(2012/08) Aug 2012

Dear Ayukie,
Thx for ur advice! I'd call tmr to enquire abt charges. My gynae very nice
I think probbaly cos mine is c-sect, will be very fast and his clinic is right at TMC too, so very convenient. Hehe...

Dear Hazel,
Thx for ur efforts!

hi mummies,
MIA for a short while, today back at work.. super sianx!!

shasamama, movenpick,
i also got my new indo maid from homekeeper at hougang green. my pkg super ex cos is the new indo maid pkg.
agency fee + all the sip, ins etc etc i paid ard 1.9k but but they r the 5/6 agency i approach tat have indo maids available (non transfer).
went to a few others n immeidate they reject me say no new indo maid :p
hopefully the maid works out when she comes in aug.

jus discuss the living habits and standards for maid when she arrived with hb n MIL.
almost wanna kill my hb!!
he say buy the same shower stuff we use n maid use! i told him NO! wait the maid happy happy come n use mine also i dunno rite?! men somehow very relax!
so i set my rules:
- toiletries, i buy wat she use wat. don like she can buy with her own $$
- food, we will buy seperate food for her cos indo. n becos hb's coffee is from coffee machine so will get different instant ones for her. MIL makes old sch kopitiam kopi so MIL say maid can drink tat or instant coffee.
- dining style, maid can have dinner on dining table n is allowed to take a portion of food aside for herself b4 us since we might b hm late n we want her to feed my #1 n finish up the rest of the chores so she got no excuse to sleep late n complain we nv let her sleep enuff.
- cutleries, she gets her own set n shd not share ours.
- sleeping, she will sleep on a seahorse mattress (3-fold) on floor in the rm whereby a playpen/ cot will b inside also in event she is required to help care for bb/ #1. strictly no locking of doors unless she is changing.

This new indo maid, no off days, $450.
no exp, 24yo, single.
due to limited choice of indo i took this one.
god bless me..
hi mummies,
MIA for a short while, today back at work.. super sianx!!

shasamama, movenpick,
i also got my new indo maid from homekeeper at hougang green. my pkg super ex cos is the new indo maid pkg.
agency fee + all the sip, ins etc etc i paid ard 1.9k but but they r the 5/6 agency i approach tat have indo maids available (non transfer).
went to a few others n immeidate they reject me say no new indo maid :p
hopefully the maid works out when she comes in aug.

jus discuss the living habits and standards for maid when she arrived with hb n MIL.
almost wanna kill my hb!!
he say buy the same shower stuff we use n maid use! i told him NO! wait the maid happy happy come n use mine also i dunno rite?! men somehow very relax!
so i set my rules:
- toiletries, i buy wat she use wat. don like she can buy with her own $$
- food, we will buy seperate food for her cos indo. n becos hb's coffee is from coffee machine so will get different instant ones for her. MIL makes old sch kopitiam kopi so MIL say maid can drink tat or instant coffee.
- dining style, maid can have dinner on dining table n is allowed to take a portion of food aside for herself b4 us since we might b hm late n we want her to feed my #1 n finish up the rest of the chores so she got no excuse to sleep late n complain we nv let her sleep enuff.
- cutleries, she gets her own set n shd not share ours.
- sleeping, she will sleep on a seahorse mattress (3-fold) on floor in the rm whereby a playpen/ cot will b inside also in event she is required to help care for bb/ #1. strictly no locking of doors unless she is changing.

This new indo maid, no off days, $450.
no exp, 24yo, single.
due to limited choice of indo i took this one.
god bless me..
Hi Jen, just a note - my ex-boss and close friend now doesn't allow her helper to sit with her during dinner, cos she wants the helper to be "serving" them during dinner, like top up soup, need sauce, cutlery etc which i think is very fair.

for a start, you might want to explore that route, and if your maid is good then you can look at having her sit at the same table to eat with you folks. Not to set standards like "employer and employee" , but becos they need to get your needs as first priority, and they need to be very clear of that.

she can eat first or later up to her, but just that she needs to cater to you when you are eating.

lastly, my gf was just telling me that the mother recently got the helper to sit with them to eat, and helper starting talking non stop abt wanting to work in US lah etc.

i feel its safer to observe your helper before setting some rules :)

just my thoughts.
Hi Jen, just a note - my ex-boss and close friend now doesn't allow her helper to sit with her during dinner, cos she wants the helper to be "serving" them during dinner, like top up soup, need sauce, cutlery etc which i think is very fair.

for a start, you might want to explore that route, and if your maid is good then you can look at having her sit at the same table to eat with you folks. Not to set standards like "employer and employee" , but becos they need to get your needs as first priority, and they need to be very clear of that.

she can eat first or later up to her, but just that she needs to cater to you when you are eating.

lastly, my gf was just telling me that the mother recently got the helper to sit with them to eat, and helper starting talking non stop abt wanting to work in US lah etc.

i feel its safer to observe your helper before setting some rules :)

just my thoughts.
wow, Jen, you are brave to get indo maid. and so young. after reading the thread in SMH and from friends' experiences, i will not get indo maid... and not a young, inexperienced one... becoz of the having affair issue... and apparently indo maids are more lazy... and not as smart... this is based on other's experiences which they tell me...
wow, Jen, you are brave to get indo maid. and so young. after reading the thread in SMH and from friends' experiences, i will not get indo maid... and not a young, inexperienced one... becoz of the having affair issue... and apparently indo maids are more lazy... and not as smart... this is based on other's experiences which they tell me...
jen - gd luck .. i bought v gd brands of everything for my maid when she comes even new toothpaste n toothbrush and towels n shower foam and shampoo and new bed .. in end she climbs on op of me ..... so dont treat them so well .. u need remind them they are your maid what treat them as human doesnt works ..
jen - gd luck .. i bought v gd brands of everything for my maid when she comes even new toothpaste n toothbrush and towels n shower foam and shampoo and new bed .. in end she climbs on op of me ..... so dont treat them so well .. u need remind them they are your maid what treat them as human doesnt works ..
if we r eating of cos maid don sit with us unless we eat out.
i meant can sit at dining table when she having her own meals herself.
i heard of some employers don allow maid sitting/ using dining table. maids settle all her meals on a small table set in a corner of kitchen or on kitchen top with a stool.
when we eat of cos she need to help take things etc "serve us" but when we not ard, she can sit at the dining table no need hide in kitchen. then after we finish she can have her dinner then clean up.

seen alot of stomp post where the maid sit outside restaruant while the employers eat inside. very mean of the employers might as well jus keep the maid at hm.
if we r eating of cos maid don sit with us unless we eat out.
i meant can sit at dining table when she having her own meals herself.
i heard of some employers don allow maid sitting/ using dining table. maids settle all her meals on a small table set in a corner of kitchen or on kitchen top with a stool.
when we eat of cos she need to help take things etc "serve us" but when we not ard, she can sit at the dining table no need hide in kitchen. then after we finish she can have her dinner then clean up.

seen alot of stomp post where the maid sit outside restaruant while the employers eat inside. very mean of the employers might as well jus keep the maid at hm.
i purposely choose 1 no off days one n becos MIL will b ard to jaga so risk is lower then getting a exp one who oredi knows singapore n have frens.
initial want myammar but communication is a worry, at least i can speak a little bahasa.
filipino is out definately regardless new or exp cos i have to give them off days which i cannot afford n my past experience with indo maids r much better then pinoys. other then not tat smart n slow n maybe hygiene lvl not tat high.
cos he main duties is to do chores, maybe help ard when my MIL/ me needs help with the children.
other then tat we don entrust her to sleep with the kids.
arrangement is #2 will sleep with me while #1 sleeps with MIL. if MIL not ard then both sleeps with me.
only chance need maid jaga kid will b when hb n MIL both not ard n either 1 is unwell tat i need to seperate them.

for affairs, regardless which nationality, old or young, married or single if they wanna start there is no way we can stop even no off days got ppl jaga also got risk.
so all i can do is pray for a gd indo maid.
i purposely choose 1 no off days one n becos MIL will b ard to jaga so risk is lower then getting a exp one who oredi knows singapore n have frens.
initial want myammar but communication is a worry, at least i can speak a little bahasa.
filipino is out definately regardless new or exp cos i have to give them off days which i cannot afford n my past experience with indo maids r much better then pinoys. other then not tat smart n slow n maybe hygiene lvl not tat high.
cos he main duties is to do chores, maybe help ard when my MIL/ me needs help with the children.
other then tat we don entrust her to sleep with the kids.
arrangement is #2 will sleep with me while #1 sleeps with MIL. if MIL not ard then both sleeps with me.
only chance need maid jaga kid will b when hb n MIL both not ard n either 1 is unwell tat i need to seperate them.

for affairs, regardless which nationality, old or young, married or single if they wanna start there is no way we can stop even no off days got ppl jaga also got risk.
so all i can do is pray for a gd indo maid.
i read ur stories also scare.
so i decided to not let the maid have too much opinion or choice of her own.
i buy u use, i pay u eat.
tats y now oredi de-conflict with MIL n hb.
things have to b done the way i want it done.
told hb not to open his mouth.
n since MIL don understand english non bahasa.
the maid is stuck talking n asking permission from ME!
i read ur stories also scare.
so i decided to not let the maid have too much opinion or choice of her own.
i buy u use, i pay u eat.
tats y now oredi de-conflict with MIL n hb.
things have to b done the way i want it done.
told hb not to open his mouth.
n since MIL don understand english non bahasa.
the maid is stuck talking n asking permission from ME!
jen - gd ! There should be one authority only .. but my hub is nw harsher with my maid cause he dont allow me get angry which will affect my tummy (i usually have pains after i blow up ..) so i gave him a chioce he settle or i settle ..
jen - gd ! There should be one authority only .. but my hub is nw harsher with my maid cause he dont allow me get angry which will affect my tummy (i usually have pains after i blow up ..) so i gave him a chioce he settle or i settle ..
Mothers, just to share.. not all maids are that bad..

Both my maids are "rejects" or were returned to the employment agency within 2 weeks of their arrival with their original employer.

Some said they were lazy or they could not get along with ah ma.. or something. Anyway both of them are already at their 3rd renewal term. They have been with us for 7 and 6 years.

Treat them with respect and they will treat your whole family with love and respect. Both of them share a room and they both eat together in the kitchen table.

If we go to expensive restaurants to eat, we just give them $10.00 to settle their own dinner at the food court or mcdonalds and ask them to return in 1 to 2 hours depending on how long we think we need. Normally 1 hour so they can look after the kids after while we eat and talk in peace.

They both wanted hps to stay contacted with their family and we allow them to do so but we warn them of the dangers of giving their tel to foreign workers as well as all the sweet talkers out there.

They are aware that we will send them back if there is any misconduct on their part. They are all human. .. Imagine us going to Japan or Africa to work.. We have to endure culture shock, language barrier, new employers, new environment.. plus imagine we become second class citizens? How does that feel?

My maids love my kids like their own... Treat your maids well and they will know it. Do not treat them like dogs or slaves. You would not want your boss to treat you that way too right? Ask you walk left you walk left.. Walk right you walk right. .. This cannot that cannot.. Imagine facing a nasty boss 24/7 ?

The maids has to face the family the whole day .. they have no place to hide.. not like us we can still go home and relax or vent anger.

Be patient with them. everyone takes time to learn. Yes some may really be on a lower IQ side.. If you really cannot take it, return them back to the agency or give them another chance.

Hope this helps. Put yourself in the situation and see if it is really justifiable. .. We all get damn emotional when pregnant or when PMS.. Even my hubby also get a lot of flare ups from me.. Poor hubby and kids too...
Mothers, just to share.. not all maids are that bad..

Both my maids are "rejects" or were returned to the employment agency within 2 weeks of their arrival with their original employer.

Some said they were lazy or they could not get along with ah ma.. or something. Anyway both of them are already at their 3rd renewal term. They have been with us for 7 and 6 years.

Treat them with respect and they will treat your whole family with love and respect. Both of them share a room and they both eat together in the kitchen table.

If we go to expensive restaurants to eat, we just give them $10.00 to settle their own dinner at the food court or mcdonalds and ask them to return in 1 to 2 hours depending on how long we think we need. Normally 1 hour so they can look after the kids after while we eat and talk in peace.

They both wanted hps to stay contacted with their family and we allow them to do so but we warn them of the dangers of giving their tel to foreign workers as well as all the sweet talkers out there.

They are aware that we will send them back if there is any misconduct on their part. They are all human. .. Imagine us going to Japan or Africa to work.. We have to endure culture shock, language barrier, new employers, new environment.. plus imagine we become second class citizens? How does that feel?

My maids love my kids like their own... Treat your maids well and they will know it. Do not treat them like dogs or slaves. You would not want your boss to treat you that way too right? Ask you walk left you walk left.. Walk right you walk right. .. This cannot that cannot.. Imagine facing a nasty boss 24/7 ?

The maids has to face the family the whole day .. they have no place to hide.. not like us we can still go home and relax or vent anger.

Be patient with them. everyone takes time to learn. Yes some may really be on a lower IQ side.. If you really cannot take it, return them back to the agency or give them another chance.

Hope this helps. Put yourself in the situation and see if it is really justifiable. .. We all get damn emotional when pregnant or when PMS.. Even my hubby also get a lot of flare ups from me.. Poor hubby and kids too...
anne tan:

i agree not all maids are bad. we've had maids before and they were very very good... for a few years... and then 1 got pregnant, another one the husband want to divorce her so she has to return to her country... every human has problems... so yes, it really depends on the agency matching the right maid...
anne tan:

i agree not all maids are bad. we've had maids before and they were very very good... for a few years... and then 1 got pregnant, another one the husband want to divorce her so she has to return to her country... every human has problems... so yes, it really depends on the agency matching the right maid...
Anne: yes, really agree with u. Basically set the boundaries and let them be within it, only if they step out then we warn them or take action. If they are "bad in nature" anything one do will also be useless. Different ppl have different expectation, if the maid don meet the expectation then just send back don need to flare up or risk urself into abusing the maid. My maid too was also reject frm her prev family cos they treat her like a slave making her work non stop for more than 12 hrs, like making her handwash all clothes when they have a washing machine?! She's been doing well in my family although not entirely smooth sailing but some minor things just open 1 eye, close 1 eye.
Anne: yes, really agree with u. Basically set the boundaries and let them be within it, only if they step out then we warn them or take action. If they are "bad in nature" anything one do will also be useless. Different ppl have different expectation, if the maid don meet the expectation then just send back don need to flare up or risk urself into abusing the maid. My maid too was also reject frm her prev family cos they treat her like a slave making her work non stop for more than 12 hrs, like making her handwash all clothes when they have a washing machine?! She's been doing well in my family although not entirely smooth sailing but some minor things just open 1 eye, close 1 eye.
anne - then u really have the luck with maid .. mine refused to listen to instructions and insist on doing her way of things even when her way isnt hygiene at all .. scold her she can laugh and smile .. really gets to you .. the only good thing is she dont have malicious intent .. but after scold her her performance will improve for awhile till she sleeps and forgets everything and then the pattern will start the cycle again ..
anne - then u really have the luck with maid .. mine refused to listen to instructions and insist on doing her way of things even when her way isnt hygiene at all .. scold her she can laugh and smile .. really gets to you .. the only good thing is she dont have malicious intent .. but after scold her her performance will improve for awhile till she sleeps and forgets everything and then the pattern will start the cycle again ..
haha Ayukie... yes that can frustrating.. If you feel that somethings cannot be compromised, like hygiene or safety then tell her seriously..

Such as hanging clothes out of the windows standing on a chair etc. or tasting your coffee with a spoon and putting the spoon back into coffee.. haha.. YUCKS

Tell her some things cannot be tolerated and you do not want it to happen again.. Sometimes all you need is to tell her that it is going to cost her extra money to be sent back to the employment agency. As the employment agency will normally charge them boarding fees.. etc

She will be owing more money and get to earn lesser to bring home. She is here to work and has to try her best.

There is really no one rule fits all.. different people just have to handle them differently.. Just do not risk yourself blowing your top and get into uncontrolled fits...
haha Ayukie... yes that can frustrating.. If you feel that somethings cannot be compromised, like hygiene or safety then tell her seriously..

Such as hanging clothes out of the windows standing on a chair etc. or tasting your coffee with a spoon and putting the spoon back into coffee.. haha.. YUCKS

Tell her some things cannot be tolerated and you do not want it to happen again.. Sometimes all you need is to tell her that it is going to cost her extra money to be sent back to the employment agency. As the employment agency will normally charge them boarding fees.. etc

She will be owing more money and get to earn lesser to bring home. She is here to work and has to try her best.

There is really no one rule fits all.. different people just have to handle them differently.. Just do not risk yourself blowing your top and get into uncontrolled fits...
totally in agreement with Anne, we all hope that the helpers are with us to help and not create trouble, so we set the stage clear from day 1, and we need to respect each other as employer and employee.

i am really hoping my first helper will work out well, she is very good till now, no complaints ( she has only been here for 1 week plus 2 weeks). she is filipino with experience, and i wanted that becos i cant take newbies whom i need to guide everything cos i dont have the time. so if she can finish her stuff early, good she can rest early. i dont expect her to work full 8-10hrs if she is capable and can finish faster. then whats her motivation to increase her productivity right? not like we pay them more hahah.

so if some of us prefer less smart and "scheming" philipinos, then we will have to really guide them from beginning till the end and have extra patience. it is a give and take.

i hear so much stories abt helpers being great for 1 , 2 months then pattern all come out... i am hoping mine wouldnt but if she does, i will not hesitate to review her performance and decide on a resolution good for the both of us.
totally in agreement with Anne, we all hope that the helpers are with us to help and not create trouble, so we set the stage clear from day 1, and we need to respect each other as employer and employee.

i am really hoping my first helper will work out well, she is very good till now, no complaints ( she has only been here for 1 week plus 2 weeks). she is filipino with experience, and i wanted that becos i cant take newbies whom i need to guide everything cos i dont have the time. so if she can finish her stuff early, good she can rest early. i dont expect her to work full 8-10hrs if she is capable and can finish faster. then whats her motivation to increase her productivity right? not like we pay them more hahah.

so if some of us prefer less smart and "scheming" philipinos, then we will have to really guide them from beginning till the end and have extra patience. it is a give and take.

i hear so much stories abt helpers being great for 1 , 2 months then pattern all come out... i am hoping mine wouldnt but if she does, i will not hesitate to review her performance and decide on a resolution good for the both of us.
I am learning from all of you before my maid comes. Its my first time and I want to be reasonable yet firm.

Interesting point about giving money to maid when we eat at restaurants.

When you bring the maid out for dinner with kids, does she feed the kids while adults eat and eat her dinner only after all of us finish eating?
My mom's ex-maid expect to eat the same time as all of us. When my son drops stuff on the floor, she unwillingly pick up and complain why the kids keeps dropping stuff on floor.
I am learning from all of you before my maid comes. Its my first time and I want to be reasonable yet firm.

Interesting point about giving money to maid when we eat at restaurants.

When you bring the maid out for dinner with kids, does she feed the kids while adults eat and eat her dinner only after all of us finish eating?
My mom's ex-maid expect to eat the same time as all of us. When my son drops stuff on the floor, she unwillingly pick up and complain why the kids keeps dropping stuff on floor.
hi mummies to be,

I have a few sample packets and half a tin of pregnancy powder (similac) to be given away

Coz i find it a waste to throw away these so

mummies who dun mind the balance milk powder pls PM me

hi mummies to be,

I have a few sample packets and half a tin of pregnancy powder (similac) to be given away

Coz i find it a waste to throw away these so

mummies who dun mind the balance milk powder pls PM me

May I check if newborn diaper and wipes given during discharge from hospital is charged to the main bill?
does it list as an item or total charge?

May I check if newborn diaper and wipes given during discharge from hospital is charged to the main bill?
does it list as an item or total charge?
