(2012/10) Oct 2012

Oh yes, on people giving way... Was at Ikea yesterday during dinnertime cos I had a craving for fried chicken wings and as you all would know, the fight for tables on a friday evening is rather ruthless. I spotted a 2-seater and was calmly walking towards it when an auntie started making a beeline for it. When she looked up and saw that I was already like half a metre away, she kinda backed off and went "oh, go ahead!". Of course there are also others who choose to bua bodoh and blatantly steal your seat from right under your nose, but in general, I feel that there are still some nice people around. But of course, having your palm placed strategically in front of your tummy does help *sneaky grin*.

Any mummies haven't buy electric pump yet? I have a avent that come with breast pad and breast shell protector. I bought it at $209. Anyone interested pls let me know. Is brand new. I bought from the Phillip sales.. Pls PM me tks!
Hi mummies, I just went to the Philips warehouse sales this morning and bought e new sterilizer at $120 (free 2 125ml bottle, 2 tutu & 12mths bottle) think quite a gd bundle.. Mummies who want to buy warmer also can fetch $55.. ;D
My sis told me unity is having an offer for Braun thermo scan. Usual 146, now 124.
I was at parkway today and saw so many sales. Really have to control and not buy anything.
Bought all these for under 80bux
. 3 bath towels; 1 bean sprout pillow; 4 sets of bootees n mittens; 6 long pants; 6 long sleeve tops; 6 short sleeve tops; one receiving blanket; 12 hankies for wiping milk n saliva
Think i'm done for purchasing of Newborn home clothing for bb
now on to bottles and the other stuff
Hi Btil

Went to this wholesaler store at Queen St. Shen Kwong Trading Co. The clothings are not fancy but will do for fast growing bbs at the first one or so
will go back again to look at caps
Hi mummies, beside the Philips sterilizer selling at $120, can buy the steam flip blend for $179 (usual I think $249). They threw in baby feeding bowl n spoons and 2 milk containers (for storing BM) with lids. I also bought a set of 10 milk containers with lids at $22 cos i was told that at other times the containers n lids are sold separately.

For the free gifts bowl n cup, can choose the pink or blue ones

There's also electric n manual breast pumps (dual n single) but didnt note the prices. Milk warmer. Blender. Overall good deal esp if any mummies want to get sterilized or steam flip blend.
Beansprout pillow ??? Inside is d green bean one is it ?

On Philip fair - aiya I will miss d fair cos in Hk for d weekend... Sounds like v v gd deal with d freebies thrown in. For comparison, for d all in 1 avent blender flip steamer , I bgt at prev baby fair at expo at 30+% off retail price but no freebies at all , $159 diac price , original is $219.
Was at Taka yesterday. Seems like the whole world was there. I finally started buying stuff for #2. Bought his first set of new born clothes, although its from 3-6 mths and bought him a pair of booties for CNY. My best deal was getting the Ergo baby carrier at 30% discount. Happy!
<font color="0000ff">Joanna:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I am sure you will v soon start feeling the punches n kicks.. My sis ask me to monitor when are the movements.. As she say most likely when bb is out they will wake ard the same timing too.. Hehe.. </font>
<font color="0000ff">Skinney:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Think my mil making the greenbean pillow for my bb.. So no need to get..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Oekmer:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I also went to the philip sales yest.. but in the afternoon.. Bought the sterilizer bundle too.. And bought extra pair of tutu for 0-6mths and 6-18mths.. haha..</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Now need to find time to pack the drawer cupboard which I wana put into bb's room for his clothings.. Unpack all the stuffs ppl hand to me and the items I bought to see wat else to get...

Hope my hubby is free to go to the motherhood fair with me on thur evening too..</font>
Btil: according to my mil, its the shell of the sprouts.. dried.. and then placed in a pillow...

I got the 3-in-1 streriliser for $120 (comes with two pacificer, a 12month+ bottle, two more 40ml bottles).. then got a manual pump bundle for $95.. that comes with one free bottle, one box of breast pad, one pacificer, one comfort breast shell, one nipple protector)
hi mummies to be:

sorry to interrupt! i'm from Apr mummy and have a few unopened brand new DOM ( 1 litre) to sell.
Please PM me if you are interested. Thanks!
<font color="0000ff">elizabeth:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I bought the 3 in 1 sterilizer bundle fm the philip sale @$120 too.. Which comes with a pair of pacifiers.. I bought extra pair of pacifiers.. Dan come back found another one inside the sterilizer.. So end up I got 5 for new born.. haha.. More than enough for me..</font>
my wife did some shopping at mother en vogue (centrepoint)

need around $120 more of recipet to apply lifetime membership.

if you have the reciept and do not want it anymore, can give it to us?

appreciate any help
Hi mummies,
I m preggie with #2 now. My #1 was delivered with planned c sect as advised by dr. Any mummies delivered c sect for #1 but able to deliver naturally for #2?
My Hb went to Philips sales, got a bundle of milk bottles at $55 ( 3 125ml, 2 260 ml) with free of 2 0-6 mths pacifiers and 1 brush.
Hey mummies I did something terribly stupid. An indon friend got me some raved traditional skincare many months back b4 i was pregs but I never really tried. So just this past weekend I had some free time and went to apply the soap, cream etc on my legs. Next morning I developed severe redness, and it seems to spread throughout breaking into rashes. I feel so stupid and went to google the product. Some websites claimed it's all vegetables ingredients but I found one website that said this product contains high mercury and can cause cancer. I'm now slapping myself bcos how can I ever risk trying new stuff while pregnant. Do u think it'll affect bb in the womb. I didn't take orally, just external applications. I'm so worried sick- can't sleep all nite ;(
Yean: My gf had a planned c-sect with no. 1 (baby in breech position) but her number 2 was delivered naturally. Her original gynae was against it so she switched gynaes - to Paul Tseng at TMC. Apparently he is quite well-known for helping mummies deliver naturally after c-sect. But there are some restrictions. Baby mustn't be too big, must be engaged in the right position and the labour mustn't last beyond 6/ 7 hours. If not, he will also recommend a c-sect I believe.

Autumn: Sorry to hear that - go see a doctor, sounds like a skin allergy to me.
<font color="0000ff">Autumn:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Aiyo.. Is yr rashes v itchy? Think you better go consult your gynae on this n get medication.. Bring the cream along for yr gynae to see.. Previously I brought some medication along for my appt to let my gynae see if I can take. </font>
Autumn - u can even see a GP immediately to get it chk if u can't get to ur gynae . GP has a book on what medication is safe for preg (I saw my GP refer to d book when prescribing medication for me). Stay calm n use mild bath gel for sensitive skin for now. Like qv, sebmed etc from unity - my gl say these are safe for preg , even milder than j &amp;j.
Hi all, I am still deciding whether to stick to Tmc or switch to Kkh ? I am happy with Tmc but thought Kkh would be a better choice if my pregnancy has complications. But heard Kkh has increased its fees for private suite patients. Anyone heard of it? I m looking at one bedder room , most probably csec since #1 was csec.
BabyCubby..i took 1 bedded at KKH for my #1 eh..but coz hub is SAF..got sub..so think frm starting to see gynae fees till gave birth..and after deducting medisave..think we pay less then $1k..if im nt wrong ah..if nt its ard $1k-$1.2k

Baby Jo..i donated #1 cord blood..will be keeping for #2..keke
Hi Mummies &amp; Mummies to be!!
I'm new here and expecting my 1st bb!!
Have been reading the posts here but too lazy to register.. Finally got myself registered.
I bought a baby cot which is on sale ytd at OG. Quite a gd deal with free toys and beddings.. Those looking for baby cot can check it out..
babyjo: i keep for #1 with cordlife too. haha like u im still considering for #2. But most slightly i may be keeping it.

wah so many of u started buying things for nb.
im so nua and lazy to shop . .. haha. Maybe #2 and same gender also. Not much things to buy. .
Hi mummies, do you know of any motherhood exhibition after the one this weekend? Like end of the year or early next year. Cos I'm thinking just stuff that the newborn needs this time round, the rest buy after baby is born... space constraint as I have yet to move to my own house...heehee
Hi Summer, welcome to the thread! What a timely post cos I am just getting started to look at baby cot! How much did you get it for, which OG did you go to?
Hi Quinny, I got it at OG people's park. I saw it frm the OG magazine sent to my mum and found it quite gd &amp; cheap.. I've been looking ard and they are all quite ex.. This one is made of oak wood. firm &amp; steady. plus got freebies.. so i decided to just get it. its $299. free delivery &amp; installation. ohh.. can have 2 positions.. i oso dunno hw to explain.. haha.. you will know when you go and take a look. http://www.og.com.sg/2012GSSinstore.php?link_v=4#kids
Hi Sharon:
wanted to know the cost before deciding. Have u check with cordlife?

Same here! My #2 also same gender as #1. No plans to buy anything yet.
#1, I buy and buy.
babyjo: haha i asked about the 21yrs plan is 5992$ after gst under this promotion till this week.
If not the 21yrs plan is 6.2k before gst.
Still thinking to sign up anot leh.. ..

haha! yeah lor. I wanted to shop but yet lazy to shop.

Now i have to think to use which brand of milk bottles shld i get for #2?
Hi Mummies

Seems like alot of you had started shopping for bb already. We still haven't really buy much, cause seems like for #2, alot of stuff can be recycle/share. Only consumables need to be top up.

Re. Pacificers
New mum might want to hold on to the purchase of pacificer cause some babies don't take pacificer. I remember for my #1, we only bought 1 to standby cause we heard from alot of mummies that their babies refused pacificers and their pacificer were put to waste. But pros and con on pacificer, cause some mummies prefer bb not to take pacificers due to dental/speech development. For my #1, she prefers pacificers and we gave her. Now wondering how to get her to quit.. ummm..
ming8110, thanks for the info. Yeah, this info would be helpful. I m thinking to seek for other gynae advice too. My #1 case was she was 3.5kg based on W37 scan, so, he advised to have c sect as he believed bb might grow ard 4kg by my edd. But bb was delivered in 3.345kg....and he advised me to deliver in c-sect for #2 since my 1st time was c-sect to reduce to risk.
yean> apparently if u hv previous c-sec, and would liek to try natural for subsequent delivery, u have to look for gynae who are pro-VBAC and like what Ming mentioned, there are some areas for the gynae to consider and advise whether you are suitable. Also, as you might know, there are risks involved, example u might end up with wound rupture/emergency c-sec and double the costs, thus u really have to discuss with a pro-VBAC gynae and consider about it.

Autumn A> oh u better go to a GP with the cream, since it's external application and small amount, it's unlikely that it will hurt the bb, dont worry and faster get some medication to sooth yr itichiness.

Baby> I also keep #1 cordblood with Cordlife and not doing for #2. I remember reading about something like this in the Oct FB page, some mummies mentioned they keeping #1 and #2 cordblood with different companies. But usually when u used back the same company, you get some "rebate".

Re: NB items
Like many other mummies, as already had a #1, I have been very slow in this..likely will just get some NB clothes (so at least the bb has a new set of full mth clothes), new pacifiers, teats/bottles, #2 bottles/teats (cos might need to change brand of bottles in order not to mix up which teats for which kid) towards T3 time..abit lazy and relaxed now...feel so guilty!

Re: Baby Items
1st time mums can consider to buy stuff such as breastpads, toiletries, feeding utensils (they can use when start to eat solid), wet wipes, diapers, bottles, teats etc during baby fair/promotions. Certain things remember not to overstock due to NB outgrown very fast from 0-3mths (clothes/diapers), baby food (take note of length of expiry too)
Raspy: We have the same problem with my no. 1 - she is super fond of her "du du" and seems to be increasingly reliant on it - not sure if that is due to Mei Mei's impending arrival. I took a friend's advice and cut a hole in her pacifier - she spat it out and asked for one which was "not spoiled". Sigh. So the new story I am selling her is that the old pacifier had a hole because she sucked on it so much. It is likely to have a hole if she only used it at bed time. I also pretend that I can't hear her if she talks with her pacifier in her mouth so that forces her to take out her pacifier sometimes.

Buying of clothes etc for no. 2: Things I have bought for no. 2 so far - (1) new mittens and booties (the elastic gets loose after a few washes I find), (2) some new baby clothes and sleep suits (taking advantage of the Carters' memorial day sale and the Isetan private sale), (3) a new steriliser (which comes with 2 milk bottles).

Will need to get: (1) more bottles, (2) diapers, (3) pacifier (undecided about this given no. 1's "addiction to it", (3) new burp cloths ( I recommend getting at least 2 dozen), (4) bottle brushes, (5) bottle detergent (may need less this time round 'cos hoping to latch but will see how things go), (6) new cot sheet, (7) more bath towels, (8) mattress protector, (9) new mattress for the play-yard.

For myself, will be getting: (1) maternity pads (I find the ones from Mothercare are very good for the initial days when the flow is very heavy), (2) nursing pads, (3)nipple cream (Mrs Wong recommends the Avent one - that is not bad and I rotated that with the Medela one), (4) Chinese herbs for bathing (all medical halls have pre-packed ones), (5) more button front night gowns / pyamas (helps greatly with breastfeeding)
i also have not bought anything for #2. But been reading daily quite a few books to #1 and #2 sometimes responds with kicks while i read. read to 1 = read to 2 :p
hi mummies, i have 2 strollers on hand now, 1 kept in the car and another in my in laws place as they take care of my baby most of the time.

now, i m expecting #2, i intend to sell 1 of them away and buy a double stroller.

i have a peg perego si in java for sale and also a capella S802.

peg perego si
bought at $500+ at taka baby fair 1 year ago. want to sell for $350.

capella S802
bought for $399
want to sell for $220
pic from internet here: (mine is red)

do let me know if you are keen ok?

can send pics...
Thanks Summer for the info and link. I'm trying to get one with castors and 3 adj heights for the mattress, with teething bar and safe mechanisim for moving the rail up and down. Of cos as cheap as possible cos I have a feeling baby won't sleep in it beyond 2 years.

Any mummies have any intro where to get such a cot at cheap cheap price? :p And which type of mattress is the most commonly used? Air mattress?
I'm so laidback this time since it's #2. I probably should start buying now that I'm in my 2nd trimester and have energy. Ming reminded to also buy my own stuff, e.g. nursing pads, maternity pads, nursing bras, etc. I keep thinking there's still plenty of time.
Mummy wong, Tks for the advice. Yeah understood the risk, so would like to seek for 2nd opinion fr gynae who r pro VBAC.
I wish to stock up some nb cloth for my #2, but dun know the gender yet. Will only know next scan in jun. sighs...

Good Morning Mummies!

Ming8110, 'cut a hole in her pacificer'.. I don't dare to try, cause I cant find her a replacement if she still insist on it. My girl is quite troublesome, she only want that 2 pacificer which we bought for her during newborn. We bought pigeon ones and after we bought that, pigeon came out with a totally new range of pacificer. Her two pacificers had turned slightly yellow from all the washing and sterilizing. We got the new pigeon pacificer for her but she spat out and ask for the old one. Sigh.. Im thinking, maybe 1 day she will outgrown it.

And for whether to give #2 pacificer, I guess got to depend on #2 whether he/she want to suck. Cause some babies must suck something for comfort and I saw some parents who are very insistent on not giving pacificers, giving those empty bottle teats to the baby to suck. I think that is even worse, cause that baby is sucking all the air/gas into his stomach.

Yean, If you want to go for VBAC, you need to decide now. Cause if your present gynae is not supportive of VBAC, its better to change the gynae to one who are pro VBAC. And most gynae doesn't want to accept patients who are in the late trimster. So need to start looking and changing now, otherwise might not be able to get.

kanelmo, Yah.. I think I also need to get more of my own stuff. I had start to buy slowly now, since this is our 2nd time, we kinda of know what to buy. So far bought 2 tubes of drapolene, 3 pigeon milk storage bottles only. You might want to start now since GSS is on now.

Ming8110, Thanks for your shopping list, I think my shopping list is close to yours. Im looking at nipple cream/gel last Sun. Tried purelan previously and wondering whether to get the same back. Is avent cream good? Maybe I should try avent this time.

Shopping list for bb
(1) Clothes for #2, I think at the minimum, we will get a set of newborn clothes for #2 to wear during discharge. We got lots of hand-me-down from inlaws previously for #1 but we hand back to them as they got a newborn last yr. So now need to wait to see the condition of the clothes again.

(2) Diapers, think will get later, near to delivery
(3) Bottles, will be recycling #1 ones, infact my #1 still using 120ml and 150ml bottles, so upgrading her bottles to 240ml to give up the smaller ones to #1.
(4) NB teat and Pacificer, will get 1 to standby,
(5) Sterlizer, we are still steaming #1 bottles and teats. So no problem for us.
(6) Burp clothes, we are using those white diaper cloths as burp clothes previously cause we found loads of them in the sack of hand-me-downs. Very useful and really need lots of them cause bb burp milk very frequent and they dry easily after wash. Hopefully we still get loads of them back.
(7) Bottle brushes and detergent, we still using for #1 so no need to get.
(8) Mattress protector, just bought another 2 more king-size ones last month. Will probably get 2 more single-size.
(9) Mattress for play-yard, we got the LG-playmat during #1 time. Still in mint condition. So no need to get too.
(10) Baby toiletries (bath lotion, cream, diaper cream, bb wipes), will need to get slowly.
(11) Mitten &amp; Booties, we got loads of them in the hand-me-down previously (think got at least 20 sets). But I agree that some of the elastics can be quite loose after frequent washing. So need to check the conditions again
(12) Hankies, my mum just bought 1 dozen last month (add-on to the present stack). Will get another dozen soon. Yah, we used alot of hankies.

For myself,
(1) Maternity pad, need to get 1 pack of the loops one and 1 pack adhensive one.
(2) Disposable underwears, need to get plenty cause I intend to wear disposable during my confinement like my last time.
(3) Breast Pad, still got a box leftover but need to get some more.
(4) Nipple cream, considering whether to get purelan or other brand
(5) Chinese herb for bathing, the chinese medical shops below my place sells them, so no need to stock first.
(6) More front-button pyjamas/gowns, I agree with you, it helps alot during bf-ing. But most of them are not cheap. Will keep a lookout for cheap ones.

Thanks Ming8110!! Found that it really useful and kinda of keep me more organised typing out the above. Do cue me if you notice anything missing.
