(2012/10) Oct 2012

Sharon: What I felt during my 2nd pregnancy was the baby bump hardened and then I felt a little menstral cramp-like feelings.

Njon: Wow, u still knew what medications were given to u. I didn't even noticed and just took the oral medications w/o looking at the name of the medication :p

Once I took the medication to stop the early contractions, #2 was so comfy in me that we almost had to induce him at 39 weeks plus...

may: thanks thanks!!

Serene: haha i very long no menstrual cramp leh. haha. i booked appt tonight hopefully he will give me the oral medication instead of e ones inserted thru vag.
After the oral med, is it immd effect that contraction will stop?
Sorry ar alot of qns. ....
I'm into my 19 week...
Why my nausea is still around and still puke even when i drink abit of water.

Feeling so miserable...
<font color="0000ff">Missy:</font> <font color="aa00aa">So poor thg.. I only feel nausea at times now only.. Hope yr MS will go away soon..</font>
Devilene, congrats on the good results! Another good news in this thread!

Hmm i should be getting a call towards end of the week for the results. Fingers crossed cos my mother was saying lots of do's and don'ts during Mother's Day dinner. Also duno want to be enthu or just listen and nod.

Mummies who had engaged babysitter, can I know what to ask or look out for when visiting their place?
Sharon: Err, I forgot how long it needs to take effect le :p Maybe u can check wif ur gynae, sorry, pregnant woman memory very poor

Skinney: I usually bf him while he's lying down next to me nowadays. It can indeed get very tiring to bf him if carrying him in my arms. Actually I think my milk supply is really low nowadays and he's probably just comfort sucking. So it really hurts whenever he bf.
I'm gg for my detail scan tomorrow.

But now, I alway feel a little nervous when gg for this type of review. Sighzzz......
So, I keep telling myself that I can 'see' my bb tomorrow again..
reineluv: did you gynae/sonographer update your EDD after the detailed scan?

When I when for my OSCAR, my report did change my EDD by 2 days earlier. However, I read somewhere that the gynae may update the EDD after the detailed scan too.
Skinney: Just read the article, wow, I dun think i can bf till the kid's 5-6 yrs old. I'm alrdy trying to wean off #3 (3+ yrs old) but not succeeding yet for the morning feed cos tat's when he's most domineering, having just woken up from sleep. He wants mummy and he wants her NOW!!! Sigh...
I am also having some cramp too.
I thought that I was having constipation cramp as I alway need to go to the loo after this cramp or happened when I am having constipation for more than a day.
The feeling more not like menstration cramp though.
But after reading so many comment written here on cramp, i better check with my gynae tomorrow.
serenelm, right now i think my comfort level is 4 yr old :p mine is most needy b4 bedtime. when he wakes, sometimes domineering like yours but if he's in a gd mood, he may forget all abt it. and he inssist he cant do it laying down! haiz.

because... its getting a bit strange bfdg a kid who is asking questions all over the place...
Skinney: Same here, I'm oso trying to wean him off now, hopefully will be fully weaned off b4 baby arrives. So far, I've successfully weaned him off his b4 bedtime and midnight feeds. It's the early morning and afternoon nap feeds that I've problem with. Mine's different from ur yours, my boy will only bf while lying down, if I carry him, he'll squirm and move ard a lot
@serene: don't be too upset. When the boys grow up they will be happy they have a bro to play soccer with. =)

@reineluv: that's normal. I think the kid is enjoying the warmth of your hubby's hand. They say that it has a soothing feeing.
<font color="0000ff">Keiko:</font> <font color="aa00aa">During my last appt. I asked my gynae abt my EDD date. She say it will remain as the 1st date she told me. The EDD wnt chg.. </font>
Mommies with toddlers,

Do you know where I can get Hawaiian shirts for my 2.5 yo boy? It's the theme for a party at CC. Let me know. Thanks!
I dreamt baby #2 is a girl last nite. very vivid dream... i remember jumping in excitement in my dream... siao! haha...

actually i feel a bit anxious abt the FA scan.. cuz tho this is 2nd pregnancy, i am still not feeling much movement at week 19
serene &amp; Skinney: wah! you girls are still bf your child? Amazing siaz!! Give me your determination leh. I bf my girl till 7mths and ss low low low liao..
Skinney: whats FA scan? detail scan? haaha i dreamt of baby girl for both my pregnancy and both are girls. But some ppl said that what you dreamt will be the opposite gender.
sharon, i had earlier dreamt #2 is boy.

for #1, i dreamt he was a boy all the way... so my dreams pretty accurate for him.. but #2 .. confusing la. now #1 keeps telling me baby girl tho :p

ya FA scan is 20th week scan..

my bf jounrey started shakily. but i guess it "helped" that i didnt have confinmenet lady so i pretty much got up and fed #1 everytime (sometimes hubby would carry him to me)
Val: I know the boys will get over it de. It's me!! I dun hv shopping/afternoon tea kakis next time. I always see my sisters wif their daughters shopping nowadays and then I look at their sons, who usually dun bother to join us. Sigh, that'll be me in 10-15 yrs time.... So I always "suan" my hubby that he'll hv to be my "bag carrier" when we go shopping in our old age :p

Sharon: Actually I think my milk supply now is oso very low, he's more comfort sucking now than really drinking, I found that my supply dropped tremendously after I got pregnant. It oso depends on whether the child is keen to bf or not. My #2 wasn't very interested and weaned himself off ard 6+ mths too
Re: Maids... Previously heard that some mummies are planning to employ maids too. Hv u done so alrdy? When will ur new maids be arriving in Singapore?

Re: Backaches... Dunno what happened last night but I suddenly got very terrible backaches last night. Perhaps I walked for too long at the supermarket. I used to only get such pains in my 3rd trimester, definitely not at 2nd trimester like now. Any mummies here oso experiencing very bad backaches nowadays?
Strawberry128: Hihi, just to update that I've oso requested Novembaby to add u to our FB group (posted here too, in case u did not read ur pm)
Phew, amnio results out and baby is healthy. Confirm BOY. Gosh I have never thought of any boy names. But I'm just super relieved that the baby will be staying inside me

I got my result in 10 days instead of 14 days.

Njon, read that you had your amnio. You too will have good results like many MTBs, all the best!
<font color="0077aa">raspy</font>
Yes, it's detailed cos <font color="0077aa">ccharis</font> asked for it. haha
Told hubby about your experience on the wheelchair and he was laughing all the way. I think we really cannot imaging how the scene will look like if I'm in labour and there's a huge jam in the carpark haha.

<font color="0077aa">Keiko</font>
Good luck for your scan!
My EDD was not updated as I understand it was based on abdominal circumference, so since that's on track my EDD is still the same.

<font color="0077aa">val</font>
You mean it's true? My hubby say the baby dun wanna move cos she enjoys his warm hand. hahahaha I thought he was BS-ing. :p

<font color="0077aa">skinneybeenie</font>
It's my 1st pregnancy, but I feel the kicks really early. Gynae say maybe cos I'm more sensitive, but my girl kicks really hard! hahahah It's hard not to notice. Btw, I dreamt of girl too. :p

<font color="0077aa">serenelm</font>
I notice I get backaches at the beginning of each 'new' week. I think cos the uterus is expanding? I even bought a support band as I think it will help, but it makes me feel so warm, so I'm quite lazy to wear it now.
Serene: Oh u are still bfing ur #3? Like that can get preggy ah? I thot they say bfing wun ovulate most of the time? #4 is planned? Cos i m also toying with the idea of bfing my #2 and after say 10 mths old i try for #3 n if everything smooth, can close factory asap but i thot i have to wean #2 first but i feel bad cos i bf my girl till she was 13 mths mah...

Shopping khakis: dun worry lah u have 4 boys, sure have 1 or 2 more sensitive n patient ones who can shop with u, its rare but i do have some NORM guy frens who shop with mummy simply cos they are fillial n more loving to their mums than their peers. ;)

Backaches: I had it when i over exerted myself at disney loh but i bed rest for 1.5 days n it was gone... u try resting more loh if still bother u then ask gynae loh
Quinny: Congrats!!

Skinney &amp; Serene: salute! Did you girls take scared tea?

Serene: i had it once. Very bad and suan suan feeling of backache. But it was gone after i rested for a day. Probably you have to rest more.

Melody: i think after you bf for a period of time and menses came back means can ovaluate already? Wah you still plan for #3 hehe...
Quinny: Congrats on ur amnio results!

Reineluv: Not sure if it's my uterus expanding. But it got so bad last night that the pain could only be soothed if i lied down on my left side. I couldn't sit upright or sit leaning back. Thank god all seems normal this morning.

Melody: Yah, I've been bf #3 till now. My menses came back abt 4 mths after my last delivery, so I guess that's why I can get pregnant again cos I'm still ovulating even thou I'm fully bf.
Shopping wif my boys ah? Errr, think I prefer to shop alone.ive kinda been trained to shop alone since I became a SAHM

Luckily the backache's gone off le...
my period came back 14 months after #1 was born. nice right?! almost 2 yrs no da yi ma... Heh! definitely plus point for bfdg.

sharonk, no i din take any supplement for bfdg.. actually not so good, cuz i lost too much wt from bfdg too..

i agree beyond a certain age, it is more of nursing for comfort..
Quinny: Congrats on ur amino results! Such a relieve dear... sure u have many stories to tell ur boy what emotional scare n torture he put u thru when he gets older. ;)

Sharon, Serene: Hmm??? I bf my #1 for 13 months no sign of mensus leh.... hmmm why huh? so i thot bf no mensus one

Sharon: If #2 is a girl i plan for #3 loh if still ger then destinated lah but i tried my best already anyway all along me n hubby dun mind up to 3... but i m so glad that when i "tested waters" with my FIL n Grandma in law that I m stressed that what if baby is a girl, they tell me dun stress, girl boy to them is same n my FIL actually say a lot of his frens say girls more fillial.... hehe a load off my mind but as a gd DIL i also want to try my best lah but #3 is the furthest i will go ;)

Serene: hahaha shop alone ah so poor thing ok lah next time call me lah cos i also sahm then i b with u more often then maybe i get boy dust for #3 hehehe
Thanks mummies, really a relieve and this episode will no doubt add to my collection of life stories. Hopefully the most worrysome part is over

Well time to find my CL and infant care. Looks like I will deliver in Mt E. I know they have short bathing/lactating lessons to attend after delivery but anyone know if those lessons are chargeable?
Melody: Exactly, so many ppl who fully bf get to enjoy no menses for at least a yr. mine came back just after 4 mths or so. Guess its individual lor and I'm the "lucky" one

No need to be wif me to get baby boy dust, I'll courier some to u instantly :p

Quinny: I delivered in Mt E previously too, I think the lessons are free (or perhaps alrdy billed as part of hospital pkg, after all, nothing's free these days)

Are u planning to attend their complimentary maternity tour? They've a session every Sat at 11am. Oso avail on weekdays, not sure of the timings thou.
Congrats on your amnio results! It must have been a great relief for you. Really happy to hear the good news on amnio..keep me positive about my results too...
Serene: okies noted, as long as no add'l charge lah, i think bathing and lactating will be good to learn cos i'm not sure if i will sign up for parentcraft lesson. Many ppl say theory and reality is very different haha.

Njon, i agree with u, it took away lots of my nerves when i read other mummies' experience of the procedure and their eventual good results.
hi! this is Autumn. i didnt log in for so long cos my account was suspended for the longest time and I don't know why! I don't think i commited any offence, did I? Anyway I created this new account. LOL.

Congrats to all mummies who've found out bb's gender. I'm still waiting to discover mine - will be going to the gynae's this Thurs and I'll be exactly 17weeks then. For all mummies who's gonna have a boy, please pass Boy Dust to me!!! My hb really wants a boy!!!!
Serenelm: yes me applied for maid already. Jus submitted docs recently. I supposed the maid shld arrive by mid June.
When r u expecting yours to arrive ?
Quinny: Congrats!

Am so tired. No. 1 came down with a high fever Saturday night so we have been camping in her room since as fevers tend to spike at night
It's terrible having to force feed her medicine. Sigh. Hope the terrible viruses pass soon.
autumn_a, dun be depressed. u can still salvage the situation... usually carbos is the culprit. u can try lessening your carbos a bit, esp at night time. increase the nutritional intake _ fruits, veg, meat, fish. and do brisk walking (if u r not doing any other exercise).. i put on 8kg in 5m for #1 but went on full term at 11.5kg.. so it's still possible to aim for a less drastic wt gain.


Vankel: Dunno leh. Her passport was not made yet, so agent said her passport will be ready by end next week. Now just hoping there'll be no more delays.
