(2012/08) Aug 2012

Dear Hazel,
What abt in the long run at home? Do you have an airtight container to store the sterilised bottles for anytime-use? I going Toyogo warehouse tmr to get a layered trolley to store bb stuff, maybe will get an airtight container if needed. Good to hear that ur bb is growing well!!! Week 38... Anytime lo!!!

Dear sashamama, it better to get a airtight container at home to store the sterilize bottles.

Thank you, a bit excited too. Cos so near and it like anytime I going to say hi to my bb face to face....
Dear Hazel,
Ya, I think I will cry. Been married 7 years. Had a miscarriage. Gone thru 5 surgeries, 2 IVF cycles & 100 over injections. Famous gynae and TCM recommended me to go for surrogacy and adoption. It's like death sentence. And now, finally counting down 6 days... Still hoping very hard that I can deliver a healthy baby!!!!!!!!
Sashamama, it is hard to go through all that. I can understand tat kind of feeling too. Cos I have a miscarriage, then have 3 time IUI done but neg results tot going to give up since hb not young anymore. And finally, heaven was kind enough to give us a miracle. So no matter wat we have go through will be all worth it. Dun worry, I am sure we will all have a healthy and beautiful baby.
Ninger: i think kodomo got liquid powder but not sure if it's good. Actually normal powder can do just that when applying on bb use those facial pad kind of puff instead of those fluffy kind so it will not have too much extra powder on the puff and make the powder fly around. Otherwise, an alternative to powder if lotion.

Hazel: i tot to check bb weight is to measure the tummy circumfernece instead of the head? Went for my gyane checkup today. In the last 2 weeks, i din gain any weight but instead loss ard 500g. But ultrasound still shows bb got gain weight of ard 300g which is the average. Pretty surprised and also happy cos if bb continue to gain 300g instead of 400g then full term should be ard 3.3kg just nice..

Shasamama: wow, u really go thru a lot. Both u and hazel will have healthy and happy bb! :D
Starfantasy, I also not sure. But since my gynae said no need and bb is growing fine then I just trust her dun do scan is also fine.

Starfantasy, thank you and u too will have a healthy and cheerful bb. As long as, bb is growing, no worry for losing a bit of weight if doc said it fine.

Tml another shopping trip for me again. One last shopping for my little one before I pop. Ha ha... Hope can get a set of nice nice bedding set for her... Hee hee....
Hi all,
been a quiet reader of this forum. I am also due in aug this year. for all mummies to be who are facing some hitches, you will be fine. for me, I am abt 36 weeks pregnant, gynae detected that my placenta is not functioning well, baby is small and low amniotic fluid too at 32 weeks.
But keep talking to yr baby, he/she will survive! even though my boy is only 2kg at 35 weeks, I am not giving up yet!
So push on! Be strong!
Hazel: actually i'm more happy cos for this pregnancy have gain more weight than i should and bb at first looks like gg to be little miss fatty. I also hope can go shopping but still got to go work, also actually don like to shop myself... Hehe.. But today at gynae i thick skin ask for near 3 wks HL just in case i get really sian at work and want to nua at home
Starfantasy, I also gain a lot, hope can slim down after birth. If not then really look like Miss Piggy ha ha...

3 weeks HL to standby not too much. If really tired then better to rest at home. I also dun really like shopping alone, but now I won't really consider as shopping alone as we still have our little one inside with us... LOL....
Good luck all... I can't believe how close we are to holding our babies... Love reading this thread and hearing how everyones doing!

I have my apt tomorrow to check fetal eight and amniotic fluid level. So how all will be ok. I'm 37 and a half weeks how baby doesn't come early.

best of luck to all who are going for c-sec and those whose babies are small keep talking to ur babies and rest well mummies x
Hii, I'm also an Aug mummy. I'm currently 34 weeks plus. Had my check up today n bb only weight 1.7kg. Is there anyway to boost bb weight??
hi mummies! glad to hear everyone is doing well , and excited about our dates drawing closer! i am week 35 and went for my routine check up, strep B test passed, and baby is around 2.4kg - doc say she isn't going to be small, and estimate her to be 3.3kg at birth. That shouldnt stop me from natural birth right?

so has everyone gotten their nurseries up? i am not even close!
morning mummies..

Actually it will be good to carry the baby to full term as in 40 weeks. Baby will be healthier and stronger.. But of cos that is if it is possible. So i think its a good news that baby is not out yet by Week 38.. let him/her stay another 2 weeks. =)

Jade : Stay strong. Yanlin's baby is even smaller than yours. i believe our precious can hear us and will also stay strong!

Lucky_baby : Durian and beef.. but if gynae says that the weight is ok u dun need to worry ya.. but do take note of your sugar level.

Ling : My nurseries is in a mess! wahahahha but the bed is there and the necessities are there already. Now is to do the final washing.. hope the weather will be good for drying the stuffs.

Counting the movements everyday now makes me very stress up..

I do hope my boy comes out full term if possible or by week 39.. I just hope he will be good and dun play with the cord anymore.. i hope my fluid will increase to let the cord be loose.. Kinda hard not to worry.
sharing a pic of our Clara's nursery
still under "reno"...

Ling: 3.3KG is the average unless you are petite. I don't even have a nursery as bb will be sleeping with me in MBR.

lucky_baby: As long as bb over 2KG at birth then it's alright, else you can try high protein food and durian?
morning mummies !!

tml gg to see gynae, feeling stress with regards to baby weight and position...sigh..hope everything goes well..

my baby also no nursery room, the room is now the study room..hope to get the room done before gg back to work after ML, will be sleeping same room til then hopefully will wean off night feeds asap so that can sleep independently in own room...
Thanks Happy...this used to be our study too but we have to convert it into a nursey as masterbed room too small for the cot to fit in.

we removed the phone, router, modem, printer etc. from the study as we are not very comfortable with too much electronics near the baby.

most of the stuffs are from Ikea, the drawers, cot & changing table...

hope you all will share pics of your nurseries too!
Erm, a question for mummies and daddies who setup the nursery in another room. Would it be very inconvenient to care for the bb in another room? Since new born (probably up to a few months) require feeding every few hours, and in the middle of the night, always need to get up to walk to the nursery. Not to mention if without bb monitor, might not even know if bb is crying?

for my #1, we set up nusery room before baby delivered but baby sleep in our room due to the convenience at night for feeds and diaper changes.
only after wean off night feed then off to the nursery room she goes.

gg to do the same for #2, only difference is the nursery room now is the study room, not yet do anything..
Nice wall deco! Am sure your bb girl will be delighted..

I do not have any nursery room. Rather, I have a 'Playground' room for my tots now. It's packed with toys and I kind of make them stay within that room to play as much as possible so that I do not have to tidy up the whole house full of toys.. though they still tend to bring toys everywhere..
I will still let the baby sleep with us in the MBR, in the babycot. My tots are sharing the bed wtih me, hubby demoted to the floor long time ago liao... LOL!~

Ya, I heard that Kodomo has some sort of liquid powder but I have never seen it though.. hunting high and low still cannot find leh..
I still prefer to use liquid form powder as compared to loose powder for baby...don't know why Avent suddendly do not carry it anymore.. sianz!

Hazel nutty:
The measurement of baby's weight is the tummy circumference, according to my gynae...

I also use air-tight container to store sterilize pump parts and bottles. Otherwise, you can wash the accessories first but only steam/sterilize them when you are about to use them? For me, when I was bf-ding at home and in office, I do not wash and sterilize the pump parts every time. After each use, I wll store the parts in air-tight container and keep them in fridge immediately. Will only wash and sterilize once every 2 to 3 times use, to save time and effort. So far this method has served me well. I know some other mommies are practising this as well. This is provided that you are comfortable with it lah. But I must confess that I only did this during my #2. For my #1 that time, I super kanchiong and must ensure that all my bottles and pump parts are washed and sterilized properly before each use.. LOL!~
Ninger - kiddy palace sell the kodomo liquid powder I bought from the toa payoh branch.

Just had my apt 37 weeks n 4 days babies weight is 2.8kg but amniotic fluid is borderline need to more water... Next week need to go check water level again and do a ctg for heartbeat.
She said babies head is pretty low so its just a waiting game now
JA: yup, so that's why bb room now is still store room, we set up her cot and drawers in our MBR first. Although very cramp but for convenience sake, it's better that way
Ninger, like that then how come my gynae said otherwise..... ????? Confused wo...

Think never mind. As long as bb healthy can Liao... LOL...

Just wonder how many mummy going to taka bb fair today.
Ninger - I received ur email twice! Thks dear! So hw was the babysitter? Gd in handling babies? And wats the charges?

To those mummies who already give birth n going to.. Congrats!!! Can't wait for my turn..full of emotions! Hehe

Today went for checkup.. Im abt 36 wks... No scan. Juz check for heartbeat. Asked her abt strep b test cz previous pregnancy I had it. She said I had the bacteria since Jan when I was hospitalised due to UTI. So ya, during labour she'll hv to give me antibiotic thru IV drip every 4hrs.

My only concern will it affect my baby if I were to go thru normal labour? And will I hv any dilation problem which doc cant give me an ans. My nxt checkup will be 2 wks frm nw for me to decide for opt c-sect or VBAC.

Regarding HL, I thick skinned ask her..But she cant give me cz clinic (KKH clinic C) cant issue HL unless I'm warded. Very sad ah! Hv to endure 3 wks more! Ha. But today im going to use MC. Dun wanna waste my AL. Anyone here giving birth at KKH??

Those mummies who's facing probs/difficulties at work, be strg ya! Me too trying to summon my courage juz to go to work. Heee. And I'm trying to clear leave (no more ccl/off in leiu but left with 2 days parent care leave!). After deducting leave for end july, I'm left with 4 days AL which I want to keep it. I'm going to take 3mths ML and the remainder 1mth wanna keep it for future use (baby checkup cz 10 days ccl nt enough for 2 kids).

Hosp bag - I still havent prepare. Hmmmm...most likely will do it by this wkend. Bz me! Wkend still need to do hsework n teach my 4yrs doter ABCs... Stress to the max! With her homework n feedback frm her teacher.
Taka bb fair - when is it? Any website to check on the items on discount?

Liquid powder - nvr heard of it b4... May I know what's the difference? Is it better than normal powder? I love the smell of Cuticura and Pureen powder.
Hello Mummies!

Anyone want to sign up with Cordlife this Friday at Baby Expo? If I refer you as friend, we each get $100 shopping voucher.
Sri Leo: That time when you hospitalised for UTI, you are given antibodies to get rid of the infection right? Were you also given med for the strep B? If yes, then IMO you should test again for the strep B, if you are clear now, then during labour, there's no need for the antibodic IV drip. Pardon me for saying these, sometimes there are doctors who are lazy to check and will just administer. I feel the less medication the better during delivery. Regarding HL, government clinics more more strict about it. And the liquid powder is not any better than powder it's just "safer" to use because when applying, it's wet so powder won't fly around hence min the risk of bb inhaling the powder. But if you are careful about applying the powder, then normal powder should do fine as well.
sri leo,
today's papers has the items on discount

page A23
or u can see our facebook group as one mummy has uploaded the pics from the ad
same now my room has #2 stuff...told hb that will kick bb to own room (convert study room) by november latest hopefully.
wan back our own room hehe..
#1 sleeps herself since we kick her out at 5mths..and kiasu mummy over here already bought baby monitor for #2 also..all ready...

going to taka baby fair tml since is on the way to gynae appt. nothing to buy actually, just go kpoh and 'report' there :p
beginning to feel guilty. been so busy with new house renovation that i haven gotten down to buying anything for bb. Think i shld drop by bb expo this weekend.

going for gyne appt on sat. hope bb will @ healthy weight. Keep talking to bb, telling her tt she muz b healthy n well. :p
thank you all fellow Aug mummies to be for your encouragement. juz went for my gynae appt today, my boy finally hit 2.3kg! however, my amniotic fluid has dropped and hence I will have to be induced for delivery next wed. Dr has warned me abt the possibility of emergency c section due to my condition.

Well, my boy has done well and I am proud of him. hopefully I can have a smooth labour.

may all the rest of the mummies has a smooth labour too!
Any experience mummies know if it is better to start massage straight after natural delivery or 1 week later? One massage lady told me better to start as early as possible to prevent wind from getting into body and thus difficult to slim down, the other told me can start 1 week after. Not sure which is true.
Beetlebug, for natural delivery u can start like 3 days or 1 week later which ever u are comfort with. As for c-sect it is recommended at least 2 to 3 weeks later when the wound get better.
Hi mummies...

Had a backpain n pelvic pushing feeling for last 2wks..today mrng is the worst...cant hv my beauty slp..need HB to rub my back then I'll feel abit better. Today mrng decided to go hosp. Put under CTG n gynae said my contractions only once every 15 mins apart. Dilate abt 1cm only. Nw im in labour ward under observation. Was given a tablet every 15 mins to stop the contractions as I'm only 36wks. If still gt contractions, they might give me an injection. I think to stop contractions n mature baby lungs. Gynae said better to tahan till 38wks.

If the real contractions will be hw many mins apart?
beetlebug - My #1 I had a c-sect. Went for the massage 1wk ltr but too painful. So decided to massage other areas. My massage lady only start to massage my tummy after 3wks...by then, it's nt tt painful...
Sri leo: if it's at fixed interval it's already real contractions. Normally hospital or doc will ask u to admit when ur contractions r 20 to 15 mins apart. As u dilate, the contracts interval will get shorter n shorter until 1-2 mins apart then u should be fully dilated and progress to the delivery stage (pushing)
for my massage lady...she advice to start 1 week later for natural birth and 1 mth later for c-sec

sri leo,
for a second time mummy, expecting a faster labour...my gynea has advice me to admit myself when i feel contractions every 10mins apart
H & JC:
Thanks for the info on liquid powder. Will check it out.

Sri Leo:
Are you feeling better now? I am also week 36 this week. I hope to at least 'dong' until week 38 too. Yesterday went for my gynae check, did the CTG, heng no contraction yet but baby already engaged. Think my baby didn't grow much for the past two weeks though... only 2.6kg now. Gynae didn't comment much so I guess still ok bah.. On the babysitter fees, mine charged me $550 4 years ago. Topped up another $80 when baby started solid food. Now she is charging $650 for another new born that she is taking care of starting this month.

For my #1, I only start massage after 1 month coz c-sect
For my #2, I started one week after coz manage to go for normal delivery. Can see that the result is much better if start earlier.

im released from hospital today. doc said i need.to.go.back.on.next mon or tues to have the scan on water level, if still the same, they will induce birth. Next week will be 37 weeks. hope bb will be at least 2.5kg then.

to be at home is.much.much better than.in hospital, i can sleep and ea5 better.
