(2012/10) Oct 2012

Wecome to all the new mummies who just joined us here

Kiki: when I bought at the Clarins counter at Metro, the lady recommended this cream to me when I asked for the anti-stretch mark cream. Hmmm, seems that different staff is saying different things. I'll be gg to Metro causeway point later tdy, I'll check if there's a Clarins counter there.

to all regards to clarins cream: i was told that the cream is for day use and the oil is for night use.. to have effective effects.. so actually u need to use both.. but what i see everybody is using the oil leh?
ccharis: whahaha i am curious leh what is KKJ? i know j is jiao right lor.. then KK leh?

thanks for updating the list =)

omg thanks for clairfying and posting the links.. expert mummy =)

Mini22: i think is okay for you to ask them give u a seat even yr tummy cannot tell as i feel that ours is much more critical within this period.. what if u faint leh
Joanna: i've to give a very sick face..haha..

i jus had beef noodles for lunch and i finished the whole bowl..but now im hungry..omg i think i am getting fatter.. =/
Mini22 : WHAHAHAH... ya must act...

wooohh good mah fat fat.. i also fat fat now.. when i go mrt these days pple give me a seat.. but sometimes pple act duno also..

i not even 3 mths the stomach machiam 4 mths preg...
Joanna: haha..gd den u can get seat easily..my tummy look like tu nan..my weight is still lower than before preg...i jus had nasi lemak..so full nw...
Mini22: HUH.. u eat again? hahaha good appetite wor...

no lah it depends on the dresses i wear.. if those babydoll type cannot tell.. but sometimes depends de lah some they see u they act lor...
Joanna: yup i finished the whole packet of nasi lemak...lolz..nowadays i will auto hungry ard 4plus 5pm...dunno y also..so i jus eat lor..
Hi everyone !!! I just went for dr anand (camden medical) for a genetic scanning for 2nd opinion for my 'borderline pass' oscar test. For now, we hv decided not to take d amino test risk and hope for normal scan at 20th week. I hv been keeping quiet abt by Bb till now !! Think I will announce to family this weekend !

For those with not-so-gd oscar test results - how r u coping and doing abt it ? Dr anand gave negative perspectives abt the test that it gives people unnecessary concerns and false hopes too as it only scans for down s and not other normalitites . He even suggested the 20th week scan is not compulsory and we shd do the genetic scan then which is more detailed - this point I take with a huge pinch of salt cos
it cud lobbying for business since he is d only one or few in Sg to do this test .

I'm still worried but I guess more calm after listening to d specialist's comment that my risk is so low as compared to the amino test's risk.

Trivial update - alot of pple at wk came up to me out of concern (they dun know abt Bb) advising me to take care cos I hv been looking pale and lost weight last 2 months . They thought it's the new role I got abt d same time when my ms was bad - I heard there was 3 colleagues who rounded up to discuss how they can alleviate my work stress - so sweet right !!!
Btil, you have such sweet colleagues! I'm swamped with work and the related stress but no one can help me. Bosses are quite nice esp afer knowing my oscar test didn't go too well but what can they do about my long hours and stress...

I'm undecided on the amnio. my DS risk is low like in the 1000+ but another chromosome risk 10x higher than ave for my age. Gynae said not an alarming figure but I think for as long as I don't get a definite answer I can't rest easy. Also I have low pregnancy hormones and v low iron, sigh I didn't know despite being bigger built than average sg gal, I can be so "weak".

By the way, what is genetic scan at 20weeks? HOw is it done and is it as accurate as amnio?
<font color="0000ff">Mini:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Wah.. You really hv gd appetite.. Since preggy I can't finish a normal portion every meal and will feel hungry ard 4+ 5 too.. But e most I can snack biscuit or a milo.. If I eat like u.. Reach hm sure vomit out..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Btil:</font> <font color="aa00aa">You v lucky to hv such nice and sweet colleagues.. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">I am hving a headache since late evening.. Looks like migraine attack.. V long my migraine nvr visit me le.. Is it true tt H2O carbonated drink can help relief the pain? Cos if can I would like to avoid taking panadol..
Can anyone advise.. </font>
May: I eat liao muz rest,sit down.cannot take mrt..if nt sure merlion..sometimes siao siao one, i can vomit many times and dun eat normal meals..so whenever i can eat i jus eat..lolz.. but after tat drip at kkh (vomit 15times, i feel much beta..can eat like normally..puke normally (2-3times). However, i hv constipation problem lei..usually clear daily but nw...once every 2-3 days..do u all hv tis problem?

I feel abit hungry now...but am still working..
May: i also hv the headache or giddness problem now and then..i drink plain water and hv a short 10-15mins nap and i will feel beta liao..
<font color="0000ff">Mini:</font> <font color="aa00aa">U still in office nw?? I dun rem I hv gd appetite at all during 1st trim.. I got problem wif gg toilet too.. I can dun go for 5 days dan I go everyday for e next 2 or 3 days with diarrhea.. Dan repeat again e cycle.. Now I hv not hv any output for 3 days le...</font>
Quinny - u mean ur oscar test result for trisomy 21 is 1000+? that is gd - cut off point is 300 (higher nos better cos lower risk). Is it the t13 or t18 that is 100? I heard amino only screens for down s (T21), not sure about the other abnormaltities.
I did the genetic scan for 2nd opinion - it scans for all major defects . Dat doc recommend I do it again at week 21 cos then baby more developed , instead of the usual detailed scan at week 20. The detailed scan at wk 20 is usually performed to check defects - in Tmc it's called d FA scan - I was told by mygynae it is 'compulsory'

Anybody knows abt scan at week 20/21 the detailed (FA) scan vs d dr anand's genetic scan ?
<font color="0000ff">Mini:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Think my output wnt be more dan u.. haha.. Try to eat more fiber bah..</font>
Mini and May: Constipation is normal. My daily visit to moaning myrtle in the ubend has now decreased to once in 2-3 days as well. My gynae suggested prune juice but I cannot lah. Took a small shot glass equivalent of prune juice and that's it, I've never opened the bottle again cos I hated the taste. So now my solution is to take more helpings of vegetables and because I've always been lactose intolerant, a little bit of milk when I'm desperate to purge... Hahaha sorry, too much information already.
Hi mommies, I did my Oscar today. The DS clear but as the neck thickness is borderline, need to take one more scan at 15 weeks to check the heart. Hopefully everything goes well.
Mini and May,
My output once evey few days too. It was once per week for the past 2month, output was from mouth everyday but Gradually getting better now
Chapa: output frm mouth will decrease eventually.. Don't worry..
I think nobody can win my number of times of output frm mouth..

May: yup I will try fiber n prune juice. My fren say cranberry juice is gd too..
sing ling, hope u r not too upset or worried abt the results. It's easier said than done but for me I try not to think so much as I guess it will affect health and indirectly the fetus too. But maybe my real tension will come when waiting for amino result.

Btil, T13 for me. Risk 1:200+. But ave is 1:2000+ so it's not a good reading. I didnt know oscar checks for T21 only so guess gynae arranged for did the blood tests to be done tog. I just know they took at least 4 tubes of blood from me at her clinic. Incl thyroid test too. I paid $465 for everything, I think.
HI ladies,

Need some advise here. I'm at 11th weeks now and this is my #2. As my pervious gynae recently retired, under my friend's recommendation I went to this new gynae who delivers at Mt A (I shall not reveal the name here as I'm thinking of changing to another gynae).

I just went to for my checkup today and my gynae was telling me that Oscar test is only for woman who are below 35yrs old. All the time my understanding is that Oscar test is for those who are 35years and above!

My gynae suggest that I do Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) test instead. It is something like Amnio test but drawing the sample from placenta instead of the womb. He gave me a couple of reasons for this:

1. Oscar test only test for 3 pairs of chromosomes but CVS test for all 23 pairs
2. CVS is done between 11-15weeks. Amnio is done after 16 weeks. If any abnormalities and if we decide to terminate the pregnancy the procedure will be an abortion. But if termination is done after 16weeks, then will have to go through normal delivery which will have a bigger physical and psychological impact on the mother.

I'm quite confused now. I don't know if I should go for such a high risk procedure at this stage without any other risk factors being detected. So far the 2 scans he did on me seems to be perfectly fine.

I'm concern about the following:
1. My gynae gave me this option without even considering Oscar test at all citing age factor
2. He is the one who will be doing the CVS test. It seems like he is qualified to do all other tests (i.e Oscar, Detailed, Amnios) as well. My fear is there is no one who is there to double check on his work.
3. My last gynae used to take my weight and blood pressure during every visit. But this gynae only took weight and blood pressure on my first visit and non of it during my 2nd visit today. So I'm quite concern about the follow through of this gynae.

Was anyone advised to take CVS test at this stage? Appreciate if you can share your experience. By the way, for the CVS test i was quoted $1060 (excluding gst).
My friend who gave birth at 40 also took the Oscar test. I don't see why there is an age limitation for Oscar test. Cvs and amnio test is more high risk. Y don't u seek a second opinion ?
To those considering cvs or amino - I was also considering amino after my oscar overall result is borderline pass... But yest dr anand pointed out to me if it's worth taking d risk ... So pls think carefully - make sure d benefit of knowing d result outweighs d ms risk ... ESP if ur case is borderline , see if there are non invasive way to check for 2nd opinion ... For me, according to docs, it's quite a miracle we cud conceive naturally.

Anyone know if we really can do amino test after wk 20?

Quinny - I thought oscar tests for down s which is T21? And the cut off score is 300, not 1000+
Josey - the down s risk increases after 30 yr old, with a dramatic increase pass 35 n 40, so I wud think oscar test is more encouraged as one gets older. However 1 colleague 41 first time mum didn't do oscar n opted for the triple test instead . Can't rem why n d difference bêtw d tests , but I know she was against oscar test cos it's v misleading
Btil, yes sonographer told me cutoff for T21 is 300. thats also what i rmbr from my #1 time.

even though my OSCAR tests are ok, i still need to see the actual report to be fully assured they din give me the wrong results over the phone. super paranoid.

i'm so tired with dreaming these days. in just one night, i woke up just now remembering THREEE dreams.
Good morning Mummies

Josey, I read quite a number of cases that oscar is not accurate for mummies above 35age because the estimate will factor the mother's age inside. The 1st question people used to ask if they heard bad Oscar result is, how old is the mother. I'm not sure if this is the reason for that gynae to suggest cvs instead. But if you have any concerns, do seek 2nd opinion to rest your heart.
Thanks mummies,

I'm seeking a second option with Dr. Ho on Monday. I'm just not comfortable with my present gynae for suggesting CVS just base on the fact that I'm >35. I'm 36 this year by the way. If i'm like 40, i can understand. I had a miscarriage before my #1 as such I would prefer to go for a lower risk test.
Thanks for the encouragement. I will stay positive. I realise different hospitals seem to do things differently. Kkh doesn't require any fasting before blood test and scan. The nurses also ask us to empty bladder before scan. Also, if your blood test was done earlier, after the scan, there is a doctor to sit down with you to run through the results. No hassle to call for results. Overall, the experience is quite positive. And because there is a doctor around for the scans, for working mothers, they will always give MC.
Question on jeans and leggings - can we wear the non maternity ones, leggings come with elastic bands, and low waisted jeans which can use belly belt ? I'm experimenting but felt so 'tight' !! My fren say she wore non maternity leggings n pull it down to below waist during pregnancy
Josses- I'm no expert but like u I feel v uncomfortable to do an invasive test like cvs before any screening . I goggled n read that invasive tests like cvs n amino shd b considered when screening tests show high probability of abnormalities , cos screening indicates probability not certainty . Then pple will consider invasive test before Terminating ...

D doc who did genetic scan for me yest made a remark that gave me a new perspective - older women shd cherish d chance of being able to conceive much more , since it's more difficult to conceive . Why subj to d m/c risk unnec ? Hope this helps..
skinneybeenie: Same! Every night is like movie night for me, flitting from dream to dream and I can always remember the last few rather vividly. I wonder if it's due to baby being very active at night, though? Nocturnal like my cats.
The clarin's oil instruction on the bottle is to use preferably in the morning before bath and then wash away... So strange right... Apply already then rinse away...

Hmm... Anyway, I think as long as got apply can already, does not matter which brand, just need to make sure it's safe to use.
Btil: re jeans and leggings.
I guess it's up to individual comfort level. Personally, I prefer comfy ones during pregnancy. So I buy loose dress. My fren recommend me maternity leggings cos she feel comfortable even till her 3 trim. I think those non-maternity leggings are already tight for me on norm days, don't think I can fit in during preg days. Just a thought.
Hi Ladies,

Went for my check up yesterday and my gynae suggested to take triple blood testing on week 15 only.
when i ask him he said oscar is for later...as i'm also above 30 so also quite concern..some more is #1 bb..

Devilene: Yes Dr chan ask me not to put on so much weight and strictly no milk &amp; cheese..he seems very anti-dairy..
Btil, yes the cut off for DS is 300+. My reading was 1000+ so that was good for DS risk.

Gynae did say do the scan at 16wk to check b4 we decide on the amnio test. But she also mentioned, any result less than 250 (my t13), she advice to do amnio. Hopefully the 16wk scan will bring down my T13 risk further tho I don't know how.

btw what is the genetic scan u did, how is it different from normal scan? What can be seen/read from the scan?
Quinny - its d adjusted risk for t13 that shd b over 250 ?
Genetic scan is u/s scan using an adv machine only at dr Anandakumar at camden medical . I found a thread abt it that some pple go there for 2nd opinion after a not so gd osvar test before invasive test. U can goggle for d website to read more. It's a scan that looks at all markers for most abnormalities and defects, more than oscar .
thanks all!

CAC> my #1 also boy... but we are ok with both gender. most important is baby is healthy. gender is a bonus
Hope your wish come true!
marvliz> I'm Nov 2010 mum. You also?

ccharis> I did my OSCAR at week 12+

I realize there is another nick Zen. I think i better change my nick. else confusing :/
Hi MTBs ! Just want to point out that we r /soon will be in2nd trimester - rem how far that sounds when we first started d journey?:) let's b really proud of ourselves n cont to give each other support !

Hey anyone has tips to share on do's and dont's in 2nd trimester ?
Btil: Yes, time really flies... We were all still so worn out by the MS in our first tri... Hopefully we'll all get to enjoy our second tri w/o MS... I'm oso looking forward to see if can find out baby's gender at next Sat's gynae visit (hopefully baby cooperates and lets us see). Will oso be doing my blood test then, just hope all's normal
Morning. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Had a small party at home yesterday to celebrate mine and my daughter's birthday (we share the same one so I spent my birthday in labour - imagine that!).

Btil: Your colleagues are good people - glad you work in a supportive environment

Josey: Definitely get a 2nd opinion if you are not comfortable with what the gynae is suggesting. I think OSCAR is the least invasive test and that's why most gynaes suggest that as the first level test even though there are many instances where you get "false" results and further tests reveal that baby is perfectly fine.

Second trimester: I remember I had so much energy for my second tri - walking everywhere etc. This time round, I am still waiting for my energy levels to return. DO's wise I was told that it is safe to start taking tonics like bird's nest in the 2nd tri and then scale back in the 3rd tri.

<font color="0000ff">Ming:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Wow.. So nice to hv e same birth date as yr daughter.. It must be e best bday present fm yr gal..</font>
