(2012/10) Oct 2012

occasionally I still carry my 18mths old boy

Hi everyone!
I'm in 9wks and 2 days now... Counting down to 13 wks!
Keeping my fingers cross, feeling nausea still if I don't eat something every 2-3 hours, so I'm watching the clock now. So far never puke yet... Trying to control it.

Went for my first checkup last week and finally managed to see my little one for the first time! Heart beat is 170. Did someone mentioned that more than 170 is likely to be a girl?
BBkay1305, my gynae advised me not to carry #1. But then its easier said than done..i try to avoid carrying, if my hb around will usually pass #1 to him...but sometimes no choice cos they only want mummy to carry!
kikilala, yes i heard too that heartbeat above 140 is girl and below is boy....for my #1, i was excited to learn of the hearbeat rate and asked the gynae but then gynae said it's an old wive's tale, scientifically there's no proven correlation between gender and fetal heart rate
I have one Quinny buzz which I sold off already cos the huge wheels forever get caught between the shelves of the shops. You can never imagine how narrow the shelves are places... Especially watsons (somehow I like to go to Watson after giving birth!) aiyo... Somemore such have boxes between the lanes some more!

Then I got a Maclaren XLR... Then Combi and finally found my perfect lightweight stroller at Giant for $39.90! Hahaha! Now I use that most of the time.

I thinking of getting a Pre Perego switch easy drive now so that #1 can stand on the ped and #2 can sit... Hahaha! It's really so easy to earn MTB's $$$$

You have a doggie also? I have one too
Caitlin, yup guess ur boy is old enuff to understand
how old's ur boy?

Rainbowpooh, oh icc.

bbkay/Chez/yanyan, occasionally i also carry my boy too. he's just so sticky nowdays.but i dun do it often, he's sooo heavy!!!
I try to tell him "mummy stomach pain" cannot carry at times. Cos I think its better not to say "mummy cannot carry bcos got bb inside".

yanyan, I think the issue of not eating curry is due to the "huang jiang" in the curry. i.e some older folks thinks that cause jaundice in bb. well like wat everyone says, key is moderation, once in awhile eating curry is still ok i guess.

rach/ccharis, I'm at tanjong pagar, cecil st too!

shoes: ya...i got to start buying new flats too...aleady start to feel a bit tight leh my exising flats...
ya to all mummies..bb just 9mths old eh..already so playful and active..havent spent much time with her..and already cant carry her..very heart pain..hehe..i will just be careful ah..maybe see my posture when carrying her..

oh ya i did hv brown discharge the 1st few mths of my pregnancy..but gynae said its ok..am drinking preggie milk for the 1st one..ate fish oil at 7mths ++ nia coz i see other mummies were given fish oil at very early stage eh..maybe coz im drinking the milk ah..
u can get ergo infant insert for NB. somehow I feel NB leg spread wide apart even with infant insert. but this carrier definitely can last u very long. the best is u wait until bb popped out then test those carrier at shop. then decide which one to buy.
oh ya i dont believe if ur tummy is round means boy or gal ah..tat time everybody said my 1st is boy..came out gal..nw all said this bb gal looks like boy..next one sure boy!!! faint
Lil_d, pls take me out frm chart.

Bleeding in office.. Too late when reached gynae. Heartbeat has stopped.

Wish everyone have a smooth journey.
i'm also thinking of getting a new stroller to accomodate no 1 & this coming bb! cos until now my no1 still wants to bao bao , so i rather he sits in the stroller.
oh ya to those 1st time mum..hang on to ur buyings..haha..when i realised i got bb gal..i spent $3k on her clothes eh..total regret!! haahah...think 2nd sure will be will thrifty..maybe even wont even need to buy stuff..
Have to ask our heart rate from our gynae? Or will they tell us theirselves? Hahahaa. All these myths is actually kinda interesting ya :p

I'm still carrying my #1 occasionally tho not very advisable i heard, but no choice. But if my husband is around i'll ask my husband to carry. haha.. But i did actually tries to explain to my #1 that i can't rlly carry him often or long now as he's gonna be a big brother soon. Having a lil Bro/Sis inside my tummy. Idk whether he understood but he'll look at my tummy & stroke it. Haha cute.
taurus76, oh no...sorry about ur loss...do take care of urself n have a mini confinement to nourish back ur health... have a good rest... *hugz*
gosh...saw the sad news up there..

hope u will stay strong..

ya..really must hang on the buying stufss..i had alot of HMD tt time..so i didn't get much..but after he reaches 6-7mths no more HMD..i had to order online almost every 6mths..pocket broke...

#1 keep asking mi to carry n very grumping n grouchy recenty...tt day i told him mummy gt bb...u also must say nite nite to bb..he actually sayang my tummy, kiss n say nite nite..so sweet..
Taurus76, i feel you dear. I'm sorry bout your loss. It's so sudden as we're just chatting this morning. Please take care of your body well & do confinement to nourish back your health ya. *hugs*
<font color="aa00aa">Hi All Mummies!

I am a silent reader &amp; a Oct MTB also. Nice knowing all of you!

Have not decided on which gynae to go to yet. M around 7 weeks preg.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Wenty!

have been reading this thread quietly hehe.. as Im a 1st time mum alot of things i dont know &amp; m learning from fellow mummies out there. 多多指教!</font>
hi GNL, to me he's very good because he did some miracle for me during my #1 labour (can tell u more in PM if u interested hehe) His stitching is superb too...i had c-sect but was up and about within few days. Personality wise, he's a serious doctor, very serious about his job... important to me is that he doesnt rush me when i have questions...takes his time to ans me *seriously*. And best part is his package can start from second visit onwards, doesnt matter which week of pregnancy u are in...
<font color="aa00aa">Autumn, i did PM u.. perhaps you didnt receive it? Let me try again. Would like to know more about him. He seems ok from what i see from other thread. Make n appt with his clinic as well. He is no longer delivering @ Mt A already only Mt E. Understand that his pkg starts from 2nd visit. Called &amp; check in the morning today. Thanks very much for sharing &amp; after my visit on nxt mon with him will share with u more! So you are going back to him for ur 2nd bb also. he must have some standard hehe.

Hi Sksf yesssss i m!! nice to know u here hehe so m lost here. you mummies really let us 1st timer know more. </font>

aiyo..after lunch effect..i haven had my lunch so don't feel as sleepy..after taking the medicine from doc for my back sprain i had the dizzy and vomiting feeling since 10.30am until 3plus...had to keep myself bzi with playing games to 4get tt urge to go toliet n donate my breakfast.

now drinking some sour plum juice to help clear the taste buds abit...haiz..i seriously gt a feeling this might be a girl...torturious 1st tri..quite a number of my colleague told be 4 when they had girls they had real bad MS...not sure how true is tt..

now waiting for 12 march to do my first scan..hoping can do tummyscan...don't really like tt stick sticking into vagina to do scan..esp the doc keep shifting it everywhere to look for peanut...
lasery2k, tt stick inside looking 4 peanut is really not a gd feeling. i also gg on 12 mar to do my scanning.
hope we can c a big peanut then!

i also puke my food now &amp; then. but i tink as time passesby it will improve. i saw somewhere sayin that nausea n vomiting is indicating that ur body HCG is working so... i guess its something gd ma.. jiayou!
how many of u go thru bloatedness/nausea but never really vomitting? i'm like that.. for my #1, I was like that too..

i think for #1, if i count the total number of real vomit incidents, prob less than 5? i can only rmbr 1 particular incident of throwing up the whole cup of milk after it went in..
everyone with #1, eat more, sleep more, enjoy whatever you like. when baby comes, life will never be the same again... ha ha..

oh ya, and do take a holiday if you can!

how's this for advice?
