(2012/08) Aug 2012

sterilising tablet - i boughyt b4 but nvr use cause got smell dont like ..

will take hl from gynae later i think cause dont feels like working overtime anymore .. furthermore i trying clear workload and collegue keeps passing me his workload and i got less than a month to deliver ultra buay song ..

morning mummies !!

how was your wkend ?? i have completed washing baby clothes and hb washed the baby stuff too, now only left bottles...

my appt is on thurdays, also wonder how much bb grown...thinking abt HL too...hope he is generous enough to issue :p

my bb weight is on the low side but gynae didnt say much, he say as long continue growing is ok..hb keep asking me to eat eat eat, he say as long i eat bb got more chance to put on weight..really hope bb is the one absorbing not me turning into a hippo instead..

sterilising pill,
nv use before as heard got chemical smell...so stick to steriliser and hot water only...
JC - cause that day i was at the hospital for observation but he forgot gave me the hl so i ask my gynae to take from the hosp and i pick up form his clinic lor ... as far as i know from my gynae needs to reg at the hospital first before he can issue the HL (at least for pte hosp)
I also having hypertension n taking meds n do bp monitoring at home. Having bp ur uncontrolled will lead to pre eclampsia n this will lead to placental abruption. I supposed it is better u take the meds. If the bp shoot without knowing, u will make the placenta aged faster n make it even worse.

For low amniotic fluid, u can have coconut juice to help to boost. My bb weighs 1.2 kg only at week 34. Be prepared for NICU if there is a need. My bb definitely admitting to NICU when born. So discuss with ur gynae on what is the changes
Ayukie - then i think my chances are slim liao.. i think i will just ask and try my luck. sighs.

will use my ML instead if he doesnt approve.. another 4 weeks to go and say bye bye to work. so tired crawling to work!
i gt till nxt fri .. minus today will be 7 days of wrkday (if sat i can siam the ot) but i just nt happy i gg deliver less than a mth away and he also wants to arrow me to do the ot lor cause he dun1 to do and then his project wrk he also arrow me to do so v buay song .. thus maybe tml will start Hl instead and do my own things .. i dont even have enough time to prep le still wans to keep on pushing his wrk to me .. kns
I'm c/3-sect on next Tuesday. Was planned to do it this week, but as by still growing very small, we delayed the c sect date so by can have one more week to put on weight. She is around 1.3 or 1.4 this week. Going to have another growth scan tomorrow. Now I'm seeing my gynae three times a week. Estimated stay in NICU will be three weeks to a month thou.
JC - if need reg then go reg lor see wad ur gynae says lor .. if can just rest lah .. so stupid to face those ppl also ..
Yanlin, trust in HIM and will be praying for both of you
Take care and meanwhile rest more!
I'm counting down to 7 days for my planned c section. Thanks ayukie for ur good wishes. I'm sure this little fighter can pull through together with mama n papa.
JH, ur gynae should be monitoring closely on ur bbs blood flow n amniotic fluid. My gynae does monitor very very closely for me. If the bp is too high, blood will thicken n the oxygen n nutrients to be will be limited. One cause of iugr is hypertension. I believe ur wife got it weeks before the gynae scan thou.
i also wonder how to ask for HL fr gynae, afraid get rejected so paiseh.

all the best for your delivery next week..u r in gd hands with your gynae
thanks Yanlin for the advise! our gynae(Dr Peter C@GEMC) din mention anything on NICU during our last consultation, will check with him in the coming session.

also, our baby is in breech position...sonagrapher said unlikely to turn to normal, wonder all are related...baby size + low aminotic fliud + breech...
Initially my gynae planned c section ini week 37. We targeted week 37 and hoping by is doing fine. She did! I'm completing my week 37 on this Thursday. She is doing well. The Amniotic fluid index scan shown she is still very well, so my gynae decided to hold on to week 38.
JH, if ur wife still insist not to take the meds, she will be risking the bb to have early delivery and leading to ore eclampsia. If she doesn't want to take it, discuss with ur gynae.
Yes, it is all related. My gynae is expert in maternal fetal medicine. He is taking very good care of me. So far everything is under control too.
pity u ayukie..I am tired of crawling here and face my emo boss..

JnH : I think since ur baby has exceeded 2KG most prob doesnt need NICU? They usually put in NICU because its less than 2KG? Thats what I know. but I agree with Yanlin that medication for controlling BP must be taken.. some things are a must. convince your wife ya.

JA : I am like u.. paisey if kana rejected.. think i will just use up my 2 days of mc if i still have time to use it cos i am rushing to finish all the work before i go on ML.
JnH: my bb was still in breech position at week 32 and dr did mention about having 'good aminotic fluid level' for baby to turn. so i guess the aminotic fluid level do play a part for the bb to turn down.

try talking to bb... from what i heard from frenz, talk to bb and bb will turn down...
JA I going tonight.. i was talking to my hubby... think we going to ask for MC instead. still left 2 days for the year so going to clear it.

also dunno how my BP goes.. if the BP goes up again, the last 2 weeks will most prob be on mc then i m going off earlier than expected.. and i got to deduct my annual leave and most prob unpaid if i need to take 2 weeks.. if he says 2 weeks then i will ask for HL liao.

Think the skin is still not thick enough. shrugs!
Yanlin: if bb lung fully develop but on the small side without other complications i don think need to be in the nicu for that long. At most a day or 2 for observation.

JnH: better to take the high bp ur wife gyane prescribe cos high bp ultimately leads to eclampisa which is not only danger to the bb but to mummy too.

On HL, i don know my gyane is attached to a hospital cos his clinic is at camden medical center and not in any hospital. Hopefully can get cos i need my ML to end at the start of pri school holiday so my mum can take care of bb while i go back to work
dunno think i gt flu and dont feels like talking to collegues .. dun1 talk to them at all sian .. anyway i gt most items done just that i nt song to be dump all the shit b4 i go on leave nia ..
but think mc is free flow from gynae lor haha just hl need to reg at the hosp cause the mc is diff unless ur co accepts mc with gynae handwritten hl .. which i nvr try b4 to submit to my hr but my gynae gave me before lor ..
Ayukie: i think u just got the "sian" mood, me too, getting more and more reluctant to go work but stay at home also sian. My mc not really enough to cover me le cos everytime i see gynae i get mc one...
i will be thick skin and ask, my mc left few days only, not enough. my co can accept HL even if not admit to hospital as long the specialist has the right to admit to hospital, so now is up to the gynae already...
actually my wrk also left only abit and should be quite easy bah .. i think im emo-ing with abit of flu and just buay song nia bah ..
but for the overtime i do wonder abt the condition and well being for my spine though haiz ..
All mummies and daddy, do cheer up. Dun worry too much there also a way to settle the pro.

Ayukie, try talking to ur colleague if u think the workload is too much. As since, u are going on leave soon, those u can't finish one also need to hand back to him so no point he keep giving u more things in the end he still have to following up again.

JnH, do ask ur wife to take the medicine since it is given by doc will be save and it safer to take for bb sake.

JA if really can't get HL then try check it ur boss or company if u able to work at home most of the time if no need do housekeeping everyday. Then maybe go back office once a week to do filling etc if needed. This method is in case u dun wan use al or mc.
hazel - he set me dateline today by end of week .. i just nt song he put his dateline on me lor .. and i just i wanna vent out ..
i already start working 4 days work week already somemore .. then hor nxt week i be on leave till i finish my ml (3 mths lah) ..
cannot work fr home..if gynae so niao then have to dong til delivery, saving AL and ML for after delivery heheee....

u gg to taka fair and baby expo this wkend to do last min shopping ??
i also running out of MC and AL liao.. headache.. i think we wait till my BP level then see how it goes.. if need to take ML then no choice.

but have to rest earlier definitely.. previously wanted to work from home till deliver but apparently company got a new rule and now doesnt seem like working from home is an option. sighs. then my boss is saying that HR may say if others can work till they give birth why cant u?

I wonder if she is telling me that indirectly or not. wahahahaha. so forget it la.. if not my hand over will be messy also.. cos my job is project basis.
Hi Yanlin,

saw your post on letting go of your breastpump.
U cant accept pm.
Can you pm me instead?
im from nov mummy thread.
my c-sect is this weekend. just bought Laurier F 34cm napkin to standby....

now that the time has come, i am getting quite abit of jitters. about being on c-sect and if baby can latch....
we are not able to shave ourselves (safely) anymore so the only way to be "clean" is bwax. I am thinking of asking STRIP if i can stop half way or maybe dun do so complete?hahahaha
if hospital shave quite messy at times
JA, yes I am going to the taka bb fair and expo fair if bb let me. Ha ha...

JA/JC, if not try getting excuse sheet from doc and work it out with boss or HR to work out the best solution. They must understand every pregnant women are different. Doesn't mean other can work till last min we have to be the same. If not, try take things easy. Do wat ever can be done, for the rest really no choice. Now bb and our health more important lah. If hand over messy then no choice also. They have to be prepare for all these too since they already kw our EDD and when are we going on leave. So by right, they should have a backup plan. Work can never be finish, if not most ppl will be jobless by now. Ha ha... So must focus on the most important thing at this moment of time. ;)
