(2012/10) Oct 2012

hi sksf i am seeing dr fong yang at paragon. i am quite worried but me and my hub is preparing for the worst. If its mine will be mine.

dear all,
quick question.

after appt yesterday,
was making next appt with the counter nurse,

wanted a sat slot
but nurse insist that Sat need to pay extra for consultation.

we just made a weekday, office hour appt then.
(take leave lo)

but now think about it,
about the tai-tai momogram post,

do you think the nurse "smoke" us ?
babiesmeme: can share yr charges in paragon?

Sksf: yeah i think so too. hehhe just update me on yr weeks of yr baby because your menses ends later than mine hehehe.. i wanna ensure that this week is actually the 7/6 hehehhee.. thanks in advance =)

SnU: i heard weekend is reserve for some pple but i duno who is the pple..
<font color="aa00aa">finally able to login in now aft some prob with ofc PC.. Zzzz want slp too!!!

Joanna v gan jiong liao hehe</font>
i once waited for my gynae for 2hrs..only to come out 5mins later eh..wana ask or stay long also cannot..chop chop and shoot us off..haha..said everything ok..Bye..

but my gynae on and off will need to help deliver in KKH b4 he rush to KK AMK clinic..
i only knw Thompson gynae visits are cheaper then KKH since got package..but Thompson delivery package is more ex then KKH..maybe coz hub SAF..got sub..end bill only $1k nia..instead of Thompson ard $2k++
erm...compulsary de for them..the rest of the clinic i nt sure...this gynae i went nv ask mi do urine test..

other mummies yr gynae gt ask u do compulsary urine test mah?

sat pay extra? nv heard be4 leh...some of my appt last time is on sat de...most of it weekdays lah coz i wanna go off early..hahaha


same feeling as u now...haiz...pray 2molo report will be fine.
Joanna: Will definitely update here!!
oh ya better to seek 2nd opinion if u all find something not right..my colleague told me 1st gynae said bb got DS..they dont believe..went for 2nd opinion..bb is fine..faint!! my another friend friend almost got the intention to abort but family said keep it..end up is fine also..
i love the breastfeeding bond
still bf-ing my 27month old son!
but not much milk now.. he sucks for fun and likes to cuddle with me closely..

hmm, i latched frequently so i didnt resort to supplementing. of course after 1 yr, he was eating so many dif kinds of foods and sources of calcium he didn't rely on breastmilk much. having said that, my boy is skinny type, only 5th percentile. Somemore i gave birth to him was 3.07kg at 38weeks+. but he "bu zheng qi" so skinny.. like me hahaha
GNL: hahaha no wonder u went MIA totally zzzz

yeah now stress leh.. which gyane better =( sian 1/2

BBKay3105: serious? who is yr gyane? why like this =(

lasery2k: serious.. wah.. damm sad leh. to all mummies u all gt any urine test???

dun worry babe everything will be fine okay =)

babiesmeme: babe what happen?

Sksf: thanks dear =)
BBKay3105: i do agree with u leh sometimes one gyane cannot confirm anything must go a few to know what is the correct information.. But why like this shouldn't they actually give us the right infor
lasery: M school closed for 2 days liao due to got 7 hfmd cases plus 10 suspected cases on monday. if hit 16 cases, then school will close for 10 days...super sianz...very soon he will become little gangster back if stay at home too long...
Hi all mummies

I'm also expecting an Oct baby. my EDD is on 6 Oct. just had my check up on Monday. baby is at 9 weeks liao. my gynae is Dr Douglas Ong and will deliver at Mount A
<font color="aa00aa">welcome serene to our thread

yes lo Joanna i reli gg doze off!!! no talk to u all feel so slpy!!! if nt down ah im always inside here since boss nt ard this week :p can snake abit. Dr Ho thr always ask ppl do urine test, check BP, weight etc during my visit thr.

Joanna, y dont u go down see him &amp; talk to his nurse there about his charges all &amp; have a fresh idea b4 u decide what u wan do from there?

I 2nd BBKay3105 too. always seek 2nd opinion!!!</font>

hahaha L everyday also at home drama n gangster..esp with my maid n MIL...he machaim like king..now he will try kick my dog when no 1 looking..catch him a few times n he eat a few kuay tiao from the cane..now he dare to scold don't dare to kick..my back still quite pain from the sprain..woa piang my king kong really must make him drink less milk...

the previous gynae make a compulsary to test..this 1 don't have..or maybe haven start...but it's confirm chargable..

now feeling so giddy and just feel like going bk n lie on the bed n rest...argh..ltr on the dot i will char bo off liao..

ya agree on tt, if not u can give a call to the nurses and check the pricing..i heard alot of mummies also call n check when the nurses pick up the phones there.
serene: congrats and welcome to oct mtb thread =D

GNL: yeah i will still go for my appt this week and then decide if the charges is really tat exp and i cannot cope.. because hor i abit worry if i choose others right then the diagosis is different very scary because i just heard stories from friends i find it super duper scary thought gt good reviews on certain gyane but yet it doesn't turn out to be tat good at all.

lasery2k: hahaha u all so funny describing yr kids but sounds fun actually...

aiyo lie down on the table? i think they will understand...

babiesmeme: orh.. but will u have cramp? because no MS is okay de...
nurse sharon from gynae just called to check on me coz i called in the noon to enquired if heavy spotting need to go bk mah..

now spotting went bk to lesser liao. 2molo will see the report from kkh see the preg is ok mah..if still bleed alot then gotta go bk gynae n check again..=.=!!....duno lai de ji mah...hope i can split into 3 part..1 put at work, 1 put at home, 1 go check up..
babiesmeme: babe u gt the exact feeling as what i am having leh.. exactly the same.. and den hor i only tense to vomit when i am hungry and it happens every morning or when i take the folic acid or drink water...

i think is normal lah...
<font color="aa00aa">Joanna, i also switch my 1st gynae-Dr Chew to Dr Woo. Think it shouldnt pose a big prob. u don tink so much. tink more= worried more = stress more. B a happy mummy! wait for your appt next week to see ur peanut! all worries cast aside. take a step @ a time. don worry for something which have not happened yet. worry for something which have happened. im sure u b ok de gal.

I was worried during my 1st visit to Dr Chew as i was spotting on 12 Feb &amp; I went KKH to check. Doc thr said cant find sac but HCG is raising. told me its etopic/possible MC. i was totally FREAKED OUT &amp; i keep crying (coz 1st child &amp; a long awaited one reli v v worried &amp; lost lo)!!!! went bk KKH to do test la detailed scan on 13th &amp; 14th. then ask to monitor. from 14th till 24th was like living with a time bomb! finally came 24th i went Dr Chew &amp; scan found my little peanut &amp; can c the heartbeat too!!! I spent $350 for my scanning, med &amp; consultation ok. Dr Chew is reli exp! but he assured me with his superb scanning machine. hehe he always says his machine is 1 of the A class machine in town!! but is true lo. he put the scanning device on my tummy less than 1min found my peanut le! KKH poke here, twist thr, press here also cant find (also mayb cause too early to detect anything la)

So dont worry. nxt week is ur 1st date with peanut. Dress mei mei &amp; go ok! :D


if u happen to our #1 who are heading to the terrible 2 stage, u will get what we mean...gangster is like ba wang like tt, everything also must go his way if not they will throw temper n stomp all over...

mine will scared coz we use cane...but now the cane like abit not really working liao...so must use the daddy monster to curb...i call him a king kong coz he's really huge...20mths old...88cm tall n 11.8kg in weight..now u know y i sprain my back.

i agree the kkh scanning machine nt good. they had to use the V scan to detect the sac n womb. while at gynae he only press abit harder on the tummy n found it liao..

don't worry too much lah..go for the first appt n see yr little peanut first..$$ can come ltr when u really find tt cannot afford the charges then switch gynae loh.

yes, gynae prescribe medicine to stop the spotting and also "an tai"...hope it's just bb trying to plant itself into the womb.
GNL: sorry to hear that u had such a bad experience.. i do really think that such wrong diagnosis will hai si ren lor...horrible.. i guess in future we have to go to no 2 to confirm if we suspect something is wrong..Den why u change DR chew to DR woo wor.. because he is too expensive?

no lah i nv stress lah.. i will also continue to go ahead but also have some reservations too, den decide bec if too exp and cannot cope also pointless to carry on =(

thanks dear for your encouragement =)

lasery2k: lol.. hahaha =( wah headache like this.. yeah i think must have a fierce fierce person to curb them...wah 88cm is quite tall...
lasery2k: thanks babe.. yeah i taking that medicine too i duno if i should stop taking because the blood i had onli appears once den dun have le... but is till gt take lor... =(

but duno if i should take throughout since no blood?
u can call the gynae nurses to check if still need to con't taking...donit to pai seh 1..u paying $$...hahaha

anyway call donit to pay de....i always call if i duno anything..hahaha

ya he's tall..the parents nt very tall n not big size..the kid like king kong like tt..duno y also..i always tell him, at the rate he's growing by pri 1 he would be at my chest area liao..he will still blur blur tell me. grow tall tall...=.=!!
<font color="aa00aa">Joanna: yes we all learn along the way. don worry too much ok. go with the flow 1st. if u feel reli 2 much then bk out np 1. just don sign pkg 1st. i change frm Dr Chew to Dr Woo coz right Dr Chew is v exp! he have no pkg thingy 1. all by every visit charges. each visit is about $300++... v shiong! i don print $ so i no choice have to give him up BUT he is reli a VERY good gynae! v assuring, v patient, v knowledgable. me &amp; hub like him!! But too.... bad blame on us.. not rich otherwise will stick to him!</font>
lasery2k: actually i did ask leh when i collect the medicine they ask me finish throughout but yesterday night i decide not to take anymore and observe...

hahhaaha kids nowadays are super clever hahhaa perhaps is what u eat and what happening around u when u are carrying him?

GNL: ya lah i realise some gyane no package de when first visit only can sign package on 20weeks =( but i know DR Woo's package onli $600++ leh so cheap lah and u can sign when first visit/sec visit...

Dr chew is from where why so exp even more expensive den the one i am going???
lasery2k: yeah the doctor told hubby is an tai medicine but i went to goggle it only says to stop bleeding and helps to like make everything shun shun like this..

tat's y abit worry if dun have such problem den take den later more problems hahaha.. maybe i just call up later no point guessing myself.. hahaha.. thanks babe =)
UTROGESTAN 100mg capsules: Soft, round, off-white capsules containing 100mg progesterone
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Genitourinary system and sex hormones
ATC code: G03D
Progesterone is a natural progestogen, the main hormone of the corpus luteum and the placenta.
It acts on the endometrium by converting the proliferating phase to the secretory phase.
UTROGESTAN 100mg capsules have all the properties of endogenous progesterone with
induction of a full secretory endometrium and in particular gestagenic, antioestrogenic, slightly
antiandrogenic and antialdosterone effects.

i found tt online...u taking the same medication mah?
<font color="aa00aa">Joanna: yes right some gynae got pkg starting from 20weeks de. Dr Woo is 2nd visit can take up the pkg le @ $650 (excluding GST). quite reasonable lo. Dr SC Chew is from MT E. rather ex but v exp gynae i would say.

I also taking an tai med Duphaston. Though no spotting, i still continue wor... since paid le haha n also protect the baby. worried if stop will spot again ma... Hummmmmm....

Going hm soon gals! 25mins for me!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Wow sksf ur appetite v gd leh!!!!! *ENVY* bb wants food food food!! haha.. go on n feast!!!

Im gg hm too. go hm rest &amp; watch CH U korean show.</font>
lasery2k: so early go home hahaha? really on the dot ya... yeah i taking this medicine wor...

GNL: no wonder lah bec is mount E ma...ahhh i taking the one same as sksf and lasery2k..yrs maybe too exp one hahaha so different brand.. cos my one is cheap cheap only from a nearby clinic..
Sksf: hungry again wah.. u big eater hahahah.. now is u eating not yr baby yet since u 6 weeks.. correct right is the mummy hungry? because i also keep hungry but pple say is the mummy not the baby...
<font color="aa00aa">Joanna, not the med exp ma.. i also nt sure leh. tink all about that gynae is exp ma. location ex, med ex, scan ex. but overall u exchange all this with his comforting actions! i tink is worth for my 1st date with peanut!
After I strain my back yesterday, like suddenly don't feel any ms or hunger already... Haiz! I hope the back pain is really so painful that it covers all the other ms discomfort...

<font color="aa00aa">I tink u r right. nw all the food goes to mummy! weight also to mummy!! *cry* im on the meaty side. if i eat somemore ah.. alamak will look like 6months preg xia! nw tummy abit protruding out le wor. ystday aft dinner, my tummy reli big &amp; tight &amp; hard!!! don knw is it peanut expanding?... humm.. felt tingerling @ d belly button thr. any mummy got the same feeling?</font>
