(2012/10) Oct 2012

val, u r right abt bathroom routine. i go every morning before/ after breakfast. before pregnancy, i jus need to be awake for 10 mins or so and the urge will come naturally. erm.. i always drink water first thing in the morning. it helps me... i try to drink abt 2L of water everyday. Not incl fruits/ soups. i aim for the 2-3 servings of veg a day too... but sad to say, my output still less than before preg.

raspy - what abt watercress veg? i love it with pork ribs soup..

haiz, i'm getting more sian and tired by the days. big tummy, still need to squeeze in crowded bus every morning with #1 to bring him to school really really tired of the inconsiderateness. today i chided a FAT woman for not mocving in her seat.

<font color="0000ff">reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Wah.. Congrats on yr princess.. Dr Chua tell you gender lao ah.. So nice.. Hope she will tell me mine tml.. Looking fw lao..</font>

Date: 27 - 29 April 2012 (Friday - Sunday)
Time: 11.00 - 8.00pm
Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 5A, Booth B3

what pram u all thinking to get ar?
many of my pals recommending bugaboo bee.
I think most things eat in moderation is fine. For veg if u are concern it's liang, u can add things like Ginger, chili or red dates to counter the liang. For watercress soup, put red dates. Fry veg put chili or Ginger. That's what vegetarians do cause they eat mostly veg which is cooling for the body
What about yam and pumpkin are these ok?

I heard its better not to eat too much peanuts during pregnancy but what about almonds? Or better to avoid all nuts?
Kitty: If coughing now. Still can drink honey. Not only do my throat hurts now, I've started coughing too

SnU: I'm planning to get the Mackaren XLR, just thinking what color to get
<font color="0000ff">Quinny</font> - You cannot accept PM, otherwise are you on FB, if yes I can inbox you the contact...

<font color="0000ff">May</font> - Ask your Gynae, they have supps to help ease bowels de, but of course the natural way is to force feed yourself with lotsa veg &amp; fruits. Spinach is especially good.

RE: Papaya - not that papaya not good, just that there are folks who believe that having too much of it would cause BB to have jaundice. But it is also another good fruit to ease constipation.

Btw anyone knows if we still can consume prune juice? Cause it also help to ease bowel movement leh.. I usually gulp down a big glass, and 4-6 hours later I would be able to ease my bowels naturally.

<font color="0000ff">Melody</font> - Actually the basic stokke seat can accomodate newborns too right? I'm asking just in case we need to bring BB out, I heard 6 weeks baby needs to go back for check-up?

<font color="0000ff">Kitty01</font> - Sorry for asking. Since the thread here moves so fast, can I trouble you to post the Baby Expo details on our FB page? Under Events... Thanks!

<font color="0000ff">Btil</font> - I am drinking Anmum Chocolate. I read Nestle NAN has the highest DHA content, but I tried &amp; cannot accept the white milk smell &amp; taste leh...
Thanks <font color="0077aa">Serenelm &amp; May</font>
Already feeling some pressure cos the MIL wants a 好. Well, if things could be so easy. :p

<font color="0077aa">May</font>
She could already see on the last scan, that was about 14 weeks. Just that yesterday was clearer. Good luck to you tmr!
i simply love durain when i have #1 i start to eat during 2nd tri almost every mth till the last 3mth i stop. hehehe. i think that explain my baby wt. hahaha.

i think papaya is ok to eat moderate would be fine. but apple is the best. when have #1 i use to take apple every day. now #2 wanted to eat guava n papaya.
<font color="0000ff">reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Oh.. I am in wk15+ le.. Hope can see.. Excited!! Can we use camera to video the scan? I thinking to video it dwn n let me hubby see since he not in sg now..</font>

<font color="0000ff">ccharis:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Abit gross on wat I am abt to ask.. Now constipated.. I will need more force to squeeze it out.. As I am not those like to sit n take my time to let it hv a slow exit.. If I always squeeze hard to get it out.. Will I squeeze my bb out earlier in later stage??? Quite worry will affect my bb..</font>
May> i'm not sure whether u can get this in SG medical hall, I got this in HK. It's a small water tube which u can press the water (not sure is it chemical) to the bottom part to help 'dissolve' the hard stool..i personally did not try but my SIL tried and said it's efficicent for her &amp; like a saviour.
<font color="0077aa">May</font>
I dunno leh, I never tried. Who is going to video for you if you are lying down? If can, let me know, hahah, cos I also wanna video.
She is using a trial machine this time though. It's very clear hahaha.
Btw, don't use too much force to squeeze, it will cause piles!!!
<font color="0000ff">mummy:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Thanks.. Will ask ard see got sell anot..</font>

<font color="0000ff">reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Wow.. She changing new machine ah.. The screen not beside the bed anymore? I think if can I set record n put somewhr dan prepare for scan.. Will ask her tml.. Cos in case can tell gynae I wana show my hubby mah..</font>
May: hope you can see your gender. my friend took pics down but nvr video lah.. hehe. check with ur gynae if she allows.

to all mummies: what drink/ fruits are recommended to get aid of think phelgm during preg? Im coughing too. sighh...
BBKay3105> hmm for baby, usually people do cycling action to the baby legs/give prune/prune juice/get those medication insert from doc...never heard of using this on bb wo...oh this is sold in SG, May can go &amp; find it then.
i ate cucumber now leh. Hee. But eat moderate. Think all food can eat just just go on moderate.

What I know is del monte banana cannot eat, worry nxt time bb will have fits easily.
Other banana can but not too much. mayb once a week.
May, Hope you can see the bb gender tomorrow.

BBKay3105, I think that is only for adults. I read somewhere that we cant use too much of that, cause your digestive system will turn 'lazy' and next time need to always rely on that for output.

Rae2, In the past, most of the CL don't ask for work permit. Its only in the recent 2-3years, they start to request for mummies to apply. Cause if they come in and out of singapore too frequent, the customs will check. And heard of some cases where the CL is not allowed to come in. If your CL is not those frequent one, then probably no worries.
<font color="0000ff">Sharon &amp; Raspy:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Yup.. Hoping.. Since Reineluv say gynae using new machine and very clear.. So think high chance can see if bb dun be shy..
If able to see will update all once I show my hubby... </font>
<font color="0000ff">Rae2:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Some CL request for work permit so as they can come out to SG for new job at a closer date .. If I am not wrong after staying in SG for duno 30 or 60 days they need to go back Malaysia for at least a mth before can be allow to enter SG again w/o work permit. Tts y some CL will request for u to apply work permit for them. I called a CL before e one I confirmed.. She also asked me to apply work permit for her.. The one I confirmed say no need cos she was doing a confinement in another country before me till mid Sept.. So no issue..</font>
For constipation: I know a mummy friend who swears by the prune innershine (from Brands). It helped her "go" during the first few painful days after delivery. Can give it a try.
Hi SharonK,

Not sure who is the vendor, its on the ST yesterday.

There will be another one on 4-6 May at Suntec. Are you refering to this one or there is another one coming?
Hi All MTB, nice to know all of you! I have been trying to catch up the old threads but it's really too long... So i decided just finish the recent ones and join you all in the journey.

Could you please help to add me to the list:
Name: serinetay
Age: 31
BB #: 1
EDD: 04/10/12
Gynae: Dr Don Wong
BB Gender: Girl
Hospital: Mt. A

My email to add in FB group: [email protected]
Hi all mummies!

I just found out this forum and are so happy to see many oct mummies

For some of you who has constipation problem, try not to eat guava. It will cos constipation.

Can add me in the list too?
Name: Vanna
Age: 28
Gynae: Dr H K Ho
BB Gender: Don't know yet
Hospital: Mount A
<font color="0000ff">Shisanmei:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Welcom and congrats!!..
Guava will cause constipation ah!! Dan I better not eat anymore.</font>
Actually i used to have constipation problem and i drink Sunsweet Prune juice. It works for me. Usually within an hour after taking it, you will have the 'feeling'. Furthermore, prune rich in iron, should be a good food. :p

Otherwise, yoghurt/yoghurt drink maybe helpful too. I usually use creamy vanilla yoghurt to replace the salad sauce for my fruits salad and it taste yummy!
ccharis, i activated my PM! Thanks for informing otherwise I didn't know

Is there a baby fair in June? which date? I think the June fair better for me cos by then I'd know amnio results.
Dear Ladies,

My triple test results is out. I have to do amnio. Result is 1:190. I just cried buckets!!! This is totally shocking to me.
Devilene> I read about the thread that some of the gals post on poor results and end up after with healthy baby. Jiayou and hope your baby is another healthy warrior! Maybe you can read up the thread and dont affect yr health. But I understand you need to rest 2 days on bed after the test as there is a m/c risk.
Lisa: 31 may - 3 june there is motherhood fair at expo too. hehe i think motherhood fair normally more vendor.

devilene: discuss with your hub whether is there a need to chase further on the result and what are you all gonna do after knowing the result.
Jia you and i hope the best for you and your baby. Rmb doing amino got a certain % of risk of mc. so think carefully before doing.
We are all behind you supporting you.
Chapa chic, i ate a few times (maybe 5x??) in first tri... i also had mao gua recently a few times (like 2 a week?? cuz i finish it within a few days with #1).. then stopped cuz worried..

i rmbr eating watercress during #1 and coll told me cannot but that time late 2nd-3rd tri so i was quite relaxed le.. actually last time abt 35 weeks on i started eating WHATEVER i liked.. haha.. cuz anyway gonna pop soon..

the thing for me is to watch my rice intake during dinner and i don't usually put on much. actually i can eat really a lot for my size.. thinking being a sahm whole day no air con helps to burn it off too! when my weight gain was given a warning in 5th month by my gynae for #1, i just cut down on rice. veg and meat and maternity milk twice a day +fruits (except excessive durian) still minimal weight gain..and i also did brisk walking 1-2x a week abt 3-4km each time.

anyone starting to do some sort of exercise? dunno if mine counts, since i walk only 2km everyday to fetch #1 from school mon-fri.. sat/sun sometimes go outdoors with family also walk a fair bit.
<font color="aa00aa">Just felt like a movement in my tummy.. Think is bb moving.. Cos nvr hv feel this before.. Maybe it is becos I ate some chocolate just now.. Baby hyper due to the sugar.. Haha..</font>
May: Can eat guava, just don't eat it too often. I will have it too when crave for it

Devilene: I agree with sharon. We are all behind you, support you.

Hi ms lala! Welcome back.

I just had Anmum milk and feel that the taste is not bad, just a bit sweet compare to normal milk.

Gals, do any of your know bad CL? Can name they here so can alert all of us? I am afraid I hire that not Gd one :/
Devilene: I also have a high risk factor (1/82) from my Oscar test. I just went for Amnio test early this week. Now, waiting for result as I did not opt for the 'prelimary' result. I was on a bedrest for 3 days just to play safe. Just back to office today. Amnio test has a m/c risk of 1/200. This is only a probability and if based on %, your bb will be 99.47% normal. Stay happy is most impt.
Hi New mummies !

Shisanmei: we share the same name

Been v busy with work, no energy to comment but just
Trying to read silently.
