(2012/10) Oct 2012

joanna: I would sit down if i'm with #1 without a stroller.. honestly carrying a kid is much worse than carrying a preggie tummy! carrying 2 is double up

GNL & Sksf: i also find it diff to swallow the supplments esp. calcium!!

yenz: better be careful. As long as u feeling nausea means bb is growing well, and make sure no spotting. Must share 4 numbers with us ya.. hehe.. if strike, then we can all can go chiong baby stuffs! haha!

Ladies, have you'all book the post-natal massage session already?
Taurus - I'm just bad at comforting words, cause I know it's not gonna mend anything now but nevertheless, it is important to nourish & heal your body back. I'm very sad to learn of your sudden lost, thou' we havent really know each other & officially met, but it's been a wonderful and supportive journey to be chatting online. If there's anything we still can do for you, please come back. You're always welcome.

There is a star in heaven that belongs to you, and thou the flight has been cancelled now, rest assured the next flight has been scheduled, you would still be blessed with many kids.
Take care.
Joanna: haha! i will continue to sit leh.. 1st tri very fragile leh. just now i feel like asking ppl to give up their seat for me. was feeling so terrible - nausea & giddy. but i ps. ..
<font color="aa00aa">ccharis: u r so right! Last time I was over @ SGbrides forum &amp; make a few nice frds there.exchange ideas, mit up, have fun laughing &amp; gossiping abt ILs/Hubs etc! Its really fun to find ppl u can click with. v nice to know all here. u gals rock! :D

Skfs: i also dont like to swallow med now... i hate to take d prenatal Vit from GNC. so diff to swallow so big pcs &amp; always tend 2 puke whenever i eat that. saw that its not necessary to take Vit during 1st trim only Folic acid. So perhaps my visit to gynae nxt round will ask for pure folic acid then i can skip the Vit hehe

Joannae: I was thinking of this qns this morning when I was in the train! haha.. im hving bkaches if i stand too long &amp; I step into MRT i see seats i chiong &amp; sit down leh... hummm.. if she is heavily preg i will ma.. she also pitiful if no 1 let their seats to her hor.

Skinnybeenie: I also like chwee kueh la... chee cheong fun la... laksa la.. tom yam la...fried mee hoon esp! haha.. all savoury food right?! now u ask me eat sweet things which I tried like phad thai(its kinda of sweet) I return 50% of the noodle to the stall! so its really something v.. weird... taste bud reli change. sometimes i think of food my saliva come out but eat ah no appetite. eat a few mouth then feel full &amp; puky... the feeling sucks as i used to be someone who loves to eat! now like suddenly change! no appetite, don like to talk much etc.. don knw y..</font>
Btil - My MS report for yesterday (lol!) Morning was pretty fine, then PM had bad motion sickness until I v kan kor, immediately came home to nap &amp; when I woke up I didnt really had much appetite, then very giddy + double vision. It was better past midnight then I felt so hungry &amp; cooked Maggi mee, 1 packet like not enough, quikcly go sleep. This morning wake up, head feels heavy &amp; then like want to have sore throat liao. Oh, forget to mention, after I merlion on Sunday night? I seemed to be running a low grade fever + bodyache, cold. Havent see doctor, never self medicate too, cause dunno what we can eat also.
ccharis, if u having fever, better pop a panadol first. i rmb my gynae told me fever will affect the fetus. so better bring down the fever first.

i think when cook maggie mee must cook twice leh. First time to drain away the layer of dunno what which is not gd for preg mum. i read somewhr when i had my #1 3yrs back. haha.
Caitlin - Holy cow! Like that my new "investment" shoes can say byebye liao loh? Sobs!!!!!

Adding on, BTIL - I still got cramps to. It started last week only. Sometime left, sometimes center, sometimes it's just a sudden "sng sng" feeling in the uterus. Is it same as you?

Octomum - I've got bad cravings for Filet O Fish too! In fact, anything Mac! I feel nausea when I see a proper healthy chinese meal, jialat lah!
ccharis: haahaha u are damm funny lah.. yr mum also quite cute but maybe it is true leh ahhaha.. u better go see doctor because pregnant cannot anyhow take medicine leh.. dun delay le go today!!!

how u all know when gt baby fair leh? i am amazed =( do update here if there is a sales going on or on fb thread better hahaha..

skinneybeenie: serious? even ring size too.. OMG!!! cannot imagine..hahaha of cos u can seat down if u are carrying a kid.. I mean if yrself alone with 2 mths in your stomach yet another preg lady is directly in front of u but hers is bigger than yr stomach.

sharonk: hahaha true lor if u feel terrible. but nowadays pple dun care de they act blur or act sleeping or poking on iphone

GNL: hahah yeah i am thinking of this question this morning too when i sitting down i was like eh what if there is another women bigger than my stomach den pple duno if i am pregnant bec my stomach too small will they ask me to get up? hahha.. yeah i do agree but sometimes we ourselves gt backache need to seat down but if nv stand up damm pai sei.. hahhaa yeah i do agree SG brides forum and they are super super sporting one they have a thread in facebook can flood everyday with many many different topics irregardless of wedding too..which year bride are u from =P

Chapa chic: i having this problem leh.. usually i sneeze quietly but will actually pain in the stomach area i am wondering will it affect the baby? because they say must sneeze like not inside kind not sure u get what i mean.. because is a habit of the way sneezing
GNL, Yanyan - I was awake too, but hungry until dont feel like coming online. Yan, I think you anchor the 3-4AM liao, opps! Been almost a week like that right? Are you working?

Sksf - Sugar not too much, hehehe! We're very prone to diabetes when preg. Appetite wise, I used to be able to eat the world's hottest chilli with no fear, now leh, Padi I also shout spicy. Even HB also freak out. I find chicken v smelly &amp; I crave for Filet O Fish perpetually too.

Chee cheong fun - this morning eat not enough, dabao another packet to munch in office while chatting here too, wahahahaha! I also heard, ang ku kueh is good (because the green bean inside is full of folate).

GNL, didnt receive bah hahahaha its ok i try PM u can get?

Lasery2k, how are you feeling today? Yday night i felt bloated like as if hit by gastric, i drank mango juice felt slightly better. Then i sucked on Hacks blackcurrant sweets (maybe about 10 sweets haha!) then felt better. You can try Hacks sweets?

ccharis, yes like what sharonk says, better to bring down fever first. take care!
Chapa_chic, i have a big sneezing problem bcos of my sinus. Each time i sneeze tummy muscles pull, and its quite painful. I find that if u know u are going to sneeze, just be on "standby" and sort of like "push out" your muscles.
Just as an aside, some of our readers may find it funny to know that Korean folklore says that dreams about snakes represent a baby boy, while dreams about any types of buttons or flowers equate to a baby girl.

Sksf - Apart from avoiding sugary items like candy, cookies, cakes, and soda, I think plain rice (carbohydrates) are also high in glucose &amp; may cause gestational diabetes. Cultivate a good eating habit would be easier for us to adapt on later too.

Precious - I still can wear my old dresses (but with a bulge now lah) and so if you can find nice clothings, please let me know where, hahah!

When you see a bunch of preggers (I mean not now lah, when our bulge is obvious) - I think people will give up their table for us bah? Cut Q hor, that we wait longer. Hahahaha!

I will give up the seat. If my bulge cannot be seen, I wont be surprised that soon, others will throw snare looks &amp; some would even demand I give up the seat loh. It would be so embaressing to argue that I am a preg too right? It's like who got bigger tummy who wins lah.
Sksf: LOL interesting article.. can anyone tell me when can we dream of it hahaha.. kaisu =P

ccharis: lol.. i can also wear la but hubby complain my dress too short which is not =( damm angry which i just bought and wear once for cny somemore 2 dresses he complain short =( now gt to buy dresses le. I also looking leh if u see u let me know and vice versa =)

lol.. true lor unless i dun feel well den i will seat =P but duno how to tell them if under this situation =( i tink prevent standing in front of the reserved seat better...
what u all eat for breakfast? damm sian everyday thinking of what to eat? until duno what to eat only can think of bread bread bread so boring!!
caitlin, ur boy is yr2008?

hi welcome GNL!

ccharis, no la. ppl in CBD wont give way to us one la, everyone's in a rush during lunch time. I tink better way is we meet slightly before 12pm. usually before 12pm , say 1145am still can get seats. but once hit 12pm, will be super crowded!

think i'm suffering more of NS (nite sickness) than MS....day time i'm still ok...just tired n lethargic...but nite time is really quite bad...dinner no appetite n nausea...Daytime tiredness is made worsen by frequent urination at nite...haiz..

Ring size: speaking of ring size, i still have one ring which till now i cant wear! if after this pregnancy still cant wear i think i'll go get it re-size le...
Ring size: I had to re-size my ring after no. 1 too. Waited for almost 1 year to try and fit into the old ring but couldn't so bit the bullet and got it resized.

Maternity clothes - trick is to try and buy those that double up as nursing wear. I like Dote (you can get it online and at Maternity Exchange at Marina Square). I think ASOS also has a maternity section. This time round, I am going to try and wear my "usual" clothes for as long as I can
I still havent eat my supplements. Ya, calcium is so darn huge, and I've always hated swallowing pills (I rather be sick longer than take medicine) so now... Alot of sacrifices ah!

I want the 4 digits to Yen, hahahahaha!

Chapa, hug your tummy when you sneeze (like arch) and if you are on bed, coil up and hug - this is just how I make myself feel better, at least like lessening the tremors inside for my peanut, heh! If it worsen, best consult Gynae.

SharonK - What should be a normal pregger's temp?
I dont take panadol, how about Aspirin, can?

Huh? Shit! I've been eating so much! 1st time that layer I think is wax loh. I know about that, but even so, erm, I still lazy... I think I better start cooking twice too. Thanks for reminding.

Precious - Thanks, but I think the fever is kinda like non-existence, thats why called low grade but I'm achy all over loh.

I havent call ACJ but they are so high in demand - I wondered can insert last min appt meh? Scarly I reached there they say I cry wolf, hahahah! Paiseh de leh...

Sksf - *I wanna dream of snakes too. Please!!!*
<font color="aa00aa">Joanna: ya lo i also think so leh.. our tummy so small no 1 will know we r preg. somemore i sat @ d corner seat meant for preg/old &amp; kid
so ps if i keep bugging on the seat if another needy person comes along. heng this time round MRT in d morning is not v packed (heading west). i slpt this morning as i woke up similar time as yanyan.

You are v right. the BTBs thr during my batch (yr 2009 BTBs) was v nice batch. we went KTV, chalet, makan etc tgt! now just left a few handful. but we still have each other's fb account, msn etc. we grew from online frd to personal frd! I also make forum frds frm ROM Feb 2006 thread.. haha sounds old ya!!! :D n urslf?

ccharis: u were awake too!! haha.. i tot im the only one..
its such a terrible feeling. so wide awake &amp; finally managed to fall aslp ard 5am i tink... then morning cant wake up -_- sickening!now... im ok but dont know later hw liao haha

Autumn: sure I'll try to see my email.. ystday i check &amp; I didnt see anything yet perhaps its ok now. Im visiting Dr Woo next mon evening. perhaps we can discuss more over there!

Chapa_chic, i also will feel pain whn i cough. this morning i felt it. reli wan stop coughing but cant eat so much med worry will harm peanut.. so dilema!</font>
GNL: OMG high 5 leh i also sitting at that corner i tell u hor i always seat down le den doze off le very easily last time not like this one leh... i am so tired everyday dun wish to go to work =(

lol.. i think they have outing lah but not KTV, chalet like what u all did.. I just gotten marry last year dec. We just have normal makan session nia hahaha yeah some very good one we become friend tat kind..

BBKay3105: yeah actually i am thinking of buying long dresses which is big enough to cover my stomach hahaha but hard to find nice one these days... =( when the time u wanna buy, they always will not come out de..

ccharis: lol.. go nearby clinic? i think any clinic can de right? or it must be specific one? lol.. this is how i sneeze in bed leh but still like stomach will have something popping tat kind of sound duno how to explain.. is okay?

ming8110: i bought from ASOS before pricing steep and quality very lousy tat's y i nv buy from them anymore but of cos i mean normal clothing not maternity clothes..
ccharis: Agreed, but sometimes circumstances doesn't allows
It's hard to avoid eating sth that we craves. I actually cried when i don't get to eat fillet o fish few days ago .. My husband was so shocked. Lol, i'm shocked too.. I don't know why but emotions just overwhelmed me &amp; tears just came in my eyes out of a sudden.
What old? Haha! I'm from BTB 2004 lor... That time dont even have fb

So many of you working in town area ah... I'm going to keppel tower for meeting tmr and it's like rare few times I'm in the town during lunch! Any recommendation where to go for lunch?
You so funny! During my #1 time, I survived on Mexican pizza. I will buy one big one than eat for bf, lunch and dinner! Now #2 don't have any craving yet... But eating a lot of bread with peanut butter cos there's nothing else to eat at home.

I have gestational diabetes then.... So have to watch my diet now
<font color="aa00aa">Joanna haha so qiao lo!! u r heading which direction 1? mayb i c someone dozing off @ a corner can c c is u ma LOL

Oh u got married last yr.. i got married in yr 2009. 3yrs le. n tis is my 1st peanut rather gan jiong n excited as TTC for so many yrs liao.</font>
Charis: my temp range between 36.8 - 37+ usually. haha.
But that time i was hospitalised because of stomach flu &amp; fever. Gynae said can take normal panadol. Not sure about aspirin thou. Maybe you wanna call up gynae and ask first.

Sksf: Preg women tends to get emotional easily.

bbkay: i second that. healthy most impt for both mummy &amp; bb. gender, volume of hair, single or double eye lid all are not impt.

haha. we can organise one outing after we pass 1st tri.. when our preg are more or less stable.
then bb born we can organise 'playdates'.
Sksf: hahaha can call mac delivery lol... i think i will have it every now and den bec hubby always hungry only know how to call mac delivery cham liow i cannot imagine myself eating mac lol..

GNL: hahaha i taking the red line heading to cityhall. No la i dun sleep during morning only after work provided there is a seat for me but mostly hard hahaha..

eh.. what is TTC? lol.. u dun wanna have kids arh? but is a good thing because is dragon year =P actually i wish to have kids one year later after my wedding bec dragon this year can u imagine so competitive these days but come to think to tat also a good thing cos early have kid earlier better =( but i haven play enough =P wanna go alot of places seems like cannot liow.. i think raising a kid have to forgo alot of things =(
Precious - Wear with leggings loh. Bobian. Thats what I did too, cause I am clumsier these days (and HB said machiam I chao keng) cause climbing into the car is getting more &amp; more difficult, even at the lowest height setting. Wahlao!

Usually what HB eat I eat loh, now he eats kueh tiao soup daily (healthier than me, haha!) but today I had chee cheong fun, and discarded the lor mai kai (cause I find chicken v smelly after preg) and tabao another chee cheong fun to eat in office. Burp!

Lil'K's - Let me know if there's a lunch gathering. I usually leave office for the day at lunch hours, hehehe!

Yaya, good choice of words.
I am having NS too, heeeee!

I dont mind ring size go up too (but definately not shoe size) cause my wedding band is too big &amp; I just wear HB's hand me down pinky ring. Hahah!

Ming8110 - Hmm, what do we have to note for nursing wear? You mean as in clothes that freely allow you to BF or....?

GNL - I am always awake in the middle of the night because I am so freaking hungry! Oh gosh. The agony is (bobian, cook another pack of Maggi) cause Mac delivery wont make it in time to feed me too. Also, these days I am a light sleeper so when HB &amp; the dogs wake up. I wake up too even if my head is so heavy.

Sksf - Ya, I cannot rem which day or what food now but there was once I think the stall closed or sold out, I cried. HB got angry cause he didnt know how come I like that. Hahhaah!

Mexican Pizza, now sounds yummy to me. Hehehe!
Shoe size - didn't expand, didn't shrink, remained same throughout.

Ring size - got tighter during preg, then got looser after delivery.
Don't need maternity clothes, but if anyone knows where I can get cheap and good drawstring pants, will appreciate if you could let me know. Thanks.
ccharis: lol...wear safety tights? i always wear safety tights de..

ahhh good idea hor but sometimes the dress not very short leh just tat he thinks is short and if wear legging to match damm ugly.. sometimes very pek chek..

wah.. very xin ku leh especially if the car is low.. change car change car for the sake of u =P

wah u eat so many arh.. how i wish gt chee cheong fun to eat =( cityhall nthing to eat is either mac, breaktalk tat's all unlike raffles place so many nice foody...

Lil'K: omg i super heart the fish soup at arcade lor so nice... anymore nice food to recommend? nowadays i like to go raffles place for lunch but super duper crowded...
Wah! Today thread move super fast!! I today On course so cant kp checking this thread..

Ccharis.. Yes i always wake up 3.30-4.30 everyday...haiz..yes i am working full time tat y everyday i feel so tired in ofc...
novembaby: hmmm u can get from bugis street i not so sure still have anot.. is like gt alot of colours..black,white, green and etc i duno is that the type u looking for...
<font color="aa00aa">Joanna: im towards Joo Koon de.. so diff bound train hehe... np la! we can organise something &amp; mit up like what sharonk suggest. nxt time our kids can b playmate too! thats gg b fun looking @ them.

TTC= trying to conceive. my hub is a bb lover. so he wanted a child just that our time is not up yet. so we waited till now. it come as a god's gift!! we r both excited &amp; happily receiving this bb. hving a bb is reli all abt sacrificing. when u have this, u don hve that i guess. so give n take ma!

We can always go enjoy aft the kid grown up!

ccharis: i just wake up myself.. not due to hungry but wake up tinking of what i want to eat for today lunch &amp; what nice food haha... then saliva come out.. tis peanut must b a greedy 1 i guess hehe. slp nt enuf is reli torturing man. head heavy, eyes want close esp during working hrs.. Zzzz</font>
<font color="aa00aa">haha.. yanyan here is like moving like BULLET train!!! :D

You like more poor thing than me normally i ok de.. just ystday night don knw y wake up that timing

I wear leggings/tights like Joanna more comfy ma</font>
Woke up with spottings this morning. Going to monitor first before going to gynae cos I have just been to gynae yesterday. Damn Siong for pocket to keep going . Sometimes I wonder if it's something I have eaten the day before that cause spotting.

U same as me. I not only find chicken smelly. I don't like beef and pork too. Very funny. Totally become vegetarian now.

I don't think I am buying maternity clothing this time. Just wear some elastics or drawstring pants and loose tops. Hopefully I don't put on too much weight.
GNL: hahah yeah diff train =( yeah cannot wait for some day we could meet up =P

orh.. hmm i think they say gt a certain period of time de to conceive perhaps the time when u all do is not the correct time.. i duno how it works but i think gt this apps. or i not so sure if anyone heard of this i duno how true it is, but is quite famous in taiwan. everyone will be buying online or selling their pads. When u get the pads from a pregnant lady and it must come in the same pack of the pads the pregnant lady use left over, and if u manage to get the packet means will get easily pregnant hahah and some actually did and came true.. if i manage to find the video i will post it..

yeah i do agree when u see them grow u will be excited especially the process when they are still little but when they go sch u also will stress for their results =(
<font color="aa00aa">yes lo. we will rock the plc!! haha if all MTBs go is like 40+ preg woman thr.. the restaurant stress out man!

Oh reli ah i didnt hear that myth b4 haha.. but its interesting to know buy preg woman pad. i hear b4 sit on confinement woman bed then will get. Mark Lee (actor) wife went sit on Zoe Tay bed during her confinement also no news haha.. i was under TCM treatment for a yr odd... so i tink perhaps it did help ma.

Njon, mayb u shd rest more dont walk ard too much.go c gynae &amp; get some med to stabilise the preg. it'll help.</font>

Yes. My gynae gave dusphaston to me when I had spotting around 5 weeks. Then spotting stopped after I completed the med. this morning come back again
