(2012/10) Oct 2012

for my no1 my appts were scheduled monthly up until 3rd tri then it was 3 weeks, then 2 weeks, then weekly at 36 weeks...

my obgyn very relax one... no problem don't go disturb her...

If bo daiji then self monitor loh. Anyway we keep on going hor... Nearer & nearer to due date, we have to keep on keeping on go - by then I think we would all nag & complain liao because it would be weekly. Lol!

Folic acid is the most important, but if you think thats not enough, then discuss with the gynae (because diff people need diff nutrients) and he/she would give you multi-vits, which I think is the basic all-in-one supp.
Ccharis: ACJ's package doesn't include supplements. Only doctor visits so it may not be as worth it as other clinics. Depends on how often you think you will go for your doc visits. They won't really refuse to see you but of course if yours is a normal pregnancy with everything going well, they will suggest seeing you less often.
rach: oooo okok thanks wor hehehe.. now i know it should be one mth instead of 2 to 3 weeks once depends on situation too..

flin: omg u also? hahaha.. lol.. i thought all 2 weeks once here leh =(

ccharis: thanks babe.. hahaha yeah pocket also gt a hole too...
ooic.. multi-vits contains what?
joanna.. yaya... that was how mine was schedule before..
week 12, 16, 20, 24, 28
but in between week 12-16, they will schedule in down syndrome test..
if everything goes well this time i might skip week 16....
week 20 is the major scan...
Ming8110 - So, how many sessions in a package & price of the package so I can work it out, at least can sleep over it then tomorrow when I go, can ask them more about it. My 1st appt cost about S$460 (consultation, supps & upcoming blood tests for both HB & me) which I was not quite expecting, hahah!

Also, when you said top-up (apart from the supplements) so I supposed lab tests also not inclusive or...?
OMG, i took a slip of fresh milk this morning, no nausea, so i finish the whole cup of fresh milk with cereal. then in less than 2 hours the nausea creep up & I vomitted everything out... now sucking sour plums to keep the nausea down...

Btil, I also like to drink 100+ nowdays, but i take it cold leh;p i also take all sour drinks like sour plum juice, lime juice.

hi Ms Lala, our EDD is the same & I'm likely to deliver at Mt A too! was contemplating btw Mt A & another hosp but likely would be Mt A since my 1st one already there.
This is my #2 or 3? as I in fact miscarriage last year, the sac cannot form properly,there is no heartbeat, i went for d/c in oct last year, i got no symptoms like ms. I just find out i am preggie again and i am quite worried. I have no morning sickness too, got some cramps and breat swolen only, stomach a little big, little craving, no naseua,no headaches, no vomiting. But i can feel some "happening" on my right side uterus,I supposed to be in week 6.
Ccharis: Yes, I believe lab tests are not inclusive. Sorry I can't remember how many visits were covered under the package. Best to check with the nurses in case I get the number wrong

Folic acid: We have to take for at least the 1st 3 months. After that we move on to take DHA (fish oil) from 2nd tri onwards. I continued taking that even while bf so that the baby will continue to get the benefits of fish oil. Not strictly necessary but kiasu mummy here.
This thread is running real fast! Was on half day today, couldn't manage to climb up from my bed after taking my utrogestan in the midnight -.- Morning was feeling very terrible not from MS but from whole body aching &amp; plus abit of weird pain around tummy. So worried hopefully everything will be fine. Hoping time could pass faster to next wednesday my 1st appointment to see how my lil pea is growing! Fortunately MS had not approach me yet only occasionally nausea but didn't vomit or after meals felt very bloated up .. making me worried as i see most of the mommies are having MS.. My previous M/C i did not have any MS too .. Now this one also i'm getting slightly worried ><
babiesmeme: I'm in the same boat as you dear .. Idk this is my #2 or #3, lol.. I had a M/C last dec but didn't had a D/C as mine was natural .. Doc said it's all cleared when i went for another scan.. That M/C had no MS too.. Now i'm pregnant again I AM ALSO AS WORRIED AS YOU! Cause i didn't have MS too , just that had abit of heartbeating fast, occasionally headache . Cramps &amp; cravings ... But sometime i can feel like sth is in my tummy.. I'm supposed to be in week6 too.. Have you went for your first gynae appointment yet?
afternoon, just finish meeting since morning..now waiting for colleagues to ta bao bk for me...no MS at all..but still spotting..after taking the medicine given by dr Henry, not as bad liao..hopes nth goes wrong...

erm..joanna ar...my #1 was delivered by Dr. HK Ho too..but i find him ok only but charges like sky high n abit overboard..if can afford then go ahead coz u would be in good hands during delivery as his stitching is good. but if tight then better not..any case outside yr appt they will charge as emergency case and each visit will be around $200 - $300, it's super not cheap. tt time i had fibros in the womb after delivery..but i went to 3 docs for scan n test and didn't detect anything after 2mths giving birth. Dr. Ho insisted i go bk and do another scan which i gong gong went bk...total damage $700 just for a stupid scan and lab test. after tt i nv go bk eva again.
sk &amp; babies, touch wood ar.....no MS is good loh..i also don't have any MS..but just gt the sour symptoms..tummy bloating feeling gassy, not much apptitide or increase appitide is part of everything.


i worst loh..thru out the BFing period i was still taking calcium + fish oil for 4 whole mths..=X..eat until scared.
lasery2k: Hopefully time can fly quickly to next Wednesday! To see how my lil pea is growing, so i can be assured!!! As my previous M/C baby's heartbeat stopped at week6. So i'm at my week6 now i'm extremely paranoid! X.x kept thinking of positive things but still abit worried

i m more worried then u...monday until now still bleeding...haiz...doc scan still can see sac..duno m i scaring myself or not..hub keep saying i keep scaring myself...but i m just very worried mah...=.=

ltr call gynae again..see if it's normal to bleed so many days and so much when egg the sac is impanting itself. my first 1 was only slight spotting.. not so much like this 1 like having menses like tt loh..
SnU coz bb havent develope yet..so best to drink after bb is 3mths..good for mum and bb..but i heard also cant drink much..scare bb got pleghm..gotta moderate ah..coz my bb 1st few mths already got pleghm eh..have to help her suck out her mucus..if nt she cannot drink milk..once even went to KKH to suck it out..
Not all mtb have MS, I didn't have MS as well. Only extreme backache and nausea.

Have you visit yr gynae since the bleeding? take a trip down his/her clinic to do a check up better.
anyway those 2nd time mummies..hw to u all increase milk supply ah? ive stop BF at 2nd mth..am too lazy and tired to continue..

yes u r right on the birdnest...take those concentrate bottles de then every morn be4 u eat anything take 1 table spoon of it.. i drank about 3 bottles tt time...cannot take too much...will have phlegm and asthma de..


yesterday went to gynae and scan liao...monday night went to kkh n scan n did blood test too..2molo going bk kkh for report..

so quite worried nw.
Birdnest: I took it once a week in 2nd tri until 3rd tri - double-boiled at home. My MIL taught my helper how to prepare it. Quite tasty with just red dates and rock sugar. Yummy

BF: I was one of those who had to supplement - didn't have enough supply despite latching and pumping 5 times a day. Finally stopped when no.1 was 7 months old. I tell myself I have tried my best. Hopefully will have better luck with no. 2.
lasery2k: But gynae said is it okay with the bleeding? Relax, i feel you.. It's normal to feel worried but guys won't understand..

BBKay3105: Keep latching to build up milk supply. I bf my #1 till he's 1yo. Express while i'm at work every 2-3hourly..
flin: huh u so fast week 12 le?

LilKmum: oh dear!! tat's very bad.. den what u have for lunch...

Can we take laksa? i eat le stomach pain pain..

lasery2k: serious so expensive. actually hor i duno leh.. because i find his charges too exp too but since friends around me and family all under him i thought i should follow. u mean he is not that good only stitching? yes i am wondering why he charges so high leh ?
Hello, I am new user here. I have been vomitting many times, like 8 times a day. Whatever i drink or eat, it will just come out after awhile. is this common? i hv pink discharge after i pee. is this common too? can someone advise?
Joanna. Haha no I'm only 6 weeks! I meant the schedule for my no1

After lister easing this forum.. Dunno y I'm scared bb no heartbeat
flin: Ignore us babe. Lol.. we've just overly worried sometimes. have you went for your 1st checkup with your gynae yet?

Winnie: I think it'll be good if you go down to your gynae for a check, how many weeks are you now?

seriously no joke on his charges...i wanted to switch gynae when i was preg half way tt time..but hub say con't...he is experience lah..but when comes to everytime scanning he like rushing for time like tt as he gt alot of customers. we wanted to see peanut for alonger while also cannot. so i don't really like it. we felt more or less like carrot kana chop like tt...i guess people goes bk to him coz he's good with the nurses at Mt. A and every 1 listern to him. n his clinic is just downstair. anything he just goes up tt's all..

don't follow those around..source for 1 which u feel comfortable and budget affordable..

gyane was telling me it might be the implantation of the sac to the womb tt's y gt spotting n bleeding. but i guess not so simple this time round. 2molo getting my blood test results. will see if M/C or don't have...oh well if bb is mine will be mine..i quite open on it..


tt time i bf until 4 mths only coz work place need to do security checks and i lazi to bring in n out tt time. every 4hrs latch + pump out exccess..really like cow like tt...even mid night also set alarm wake up..+.+..
Joanna: my package is for gynae checkup n scan. Not including bloodtest, other misc tests n supplements. If no package, per visit abt $100+
Lilkmum: wah wat a coincidence! My gynae based there n so far very assuring n comfortable with him. N having baby #1, I blurr blurr everything also dunno. Lucky got recommendation from my bil.
lasery2k: lol.. u scared me now.. hahaha but i dun see anyone here taking him tat's y i quite puzzled.. i think i will maybe go for a few more gyane then decide if charges too exp.. bec hor i went to my nearby clinic right they charge me $145 (consultation, scan, folic acid, and a medicine to stop the bleeding)

so which one u went since u nv go to DR HO? but he is good when giving birth lah just tat during consultation abit rush?

flin: ya lah i came here den i hear so many cases i am scared too tat's y i bring forward my appt to next week.. =(... hahaha u scared me sia i thought what u are in yr 12 weeks so fast..

Sksf: babe i am after u i change my appt to next thursday hahha.. do update me on yr weeks =) hehehe i know u cannot wait to hear heartbeat right...
Ms_Lala: hmm i think 100+ is market price quite okay...

hmm i see here quite a number take DR L C FOng can anyone advise on his charges and how is he?
Joanna: You're with LN Sim right? haha! Yes, exactly can't wait to hear baby's heartbeat!!!! :/

flin: if you're worried maybe you should change your appointment earlier. I think 1st appointment kinda important too..

lasery2k: Very tiring for working mommy. I also set alarm to wake up during midnight to express .. lol.. Slim down alot though :p

scared u? on the pricing ar..lolx..ya i was 1 of the carrot kana chop..but his delivery n stitching was good...seriously i think other gynae mention up ther can do the same job but another price.

to me i m not going bk and paying for tt price..abit nt worth it..

now i seeing Dr. Henry cheng at bishan..abit cold/lame on his jokes but over all he's quite assuring and will tell u what he's doing.

u can try a few appt with Dr. Ho...if can tahan the bills then it's ok to con't with him. not saying he's not good just i don't like dr to rush u off and waiting time also abit long.

yesterday i went to gynae. only 170. scan, consultation, back pain medication, gastric medication, and medicine to stable the preg)..if i didn't remember wrongly my first appt with dr. ho in 2010 was around $250.. scan, consulatation + folic acid only..
lasery2k: huh??????? $250... tat's very exp leh...

omg!!! i shall see next week den decide bec i find it over le for $250..i was told 1st consultation is $120 scan is $50.. sian 1/2...

but is he really so fully book? when is the last time u seen him?

ya around there lah..$120 is normal consultation hor, still gt urine test leh, then scan, medication leh...=X...

erm..his slots some is book by non preg de..those taitai book do memogram / some ovaries check or some body check up. preg ladies some only..in the clinic u see maybe 3-4 preggies loh.
lasery2k: serious.. ahhh.. huh why urine test? test simi?

lol.. those tai tai nothing to do snatch slots with us.. i wonder why they dun let us make appt on weekend?

erm..they do urine check on the protien lvl and also acid lvl. every single session u go to Dr. ho they sure will make u go for the urine test de...
