(2012/10) Oct 2012

Deveilene - what was ur oscar score ? Does triple test have d same cut off sciare as oscar ? My coll told me her oscar was 1:12 n she did d amino n it turned out normal - just a reference for u

Lisa, ya I ate a lot of that during first trimester. My mom and in law also said its fine to consume that.
Skinnybeanie, I ate so much of it previously that there was once i puked one whole toilet bowl of watercress. Haha.
dunno what's Mao gua, is that very liang? Usually I will ask my mom or my mil whether can I eat the food anot.
<font color="ff0000">Dear Mummies.. I am very sad and worried now.. I just fell on my left hip when getting out of the bath rm.. Hit my left elbow and shoulder back too.. Very worried abt my bb n cried.. Hope tt my bb will be fine.. Duno to wait till my gynae appt tml noon or go KK for checkup now.. Y am I so careless!! If anythg happen I will not forgive myself..</font>
May, are you alright? Is anyone with you? If it makes you feel better, maybe you should go kkh a&amp;e for u/s to make sure you and the baby are ok.
May, hope you are alright with no pain around the lower tummy. If you don't feel right or very worried, maybe like what kanelmo suggested, go for a check to feel better rather than be worried sick until tomorrow noon.

Devilene, I was shocked to get a borderline blood test result too. But I feel much better after reading online about so many mummies having healthy babies despite poor screening results, so I hope keeping positive (or at least not being pessimistic) will help. Amnio is not a must it really depends on you and hubby, and beside, I guess you still have time to decide? How many weeks are you now?
<font color="0000ff">Kanalmo &amp; Quinny:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Thanks for the concern.. I dun feel any pain.. Tts y din go to KK.. I am alone at hm.. Cos my hubby is currently oversea.. This makes me feel more sad.. But I am feeling abit hungry now.. So I assume shd be ok right..</font>
<font color="0077aa">May</font>
There's a 24 hour clinic emergency hotline on your appointment card, maybe you can give them a call first?
My mum said she slipped and fell on her bum when she had me, and I turned out ok, don't worry too much.
<font color="0000ff">reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I called KK just nw. They ask me monitor. If no pain n bleeding shd be ok to wait till my appt tml. Hope tonite will be fine. I think i will just call clinic tml or go over in e morning instead. Dun wana wait till noon. Only can blame myself for being careless. </font>
Serinetay: Can u provide provide ur full FB name too, for easier search? Thanks

Devilene: Pls stay strong, hope the results turn out fine

May: Are u feeling okie? If no pain, then monitor closely at home. But if there's any pain now or later, better go to hospital or call up gynae for advice. Take care...
Hi May,

Hopefully u r alright now. If there is any spotting/bleeding/discomfort, pls go to the hospital n check. Do let ur family members know(since ur hubby is nt around) so tat they will b there for u in any case.
I ever ran after the bus during my first trimester, now my baby is very active in my tummy. No worries ya?
Hi may,

Dun worry.. I fell flat on my tummy with my #1 when I was abt 4-5 mths pregnant. My gynae reassured me then that our baby is very well cushioned in our tummy. Rest more and observe for any pains or bleeding. Dun worry yourself too much.
Serene &amp; Lala: Im on e bed resting. So far ok. But hv e twicting feeling on tummy when lie on e right side. If lie on left side keep hearing my heartbeat pumping fast. Duno like tt cont i will be able to slp at all. Haiz. Little sign scare me. Tis is a big fall. My hubby even called me twice to make sure im ok.
Serene &amp; Lala: Im on e bed resting. So far ok. But hv e twicting feeling on tummy when lie on e right side. If lie on left side keep hearing my heartbeat pumping fast. Duno like tt cont i will be able to slp at all. Haiz. Little sign scare me. Tis is a big fall. My hubby even called me twice to make sure im ok.
Caitlin: Trying hard nt to worry. Scare i cant slp n keep thinking abt tis till morning. Before i cant make it to gynae i kee siao lao.
May: Monitor. If no bleeding, cramps or any unusual pain or discomfort, should be alright. I know how you feel - I fell on my bum when I was 6 months or so pregnant with my no. 1. I rushed to the gynae then and was told that baby is actually very well-cushioned within us.
Good morning mummies! Have a great weekend!

May, how r u? Hope everything's fine.

Welcome Shinsamei!

Serinetay, I thot that was an excellent idea to use vanilla yogurt as a fruit salad dressing!
Skinney, Ming &amp; Strawberry: So far tummy no cramps n bleeding. Only e parts I hit nw aching wif brusies. Shd be ok. Will go clinic early hope they let me cut que. Will update all once i see gynae later.
Dear ladies. Thanks for your concern n support. Just scan n bb is fine. Growing well at 10cm nw and see lots of movement. Phew. So relief nw. Thank you all!!

I wanted quinny buzz back then. It was one of the newest in market 4 years ago.. Quinny zapp is not reclinable for toddlers. Therefore it may not be comfortable for your child later on as they have to nap in sitting position. Buzz can recline but bulkier. In the end, the salesman at baby hyperstore recommended peg perego instead of quinny.
<font color="0000ff">ccharis:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Please help me update.. I'm having a boy boy

<font color="0000ff">reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Dr Chua dun let me take video.. So end up only hv a scan print.. The new machine is clearer dan the old one.. Haha..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Skinney &amp; Serene:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Yup.. Baby is strong and healthy!! Thanks!! Waiting to hear yr baby's gender!!</font>
<font color="0077aa">May</font>
Congrats! Good to know baby is healthy. Cannot take video ah, so sad. Did she take a potty shot of the baby? She didn't take for mine leh. hahahahah
Thanks serene.

Caitlin, quinny zapp xtra actually with the recline position now. It's an improved version of zapp. Just now saw buzz, really quite bulky. But too bad I dun see zapp xtra in the store, can't test.
Hi May, baby is fine so that's great! You provided very good cushion. :p Wah, u also know its a boy! How I wish I can know the gender of my baby at my next visit too!

Good morning all mummies, have a lovely Sunday!

Anyone went to baby expo already? Worth going? I stay at Jurong east, not sure if it'd be worth travelling all the way there.

I'm expecting a no. 2 and planning to buy a double-deck bed for my no. 1 of 5 years old to sleep in another room (now she's sleeping on her own mattress in same room as hubby n me). She's very excited n is looking forward to sleeping on upper deck. Any recommendations or things to look out for when buying a double-deck bed?
Strawberry - I may considering getting a double decker bed too. So far, I know ikea and picket and rail have them. Do you know of other vendors? My #1 is sleeping on a toddler bed now.
There's a Casa Kidi located in Tampines that specialises in kids furniture. We bought our sports cars beds for our boys there too, abt $300+ each. The prices were comparable to places like Brighton or Silver River and cheaper than those we saw at the furniture malls.
Thanks serenelm and Caitlin for your suggestions.

Kanelmo, u looking for double-deck bed too? I think safety features like railings, sturdy ladder and rounded corners &amp; edges would be some of things I'd be looking out for.
Strawberry128: I went to the baby expo yesterday. Find it not worth the visit as the varieties are limited. But the booths selling Carter's products are value for money. Bodysuits at pack of 5 selling for $15 or 2 packs at $28. Mittens selling at 2 sets for $5. I bought some of these yday.
<font color="0000ff">reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya.. Lucky bb is active during scan.. At least let me knw he is active.. She din take a pic of tt part for me.. Maybe will ask her to take during the next visit.. </font>

<font color="0000ff">Strawberry:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya lo.. I hv lots of fats which became the gd cushion protection for my bb.. This is the 1st time I find them useful.. haha.. I'm sure will be able to tell if bb is nt shy.. When is yr next appt?</font>
Finally bgt real maternity clothes !! Bgt yoga culottes and leggings fr baby expo, n found a decent looking work Pants at spring !! N just re-arranged my wardrobe to put away d cannotwear now stuff
Good morning ladies!

Have been feeling odd tugs in my tummy over the entire weekend. First it was the right side, then the left side. And increasingly the middle!

Is it around this time that we start to feel the kid's movement? Or is this the feeling of our ligament being stretched? I'm a first time mummy so I'm not really sure what I'm suppose to feel.

Wishing you all a fruitful week ahead. Yay to having a PH tomorrow. =)
Anyway, I'm sure all of you receive newsletters from this forum, but if you haven't redeem your Merries merries baby diaper samples from Kao Sg...

Do log on to their facebook page and you can get free samples for both diapers (you can get 3 NB diapers) and 1 M Walker pants. Join their lucky draw too!

For that matter, you can also log onto laniege's facebook to redeem a 5 day supply of their water sleeping pack. Promotion ends today. =)

Val - I'm starting to feel baby's movements now, sometimes a kick here and there, usually in the evening. It's not obvious, quite subtle.
