Hi sushi1465,
Don't mentioned, just let me know when need.
Is quite easy to put on. Initially, you will may find it a little complicated, but soon when you will get use to it.
1) I found this video clip (similar carrier), hope it can give you an idea.
2) Or you may got to the product (Baby Bjorn) website, they also have a demo video.
3) or you want to go the Kiddy Palace or Mothercare to feel it yourself.
Feeding schedule
During the night, I won't wake her up for milk, unless by wakes up.
During the day, I feed my bb every 3-4 hourly. If bb passes motion in between feeding time, if bb cries for milk, I may feed bb like earlier like 2 half hours from the last feeding.
Every bb is different, therefore, you need to monitor and act accordingly, all comments you get are guide, need not to follow strictly. Again, you and bb have to be comfortable is most important.
Perhaps you want to check on the amount of milk you are giving is it too much. Your bb might have small stomach or wind in the stomach. Or you may think if you need to bring bb for professional advise, like PD, or your family GP.
During the day, have to feed bb, even bb didn't cry for milk even feeding time is up. Let bb suckle some milk i better than none.
Works on Tummy
I can't really advise much on the tummy thing.
I went for tummy massage once a week and for 3 weeks (Chinese massage) and I put on the abdominal binder all day 24hrs during the first 2 months, and thereafter during the night as to keep my abdominal warm.
After my delivery I lost almost all I gain during my pregnancy, as I didn't really gain much. 2 weeks after delivery I lost another 3 kg, which means, overall I lost weight compare to my norm. I am medium built and on the plump side, my tummy is the same as before after 2-3 weeks after delivery.
Hope these might help you.