(2012/10) Oct 2012

Ccharis and Serenelm, i heard about the myth about mums eating crabs, where the child tends to be naughtier when born. I am not too bothered by the myth. However, my mum tells me not to eat too much seafood as it may cause the child to have skin allergies in the future. Not sure whether this is true.. probably can check with gyneas..

<font color="0000ff">elizabeth:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Maybe you shd slow dwn yr pace.. Try to move ard slower.. Maybe will help..</font>
Elizabeth: Wow, that's fast. I've updated Novembaby

Skies: I think as long as we dun overeat and eat everything moderately, it shld be fine

My mil oso told me no lamb/mutton cos will cause fits in future. Of course, I'm still eating them cos it's another fav meat of mine, basically I'm a meat lover :p
Ccharis: Sorry to keep you all waiting. Below are the informations for the insurance from prudential:-

•Offers protection and the flexibility to provide for your child's education and savings needs through investment so it is consider a investment-linked plan
•Covers expectant mother against possible Pregnancy Complications as well as Death, Terminal Illness and Disability1 before childbirth
•Once baby is born, it covers newborn against selected Congenital Illnesses as well as Death, Disability and Terminal Illness and whole plan.

Hope it helps.
Oekmer: how much did u pay for the insurance?

sorry didn't have the time to screen through.. anyone already buy insurance package already? normally is one set right(for mum and baby)?

anyone have good brands for baby carrier to share and advise issit necessary to have a baby carrier since most of the time we nid to carry the baby
as for the crabs and seafood actually they say dun prevent what u wanna eat because in future yr child may not wanna eat this and that...

but myths saying children will be very naughty when eating crabs depends on whether u believe, but i am dieing to eat it haven got the chance yet =(
Joanna: Baby carriers are very convenient when bringing baby out, esp if ur baby doesn't like to stay in stroller or u hv an older child who likes to fight for the stroller wif ur baby. I usually use the MIM baby sling from infant onwards till baby's ard 2+ yrs old. Ard 3 mths or so, I will oso start using the Baby Bjorn Synergy baby carrier. But I can only use the Baby Bjorn till baby is abt 10kg cos by then, my shoulders will ache badly due to baby's weight (I'm quite petite). When gg overseas, I'll bring both along as well as stroller.
My friend recommended me the Ergo baby carrier saying that is better than Baby Bjorn cos it distributes the weight to the mummy's hips instead of shoulders. But this Ergo baby carrier is more suitable for bigger babies. I couldn't buy another baby carrier else my hubby sure complain :p
hihi, i received my admission info to TMC a while ago. I think they have indicated what needs to bring and what they will provide. I will go home and list them out onto this forum tonight
Joanna: I paid arnd $1550 for the first yr, thereafter $1200 for 2nd yr onwards as the plan for mother has been removed after 1 yr. 2nd yr onwards the plan will automatic belongs to the child. However, I managed to get some discount for yearly payment. :D
Jo im using AIA for bb insurance..+savings also..so up to 18 or what..AIA will give cash back..hw much am paying nw..i 4got eh..dont knw is $2k+ per yr...

for carrier..we got handdown Narforye..but never use..always hand carry..haha..if tired put her back to stroller..i wana buy hip carrier eh..let bb sit on ur pouch..but hub said no need..he's always the one who carry bb..he's muscular ah..haha
<font color="0000ff">Hir0sH|-m:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I tried to post a comment. But my comment does not seems to show after refreshing the page.. Maybe not meant to be..
<font color="0000ff">BBKay:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I oso prefer spicy food leh.. If really like your no. 1 &amp; 2.. Dan I better cut dwn.. haha..</font>
Hi mummies,
I jus got back fm my trip. Lots of reading catching up to do as our thread moves fast

Am now waiting for my detailed scan... Long wait ..

Ooh by the way, ccharis, mines a boy too n I'm in the west.
Thx for updating
I think Btil is refering the Medela freestyle which costs ard S$900+. PISA is about S$700+. If you are sure you will defintely want to continue breastfeeding for a long time, then I think its wiser to invest in a double electric pump. Using manual pump can be very tiring, not to mention that when you pump one side, the other will leak.

I also did not do amnio. Like you, I am waiting for my detailed scan before deciding if I want to proceed with amnio. If it makes you feel better, my OSCAR is 1:59. Jia you!

I use MIM sling when my gal is younger and switch to Beco when she is older. I find them immensely useful, esp when I am out with her alone. At least I have 2 free hands.
Hi Baby

I was told if you conceived during your ovalution period, you will most likely have a boy.. this is of course based on here says
When will you know the gender?

Hi ccharis, I think you missed my request;
I would like to leave my name on the list too. Thank you.

Agaga age:31 bb #2
Mt.A Dr. Phua Soo Mear
Edd: 23/10/2012 gender:Tbc
Staying at NE
Meredith: oooo thanks for the feedback.. seems like most of u use MIM sling? shall go and check it out.

BBKay3105: lol.. u nv try bringing baby out alone? actualli i quite scare to bring baby out alone ahhaha.. unless there is stroller...but new born usually need to be carry leh =(

u buy the insurance quite long already arh?actually any idea when we should start buying before we give birth how many weeks?

Oekmer: thanks for sharing so we should start buying it now? because haven got time to find my consultant out for a talk..hubby too busy to arrange

serenelm: ahhh.. actualli for baby bjorn carrier i thought is suitable for new born too? seems like here all use MIM.. but is MIM comfortable? because bjorn i heard is not very comfortable for the baby issit true?
Joanna: I can't recall whether the Baby Bjorn carrier can be used from birth. But since I had MIM sling, I used that first cos it seems more comfortable for baby to be cradled in it. I think my #3 liked the both the MIM sling and Baby Bjorn carrier. He slept everytime I carried him in them, maybe it's the movements he liked. My friend did tell me that Ergo is most comfortable for both mummy and baby. But I felt it looked too big for infant and I'm quite petite while the Ergo carrier looks quite long, so not sure how it would fit me, I've nvr tried it but was so tempted by it cos my galfriend swears by it.
okay thanks babe..any place u know which i can go and see the range of carrier? wanna go check it out leh.. bec the common one i kept seeing is baby bjorn..
I have those baby cloth sling and I tried it on my #1 at home and felt that the baby could slip out anytime. Maybe I just don't know how to use it.

This time, I'd like to get either Ergo, Beco or Manduca. Ergo - I've seen it at kiddy palace, Taka, OG, My First Step (corner store on L5 Paragon). Manduca - this shop at Square 2. Beco - I don't know.
Joanna: We can start buying the insurance from wk 18 - wk 32.

May: Yes, me too.. "Ma lan" steamboat and chilli padi.. I read some article mentioned that it is safe to eat spicy food as long as we feel ok.. Why cannot eat too much is because it will cause stomachaches and heart burns..
Hi Elizabeth,
Yup! We did ML once tested positive on ovulation strip.

Went for gynae check 2-weeks ago and gynae said likely to be Girl. But we still praying hard for this Friday FA scan that it is a Boy. Coz during gynae scan, baby's buttock was facing us. So not a very clear shot.
Hi Baby, we should switch hehe.. I was actually eyeing for a baby girl but we have a baby boy.. its all good but just missing the chance to buy all those pretty clothings haha.
Baby carrier is more convenient than stroller. There are some places that are not stroller-friendly.

I am using BabyBjorn Synergy for #1 since she was 1.5-mth old and she love it.

At first I was using the Combi carrier but she doesn't like it. And it doesn't look comfortable so we sold it off and get this BabyBjorn. We bought her to Mothercare at Harbourfront to try it and she simply love it. Just a few walk around the shop, she actually fell asleep and my husband immediately bought 1.
Baby: I would love to switch too, heehee

Kanelmo: If u recall where u bought it from or u know which place is currently still selling it, u can bring ur sling there and ask the promoter or staff to coach u how to use it. That's what I did previously for my MIM sling too. And then u need to practice at home cos the more we use it, the easier it gets.
Hi Elizabeth,
I will love to. Hee! Hee!

My #1 was very upset and actually cried at the clinic when told was a Mei Mei. All along she wanted and asked for a brother.
Till now she still can't get over it despite talking to her many times. She even asked me when is my next check-up, so that she can ask gynae to change her brother back.
Poor thing!!!

Anyway till now, she still insist it's a Boy.
So last hope is this Friday FA scan. But doubt chances high. Sigh!!!
hw abt Baby Kingdom or Baby Hyper store ah??
alot of varities there..but i forgot where..should be at east side

#1 i also wana boy..i got gal..#2 i want gal..i got boy..but still need to double confirm next mth detailed scanning..
hi all

Where do you usually get your clothings for your bb?? how many sets should we get for the newborns and then from there? I am so tempted to get so many for 0-3mths but scared he might outgrow them
Aiyoo..your #1 really love a didi hor...My #1 said he would love a mei mei...another didi will give him headache..as for my #2, he loves didi or mei mei as long as it's a baby..hehe...Anyway, when my #1 knew it's a didi, he said it's ok mama..you don't be sad..haha..End up he consoled me...
<font color="0000ff">Oekmer:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya.. I oso keep drink coke drinks and coke.. Hehe.. I asked gynae before she say as long no tummy aches or cramps it's ok..</font>
Hi all I just bought my PruFirstGift. Before birth, It covers both mother and baby life and covers against pregnancy complication. After birth, it covers baby against congenital illness,hospital care, critical illness and mother's life. It also provide saving component for education purpose.

I have a friend didn't buy this bcos of budget problem and turn out her son have hyperthyroidism. And her son cant buy any insurance anymore. She is so regretful and keep encouraging me to buy. After hearing her case, I kiasu...on
the 18 wk I go approach my agent.

Finally I settle it, and I gt my agent gave my some shopping vouches too.and for the thermometer is under newborn give pack, is a sure get after birth.
BBkay: I have serious MS..does it mean my bb will guai guai?

I like spicy food especially volcano ramen!

Haha..I like ice cream too...

I still dunno gender yet lei..I'm ald 18wks..
That day "made with love" hv sales, 50% off, I bought a lot of stuff to do a scrape book for my bb. Anyone interested to do tgt?
Njon: Your #1 so sweet!
Months before we even try for #2, my #1 already has an "imaginary brother". She will always read, talk and play with "him". That's why my husband suggest that we shld seriously consider having a little brother for her.

Sigh! Still thinking on how to talk to #1 it's a Mei Mei and get her to accept it.
She will always kiss, hug and talk to my tummy. But will always address as Di Di.
When try to explain to her, she will either walk away or will "throw" Mei Mei away and put Di Di back in.
Sorry today very busy, replying late to your response to me on your nausea... I tend to agree with Mini22 about the sour stuff. I think the symptoms that you've described sound quite like the acid reflux that I've been getting when I'm hungry, or if I take sour stuff. I'd be puking acid and bile rather than real food. And I believe that part of my nausea is actually caused by the acid rising upwards so you kinda get a whiff of it before it actually gets to the top of your gullet. When we get pregnant, the muscles and sphincters in our digestive system get more relaxed due to the hormones, so makes it easier for the digestive juices to travel upwards, which is the wrong way.

For the before-food nausea, I try to combat that by not going for long periods without eating, but also eating small portions at a time. Might be why you get it in the morning.

For post-food nausea, I watch what I eat very carefully, and avoid sour food, drinks and candy (funny when a pregnant woman says she can't eat sour things), tomato-based stuff including minestrone soup and pasta, gassy drinks and chocolate etc, there's actually a whole list of food to abstain from to minimise the effects of acid reflux, just need to google for them. Try not to ingest too much water or fluids during the meal. Then after eating, just make sure you sit up straight cos slouching would mean inviting the acids to creep back up on you......

Hope these will help!!! Okay, dinner time. Tummy rumbling.
hi mini22, I didnt even know there's such an insurance that we can take up during pregnancy!
can u share a bit more on the pru Firstgift plan? must it be a whole life or i can choose as a term for few years? wats the premium and sum assured (coverage)?

bbKay, when u say AIA for bb insurance it's bought after the bb is born issit? cos i went to AIA website but didnt find any pregnancy insurance.

I did a google search n saw that other than prudential, AXA also offers such pregnancy insurance. would prob check on both to see wats the difference.

BB Bjorn: I used bb bjorn for no 1. i didnt use it during 1st mth, only after 1st mth when i go out w bb alone,etc. but its really quite straining on the back. i also heard alot of mummies recommending egro &amp; the other one - a korean brand. might want to check out that or the pupsilk pouch sling...Hopefully there's booth at the upcoming motherhood fair so can 1 shot find all info..
anyone going for the motherhood fair next wk?
Thanks njon, Elizabeth, mummywong ! Keep our faith going strong , Meredith !! U ladies are d pillar of strength!
LiLkmum..i think my own insurance covers preggie complications but not MC..

as for BB, we bought after she was born only eh..hehe

Elizabeth..no need to buy too many bb clothes urself..hehe..u can wait for 2nd hand or bb shower..sure alot of ppl will give u want..i knw u tempted..like me..haha..me #2 nt investing in clothes or anything..keke
my friend daughter dont even wan mei mei or didi..she will be super jealous..they super dote on her so hv to wait till she accept..she's 3-4yrs old..

Bbkay, thx
it good ur own insurance covers pregnancy.
Lots of insurance don't. So the pregnancy insurance is something new to me

Like u I also only bot bb Insurancs after I delivered.

I'm starting to feel guilty towards this no 2 cos till now haven't bot him anything and it's like half way thur our pregnancy le! &amp; with no 1 it's like so exciting keep buying new stuff... Haiz..
