(2012/09) Sep 2012

think if you stay ard outram or happen to be around that area, can go there and buy too. abv the hawker which is beside OG? definitely cheaper, but i dont know much la..also can stock up toiletries etc too.hehe

Alternatively can get from DFS. Got my hubby to buy from there.

For shoes, I am always a supporter of Pazzion! need to pick the right material. Some are very soft and very comfortable!
chew, not all pregnant mummies will suffer from swollen legs...

is this your first one?

so dun buy your shoes first...
Was browsing the beautynscent webpage and there are 2 type of stretchmark product
Clarins Body Treatment Oil-Tonic & Clarins Stretch Mark Control
Which is better?
Hi mums!!!

I've dug up lots of guts to post here!
Expecting bb no 3 but experiencing clots n bleeding n lots of jabs.. Owww

This would b baby no3, baby no 2 was also equally traumatic.
Have one boy (2y9m), one girl (10.5m)
Littlecow: Both are good! I like the Clarins stretchmark control more though. But my friends swear by the treatment oil. I personally used Bio Oil previously cos the texture not so oily. =)
I used elancyl Stretchmark prevention for no 1. It was light scented and not too bad in my opinion.
Maybe this time will try clarins since so many pple swear by it!

Jessz, Febie- thanks for the advices!
littlecow: the clarin counter girls told me to use both. Clarins Stretch Mark Control is less oily and thus more suitable for day.Clarins Body Treatment Oil-Tonic is oil based and is more suitable for night. It is oil based and thus if you wear light colour clothing, or have light colour bedsheets, it may stain. (not that its not removable with vanish

they claim using it in this way will have best effects. i use both and i'm okay with both. for the oil, a little goes a long way...

pinkypink: congrats. its always bumpy at the beginning. be positive and happy and life will ride you & baby through the bumpy beginning :D
Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65
- 3 tins of Similac Mum (exp Oct'13), $12 each (*$30 if taking all 3 tins)
- 2 tins of NAN 2 (exp Oct'12) $10 each
- 1 tin of Gain IQ (exp May'12) $10
- 2 tins of Mamil Gold 2 (exp Oct'13), $15 each (free tin of 400g)
- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder & Wrist Rattle Set @ $10
- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350

Kindly PM me if keen/ for pics, thanks!
My previous Gynae Dr Chua Yang has this special cream tt I've never seen anywhere called percutalfa... It's damn good! I've never had a stretch Mark! -touch wood-
Hi mommies, talking about shoes, i just bought one from tangs yesterday. Tangerine very reasonable and non slip too. I hate wearing flats because its making me look short. So must look one thats flattering.
Will be going for another visit on 14th hope its our valentine present to see hb.
Harlow mummies

This thread is moving fast! I have not log in ever since my first post on the first page!

My details:
Age: 29
Baby: #2
Gynae: Dr Han How Chuan
EDD: 9 Sep 2012
Hospital: KKH

Please add me to the facebook secret group too!
Stay happy everyone=)
Queenly, Jojo: sad n envy cos I got strong feeling bb won't stick tis time

Sophie: co-manage ur BP. So will b gd right? As in u no need to see two diff gynae. Not sure if I'm right?

I really feel very scare aft I see bb low hb.

Febie: I super agree happy mummy=happy baby. Am trying so hard

SM: I faithfully applied everyday 2x during my 1st pregg. But my SM is still damn terrible. Can try google on SM. is heritage

Swollen leg: try to drink at least 1.5l of water daily. N avoid too much salt, don't stand too much. Try to lift up ur leg wif pillow wen slp.
Dear sweet mummy, you must stay positive! YOU REALLY MUST! You know what I did? On daily basics, I tell my bb stuff like ... bb, u must be strong and stick to mummy... you'r the strongest bb! mummy loves u etc. ...u must KAMBATEE!
Yes sweet mummy stay positive always smile with the slogon every morning when we wake up!! When we are happy oGur baby will be happy too

Jochia ^5 me too everyday like speak charm like that to my baby by rubbing n rubbing talking n talking haha
Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2012 - 1:07 pm:       
I have a box of Bellybuds in tip top condition to exchange for four booklets of car park coupons. Full set of accessories included. Retail $79.90 at Mothercare. SMS me at 9799-9791 or PM me for more queries.

Bellybuds set includes:

1 set of Bellybuds Bellyphones®
to share prenatal music and voices with your baby anytime, anywhere

4 sets of Hydrogel Adhesive Rings
to secure the bellybuds to the unique and changing curves of your belly

1 set of Silicon Covers
that dampen the external sound so you play to your baby, not your neighbors

1 Storage Pouch
to take your bellybuds anywhere

1 Audio Splitter
so you can hear the same audio as your baby

"Every mommy wants to do everything perfectly during her pregnancy to give her baby the best headstart possible in life. This is why I purchased Bellybuds through Amazon after much research on all the contraptions that allow your baby to listen to music in the womb. I’m not sure if they really do work in terms of enhancing mental development since there’s no definitive research proving or disproving that playing music to the baby in the womb does make a difference later in life. But I figure it couldn’t hurt and besides, she seems to like it, well at least that’s how I interpret all her kicking and thumping around whenever I play some music. Our baby listens to baby Mozart and nursery rhymes, you can get CDs in any Odyssey or SM for around 100-300 Php for a compilation. We bought our CDs in Odyssey Greenbelt 1 and SM Makati.

Bellybuds come with a pouch, additional adhesive rings, silicon covers, and an audio splitter so you can listen to your baby’s music too."

sweet mummy, choy choy choy....must stay positive.... i tell u i got a period very very worried very paranoid... even quarrel with hubby when he told ppl about the pregnancy.... b4 check up will worried wat if wat if....

but now i just try to stay positive, at night will touch my tum tum n talk to bb to stay healthy
Sweet mummy, please think positive, u MUST! Bb can feel u! Talk to bb, like what jochia said, and pray hard.

I am also fretting coz didn't see bb hb during last sat scan, going this sat to scan again. These few days have been a torture for me, the anxiety is close to agonizing. I pray with my toddler son and he touches my tummy whenever we pray for "bb in mummy's tummy" to be healthy and normal.

Clarins oil - I bought it for $53.30 per bottle at Chinatown, the hawker centre besides OG. The big toiletries shop on 2nd flr and another on 3rd flr selling at same price.
Its a norm for me if I wake up to urinate middle of the night, suddenly some of the symptoms seem to diminish...me only 7 weeks, is this a norm to have disappearing symptoms now?
its normal to wake up at night to urine. i had been going toilet at nights since i realise my pregnancy. for MS, hmmm, sometimes i got sometimes i dont have.. but i start to have backache.
sweet mummy,
don't think negative. i also tried to be positive and keep telling myself to be strong. you have to hor. don't think too much.
audrey & ice chong,
already add you as fb friend before adding you to the group.

do give us your email address so that we can add you in the group.
Jojo I mean I didn't wake up to urinate last night n I don fee sleepy already last night.
Can't wait for scan next week hope all is ok
Morning gals!

Pigy, I am experiencing the same thing, somehow the symptoms are not as strong as before, I also wonder if it is normal. My body don't feel as '"heated" as before and the breasts aren't really sore and 1 thing confirm, I used to be very bloated, tummy like 4-5mths pregnant but now seems to be normal.. I am also kinda worry.. Can someone advise, if it is normal for symptoms to disappear around 7-8 week pregnancy? Sigh I wish I can go scan for hb everyday to ease my worries but that's quite impossible lor..
Jojo, 1 symptoms disappear might come back again what is 3 symptoms are disappearing or had disappeared? Normally, at what week wil symptoms starts to disappear, I heard once pass 1st tri.. But abit early for me now to have symptoms disappearing right? Don't know shld go pay Gynae a visit anot.. Sigh everyday just checking the symptoms already very Bo eng! I know shouldn't read too much on this symptoms things, sometimes not reliable also.. But beside these, I have nothing else to give me assurance..
don't worry about symptoms. normally some of the ladies can last awhile before 4th month, whereas some of them are throughout the pregnancy. its all depend on how strong your hormone is. you never know what will come next. in my last pregnancy, i never vomit during 1st tri but in my 2nd tri, i can remember i vomit like a merlion twice. for now, sometimes i feel giddy sometimes i am not. i had nausea last week and could not eat but this week i am getting better. this prove that hormones is getting better. not to worry much.
Really agree with cj junior. Now i only fear hb stop n wonder if any symptoms. All I can assume is no bleeding means gd news ba
I think maybe it's normal? My breasts oso not as sore as like during 5-6 weeks n sometimes the tum tum oso not as bloated but for me the bloatedness will come back... I'm 9 weeks 3 days now as per last scan
Ladies, such coincidence! I also dun feel as bad today. Came back to work and my coll commented I look better. Although I did not apply make up. Kinda made me worry. Plus I got some dull aches around my abdomen this morning.
Got ms complain no ms also worry.. Was thinking if cont this way I will see dr tmrw.
Jojo, queenly, thanks.. I certainly hope it is just me thinking too much and being too paranoid!

Littlecow, guess what! I col up clinic this morning and make a request. I say I don't need consultation, just need a staff to scan for my bb hb maybe 2-3 times a week, ask if can be done and cheaper anot. They have this older machine in this spare room mah the place where Gynae will do the IUI and I know some of the staffs know and able to scan. They will check with Gynae and let me know later. Hahahaha I very extreme hor!
jojo, changed my setting already. hope you can find me now. thanks ya.

i'm thinking of doing a bp for Belly Belt Combo Kit. Any mummies interested? Mothercare selling $29.90. BP price $ 24.
you are extreme la. you can rent a hb monitor from somewhere if you worry. someone did put the link in our thread before.
wanwan, dr hchan was my doctor for 2 yrs! i changed gynae because he became too busy to see me haha, he spends like 30 seconds with me only then passes me along to a junior doctor to continue the visit. hope that it doesn't happen to u! he's also very expensive! paid $1200 for him to do my op (doctor's fees only) and also must stay A ward then can. :S hope it's different for maternity! anyway have u used him before? he is a very nice guy, just very very busy cuz he's so in demand haha poor thing.
Cj, that's a good idea lor. To them it's extra income think they will be happy to do that! U talking abt paragon right? I see him at tiong bahru leh... Always need to wait mon or fri.
Let me know what's their reply ok?
Jojo, this Doppler not suitable for me now, can only start using from later week maybe earliest week 10 or so.. Now cannot be heard thru it yet..

Btw still early lah but any of you will be using BabyPlus? The lessons starts from week 18 if I rem correctly.. Any feedbacks from mummies who used b4?

Littlecow, I believe Tiong bahru spare room for IUI also got a older machine. If this request works, you can go either clinic to scan too cos no matter what day always have other staffs at the "closed" clinic mah. Eg today is Paragon right but Tiong bahru also will have staff standby there de.
