(2012/08) Aug 2012

Hi hazel, I've changed my order from 2 to 3 drymama pads (2 full white and 1 full black). More worthwhile.
I didn't received yr bank detail. Pls pm me yr detail so that I can transfer the payment. Note, I m fr July mtb.
ayukie, ya sometimes got to give it to them or else they always in lala land...

for breast milk, i intend to latch on in the day (to foster bonding), n pump out n empty milk before sleep so that the CL can feed bb at night, then I can sleep.. i hope this plan will work.. *cross hands* but after CL leaves... i guess got to latch on as it will be less hassle..
Jc, i think latch on will foster mother n bb bonding also cos their eyes can only see the distance from breast to mummy face for nb. n next time go out also easier to feed. dun have to bring out so many things, go home got to wash etc etc. just latch on. haha.. i am very nuah in nature.. thinking of doing it the nuah way.. hehe
I agree with u on the latch on portion to foster bonding.. but i dunno la.. just got this mental barrier to latch him on... i worry about a lot of stuffs.. zzzz..

even if latch will also need to pump.. cos sometimes they dun empty ur breast... then may end up lesser supply...
JC - i dont latch my boy fully haha and my boy still loves me even now so still gt bonding 1 lah .. actually if u latch all the way the child wont bond with others (esp ur hub) too and then maybe next time he cant help you feed ..
Ayukie: if it concern life and death then have to be stringent.

JC: Actually for the first month, getting baby to latch on is the best way to establish milk supply. Because no matter how good a pump is, it cannot be as effective as bb latch (if done properly).

Kitty: Hum, it depends how long you plan to sleep at night, if for ard 8 hours, i think you would feel engroged already.
but if ur bb gt jaundice then latch v hard cause they keep slping thats what happened to my boy i latched for 2 hrs before he can be full and im sooo tired already and i almost drop him to the floor (cause i doze off holding him and latching him) ..
star - haha no need life and death lah but basically needs to use brains lor .. its a no brainer if u gt kids to keep danger away frm the kids lor ..
Tried to latch but #1 jaundice so quite tough and initially she wasn't gd in latching yet so exclusive pumping was easier. Hb did night feeds and change diaper and I pumped.
Haha Ayukie so fast we can tag team already..... How much u pump out in 1session ? My supply not so gd must pump frequently to build up the fbm :p
Dear Mummies,

I am in the mid of clarify and fiming up the final price & discount we will have from drymama.

I will update you once I have their reply.

Trying to get them agree on the lauching price for our order on the white colour pair. hope they will allow then price will reduce a bit further. hee hee....
Dear Mummies,

Please find below reply from drymama.

I personally find that it not worth the deal if we will to take up this offer then the previous only 2 pairs free one pair.

Dear Hazel,

I have managed to convince my boss to provide for the pack of 4 with no free items at S$29.95. He said that price is nett price and will not have any commission or discount plus it will not come with free shipping. Normal Shipping is S$1.00 per address. This extended offer is only on goodwill basis.
wah almost dropped the baby! I think if I am too tired i will also be the same...

I will see how it goes... but as of now i am still thinking to do it thru pump only. haha.
j~a - tats what i did for #1 else feed and pump where gt time slp .. i tried once i cmi totally so at least he feed finish = i pump finish just nice both slp lor
Someone was asking abt the my brest fren pillow.. For #1 i didnt get it initially and aft awhile i hurt my wrist coz have to support baby's head and kept trying to latch him properly so had to exert strength and push his head firmly towards me in the beginning.. Aft i got the pillow it was much much easier, both to latch him and on my wrists.. And i used it for more than 2 mths definitely.. Cant rmb exactly how long but i used it until baby's height outgrew the pillow length.. Personally feel it's v useful esp in the beginning when i still haven got the hang of latching correctly, coz i just place baby on it and push him towards me.. Without the pillow gotta make sure bb at correct height , support his head, then can push him towards me..
Jc - yeah i was too totally tired .. too tired will cause depression too and even if cant latch fully as long as can provide bm for them its gd enulf i think lah .. when u feed baby via btls also gt bonding too ..

anyway u gt a special smell haha that ur kiddo will recongnise you (BM smell whhahaaa)
Dear Mummies,

For those who do not want to order more than 2 pairs normal pad, I have a suggestion.

To combine order with those who only have 1 pair and make arrange to collect from the other party instead.

As base on the calculation, $45.95 for 2 pairs + 1 pair free with less 10% = $41.355 which mean $13.785 per pair($27.57 for 2 pairs). Where as expo price is $14.975 per pair ($29.95 for 2 pairs)which I feel it much worth it.

Please note is only for a suggestion. Hope this will help.
haha lucky its BM smell and no BO!

I got my brest fren pillow too.. gonna try it out.. kinda worry that i got junk cos 1st time mummy.. haha
I was so tired after latching I forgot I put bb back to cot and went back sleep. When I woke up I couldn't find her beside me I tot she fell down, scared me like hell......
i am praying my baby can latch on. My #1 was so impatient and would not latch on. Had to pump all the way and it is no joke. troublesome when go out. At home it is troublesome if you do not have help in the day. I was pumping and baby is hungry. stressed and supply insufficient.

Hope this round with maid, i am less stress and has ample supply for my girl.
tanny: I'm one of those who will leak on the other side. In fact my bra was pretty wet when I was nursing my baby this morning as I put up my post. Think it's the first feed in the morning with milk built up in the night...

Hazel: if it's convenient I would like to order 2 black/beige and 1 White. Let me know and I will update the doc. Else, it's ok. Thanks
J~A - for jaundice baby esp good cause you know how much they feed and more they feed more they pass out the unwanted effects to clear the jaundice (i think i read somewhere ..)
Ivf twins,
My girl wasn't gd in latching initially, think they also need some time to be skillful... Managed to latch her 2.5mths onwards and really v convenient...Newborns tend to be more sleepy too.. Latch and fall asleep.. The initial part is always the toughest. Let's preserve together and motivate each other to make our bfeeding career a successful one !!
ivftwins - i find pump much better at least can clear .. my #1 loves my left side nia so my right side is totally neglected so end up still need pump and then neither here nor there so pump is more trusty to me whahaa
wads to buy frm us ar? nw seems like nthing to shop online for .. and im sooo bored at wrk ;( actually i have alot of wrk to do but im very procasinating ..
Yup my girl was on phototherapy at hm for almost 2 weeks, v sleepy and had to wake her up for feeds, she didn't auto wake up for feeds and if I latch she drink a while sleep then had to pump out the remaining milk. So I just pumped instead and bottle feed can have record of her daily intake of milk... I was quite stubborn, refused to give her fm or water, maybe that why her jaundice dragged so long..sigh...stressed then supply also low...
J~A - my son also phototheraphy at hm for 2 wks+ on bm with some fm no water tho but hes a bit on borderline to be on pre-term baby haha so took quite awhile also to clear ...
Hazel: thanks. Will update the order list
will pm you for the trsf of money and my address.

tanny: I'm from May thread though not very active. :D #2 was born on 18 may.
If ur #2 needs phototherapy, will u choose home or hospital this time round ? Hb and I were discussing about this, was wondering is it due to hm phototherapy the recovery period is longer ?
J~A, i regretted not trying latch on after 1st month. I was giving birth at KKH and went to parentcraft to consult. The nurse told me i am too late (day 12) to start BF. so i was quite disappointed. This round, my delivery is at TMC and I hope the nurses can help me from Day 1.

I will be C-sect, dunno can work or not.
