(2012/10) Oct 2012

Btil: i am experiencing the same thing. My nausea tapered off in week 12 when I was in Australia but has since returned - like you I threw up last night after taking my multi vit, iron and fish oil. Sigh.

Kiki: Lunch sounds great. Any interest from other mummies?

My MS pretty much tapered off but still slight. had delicious dry prawn noodles for breakfast just now.

I NEED TO VENT!! MY HUBBY'S CO SUCKS TO THE MAX! Its the 5th time in the last 4 months that when he applied for leave, its either cancelled or asked to change. HELLO!!! Like medical appt so easy to change. I'm really fedup and disappointed with our fake fake family friendly society. family friendly my foot!

Govt, u r not doing enough if this has to happen to employees who WANT CHILDREN, and i'm damn sure my husband's case isn't the worst out there!
May, rgd oranges, i ate and drank a lot of orange juice during #1's time but he's ok bah i guess. but then i dunno when asthma actually starts to surface either.

what i do know that it is usually genetic and my hubby and i do not have it alrhough my FIL has it.
Hi mummies...how are u all...i been disappearing for quite sometime..due to serious MS,i vomitted 15 times per day...serious till i've to go kkh for a drip.but after the drip i feel beta.

My MIL ask me not to eat banana,orange,beef and lamb.nt gd for baby.izzit true?
skinnybeannie - I think your HR dept is really very 18th century. They are supposed to be on your side. So what do they mean inform them about family planning? So tell them how many times you BD, etc. LOL! Ridiculous!
YUP Kanelmo precisely. unfortunately there are many such primitive companies in singapore and the govt doesnt really do anything to them. i ever went for an interview b4 i had #1 but i was ttc-ing for #1 when interviewer asked me if i planned to have kids. i refused to go back for 2nd interview.

i told hubby if i go back to work, i wanna work in MOM to catch those who discriminate against pple/women with families/pregnant, i want to give them A BIG WHACK
by the way, my friend working in toyota told me their co has increased maternity leave benefits for PRs/foreigners to be the same as singaporeans! same 4 months.
SillyJ, ya the frequent peeing may be due to your low placenta but no cause for worry cos it's common. Good that your gynae has noticed and is monitoring it.

Btil, oh no la, I don't mean whether MS is an indication of gender cos I've seen both cases. I think it varies from individual to individual. What I mean is, my current experience
is different from my last one, so maybe it is indicative of a different gender this time. Hehe. But even if t's another girl, I don't mind. Girls are super fun to dress up!!
my boss dun like ppl to hv family.when i preg,i hv bad MS and no choice hv to let him noe cos i keep taking mc.den 1 day after i come back to work, he told me he might need to find a replacement. im so pissed. =/
P/S: will continue later if i miss some posts...

May: BABE, it is true on the orange but not asthma just that maybe more phlegm.. but i took and i kept coughing hahha.. they scolded me =(

Btil: I just engaged a CL and i pay a deposit of $200. i not sure on the angbao and permit yet =) but her total charges is 2.3k so exp =(

if u know the angbao rate do share with me okay =)

starry mummy: wah yr HR really What the..... i am speechless seriously. I am wondering did these HR pple go and attend classes anot.. They should keep all these as P and C somemore announce so loudly in office... CMI

Ccharis: I JUST ask the nurse yesterday on the calcium and multivits regards to yesterday issue. they say is true that need to take seperately.. however, she dun advise us to do so because they are afraid we will forget to take and she also say all the while they have been doing that as in to take together so not an issue to take it together.

Ming8110: i would love to meet to.. i working at cityhall =)

wah time files, some of u have 1st trimester has ended.. congrats!!!!
Btil - I don't think MS is an indication for gender. My friend had severe MS for 2 kids, same symptoms. But she has 1 boy & 1 gal..

May - it is not the oranges. I avoided orange for #1 but my boy still had sensitive airways (basically like asthma).. It's the genetics. I hv asthma so i passed on the bad gene to him no matter how I restricted my diet then.
Joanna - my gynae advised to take calcium separately from other vitamins too.. If not, it won't be fully absorbed. She suggested multi vit & fish oil in morning & calcium at night.
Hi Mummies,

Im a silent reader since the thread started. Can I join in the chat? This is my #2.

My details are as below.. can help me to update the list?
Age: 30
Child: #2
EDD: 10 Oct
Hosp: Mt A
Doc: Dr HK Ho
Area: North-East
Hi mummies, re
Food to eat/not to eat :
From wat i know, those Delmote Banana is cooling, so advisable not to eat.
Orange - in case bb next time prone to cough and phelgm.
I think best to eat Apple for now.
<font color="0000ff">mini22:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Vomited 15 times per day!! Tt's terrible.. Hope tt you are better now already... I vomit twice already v sad lao..
Hang in there n hope tt yr MS will go away soon..</font>

<font color="0000ff">skinney, joanna &amp; Caitlin:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ok.. So far my side n hubby side no asthma cases.. So I think if i take wnt hv much problem bah..

MIL not only say tt.. She ask my hubby not to pat on my shoulder. Ask me not to use scissor on bed and tie stuffs.. Faintz..</font>
Hi mummies, any idea which flu med is safe to take during pregnancy?
I was told zyrtec and clarinese are fine but read on the net and seems like there is no harm but also nothing to say they are fine. sigh.... wonder if I should just self-heal...
Welcome raspy! And congrats!

Quinny: Priton is safe - I was given that by my gynae. It's a small yellow tablet. For non-drowsy flu meds, I was given Loratidine which I was told is also safe. Best to check with your doc though.

CL angbao rate: Don't know if there is a "market rate" but I gave $88 to my last CL on her 1st day of work and on her last day, I gave her $108. My aunties were telling me that if you give a proper angbao on the first day, the CL is more motivated to work hard for your family. Not sure if that's true though for all CLs.
<font color="0000ff">Jo</font> - My next appt is on 20th, meanwhile I'm trying to see if I can get through the hotline of ACJ then I'll keep you posted too.

I read PMV hinders Calcium absorption, now that ReinvLuv has confirmed, then yaloh - I also confirm all these while I eat salah loh, lol! No wonder, my back kept aching and aching...

RE: Milk Powder - I got alot of milk samples from my friend last week, clinic also give - let me check if got Similac, I can pass to you... I'm not drinking the whites cause I'm adverse to it, I'm looking for the Ammum Mum Chocolate.

<font color="0000ff">Ming8110</font> - I cant hide anymore, even my friends whom ONLY saw my face picture on FB can also guess that I am pregnant, lol! I was told my face look pregnant, no need to refer to tummy (which is also pretty obvious now) OMG!

<font color="0000ff">Shir Shir</font> - For me, yes, everytime go everytime need to pee test. As for u/s I only skip when I had OSCAR cause gynae said already screen le, then dont screen again cause too much u/s waves not good for bb too.

Which trimester are you in now? For 1st T, folic acid is more than enough, cause bb is not drawing food from you yet. Once you hit the 2nd T you should have more supplements: PMV is a basic, calcium &amp; fishoil are common, and depending on each individual, some others. Also, your gynae would likely ask you to stop folic acid le, because from 2nd T BB is drawing food from you liao. Generally prenatal visits are once a month, until 32 weeks. My personal trend is about 3wks+

<font color="0000ff">Quinny</font> - Finally I got buddy! Yes yes, please move to Central, hehhehe! I read about your gynae, when you confirm then provide details loh. As for hospital, any preference?

<font color="0000ff">Skinney</font> - Thats a VERY informative link! Kamsiah kamsiah, so now no need to argue what fish got what mercury liao. You should post this in FB too (cause the traffic here so high). Anyway... I'm just reminded that I had eaten swordfish last night, HB ordered wrong - ordered the big ones instead of our usually baby swords, geez! By the way. Otoro is considered from Blue Fin Tuna but anyone knows what category of mercury level boh? Ie. Highest or High...

<font color="0000ff">Btil</font> - My poor twin, but MS is a good sign of surging hormones, hahah! I'll have MS when I overeat, esp dinner...

<font color="0000ff">SillyJ</font> - Not just water, fruits before bedtime makes you run to the toilet more often too. I hate it when I wake up too, cause when I return to bed I cant sleep cause HB snores so loud, geez!

<font color="0000ff">Devilene</font> - Me too! But I was told not to use Yoko Yoko or Salon Pas cause the medicine can pass into the blood stream, blaaaah. So sad, cause I cannot even eat painkillers

<font color="0000ff">Tigger</font> - Paiseh paiseh, so paiseh. This thread like tornado, abit too fast &amp; my eye pak jiao. Can gimmi your info again I update?

<font color="0000ff">May</font> - I heard orange juice causes bb to have phelgm. But I still drink, cause gynae said can, and juices are the fastest way to meet the my daily fruit/veg intake...
ccharis, moving in a few months! Was initially quite excited but now preggy not supposed to be too participative in supervising and checking in the reno progress. Abit sianz.

speaking of new house, surely got smells etc even if using odourless paint, anyone knows how long ideally should we wait after reno is done before moving in?
<font color="0000ff">Skinney</font> - Let it out &amp; let it go, BREATH my dear! Why dont you ask HB to tactically find out the reason(s) why his leave has been cancelled or asked to changed? I know in big companies there are some policy to comply too &amp; leaves are hard to get or have to pre-plan in advance de.

<font color="0000ff">Mimi</font> - I hope it gets better for you! Perhaps different strokes for different folks, I was asked by many to eat more beef. Aside that, I think except banana, the rest can eat bah, old folks tale loh - ie. they feel orange eat le BB will have alot of phelgm.

<font color="0000ff">Jo</font> - I think I would be on safe side, I eat them seperately. No issue doesnt mean got absorption too. Also, ReineLuv's clinic advised her to eat seperately too so there must be a reason, I guessed it's just different clinic practices.
Shir Shir: I had urine test from the 2nd visit to gynae onwards. Took folic acid and calcium tablet from 1st visit onwards. Then from 2nd tri, gynae gave iron pill and fish oil. Now I've got 5 pills to eat daily, a total torture for someone like me who hates pills

Quinny: My gynae told me piriton (the small yellow flu tablet) and panadol (the normal type only) is safe. For zyrtec, better check wif gynae cos there's 2 type of Zyrtec in the mkt and I recall 1 of them is not suitable during pregnancy (if I din recall wrongly).
Quinny: We painted some rooms in our hse last yr and used the odorless paint. Basically there's really no odor at all. For the kids' room, we let them sleep in the room the following day. The heavy smells actually came from the turpentine that we used to wash the paint brushes instead
Quinny, if you want to be on safe side, two weeks. My contractor ever told me before don't rush to those new shopping centers within first two weeks of opening as there are still fumes left behind from the renovation. So I guess that's a good gauge.
Serenelm, din know odourless paint is that good now, me sooo suaku. Oh yes turpentine, that's one of the stuff and certain glue for carpentry. Maybe by then use HB as tester if he smells nothing then i go. haha.
Quinny: Oh yes, we were surprised too. No wonder it's more expensive. But totally worth it since we're alrdy staying in the hse n can't avoid the smells (if any)... Good idea to use hubby as 'tester'... Heehee :p
ccharis: yeah i just check with my colleague she also say eat separately leh..

so calcium eat at night, multivits it the morning? so calcium also take 1 tablet each time? since per day must take twice? is half hr interval okay?

sigh.. i also take it wrongly =(.

Ammum Mum Chocolate nice? i also have samples from clinic but duno what brand is that not similac leh =( but i try the white colour the clinic give duno what brand but is nice leh.. but i drank once and stop until now onli drink fresh milk/holicks too lazy..

Caitlin: ahh thanks babe.. i think u are right cos after i saw u posting this i went to check with my colleagues who is preg.. but multi vits gt give u fan wei feeling anot? i scare of taking this pills bec of the fan wei feeling but duno issit calcium that causes it or multivits.
Joanna - no worries.. It's something that I didn't know too till my gynae told me. I am fine with the multi vit that my gynae prescribed.
<font color="aa00aa">Seems like all take yr pills separately.. I took mtv n cal after bf or lunch.. Dan fish oil maybe half hr later.. Ok rite?? Cos I find tt I can take e pills in better during the day dan nite..</font>
Hi ladies, thread is moving so fast. Everyone's feeling more energetic now? :p

<font color="0077aa">Joanna</font>
My multivits also ok leh, why will it cos fan wei?

Btw, I also understand that the multivit that my gynae prescribe has Folic acid in it, which is why we don't need to take folic acid separately.

<font color="0077aa">May</font>
I took some oranges and orange juice. My hubby has asthma when he was young. Not much choices for fruits liao. Nowadays I go more for apples. Sometimes dragonfruits. Once in a while, honeydew, rock melon, strawberries.
Hi ladies,

Ask u a question.
My NT scan result is out. Low risk but there is a comment that my placenta is posterior low? Is the placenta supposed to be low now?
<font color="0000ff">reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">My MS seems to be better lao.. Feel more hungry and able to eat abit more dan last trim during the day.. But I still dun hv much appetite during dinner.. Could be cause by car motion sickness home bah..

Maybe I shd start to take all kinds of fruits at moderate.. So as not to solely depends on the mtv.. </font>
Ermm... saw a lot of discussion on the different type of supplements to take. I actually do not intend to take any supplements. Anyone else doing the same?

There is nothing to worry as long as your placenta moves up in the later stage. If it continues to be low, you may have to go for C-section.
For me also same, but i will only take if my gynea prescribe to me.

Wont go for extras... haha cos i hate to swallow pills.

Plus now i started drinking milk, shld be ok for nw. I did the same for no1.
Thanks Ming8110.

For my supplements, I usually take my folic acid and calcium tabs along with my breakfast. Cause I don't like the smell of them so try to mask their smell with my breakfast. Just started my multi-v this week, but kept forgetting my fish oil as I took my pills at office.

For those who are afraid of the fishy smell from the fish oil, you can try to put those fish oil gel into the fridge. My clinic taught me this during my #1 time. I had been doing that and so far, no fish smell.
Caitlin: hmmm.. u take calcium how many tablets a day? 2? ahhh.. den u dun have fan wei feeling after taking the pills at all?

reineluv: lol.. yeah i know but i was given folic acid too.. i tell u i am very sick of taking pills too many le.. i still gt the an tai yao to take for the bleeding one..

Eh.. i duno leh.. i duno exactly which pills causes me to fan wei but i know i will fan wei when i started taking the calcium and multi vits. I realise it when hubby tell me maybe these pills causes it and i change it to night time to take before bed time after that no fan wei le.
<font color="0077aa">Meredith</font>
Actually I feel that if you are able to eat a wide variety of meat and vege, then you can opt out for supplements. For me, I'm very choosy about food, even more so now. And I eat very little vege and drink very little milk. So I'm kind of relying on the multivit and calcium.
Fishoil is more for the baby's brain development, so I will eat la.

Funny thing is, I love to swallow pills. I just hate cough syrups. So I have no issues with my pills. Except burping fish oil la. hahah
<font color="0077aa">Joanna</font>
I thought you start supplements after your 2nd trimester? Your an tai yao is duphaston right? It's hormone pills, I read that if you take this with your multivits you may get nausea.
Usually by 2nd trimester you can stop the duphaston and just take supplements.
But then hor, I also not gynae, that's what I understand from my gynae la. hahah
Raspy: That's a good idea. I will put my fish oil into the fridge tonight.

This is how I usually take my supplements:-

1. After lunch: Calcium
2. After dinner and before bed: Multi-vit, iron and fish oil
<font color="aa00aa">Anybody intend to start on pre-natal massage? Me thinking of trying next mth.. If gd and relaxing dan will cont..</font>
my problem with supplements is probably psychological... haiz.. The moment those pills goes into my mouth, I will regurgitate and throw up
Trying to take more fish, milk, red meat now, hopefully its enough.

I remember a couple of you are seeing TCM. What is good to take during preg? Cordyceps? Bird Nest? Pao Sheng? What else?
reineluv: no leh i was given multi vits and calcium when i visit this gyane.. like a few weeks ago..

wah u can be gyane le.. correct is duphaston and can stop taking after 1st trimester.. still gt one more week to go and i am free of eating this medicine and injection.. Yipee...

lol.. how come some takes multivits in the morning.. seriously i am blur.. nvm i just take separately like what charis do hahaha.. but then half hr interval okay anot arh?
<font color="0000ff">Meredith:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Wah.. You so fast.. I intend to start ard wk18.. Will try to book my massage lady asap..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Joanna:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Not normal massage.. Can only do prenatal massage.. But u need to check wif yr gynae 1st before doing.. As certain part of the body cannot touch or press...</font>

Yes, can do pre-natal massage.. it helps to relieve those pain and aches during preg. But very impt to make sure the massue is experience.

Mummies with more than 1 kids, may I know what is your child care arrangement when #2 or #3 comes along? My mother is currently helping me with #1 but don't think she can handle 1 toddler and 1 bb at the same time. Nw headache what to do when #2 arrives. Hiring a maid is not an option coz my hubby is against the idea of living with a stranger. Between a infant care centre and nanny, which option looks more favorable to you?
