have to terminate it in the evening, afraid that the infection will spread in me. Crying all the way from clinic and fetch my boy together to hospital. Seeing my boy happy to see us, i felt some comfort but still thinking of this baby. Gynae suggest to send for lab test .. Why it just leave suddenly? i was planning of getting nice clothes for it, getting a CL for it...why ...why...
Babiesmeme - sorry to hear that. It is nobody's fault. I understand how you are feeling. Have a mini confinement. Don't give up, ok?
<font color="red">babiesmeme</font>:<font color="blue">Sorry to hear that dear, i feel you .. please have a mini confinement like <font color="red">kanelmo</font> said take additional good care of yourself .. </font>
<font color="blue">G'morning mommies, so much it sucks to return to work on a half day on a saturday when it's a ph yday! sian, no long weekend
Haven't been on this thread recently, MS getting better .. But it returns when it's 4+ 5+onwards in the evening, have to suck on sweet plum to feel better ! Next appointment in 1 week time, baby will be 11w+ .. </font>
hi kanelmo &amp; sksf, thanks for the concern. i keep on thinking of the baby. i have already lost two i dont have any courage to try for another one. I am afraid its happen again. I feel like i am indirectly killing it. Perhaps i nver take care of myself, perhaps i just not good enough to be the parent to another baby..sob sob ..........
<font color="RED">babiesmeme</font>:<font color="blue">Please don't think this way dear, sometimes it's just not the right time yet.. I believe when the time is right god will return you your babies.. Don't think so much, have a good rest &amp; rebuild your health up once again!</font>
babiesmeme, it's not easy for u but u have to tell yourself that u'd have to pull yourself together after this grieving period. Think about the long journey that u'd be walking together w your #1. Your #1 needs his mummy too.

Babiesmeme: I agree with sksf. Dun stop trying... Juz leave it to nature. Ur health matters most. If u need listening ears, we r here for u.
