(2012/10) Oct 2012

Morning Mummies,

When u all take public transport got pple give up their seats to U?

Every morning I go to work, seldom got pple give me seat in MRT or Bus. All sleeping or pretending using handphone and even pretend never see. Times have change over the years.

Hi all,

Can I join the FB group too?

Age:33 bb #1
Parkway East - Dr Heng Tung Lan
Edd: 24/10/2012 gender: Not sure yet
Staying in the east

Lisa - I started getting seats from pple in the MRT this week (my week 15-16). I agree, many just pretend to be sleeping, using handphone or simply ignore you. Tried to think that maybe they need the seat more than me, i.e., they are not feeling well, etc.
<font color="blue">Dear all, Had a scan done on wednesday night, Found out i'm having .. another boy.. hahahaha.. Though dr say 90-95% confirm, but cause baby is on crawling position so he said best to confirm on detailed scan which is on 8th june for me. But i think most prolly should be a boy liao .. Lol.

&amp; <font color="red">ccharis</font> Please update my gynae to Dr Woo Bit Hwa instead. Thanks
Welcome to the new mummies.

Moayo: Try going up to someone in a reserved seat and say I am pregnant, could you give up the reserved seat please? (very politely of course) I think most people will be pai seh and get up quickly. Unfortunately the trains are so packed during peak hours that you may not even be able to squeeze your way to a reserved seat
@may: that's good to know. thanks for sharing. I do envy you though, can travel so far away! =( we are only going to malaysia and that's not exactly babymooning, it's an extended family outing.

@reineluv: hahaha... i guess? was it a new pet? I will be quite creeped out if I dreamt of a lizard!!!

@shisanmei: there are nannies for hire. I know my friend hired one to take care of her baby when she is away at work. beats sending to the infant care?

@baby jo: I'm expecting a boy. no pimple outbreak since week 14. but there is an increase in the number of moles since feb. does that count? I didn't suspect it, but I think the two baby new moles on my lips are because of this kid. not to mention many many on my arms. *yuck*.

I did switch my products to super mild ones (just moisturiser and collagen serum. no fanciful serums) and changed my beauty regime immediately after I had a small pimple outbreak. I stopped using masks as well, and only use mineral-based make-up products. Perhaps it might help.
Baby_jo: Drink more water, get more rest and apply pimple cream it will go off
so nice that your appt is tomorrow. I got to wait till June.

Lisa &amp; Moaoyo: Lucky I always got seats on my own when people get up before train arrives at Bishan.

Ming8110: Have you tired asking for seat? I don't dare. Mine stomach not obvious though I am now week 16.

Sksf: That's cute! You manage to have the scanned image of baby crawling? I didn't know baby can crawl inside stomach. Haha..
Val: Is there any place where I can find nannies? I do not know of any neighbor who is nanny. Should start do some search now
Tks Val ;)
<font color="red">shisanmei</font>:<font color="blue">Idk leh, dr say baby is facing down in crawling position.. haha. have photo but don't show me he's on crawling position leh. Guess only dr knows how to see :x</font>
Me me!!! I'm having pimple outbreak too. Both preg boys but for no 1 I had excellent skin. This one.. Haiz..

Btw let me rant, one of my aunts (whom I despised) is rather upset that I'm having another boy. First one boy she already buay tahan.. Cause she only have 2 female grandchildren out of her five kids. Irritating! For me, have baby can liao. What kind of age and time is this?!!!!
Baby: Now that u mention, although I dun hv very bad pimple outbreaks but I do get very big pimples now and then which is the very painful type. Prior to pregnancy, I seldom get pimples too. Actually even my skin changed too, I had to change my entire range of skincare cos my face kept feeling very itchy.

Moaoyo: Can u pls give me your full FB name and email address so that I can write to Novembaby in FB to add u?

I'm oso gg for my regular check up tmr. Now that I'm 18 weeks, I wonder what tmr's check up will entail.
ML: Just ignore ur aunt, she's just ur aunt, not ur mom. If she likes gal grandchild, then ask her to talk to her own kids.
Sorry to be so emo, I just dun like it when ppl pressured others to hv a certain gender baby (as if we can choose lor). I oso get it a lot from ppl I meet who keep asking me when I'm gonna hv a gal (once they know that I've 3 boys). I oso would really really really love to hv a gal but I can't choose mah.

Just to share, I had thought that since my symptoms are different from my previous 3 pregnancies, I might hv a chance to hv a gal but sadly, it doesn't work that way. Different symptoms but still having a boys. So I guess it's just a myth
<font color="red">shisanmei</font>:<font color="blue">hahaha ya, i've a pic of my baby's face.. &amp; the genital parts. Lmao...

<font color="red">serenelm</font>:Agreed! Plus my #1 kept saying it's meimei but it seems to be a boy! Even till now he kept insisting it's meimei &amp; got upset when we said but its didi.Lol</font>
Sksf: Same here, my #3 oso kept saying it's meimei. And after my gynae told us it's a boy, my #2 came out from his office and said "Dr so bad, told him we want meimei but he gave us a didi instead!!" hahaha :D
My #1 also keep telling me it's a didi.
Tried talking to her that not confirm and what if it is a mei mei? She will give me an angry stare.
Now abit worry abt tomorrow scan. What if it turns out to be a girl. Tough to explain to #1.

I have also changed my entire range of facial products to those very mild. Still pimples outbreak. This morning 2 still painful and red. Ouch!!!
BBKay - you mean your dear sister? I guess others also won't understand that you've also put in hard work to get pregnant. At least, I know I did, and even experiencing MC.
But because of this, I tend not to announce my pregnancy too openly. I only acknowledge when people ask me, because I know others are trying hard too.
Today is Fri lets talk abt happy things instead. Forget abt the seats and gender thing.

Let talk abt Sale?

Motherhood Fair at end of this month hv better deals better or wait for Taka Fair in Jul/Aug?

Any mom got experience on this?
My MIL keep asking us to have a dragon baby. Best if it is a Dragon Boy.
Say my husband only son. Best if can have a boy to carry on surname.
ladies, those who are already in yr 15 weeks now or more.. can u all share did yr cup size went up one size? or still the same but sore and firm?

yeah and do advise which sales is better the motherhood fair or taka fair for bigger items like stroller?

anyone looking at quinny stroller? can share yr views as well
<font color="red">Joanna</font>:<font color="blue">I still can fit into my bra though, but felt that my breast is more fuller &amp; firmer &amp; nipples very sore...</font>
<font color="red">serenelm,babyjo</font>:<font color="blue">haha, thats why my Dr don't wanna say 100% boy first. Say detailed scan 100% then confirm. cause sometimes accidents might happen, sometimes seems to be boy but turned out girl during detailed scan or seems to be girl but turn out boy. He said most accurate is detailed scan.. So for time being now i also don't dare to shop first. Anyway if it's confirmed a boy i don't need shop too, can use simply use my #1's stuffs! Muahaha, one good point to console myself :p</font>
Sksf: lol.. me too leh i still wearing the bra i wear last time when i am not pregnant some like triumph is abit tight lah.. but pierre cardin those tends to be bigger last time abit loose now can fit...

but i see pple already up 1 size le.. and my one just become firmer and sore and more full but no upsize leh.. =(

anyone also experience the same as me and sksf?
I'm still wearing my regular bra but it feels tighter and it can't really cover my boobs much longer. I recently bought 2 non-wired bras for use later on in the pregnancy and yes, I cup-size bigger.

I feel that for first-time mommies, you can go around the usual baby stores/dept stores to look for the cot or stroller that is within your needs and budget. Then if you see that particular cot or stroller at discount at either motherhood fair or taka fair, then go get it there. I think it's best to do some research first before going to such fairs. Sometimes, the cots or strollers sold at such fairs are of higher prices and may not be within your budget.

I did not go to motherhood fair; I think it was too far for me (at Expo?). I also realize I could at better deals at Robinsons/Isetan/OG which has 20% discounts vs. the prices at Taka fairs. Just have to do your homework before going to all these fairs.
kanelmo: but hor sometimes cannot find brands like quinny in dept store or the particular designs i wan bec certain stores they carry certain range not the full range seriously very hard lor.. like robinson all the funny funny names i nv heard before...

oooo how many weeks are u babe?
actualli i am looking at buzz or zapp extra i think?

anywhere i can find specific shops carry?

ahhhh wah.. u went up so much drool... hw many weeks are u in... =( i am damm sad bec close to 4 mths le yet no upsize at all? onli seems to be bigger by abit nia what's wrong sia.. what bu u all eat whahhaa
Hi all

Been MIA for sometimes. How's everybody?

I'm now in my 18 weeks and yes, i know my gender of my baby liao. Is a <font color="0000ff">BOY</font>. hahaha
Lisa: Yes, I'm looking forward to shopping for baby stuff too. Think I only need a stroller and a few sets of new baby clothes/mittens/bottles/towels/diapers/wet wipes etc. For breast pump, I'll likely buy after delivery (cos it's such a costly item) unless upcoming Taka fair has very good offer for Medela. All other things like cot etc, we'll be using back the old ones.

Sksf: That's how I "console" myself too, that I've alrdy loads of blue stuff at home. Even our toys are majority boy toys, so plenty of cost savings
Hi ladies,

I cleared my amnio test! Yay! and im having a girl, confirmed!

Now you can update gender for me already. Thanks.

As for boobs, I have sore boobs and they have increased 1-2 cups too. I had sore huge boobs for #1 and it's the same this time. Worse thing is, the visible ugly looking green veins running all over the boobs. Sian.
Devilene: Congrats!! Wow, can start buying cute little pink dresses le

I oso hv sore boobs and painful nipples. I din hv these for my previous pregnancies. Or perhaps I din notice it cos wasn't bf #3 then.
<font color="red">Serenelm</font>:<font color="blue">Hahaha, have you did your detailed scan? Sekali detailed scan show a girl instead? Muahaha.</font>

Share with you some findings

Pros: Easy to set up, very easy to manoeuvre, stylish, compact, compatible with Maxi Cosi car seat, seat can be change to rearward facing, comfy
Cons: Buzz - Heavy and wouldn't fit in some small cars
need to spend on Maxi Cosi, not suitable for infant 6mths below
Zapp xtra - 2 parts when folded, doesn't auto fold
Devilene> congrats to good result &amp; finding out the gender at same time! Wow u also boy, quite a number of boys in this thread, i think
<font color="0000ff">ccharis</font> wants boy babydust. Quick, grab some!

If I do really try for #3 next time, I hope is baby girl!
Sksf: I'm not sure if my gynae does detailed scans, I din hear him mention it but he was super 100% sure that it's a boy at our last visit 3 weeks ago. He even showed us the part, so I think there's not much chance. So I'm pretty much resigned
Chapa chic: huh why buzz cannot fit smaller cars? i see like car because can detech leh...

maxi cosi is under quinny right? ooo means we cannot buy maxi cosi since not suitable for infants..
<font color="0000ff">ML &amp; serenelm</font>> me too, very different symptoms for both pregnancies. i have quite alot of outbreak for #1, for #2, so far so good (touch wood, pimples dont come and find me!)

Tiger/Dragon babies> Oh realized many mummies are all tiger mummy and now dragon mummy, me too! My tiger baby is now alrdy 18mths. Lucky for us, by the time the dragon babies need to get into P1, will most likely able to follow the elder sibling. Seems like there is dragon baby boom.
yeah i watch a video the gender might change within weeks.. so funny.. so when can we actualli know the correct gender? detailed scanning? sign.. then the sales bo liow le..

Yea, same comapny. Maxi carry their own strollers too. I meant the Buzz and Xtra seat not suitable for infants below 6mths so you either have to buy carrycot or Maxi Cosi car seat.

My friend told me the Buzz's seat abit bulky

I think they just launched the new Buzz improved model: Quinny Modd
BBKay3105: yup i know gyane told me that's y he say best is later part cos always turn out differently...
any idea if 16 weeks can we get to see the gender? anyone can advise? cos it will change =(

The seat is large of it's size.
Make a trip to the Motherhood fair to test the stroller, it's maybe not as bad as what my friend told me lah =)

<font color="red">sereneml</font>:<font color="blue">My baby was in crawling position leh? Your sth in between leg is point de ma? Mine is round de very funny, so my gynae put "boy?" on the scan photo. but he said 90-95% boy. muahaha, but i think see 20week detailed scan better bah. lol.

<font color="red">Joanna</font>:I got to know i've a boy on wednesday when i'm supposed to be 15w2d but my gynae said i'm 16w le. haha. Think roughly percentage bah? 100% still depends on detailed scan..</font>
