(2012/09) Sep 2012

*Jer* - I think probably is I dnw how to fold so I dnw how to use hahahaa but nvm will get the sales lady to teach me or else I try nx time. Both MIM & pupsik Hv their pros n cons lor.. Let's see which I prefer nx time! Hahahaa

Car seat - think there's still some ppl who just do wout but for me I don't want. I rather squeeze 2 car seat behind n if there's a need I squeeze in between bah but my Hb driving small car only lor... Must keep slim slim nx time le!!


gan_jiong_daddy - I had gestational diabetes for my #1. so there is a 99% chance that i will get it for my #2. For the #1, I had to inject insulin everyday at the tummy area from week 35 onwards. Cannot control by diet cos mine is not diet related. There was once I skipped a meal but sugar still high. So in the end, doc gave me insulin jab cos she wants me to eat properly for baby.

With regards to milk supply, Perhaps I can share my experiences. I started to take Fenugreek on Day 2 or 3. (Actually afterwards, I found out can start taking once you give birth). You must take at least 3500mg a day for the effect to set in. So that time, I bot the fenugreek from GNC. it was 600mg per tab but i kiasu and took 3 tab 3 times a day. No harm taking more of fenugreek. My milk came at day 4. Of cos there are other factors like I insisted on latching and I did not yield to FM cos once u feed FM, baby wont want to latch and supply will be affected. Was a little cruel to deprive my baby fr milk till my milk came on Day 4. After tat, supply was very good. So good that I had too much milk and had blocked ducts.

Blocked ducts were really painful and it caused my supply to dip to almost zero. Was so devastating and tried to build supply from zero. I took this supplement called "More Milk Plus" from Motherlove and pump a lot. (by then, baby doesn;t wanna latch cos no milk. So i turned to exclusive pumpin). I was so obssessed with getting my supply back that i pumped every 1 and half hour to 2 hourly. One day can pump 8 - 9 times. Meantime no choice had to supplement a bit with Fm together with the EBM which I stored earlier. Thank God, supply came back after 1 or 2 weeks. and since then, i pump and feed for 1 yr. So I think the key is to pump/latch often to stimulate the demand. I have a fren who pump rt after she latch and her supply was very good too.
By the way, if i m not wrong, the medicine doc prescribe to increase milk supply is maxolon. It is used to treat giddy/vomit etc too. But I read that it is not so effective and for some women, it actually counter react and decrease supply.

Oh yes, get PureLan nipple cream or any lanolin cream. Apply after every latch to prevent nipples from cracking. it really helps for me for #1. My nipples were fine without blood or cracks.
Morning mummies...

What a hot hot weekend it has been! I am half glad to be back in the office and out of the unforgiving heat today!

Jer, okie, I'll try to get the table up soon... been very busy supporting a regional event... and too tired every day to do anything but sleep when I get home! Doesn't help that my hubby is out of town these 2 weeks as well... sigh...I feel so tired all the time!

I saw mummies talking about establishing supply... I tried many ways when I had my first to establish my supply but I wasn't very successful... partly probably due to my hypothyroid after birth which affects metabolism thus the milk supply will also get affected somehow and partly due to a lack of rest and care during my confinement month then...

I was prescribed motilium... I think its a drug for something but apparently causes lactation as a side effect... and many mums found it to be effective in helping them with their milk supply... but it didn't really boost my supply much... i also took 9 tabs of fenugreek a day and drank alot of green papaya soup... when I was home with my girl, I would latch everytime she needed a feed but I also had to supplement with FM because there was simply not enuff...

When I got back to work, I expressed on a n hourly basis... but each time it yielded probably a max of 20mls combined... v sad... end of each day I would only have enuff combined for less than 1 feed requirement for my girl...

But I continued until she was about 7 months old... then was advised to stop... nv once in those 7 months did I experience blocked ducts or engorgement... but the bonding and enjoyment I got from breastfeeding was wonderful... so this time round I will try again... to at least BF until 1 years old for #2...

but I will not be so uptight and sad about my supply though... cuz already tried my best mah... so mummies... take it easy... just know you did your best and then enjoy your time with baby...

Oh ya, one of my mummy friends shared with me that in the early months, the night feeds are v impt... even if you are not latching bb in the night because you have help with the feeding... you shd also try to get up to express at least once... it helps you to maintain the supply... alot of the mummies noticed that when they stopped the night latching and expressing, their supply dropped drastically, no matter how hard they worked at keeping it up in the day...

So there, my 2 cents worth... paiseh, so long winded...

Isobellies, ya, I plan to have my maid to cook for me... sigh... she is going to finish her contract by Sep and the sweet girl told me if she decide not to stay with me, she will leave only in Dec... so I dun hve to worry about looking for help when baby arrives... I plan to renew her if she is ok to stay... but wonder if that means we have to give the mandatory day off every week? What if they don't want the day off themselves? do we still insist or we can work out private arrangements? Any mummies here with experience on this?
Hi mummies-to-be,

Sorry to intrude into the thread..I'm a Jan mummy and I would like to sell off some items..

I have 3 bottles of NeuroGain S to let go as I'm no longer bf-ing. I'm selling each bottle at $25 and the expiry date is Jul 2013. I'm giving out a few packets of maternal milk samples as well with the fish oil.

I also have some brand new, unopened Avent accessories to let go:

1) Avent Breast Shells - UP:$33.90, SP:$23.00
2) Avent Washable Breast Pads - UP:20.00, SP:$12.00
3) Avent Nipple Protectors - UP:$16.90, SP:$10.00

Drop me an email at [email protected] if you are interested.
Hi mummies, anybody looking to buy 2nd hand Avent Phillip Electronic Single Pump? I have a lightly used one for less than 2 months. Still under warranty. Looking to sell @ SGD140, as i have received a medela one from my friend.
Please PM if keen. Thanks!
Hi I'm a first time MTB, edd in sept.
Just joined the forum as a new member after a friend told me abt it.
Wanna read more abt the various experiences of mums & MTBs for peer support.
Hope to get to know some of you soon! Take care & congrats to all pregnant mums
Hello mummies

In case any1 is looking for rice wine,juz sharing that my mil is making them for my confinement use and can also make for sale.
If any of you need,I can get her to make for you too.
Pm me if you are keen
I had added you as friend in fb before adding you to the group. please approve. thanks!

Mary Rose Santos,
i found your name in fb but you did not set the add friend feature. can you reset? thanks!

Jasmine Tan,
you had set private setting so I am not able to find you in fb. please reset so that i can try again. thanks!
Hi glitch,
Heard for 1st trimester not so good. I am 20 wks now & my mum makes it for me 1x/wk, as I am slightly anemic * it is supposed to help. But I find it too "heaty". They say pregnancy not supposed to take too much "liang". But I am having cough & sore throat. U might wanna check with the TCM when you buy the longan, red dates & wolfberries.
Hope it helps! How many weeks are you?
My gynae dis-allow me to take that in 1st trimster. Only TCM prescipt medi can be taken ba, the rest don't play play. For him , 1st trimster totally no chinese herbs
Hi glitch,
Sorry I dun have FB
probably the only one in this thread who dun have...
Oh we r not that far apart in weeks! So your edd is abt 18 Sept? Mine is 5-11. Do you know if baby is boy or girl yet?
Anyway, you can email me [email protected]
Hi Clim,
My gynae also said not to take chinese herbal stuff. By that I assume it is ginseng & tang kwei etc etc... Cos we still do make barley drink & chrysanthemum tea at home. Not considered chinese herbs rite?
Hi Mellyjong

Yes! My edd is 18 sep!! I found out the gender liao. It's a boy! How abt yours??

I thought there's an FB chat group? Can add me if there is?
Barley and chrysanthemum cannot take too frequent. once a while is ok as chinese physician told me things tt is liang try to avoid as it will have adverse effect for us.
me been missing here for long .. been feeling tired and my #1 is really getting outta hand (shld be due to the little didi)

read some mums talking abt BF. I have this LC nurse contact from KKH from my #1 time (that's 4-5yrs ago). I hope she is still with KKH. She is Nurse Yen Ping at 62934044. If during your BF days you need help with blocked ducts etc can call her, pay her a visit at KKH she will help you. I rem her charges were like $50 per session? I saw her once and she cleared my blocked ducts. But mind you, its really really painful =(
she simply clamped my boobs with her two hands like my boobs were some meat on the chopping board waiting to be marinated .. but the moment she clamp.. haaa.. the milk literally shoots out like hose ..

I had a hard 1st mth coz of my inverted nipple. I took efforts to pump every 3 hour. 3 hourly coz that's the normal feeding patterns of the baby.

The midnite 2-5am is the high supply hour. If you want to build supply, this timing definitely have to wake up to feed and pump out the extra. Else you will wake up with blocked ducts and supply aft blocked ducts will drop drastically!

the first few weeks is the time to build supply. Its a demand vs supply thing. So if you have eto 'tell' your brains that there is demand then your brains will continue to suuply. Aft the initial period, the supply is maintained at that level .. won't have sudden increases but once menses come back, supply will drop too.

i din take supplements but took lotsa liquids and ate quite a bit. BF my girl till she's 2 ^^
Had leftovers milk for facial wash at some point in time too =P hopefully i will be as successsful this time round.
Hi glitch,
I'm having baby girl

Hi Clim,
Ya I heard too "liang" is not good for us, but I was having nose bleeds every week so my mum brewed some for me to take...

Last blood test shows I'm anemic too
Me also having anemic. Now on Iron tablets and was told to take more beef. I seem the chinese physician too and my blood pressure on the low side and Hep B resist is low. So now no crabs etc for me else bb jaundice will be very high ba.
Hi dear all,

This is the 1st time i'm posting in this thread. Hope to join all of u as we go through this period of pregnancy together

I have an elder son 26 month old. One day he said "mummy tummy so big because got baby, cannot pao pao." Who taught him this? lol. I always say no pao pao because tummy pain pain....

I'm expecting EDD at mid september, will be delivering at Mt E. Any mummies also going to Mt E?
Hi Vikki,
Went down to Suntec city earlier & there was no baby fair there...
Do you know when it is postponed to?
Last week was Baby expo at Singapore Expo.
I'm not sure when it's postponed to. My friend told me about it and found details abt it on a website. But on suntec events didn't state so I guess it's cancelled.

Hi all i'm expecting my #2 son and due in early sep.does anyone have contacts for reliable daytime CL? my #1 son will be about 18 mths when i give birth to #2.
