(2012/10) Oct 2012

Boy/Girl Dust> Wish all mummies get their wish for those who want KKJ boy dust and those who want girl dust...

Melody> Not to scare you, but even its the maid own wish to be liberal, and they seldom have off days. they may end up catching HIV cos of this. It might not be them but their partner outside. And you/the maid will never know unless it's found out during check-up. My MIL used to allow the maid off, and the maid is very good according to them end up one day coincidentally bring her for check-up and found out she got HIV then they faster send her back.

Btil> Maybe you can plan for a holiday after wk20 detailed scan and also still in T2, let your hubby know everything is fine and baby is very healthy & you need a break before the baby arrives. If your hubby dont accompany u, can you go with friends instead?
Joanna> hmm for #1, i seems to crave for spicy food whereas for #2 i crave for sweets more than meat, both are boys. so the craving is not true for my case. i have very bad MS for my #1, and much lesser MS for #2. Complexion was better this time than #1.
melody: agree with you. im scare of detailed scan too. I hope baby face, hands, n etcs will be ok. yeah the weather is freaking hot which makes me wanna cut my hair short!
ur hub is so so so so so good! *envy*
<font color="0077aa">ming8110</font>
Thanks babe. Will ask hubby to get ready his wallet haha

<font color="0077aa">melody</font>
You so xinfu la. I always wanna be a SAHM, but I think of finances, I can't lo. hahaha.

Anyway, looks like I'm the earliest to go for detailed scan! Aiyo.
mummywong10: hahhaa seems like going through the posts all doesn't seems to agree as well.. hehhee

i will see if mine comes true? bec i eat alot of cheeze and meat...

reineluv: whahhaha so what is yr gender?

Melody: hahaha yeah maybe it doesn't apply to all of us for the old tales hahaha.. believe half half not totally better..

hmm seems like all of u bought pregnancy pillow, i shall check it out

serenelm: babe kieran is a nice name. my friend son was named this. i quite like it too bad not gona use this name since she is already using it..

Ccharis:lol.. other than GWC other areas having the shop? issit worth going there? bec dun wanna go there den empty handed again..

yeah i do have bolster i cannot do without it bec i xi guan kiap between my legs whahaha.. i guess i just save moos for my baby =X

TO ALL: anyone signing package after the 20th week? my gyane charges 1000 which $450 can be deduct through medisave and i think is a one time payment but excludes medicine. I am thinking issit worth to sign? it includes consultation, urine test and scan close to $200 per session. I duno how frequent he will ask me to visit? any advise? normally is one mth once after 20th week? or more frequent visiting?

Calling out for Kitty01, Raspy, Vanna,Mini 22. How often u all visit DR HO after the 12 week? 2 weeks once or 3weeks once
Mummywong: yah i agree always have chances some maids v gd turn out nightmare but hor in a recent SG newpaper article (abt 2 weeks ago), i read this filippino maid hor, her employer dun allow her to go out, say scared she turn bad, she also ended up having affair with security guard downstairs, she tell reporter even though she loves her hubby n son a lot she still feel lonely here n need love. So in short, i think hor... its all abt the maid's character n ur luck, not so much whether the maid gets let out or not. If maid want this type of liberal lifestyle, any man can do n u need just 10 minutes max to catch HIV

Having said that if u worried abt the liberal filippino, get an indo, seriously 90% of them very conservative one, none of my 4 maids wud even wear shorts or spaghetti straps, even the married ones...but u have to b contented with the language barrier

Sharon: I dun look as nice with short hair leh so cant bear to loh...

Sharon n reineluv: Re hubby yah i agree abt the xinfu part lah, cannot complain already, but i also heart pain pain gave up my high flying career for him u noe, not very easy cos i love my job n i just got promoted then i quit 2 mths after....cos long hours n too stressful environment no time to make #1 then... in marriage its all give n take lah...but to put in a fair word, we are v lucky finances is not an issue cos when it is... does make a lot of things more complicated n situations more tense...
Joanna: hehe yah loh old wives tale but quite interesting.... u v cute leh , whats motherworks u also dunoe , whats sahm u also dunnoe.... ;)motherworks is like mothercare shop sell babies stuff n some furniture like cot. SAHM=stay at home mum
toking about maids, i think is better to let them stay at home lor.. i think must employ those look gong gong one..

my mum ever employ those part time maid hor they carry branded bags.. horrible.. see how rich are they nowadays

nowadays the maid is very very clever.. dun underestimate them...

they also dress up like prostitute and also use master's make up and etc.. I think one of my friend capture how the maid was trying her clothes and so mad and i forget if did she charge her for every pcs she wear anot but basically the clothes are either throw away or the maid has to buy from them..

Vankel: opps.. thanks sweetie..
Melody: hahahaha =( ya i keep seeing SAHM duno what issit and seriously i am totally clueless on the short forms being used.. i dun even know motherworks exist leh..

hahaha issit advisable to wait for baby fair? bec i dun nid baby cot. I just need to buy stroller, car seat and baby clothes and those baby bottles.
Joanna, it depends on the mummy and baby's condition. For my #1, before 12weeks, I was going at 2weeks frequency and and then 3-4weeks frequency, until last lap, its weekly. For my current one, Dr Ho is more familiar with my condition. Im on 4week frequency from the very 1st appointment. Both hb and I are abit surprised, cause for #1, our visits are more frequent. So I think it depends each individual.

Speaking of Dr Ho, I think he's quite a good gynae. He may not be very chatty type. But he's good in what he does. During my #1, around my 20week, I developed alot of rashes around my body. Look very much like chicken pox. He immediately gave me 2weeks leave and send me for blood test to confirm. I told him, I don't have sufficient MC and he just gave me hospitalisation leave, no questions ask. My blood test results was out 1 week later and its not chicken pox. Was so relief, but he still ask me to rest at home for the remaining 1 week.

My sister-in-law had a similar situation as me. She developed alot of rashes during her early trim and guess what.. she went to 3 gynaes and all of them told her that 'should be chicken pox'. None of them can confirm. Infact, she went to 3 cause she want to seek 2nd/3rd opinion. But even until the 3rd one, none of them can give a proper answer. So I am glad that Dr Ho doesn't do guessing game, he will check and send us to test to confirm. Really feel at ease with him.
Joanne: yah lah if u keep seeing n wondering what it is u should ask earlier MAH! wait until now cannot tahan then u ask... already in 2nd tri n some more pretty active in this forum , now still dunnoe whats sahm... so malu..... :p
raspy: hahaha i do agree to what u say.. that time i went KKH they didn't detect blood cot then when i visit DR HO, he detect the blood cot lor...

i find him overall good lah but he nv tok much ahhaha my visit with him quite fast sometimes 10 mins today longer..

now i am thinking if signing the package issit cheaper bec i duno how frequent will i visit him after the 20th week.. u signing anot?

hmmm i think u are right based on situation to visit him.. bec my first trimester i visit him weekly den after that every 2 weeks once i wonder when will he ask me to come and visit him one mth once whahaha...

So yr #1 also with him?

Melody (starrie_nite): i wanted to ask yesterday den i thought maybe observe a while den i keep seeing this short form flashing again bth so i ask.. now pai sei next time i should pm the person privately whahhaa..
joanna: need to sign de. i envy lor you'all can sign package which include those routine scan, consultation, detailed scan, 3d(for some gynae).
i cant even sign..
Stroller: I saw the brand Quinny and Strokke appear many times. But, I'm looking for a light weight one, so thinking of getting Combi Miracle Turn DX. Any Mum used this before and what your review of it?
Melody> ya loh i totally agree getting a maid is really base on luck! no matter how good u are to the maid, if they want to turn bad they will turn bad...

Joanna> still have FTWM = Full Time Working Mum, no need paiseh lah, dont know just ask..after a while, u will be expert.
sharonk: no leh detail scan cannot use.. is onli consultation and routine scan and some urine test which is compulsory for every visits.. sigh..

yeah i can understand how u feel.. it seems more exp actually if u dun sign but realli depends on the no of visits u go..

Keiko: lightweight u can consider mclaren, but i dun realli like the design.. Quinny quite popular even on the streets i see pple using it.. i went to see personally quite pretty for some of the designs but exp...of cos strokke is much more exp

mummywong10: wah.. suddenly so many short form coming out and i tell u i am sucks at it.. last time preparing wedding so many terms used now gt to readapt to new forms..
Joanne: I dun like Mclaren model too. I like strokke very much but too bulky. both of us dun drive. So, keeping the strokke/quinny stroller quite hazzle while on the go. Anyway, need to go to those shop to test it out.. it shopping time.
Joanna> if u paiseh, u copied the word typed in google what "SAHM" means and likely u can find the answer, sometimes i did that when i dont understand the short form in the past, eg LMAO
Joanna: I really like Kieran too, just gotta convince my hubby to forgo the rhyming part. After all, it does rhyme wif #3. Heehee :p
My gynae's pkg price is oso quite similar to yours. Normally after week 20 is every 4 weeks check up. Then at week 32, will be every 2 weeks. After week 36, will be weekly visit. But the frequency oso depends on the mummy's health conditions. Some conditions may require more frequent visits.
Joanna, Yah.. my #1 also with Dr Ho. He's very 'safe' gynae. He doesn't scare his patient with too much information. Like last time, my #1 thread, the mummies are comparing the heartbeat rate of their babies, etc.. Dr Ho doesn't give us such information, cause if the number is too high / too low, we will be worrisome and start comparing here and there. So he always tell us 'normal' and this is good enough for us. Just feel very safe in his hands cause we know if there's any issue that is big enough to raise an alarm, he will alert us in advance. If not, he won't want us to worry for nothing.
Joanna: usually is 1 visit per mth? then when u reach 35wks will be 2wks visit till u ready to del? i think so if i rmb. how much is your package and does it include normal delivery?
Keiko, good luck for the test results! I hope my results will take only 10 days too, dun think I want the express results.

On the topic of maids, for sure no off days also can get up to no good, eg w the security guard, nearby construction workers, fiddling with our makeup and clothes. My friend's maid was caught stealing from 7-11 lor. My aunt used to have a maid who was doing ok until she attempted suicide by downing detergent cos her relatives told her that her 2nd husband slept beside her daughter, duno got molest her anot. Police had to question the maid and my aunt/uncle to investigate maid abuse. alamak.
mummies do you think if we can identify the stroller models we like and bulk purchase (by brand) from the distributors, it can be cheaper?

I think the bulk purchase idea for baby monitor is a great idea! whether we are going back to work or be SAHM we can't be glued beside the baby cot all day, its a life saver haha.

Btw anyone has feedback on infant care centres in Toa Payoh? As in heard of +ve or -ve reviews?
\Keiko: hahaha i totally dun like the design ..because i thought should be quite good so i went to peek on mon for the spring sales..

hmm stroke also inside my list i tell u very hard to choose whahaha and those nice nice de at least 1.3k or above 1k

mummywong10: lol.. issit? ooo next time i try hahhaa.. what is LMAO? gosh i tell u i sucks in short form le.. even that time Charis mention KKJ i also cannot tell is ..... and i know the last word.. i am so slow whahhaa is so straightforward yet i still ask even mah lu..

serenelm: hahaha nice name i like... pls use kieran is really nice.. hmmm from the way u explain i guess it is worth taking up the package wor...

sigh.. why the clinic nv offer credit card services #%%^#&amp;$^47!

raspy: OPPS... so far i nv heard baby heartbeat at all leh.. onli during OSCAR test? same as u mah?

hahhaa yeah normally nthing wrong den he will say baby is fine whahhaa.. just like this nia.. actually fast and straightforward but the waiting time is crazy and when it is yr turn and u went in den u come out very fast.. we are wondering why the waiting time so long even the session is gage around 10 mins per couple..

sharonk: hmmm i not very sure on the visits, so trying to ask but seems like all different cases i guess is based on situation for the MTB..

the package is 1000 bucks but exclude delivery just normal consultation, urine test and scan lor tat's all..
sharon: u cant sign package cos of what ah? I know u mention something like preterm baby but why like that cannot sign package leh? if baby come out earlier good for doc what, u wun utilise the package as much as full term mums

Joanne:eek:kok if u really paiseh n cannot find in google u can pm me, i see if i know i tell u ;)

Quinny: Of cos the bulk purchase for monitor idea is good lah! Comes from me mah! hehehe :p so what stroller u using, everytime i see ur nick i think u spokesperson for quinny brand

Keiko: Great test results to u! Hmm u dun drive better not get too bulky one, i imagine if i dun drive n i have my stokke i think i will faint ;) very troublesome to take in n out cabs leh
My package w dr Ln sim fr Tmc is $700 from week 14 , incl consultation during scheduled appts n opening hours, scan and urine test, excl medication n gst. Every 4 weeks n nearer is every 3 weeks then 2 weeks . Waiting time 15 min on weekdays but u must b v punctual for ur appt , sat wait is 15-45 min but they will tell u when u book the estd wait time

My cold is bad , nose running n stuffed n nose area feels hot n starting headache, doc gave 2 days mc .
Melody: Will be doing vacations
One to Genting in June and another to Chiang Mai (most likely in July).

Joanna: No worries about the using of short forms, I am sure you will pick up as you chat away

Pump: I agree with Melody that the suction of PISA is more powerful than the freestyle. Makes a difference for mummies like me with low supply I feel. Freestyle is really light and portable though.

Buying of baby clothes: They are cheapest in the US I feel. My BIL's family are living in the US and coming back in July so I will probably tompang items with them.

As for the "hardware" like baby carriers, prams etc, they are cheapest in London I think. London does not impose any VAT on baby items so you can save quite a lot. My gf got her stokke high chair and pram in London and she saved a fair bit. Of course, the air fare is not cheap but can take the chance to have a holiday
Joanne: I visit Dr Ho's clinic every 3 weeks. Think it is worthwhile to sign, no need to think too much abt $$ later.

Btil: Hope u recover soon. U may want to try ginger tea as it helps with the cold.

Nijon: Since it is recommended by your gynae, u sld go for it. I heard from my gynae tat there are cases where inexperience doctors may draw blood instead of the ammino fluid.
Ladies not sure u all know about this fair? i chance upon onli now.

Anyone go before? how was it?

Baby Baby Exhibition 2012
Dates: 4 to 6 May 2012
Time: 11a.m. to 9p.m.
Venue: Suntec Singapore Hall 401
Organiser: Sphere Exhibits

btw issit much more worth to go baby fair @ expo or taka for bulky items?
Melody: hahaha sure next time i will pm u lol...

ming8110: thanks dear...yeah but very slow in picking it up perhaps must come in more often sometimes dun even have time to come in and the thread was too fast that i give up in following just browsing through the latest one..

yeah is cheaper to get overseas but i heard if the item is bulky may kanna tax by singapore custom depends on heng suay anyway
is still cheaper than getting in singapore.

Kitty01: yeah i think most probably signing bec i see the no of times is quite worth to sign afterall... thanks sweetie
Thanks everyone for ur advice n encouragement n most of all , 'listening ear' !!!! My cold like getting worse but my mood is better ... Maybe this is d pregn mood swing (althou my Hubby say I usually also like dat haha)

Someone earlier asked abt light stroller - I can share what I found. combi urban walker (6.3kg)- reversible handle n 1 click collapse in standing position ; maclaren techno xt (6.5kg) - umbrella folding , hv to bend down to fold but v compact , can't stand when folded . These 2 can use from newborn onwards. Others r lighter at 4-5 Kg but from 6months eg maclaren quest .

Hubby n I definitely want stroller where baby can face us, n stable yet light n easy to fold (for me to go out alone ). No such model ard leh - anyone know ? Our shortlist is (1) Zapp extra w maxicosmi infant seat (but difficult to close when we are overseas cos need to dismantle seat ). (2) peg prerego SI model but need to stack d infant seat on d stroller for Bb to face us - looks so bulky n havent seen anyone do that ... (3) combi urban walker - but we observe the small wheels make d stroller shake on d move with baby , plus my Hubby feels it looks inferior next to d other 2 brands - he thinks it's a Kia brand vs BMW (omg right )!
Chappa, seems like u got quite a good deal and glad to hear good review on zapp xtra.

Most likely think we will hand carry it cos there is additional VAT refund at airport. Just hoping we can manage it on our way back.
Btil, urban combi front wheels make rearward facing idiffIcult to maneuver . How abt getting bugaboo? Queen bee stroller

Serine, rem to make sure the rain cover and adaptors are included.
Joanna> LMAO means "laughing my ass out" I think..the younger generation nowadays are so good with all these short terms that occasionally I need to google what it means hee...as u read more forum or online stuff u will slowly pick up these terms..

Btil> I am using urban walker prestige so far I find it's quite sturdy, light weight and comfy for my boy. And I chose this cos of the option that baby can face us. As Chapa chic mentioned, it might be slightly difficult to turn the wheels but if u are like just pushing straight it's easier, as in no turning left right kind. My hubby can manoveur better than me maybe men are better drivers? U can go to shops and test out?
Melody, oh my u mentioned the bulk purchase alrdy ah? Paiseh thread moving fast I must have missed it. I def join in if there is bulk purchase! Not just monitor and stroller but even other baby stuff!

Haven research on strollers yet but don't think HB will agree on spending $1k upwards on stroller. Starting to gather knowledge by reading the comments from mummies here heehee... And no me not Quinny spokesperson ar bo Ho say already free Quinny stuff. Kekeke!
<font color="aa00aa">Wah.. So many topics and brands for strollers and etc.. Heng I am getting hand me dwn stuffs like stroller, car seat and cot.. If not I sure hv a big headache on which to get.. Haha..</font>
@btil: I had decolgen when I went down with a nasty flu and low-grade fever 2 weeks ago. doc said was very safe for pregnant mummies. I also had some fever medication, but that was prescribed by the doc. I steered clear of panadols coz i heard that panadols accumulate in the body and i didn't want my kiddo to be resistant to panadols or be allergic to it.

Remember to rest a lot, make sure your room ain't dusty and there is plenty of ventilation wherever you go. hope you recover well!

@serene: The gender got nothing to do with the females egg! :p But how do you manage three active boys with one more coming... do you drink extra tonics to keep up with the energy level?

Also, just want to check if novembaby has received my request to be added onto the facebook page. I've been diligently looking at the invites, but I see none. =(

@melody: I wonder which one to subscribe to! But a lot of my colleagues say that I'm having glowing skin, and they think I must be having a girl. if only they can see all the outbreaks and reddish veins underneath the make-up...

talking about make-up, there is another school of thought that says that if you don't feel like dressing up, you must be expecting a boy. but in this era, how not to have the urge to dress up for work? All these old-wives tales are very entertaining, but not very accurate...

The day my mummy found out it was a boy (my sister has two girls and the house is overflowing with pretty frocks), she went all out to buy newborn baby boy clothes. I had to convince her that the boy need not have so many clothes. The only thing I couldn't persuade her to do was... to buy one nice purple-grey body suit coz she said it was girly...

@joanna: are we allowed to eat cheese? I thought we must steer clear from cheese and diary product?

I signed my package during the 12th week. It depends on the doctor, my doc was comfortable with my kiddo's growth so he said I could start package early. It made more sense money-wise. Does your cover the fees for the birth?
Val: can eat Arh but not those Atas cheese like blue cheese but those for burger, sandwich are okay ma?

I eat it quite often wor like those ke Ai ji burger omg one week eat twice. If not sandwich like egg, cheese or with ham or without

Mummy wong : Whahah thanks leh really clueless Haha nvm in future i will just ask hehe
No leh it doesn't include fees for birth
Melody: thats what i tot so too. But maybe too him i consider high risk patient. Next visit onwards they gonna ask me do this scan that test to ensure no infection and my cervix is not open. maybe to him bo hua mah.
i tot of changing gynae but i raelly feel comfy with him as he is very detailed and careful gynae.
ARGHHH>.. NO PACKAGE LEHH>. somemore cannot pay credit card... kaoz..

Joanne: you mean from ur week 7 visit till not u haven heard baby hb? u shld Dr Ho to On the volume.. hehee..

Val (&amp; Btil): regular Panadol is fine for treating flus, just as long as you steer clear from all the extra strength, actifast variants. I was prescribed normal paracetamol when I got sick - the blue and white one.

Also, I've been breaking out too! I've always had clear skin but now I just use minimal concealor (so that I don't scare the kids) and eye make-up cos the smells irritate me. Don't even bother using any make-up base and blush anymore. I don't feel the urge to dress up anymore cos I'm outgrowing my clothes anyway, but I still try to wear pretty maxi dresses when going out.

Has anyone tried wearing the maternity pants/ culottes yet? Those with the giant stretchy bands that'll go around your tummy? I reckon they're gonna be quite uncomfy so I've just stuck to dresses.

On cheeses, I think someone here mentioned before and I've done some research that soft cheeses like camembert, blue cheese should be avoided. Cheddar in our burgers should be fine.

Joanna: I love Ke Ai Ji too! But I always order the lemon chicken... hahaha...
Val: I've just written to Novembaby in FB again

Errr, I meant the x or y sperms that produces a gal, always can't remember which makes a boy and which makes a gal :p

Nyctora: I dun like maternity pants either, find them too huge for me n dun like anything restricting my belly. I prefer dresses but haven't been able to find nice dresses recently. Where did u buy ur maxi dresses?
<font color="0000ff">Melody</font> - I dont see a need for maid bah, I see my neighbor gave birth le also no maid but managed v well, somemore she same as me, got dogs also. HB would be helping me, at least I wont need to even rely on part time maids (I always think they dont clean properly). Well, I'm just anal about cleanliness, so I rather do myself - this incl. bathing my pooches!

No mah, dunno who flung your KKJ away so I catch loh, mai waste, wahahahahahaha! Ya, I hope my next visit I would see a blooming "mushroom" on the ultrasound...

<font color="0000ff">Ming8110</font> - Ok, thanks! I'll be going to check out the supplier at Taka first. I hope Taka sale will have them! Hehehe...

<font color="0000ff">Jo</font> - If you dont need it badly but want it, can wait until GSS which is coming soon, perhaps got better price? Erm, I think Motherworks also have a branch in Tanglin Mall cause I've been there with my friend before. If you dont want to make too many trips then perhaps you can check out the baby essential list &amp; start to plan what and where to get loh.

SAHM = Stay at Home Mother.
Another for you since it also appears quite frequently in forum: FTWM = Full Time Working Mum.

Btw if no baby cot then baby sleep where? You planning to get yao-lan? Just a thought, cause paiseh ah, sometimes I agree with Melody you can be quite blur, hahahahah! Oops!

<font color="0000ff">Raspy</font> - Sorry for interupting. I saw you mentioned body condition alike chicken-pox, since it was tested negative then may I ask what was the next course of action (ie. medication/topical application) because I have been suffering from the same since 10th week! I'm sure mine wasnt rashes and it resembles more like poxes/tiny pimples.
<font color="0077aa">Joanna</font>
You are so cute, but I think it's ok la, we are all here to learn, just ask if you dunno lor.

<font color="0077aa">nyctora</font>
I'm wearing those maternity shorts with belly bands, more comfy for me than a thin band. My tummy not big enough to be covered by the band so I fold them into half.
I love dresses to, I have been trying to find simple empire dresses, so tough to get them. Seems like not fashion now. I wore those beachy tube dresses instead and they accentuate my bump. haha
serenelm: my dresses are usually from Esprit or Future State. I've tried to look elsewhere for long flowy dresses but places like Island Shop only stock clothes that will turn me into a walking mop or lampshade heh heh.

It's only 11am, and I've around had two rounds of breakfast. My tummy has expanded by so much in the past week. I've started losing my balance too (and memory).

@melody: Thanks!

@nyctora: I've started wearing maternity pants. I bought mine from spring. I bought S and have to use the last inner hole if not the whole pants will drop. But the more I walk in the pants, the more it stretches at the butt area. So sometimes it makes those annoying flip-flopping sound. But the pants are really quite comfy. It is airy enough so I feel that my bottom feels comfy and airy (quite important to shoo all possible infection away).

@serene: thank you!

You can try forever 21. I've bought some nice maxi dresses from them (very cheap too.. SGD30? but the downside is they don't really last past 20 wears) I'm a bit petite so I find that dresses from korea (far east sells them, but a bit costly) to be a good alternative. Somehow it managed to cover my tummy (and pregnancy) till now. I buy loose fitting A-line dresses from bysi and find that they fit well too for the growing tummy.
