(2012/10) Oct 2012

Chapa chic: actually i did go and see but i forget which one i push le.. duno issit extra zapp or buzz..

nvm i go see again.. thanks babe..but can ask yr friend in terms of comfort level how issit? because i find the cushion not very soft leh..
Sksf : hopefully next thursday i able to know if not i will be damm sad =(

Sksf: Oh yes, it does look more rounded than pointed. It's slightly elongated wif a rounded end. I was 15 weeks 4 days then. Oh, at each visit, I'll definitely ask my gynae "Is my baby still a boy??". I was like that during my previous pregnancies too. So he's used to me asking him throughout the pregnancy. Heehee :p

Joanna: Oooh, I would LOVE it if my baby would change gender at tmr's gynae visit. Haha :D

It's very comfy.
Many friends have been asking me and I also don't know gender yet, gonna wait till 20th week detailed scan. Little kiddo was sleeping during my previous scan.
Hi Devilene,
Congrats on your amino results! I just done my amino test yesterday. Like some of the ladies who went thru said, there was not much pain. Now is the waiting part. How long did it take for your result to be out?
Ehm... actually the gender's kinda set upon fertilisation. So it's just a matter of how fast fast the genitals develop/recede and take on its male/ female form. I suppose it's always easier to sex the baby boys earlier from W12-15 onwards cos there'll be a pronounced appendage in the right area. For those cases where the baby was initially wrongly sexed, sometimes it's just not that clear lah, or the umbilical cord was in the way...
Hi Njon,
How long does it take to complete the Amnio test? Was told it need to be have full rest on bed after the test for few days, is it true?
nytocra, yep. the gynae was gonna say my #2 is a boy and then deciced it was just the umbilical cord.. ha!

my #1 time was unambiguous. he not only opened his legs wide, he also stuck his 2 hands up... very keen to reveal gender..
Hello to all MTBs!

Hi ccharis, below are my info.

Nick ohy
Age 24
BB# 1
Hospital TMC
Gynae Dr Joycelyn Wong
EDD 23 Oct 2012
Gender Unknow
NSEW North
Skinney: All my babies were very eager to show me their gender too. All of them opened their legs wide wide to show us, as if they knew I was very eager to buy pink pink frilly dresses so they worry and made sure I knew that I could only buy them blue stuff. Hahaha :p
Ohy: Welcome!!
Thanks. I didn't opt for the prelim results - called FISH. So I waited exactly 2 weeks for the detailed report. After amnio, it's best to bed rest 48 hours. Don't move about too much. Rest well.

Thanks. It is a relief to know I cleared the test. It was definitely unnerving waiting for result.

As for ms, anyone still experiencing it? I puke whenever I eat too much and I hate it. Argh!
*sob*. Gynae said mine is a girl.
#1 cried when she heard that. So sad!!!

Now praying hard and hope mth end FA scan, sonographer will tell me gender change. But unlikely lah. =(
<font color="0000ff">Shisanmei:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I din go see doc oso becos it is not very itchy.. So can endure.. </font>

<font color="0000ff">Val:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Travelling far is torturing.. And the jet lags.. Think food wise asia will still be a wiser choice for babymooning dan ang mo country.. Cos when I am in Germany.. For breakfast I can only eat fastfood.. If not are those cold sandwich which is not recom for us Asian preggy mums.. So my bf every was kinda boring..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Baby:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Try explaining to her.. Didi or mei mei are the same.. Try telling her wat kind of thgs she can do with mei mei but not didi.. Hope she can get over it soon..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Joanna:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Me same as Sksf.. Still can fit into my normal bras.. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning!! It's Monday.. Hope all not hving bluez today...

For those who felt cold and shivering like me in 1st trim.. Are you all still feeling cold now?? I noticed that during the pass few days I start to feel hot.. No longer like last time always need to wear a sweater lao.. </font>
Hi can update my status to girl...
Yes, may, I have been wearing spagetti stripes as I feel so hot most of the time... I am into my 19 weeks now.
Good Morning Mummies!

Yah.. its monday again.. blue blue..

May, I felt cold in 1st trim, but recent week, I felt hot. I even placed my palm on my hb and ask him 'hot?'.. hee.. I think our temperature are rising to 'hatch egg' now.

Went for gynae visit on Sat and gynae was scanning half-way and asked us, do you want to know the bb gender.. Hee.. so nice of him to ask before he disclose, incase there's some mummies who didnt want to know. Apparantly he saw it, so he told us about it, but would only confirm after my detailed scan 3week later. But so sad, my hb cant make it for my detailed scan.
<font color="0000ff">Skies:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Congrats tt you are hving a girl.. I am in my wk 18 now.. I only recently start to feel the heat.. So now must prepare myself to keep cool lao..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Raspy:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Think it is common to start feeling hot for those who are always feeling cold in 1st trim.. So now all mummies shd be getting sexy lao.. Haha..
My gynae oso asked me if wana knw gender during my wk 16 scan.. I say yes, and she say try to see.. And hv a gd view.. So now is waiting for my detail scan in 3 wks time to hv a screen shot of his didi lao..
So yrs is didi or meimei?</font>
Morning mummies! It's coming to the middle of the year and we are almost mid way through our pregnancies!

@Shisanmei: I asked my friend and she said that she found her through word of mouth. I personally haven't come across any nannies, and my sister didn't employ one. =) I guess it's the same like confinement ladies, uually the nannies are recommended through friends. Good luck with the search!

@Devilene: congratulations! =) anyway, my MS subsided. I've even resumed eating some fish. So I'm happy.

@may: OH GERMANY. It must be torturous not to have been able to indulge in the beer! But I heard the weather is fantastic, so it must have still been a very lovely babymooning!

By right, our body temperature will increase the moment we get pregnant. That is why we feel cold in the first trimester. I was 0.2 degrees higher than my usual and felt like I was brewing a cold for two months. But now... I think our body has settled at the temperatue with the kid in toll. So maybe we got used to it?
<font color="0000ff">Val:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Heng I am not a beer lover.. So still can do w/o the beer.. But my hubby happy lah.. I only keep drinking Coke!! I agreed that the weather is super gd for us preggy mum.. Cooling.. Heng my body already starting to feel hot instead of cold lao..

I asked my gynae y do I feel cold.. Thgt body temp shd be higher during preggy.. She say normal to see mummies in sweater during 1st trim.. Cos internal temp gg up tts y outer will feel cold..</font>
so envious, so many of u know the gender already. Sigh... went for my visit on Sat but bb refuse to open legs. gynae tried for v long but bb either cross legs or just keep moving abt. I cant wait to start my shopping
<font color="0000ff">Giantress:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Dun be upset.. Very soon will be the detail scan.. You will knw the gender by tt time.. Ig in between you gg for gynae appt.. oso still hv chance to see..</font>
May, Think I will update the list after my detailed scan, cause hb want to be sure then announce to the world. So we are still keeping mum to our family and friends.

My experience with this #2 is different from #1. During my #1 time, I feel hot from the start. But this one, is start from cold. Myself, I think my body weaker after previous preg. Now I starting to believe that we need to really take care during our confinement month. Hopefully this time round, I can endure and make myself stronger.

Giantress, Cheer up. hee.. sure will see it next visit.

Val, Yeah.. I also feel better now. And can feel that my appetite coming back. Hope I don't put on too much this time round. Oh yesh.. we are half-way through... yeah!
<font color="0000ff">raspy:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I saw some website say cold is oso a kind of sym for preggy leh.. Think each preggy will hv difference bah.. so dun think is it yr body weak k..
For my case, before I was conceive I sick almost every month with flu or cough.. But after preggy so far only feel cold n kena flu once.. Dun say feeling weak fm the MS la.. </font>
May, Actually I quite strong before preg with #1. 1 whole year can don't fall sick one. But after giving birth to my #1, I feel that my body is not as strong. Before preg with #2, abit of wind, I feel cold. Previously, I wasn't like this. Thats why I think confinement is important now.
Hi morning mummies... We went to see gynae last Sat, blood tests results are normal, so no need to do amnio. Just a little anaemic so gynae asked me to be more "hardworking" and eat my iron pills (which I had not been taking very often) and oso to eat more red meat.

My boys oso asked gynae to confirm if baby's really a boy. When my gynae said "Yes, it's double confirmed that it's a didi", my boys were visibly disappointed again. Sigh, no choice lor. I think they'll still ask my gynae each time we go for check up, hoping to hear a different answer. Hahaha :p
<font color="0000ff">raspy:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ic.. Dan must take gd care after this one.. Maybe yr no.1 drain all yr nutrients.. Left you nothing.. </font>

<font color="0000ff">Sharon:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I will feel tummy harder at certain time of the day.. Sitting dwn is uncomfy too n occasionally uncomfy to lie die on one side as tummy is harder.. But other dan tt think still normal..
I encounter some leak last sat when laughing.. Heng din leak alot n my liner is able to hold it.. So embarrassing..</font>
May / Sharon: I told my gynae that my baby bump has been hardening almost daily. He said it's normal at this stage of pregnancy and as long as there's no cramp feelings and it's not happening many times a day, it shld be fine.

Oh yes, I've urine leak too, esp when coughing or sneezing. So hv been diligently doing my pelvic floor exercises, hope that the condition improves soon.
<font color="aa00aa">I think I starting to feel bb movement lao.. Esp when I lie on left side.. Pressing my tummy on the mattress.. Somex will feel a v light tug.. Duno if my tummy gas or bb telling me I pressing on him.. Haha.. I tell my hubby he will touch hoping to feel bb.. Think still too early for him to feel any kicks yet.. So he will hv to wait longer.. </font>
May &amp; Serene: So hardening and baby bump is normal right. I was given pills to insert thru vaginal. and in fact i lost count how many times i feel it but should be less than 5-6 times. Ok anot? I very scare leh. Im battling against preterm labour. SO stress.

Serene: what did your gynae give you to stop contractions? Oral or insert thru vag?

May: both sit down and lie down i also feel it leh. i cant seems to fina a good position to rest. haha. baby is actively kicking and moving.
HEY MUMMIES! I m back from HK! I had a tiny scare at disneyland though! Suddenly the tummy lower area cramped and my thighs also cramped and I was at the tip of disneyland, so no choice hubby worried, got the people to wheelchair me to rest at the 1st aid centre, hahhaa luckily it was during the fireworks so no one really noticed me... but quite a "magical" experience to whizz through disney in the dark n fireworks above my head.... so even when i was feeling v worried, i had to let out a little smile at the whole situation. Machiam like we booked the whole disney like that cos by then most of the park was empty except at the castle where the fireworks happened but the rides n carousel were still very prettily lit. ;)
After bedresting in disney for 2 out of the 3 days and hubby n my parents entertained my #1... i m glad to b fine again! I think it is the baby growing cos the kicks are stronger since then n i feel them a lot now!

Baby Jo: My #1 is also a girl, she is excited abt the new baby no matter what gender, sometimes she say meimei sometimes she say didi.. my #2 also 90% comfirmed girl. To b frank sometimes children just reflect adults' expectations and disappointment so even if we dun think they understand, we should refrain from showing any preferences in front of them or when they are in hearing distance. Even an expression they can catch cos children are a lot more sensitive than what we give them credit for. Sometimes oldies like grandmas will tell the #1 "bring a didi next time " or something, i think its pretty stressful for the child who dun understand that they cant control the results of the gender so when #2 is a mei mei they feel is their fault or they do something wrong. I have personally heard my fren's MIL say that to her #1 and i disagree with that action. Its true that all mummies wuld like a good mix of gender but we cant control it through natural means...It is very normal for us to have expectations n hope but must b very careful to seive them away from the kids.
When i had the scare at disney, i remembered praying from the bottom of my heart, "baby please b fine, i dun care even if u are a girl, u must b fine." So health is really the most impt.

Maybe u can tell #1 that if #2 is a girl, u can play barbie dolls together, #1 can tie her hair like a life size barbie doll. Boys play very different toys n she will b more bored with boys. Hope everything is fine becos if #1 started off by disliking #2 n it is not managed properly, it can b a lifetime of not sharing n defensive behaviour... This is just my 2 cents worth.

Urine leak: Yup i have it too esp when i sneeze and i hate it.
Sharon: This time round, my gynae has not given me any medication. He just asked me to monitor and call him again if necessary. When I was preggy wif #2, I had preterm contractions (hardening with cramp feelings) when I was abt 20 weeks, so gynae gave me oral medication to stop the contractions. I had to eat them all the way till abt 37 weeks.
Morning mummies, hope you had a good weekend!

I back with my field report on the detailed scan.

Mine was a fairly quick process at Mt A. Less than 15 mins. I attribute it to the fact that we kept telling baby to be guai and cooperative so we don't have to stay in the hospital for long.

The sonographer will take measurements of the head circumference, abdominal circumference, femur length(thigh length), and look out for heart valves, kidneys, bladder, umbilical cord and weight. Sonographer will also try to see the sex of the baby if baby is cooperative.

However, for Mt A, there is only one old computer screen facing the sonographer, so I have to tilt my head if I want to see the scan. My sonographer didn't really say much, she took all the measurements and photos she needed and explained briefly what each part is. She did say baby looks ok!

I guess mine was really a short experience because she got everything she wanted. The wait for the report took 1 hour, but I think it differs from each hospital.

For the report, you will get all the measurements and scan photos! I was really disappointed I didn't get to see the baby properly, but at least I can keep the scans. :p

After the scan, I went back to my gynae and she will briefly explain whether the measurements are ok, whether your baby is above, below or average for each measurement.

1. For those who are going to Mt A, the parking is really horrendous. I reached at 8am for my 9am appointment and the carpark was full. Lucky there was no queue at the carpark and we could use the valet service for free.
However, when we left, the whole area was filled with cars, queueing for the valet. I guess the best way is to park at MacRitchie Reservoir and take the shuttle bus that comes every 10 mins. The carpark will only complete in 2 years time.

2. There's only 1 cafe and 1 subway in the whole hospital. As we reached early, we went to the cafe not knowing that we had another hour to kill while waiting for the report later. After the scan, we went to the labour wards to see see and look look, very peaceful wards.

Now I'm still struggling between Mt A and Glen E as I am really bothered by the carpark in Mt A, what if I'm in labour and we are stuck in the queue? haha

3. The gender, she said that she can't see anything, so should be a girl. Then when I went to the gynae, she asked me if the sonographer confirmed the gender. I told her sonographer said should be a girl then she said, oh then it should be a girl. After reading all your posts on the gender, I realised my gynae has never given me a % on whether my baby is a girl! I'm just going to take it as a girl. :p

So all in all, baby is healthy and growing on track. In fact her femur length was longer than the average! So she has long legs inherited from her daddy. I'm so glad we have a supermodel in the making. :p
Serene: thanks for sharing. But simi si hardening with cramp feelings like? hahaa!
So far i feel hardening at times it makes me feel uncomfortable and makes me wanna go pee.
I hope my gynae can give me some miracle pills to stop contractions!
<font color="0077aa">Devilene</font>
Congrats on passing amino test!! Now my girl has a buddy liao. I notice a lot of boys amongst my friends. ahhahahaha

<font color="0077aa">baby jo</font>
Your poor girl. Maybe tell her whether boy or girl, she will still be an elder sister.

<font color="0077aa">skies</font>
Congrats! More on the pink team. :p

<font color="0077aa">giantress</font>
We roughly know the gender quite early, but until now, I haven't really bought any stuffs leh. Hahah But I noticed it helps to speak to the baby the night before, just tell baby that tomorrow going for scan, can you open your legs wide and show us your gender so that we can buy clothes for you.

<font color="0077aa">sharon_k</font>
I had urine leak that day after I sneeze!! That was really scary, is it supposed to be normal?

<font color="0077aa">May</font>
Until now, my baby has been really naughty, everytime the daddy wants to feel her kicks, she will stop moving. The moment he removes his hands, she will kick. hahaha

<font color="0077aa">Melody</font>
Are you feeling better now? Could be a case of walking too much! Rest more and probably highlight to your gynae as well that this happened?
Reinluv: my frenz just gave birth at Glen E. But she feedback that she wasn pleased with the nurses and service. She commented that they dun fill you with more info on breastfeeding the nb n etcs. Not baby-environmental friendly. But the environment is like hotel. hehe.
<font color="0077aa">sharon_k</font>
I also heard Mt A got good lactation consultants and the nurses are better. Now we are taking into consideration on the accessibility too. hahaha. Decisions, decisions! And Glen E more exp. hahaha
Reineluv: The crampy feeling is gone by the 2nd day n till now, the baby is still kicking well. I guessed i panicked mainly becos i m away from home ;) I do have similar crampy feelings at home sometimes but i was not as worried as when i was at disney cos i imagined the worst then n the more worried i was, the more "tightening" i feel my tummy, like u know the feeling before exams results hehe.... u r right i think i shopped too much the days before we head to disney. I m resting at home now cos I m a SAHM mah so easier for me if i need to rest, dun need to take mc ;)
Good to know that everything turned out fine in HK! I was due to travel to HK sometime in my 7th week too, but due to minor contractions, gynae advised against travel (like, literally the day before the flight... cos that was my very first appointment with her). I suppose it's not so much the travelling that would heighten our symptoms, but more so the discomfort that we may not have immediate access to trusted medical care while we're overseas should anything untoward happen. I'm planning to follow the Hubband to Tokyo next month on his business trip (last attempt at a holiday), but I've not consulted my gynae yet...

On another note, I've finally made my first proper purchase for the baby! We sprung for the Quinny Buzz Black yesterday from Baby's Hypermart, with red Speedi seat reducer so now it matches daddy's car. We had to get a cosi-maxi cabriofix infant seat though to fit onto the Buzz chassis for the first couple of months, cos the original seat is only suitable from 6 months onwards. Nevertheless, baby's first race car settled!
Sharonk, I also experienced urine leaks when I cough hard. I heard some said after labour, woman are more prone to it cause before my #1, I seldom had this.

Melody, Welcome back! Thank god, everything is fine after your rest.

Reineluv, Wow.. you gave a detailed report.
My detailed scan will be done by my gynae, so no need to wait for report. Heehee.. About the parking, I think its most mummies' concern when deciding between Mt A and other hospital. We don't drive, so its ok for us. But Im thinking, if you are going into labour, then just pass the keys to the valet or the carpark guy (you know there's always a guy in bright jacket directing traffic at the carpark). They should understand since alot of mummies going there for labour daily. I remember during my #1, we took a cab there and once I alighted, the Mt A staff immediately pushed a wheelchair to me and wheeled me all the way to the labour room (though I told them I can still walk).
reinluv: yeah, personally prefer mt a.
their nurses there are so good. hehee

raspy: yeah. think im more relieved now that you'all are experiencing what im experience.
Hi JK,
The actual procedure of inserting the needle to extract the amniotic fluid takes about 5 mins for me...I bedrest for 2 days and was up and around on the 3rd day...

I had preterm contractions at 20 weeks when I was preggy with my #2 too.. was given ventolin to control the contractions throughout my pregnancy..but I still delivered my boy early at 32 weeks...So this time round, I more careful...
<font color="0000ff">Sharon:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I will feel uncomfy at times.. But after awhile will be ok.. But find tt bb will move only when I'm on the left side.. Haha..</font>

<font color="0000ff">reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Yr bb is still shy to daddy.. Haha.. </font>
Njon: OMG really. I have been very careful and not to carry my #1. in fact i have been sleeping and sleeping. But still kerna mild contractions now.
I always hear ventolin frm my girl PD to clear airway. hehe now our ventolin here works as another way to stop contractions. amazing.
Then i better book an appt with my gynae and see him tonight.

May: yeah. pray hard that my baby can fight it thru at least 35wks.
