(2012/08) Aug 2012

hmz .. over weekend have dug out my avent food blender and the old milk btls to store the milk so have been washing them up and now letting them dry before keeping .. will start washing the baby clothes next mth (stains allready removed). Wont be buying new nappy cloth as will be reusing my #1 old nappies ..

hi mummies, haven't posted in this thread for a while. this is my 2nd pregnancy and i have just been told by my gynae that at 30.5 weeks, i have borderline gestational diabetes and i need to watch my carbohydrates and sugar.

didn't have this during my first pregnancy (and to be honest i didn't expect it cos i haven't really ballooned that much) but can anyone with similar experience give me suggestions on the kind of food i should be eating? gynae said nothing to worry about, and i'm not on medication, but i can't help but worry
han - i too failed my glucose tolerance test during my last checkup and was asked to watch my diet and do a 2 days 7-pointer self test at home.
i was given a meal plan to follow. i didnt gain alot but perhaps i didnt really drink alot of plain water throughout my pregnancy as i only crave for cold sugary stuff =X

breakfast - wholemeal bread, egg, milk, margarine
mid morning snack - snack, milk
lunch - rice, meat/fish, large portion of vege, fruit
mid noon snack - snack, milk
dinner - same as lunch
supper - snack, milk

snack best recommended are like wholemeal bread or crackers or oats... those less carbo and sugary stuff.

im trying to break my meals into small portons but not very detailed like the plan. but im currenly only drinking plain water and milk/no sugar soya bean. it does help decrease my glucose level. hope that helps u too.
hi Mommies,

what is the ang pow rate for CL lady - arrival and departure?

We finally decided with Capella Pram the latest model 8.5kg one. Think it will last me at least 3-4 years!
By then the 2nd kid will decide to pop by too!

Was deciding between Combi - quite attracted to the sleek design but end up go with Capella cos more sturdy.

When will we need to take the glucose tolerance test?
@han: for egg, you can replace with ham..but exact replacement is at hm...my gynae gave me the stuff to read up n follow...

also u got to avoid jam, kaya, honey, choc spreads...

beverages - milo, horlicks, ovaltine, all 3-in-1, flavoured milk, maternal supplements, fruit juices...

snacks - cakes, kuehs, ice creams, yogurts, desserts, choc, sweets, canned/dried fruits...
Ayukie: i don do sprees anymore since work getting more and bb getting heavier (which now i'm in a constantly forgetful state.. Sian). You can spree with rykiel or u cam try getting yourself with my guide (i always happy to help out if u run into problems buying yourself, can recommend my shipper to u too). Actually if u r buying a lot of stuff maybe better to buy yourself so u can have everything ship directly to u.

Han: although i'm not diabetic but my dad was so i think diet wise should be more or less the same. The impt thing is to cut down on high GI food (GI stand for glycemic index) because these food when digested release sugar into the blood fast compare to low GI food that release less sugar into the blood over a longer period of time, thereby stablising the blood sugar. High GI food are mainly those processed food (white bread, white rice, look out for the word processed or refined in food labels should give you a rough idea if the food is high GI), food high in unnaturally sugar (honey don count cos it's sweet by itself without processing). Since pregnancy diet depends heavily on carbo, try to eat wholemeal bread or brown rice whenever possible compared to white bread and white rice.
thanks ladies for the advice. it's so depressing having to find out now that i have to control my eating especially when i am at my hungriest! plus, my cravings are really starting to kick in big time now. luckily only a few weeks more
its the blue one..and its 6oz per tube..12 oz is for 2 tubes,,

ya its normal to have the urine test..
i think all gynae will have this test after week 16 or so..
Han: u can still eat, don starve yourself! Just be a tad more cautious abt the type of food u intake! If u do craved for sweet drinks, can use those sweeteners that arr for diabetics, or go for the brown sugar instead of white refined sugar. Just 3 more months to go, jia you!
Glucose test : took mine last thurs, result was normal, however weight gain was too fast and gynae told me to control intake of food. i think because took too much sugary food as i dont eat a lot for my main meals and dont snack too..
Han: don mind me butting in the qn u ask mindy. Fruits wise just do ur usual intake of max 3 servings per day or u can subsitute it for greens and veges. If u r worried, avoid fruits that are high on frutose which includes like watermelon (mainly those that are sweet juicy). Apples, guava, oranges (although some of us cannot take too much due to phelgm inducing) are okie.
BBL - erm hopefully u dun need to use it that often haha .. anyway i find that desitin even creamy cannot put for v long also .. i end i still rely on the baby california candedula cream (my #1 still using) and desitin creamy for when serious outbreak usually due to our laziness for not using the cream haha so end up most of my desitin creamy throw away due to expired ..
star - but i dont have that much tho .. i usually spree more on us sites .. just spree on some baby shower stuffs ..
starfantasy > thanks! i was upset cos i love oranges and i can't imagine not being able to have any! plus, i need the vit c... really don't want to fall sick so near to the finish line. hopefully, if this pregnancy is anything like my last, baby will come near 37 weeks... fingers crossed
han - what was given for fruit guide is 1 peice of fruit is equivalent to 1 small apple, pear, orange, banana, 1 slice of honeydew, papaya, etc. eat at the right amount and dun overeat.
yea i understand how you feel, i too feel so deprived for the need to control my diet.
but just try to convince myself that its only a few weeks more to go!!!
Ayukie: u can consolidate ur items to ship, no need to buy at one go. Like me, i buy little bit by bit over a month or 2 then ship everything together, sometimes buy stuff for hubby too. So total weight can be ard 5kg which is okie for EMS.

Han: welcome, stay happy for the last few months good for u n bb too! :D
Thanks Starfantasy!

Ok great tml meeting my gynae for check up! Yeah is week 29 this week! Hurray
Ahhh counting down now everyday! Super happy ! Maybe ask him about the glucose test.

Any mommies going for 3D scan? wanted to go but i think i am going to save the $ for other things! Heee...
star - ok lah but so far i buy is all home items like clock and etc cause just finish my reno early this year still furnishing my house. actually what do you all get from taobao?

loves - kk .. i pm you my items?

happy - my gynae got free 3d scans he did for me last 3 weeks ago but not clear mb cause bb still small .. he says will try again on nxt visit ..
im just soooo tempted to buy new new clothes for my bb girl cause my #1 clothes some still gt abit of stains but can wear at home bah haiz .. i feel soo bad for my little princess but then they outgrow the clothes v fast
BBL: I dont know why but till date was asked to do the urine test only once. @ Week 26 now. I tot should be done during each appt. I wonder if the Dr Wong's nurses forgot?
Hi, for those of you told to control your diet, how big was your baby?

At 29 week, my doc say baby's abdomen is like that of 30 week baby. Weight was 1369g compared to average of 1100g. I was also told to stop all fruit juice and sweet fruits.

Quite upset too, because I still have mild morning sickness now and like to sip orange juice or take a sweet to control it. Now can only snack on oatmeal cereals.
i think the nurse forgot.
u went in the morning or night?
mine was night time one..every visit sure got the urine test..maybe u ask for it..
Happy: my 3D scan is part of the package, since last visit, my doc has been trying the 3D scan but it's not very clear (partly cos today bb sleeping then like to use her hands to cover her face.. Shy..hehe) so he say wait till nxt visit should be clearer than can do a proper one.

Ayukie: if u buy household items like clocks and furniture guess they are more than 1kg each? When i reno my house i also buy clocks and household items and i use sea shipping instead cos it's much cheaper. Compare ~$4 per kg for sea shipping to ~$12 per kg for EMS. But of cos being cheap got its bad point, sea shipping takes ard 1 mth to reach u compare to 2~3 working days for EMS. A guideline i use is clothes and light items i use EMS and furnitures i use sea shipping.
Meishan: i just visit my doc and at 29 wk bb weight 1.2kg but doc say very normal. I think u can still sip (a mouth or 2 not amounting to a cup) juice in the morning if u feel like puking but don take any sugar drink for the rest of the day. Or u can try sparkling water see if it will help with the puking. Also see if u can do some simple exercise like brisk walking or light swimming, when u exercise, bb exercise too so should help with the weight gain.
my baby at 26wk+ was ard 1kg, gynae is average size, chk my records was similar to #1...but #1 i didnt had wt problems..
Hi all, quick question - when should we get baby room/ clothes ready ( washed etc)? and baby bag? we shouldnt wait till 4 weeks before week 40 right? EDD date. cos we should be all ready by week 36?

my maid is coming in earlier so i will get her help to do the laundry for baby clothes. i am currently week 27! :)
meishan - my bb was at 1.1kg at 28 weeks. Gynae said at healthy weight so not sure why my glucose level still high. i didnt have diabetes before i was pregnant.
Nikki: u mention that j&j products got parabens but i went to check on the labels of the head to toe wash but found no mention of parabens as ingredients. But the lotion i did find mention of a few parabens (those end with the word parabens). I compare it to the kodomo bath wash and found both composition to be similiar so i think the head to toe wash should be pretty safe too?
Thanks mummies for all your replies. Yah, I was surprised because my own weight gain is not much (7.2kg at 29 week) and the tummy also appear small. Doc didn't say that I had diabetes, so it is really only the baby. Really trying to cut out most sugar this month and hopefully can see an improvement at the next visit!
i m also at wk 27, took out the hospital bag, thinking to pack..sounds a bit kiasu..hehe.
also wondering when to start washing baby clothes, already sorted out. i guess everyday ready by wk 36 shd be fine..
Hi loves and Ayukie,

Are you both also buying for taobao?
I think I really need help to buy from there.
As i registered myself an account but now when i want to use it, it seemed not working.

Think if you guys are buying there can I give you all my list to tag along for the purchase. I found it very tedious and confusing. But I want to buy the items so much.

Please contact me by PM. [email protected]
Or whatsapp me at 97628960.

Hi J-A, i just took out the baby clothes from their packaging, tags etc. i think can ask the helper to start washing in end June. some of my stuff like the modern diapers need to wash 3 times over before use.

are you going natural? i keep thinking if i go natural it would usually drag till full term, but my cousin had her waterbag burst at week 36, so i guess better not take chances.

anyone took a ferry at week 28 thereabouts? i have an offsite trip this cmg weekend, need to take a 15 ferry to Boracay. i am a bit worried, usually i am not as i travel a lot for work. i am wondering if i should pass on this trip just in case. ( thought i really wanna go cos i havent been to Boracay!)
wow. lotsa taobao shoppers here!!! but y nobody join my bp ar? oops =x

i submitted my ML dates. EDD 02/08, i submitted ML from 23/07 onwards. had wanted to take 27.. but HR ask me take earlier.

just now she asked me for my BC for #2. i was like ... also must wait till i give birth also ma. i feel so pek chek. she make it sound like i gg eat the company 4mths. at first chase me for my ML leave date tell me if i dun submit earlier wait they have to claim than if delay than wait my pay also delay blahblah. grr.

last week i asked her if im entitled to HL, cos i heard alot b4 EDD sure will get HL or MC to rest at hm rights? so i asked her, thn this morning she went to ask big boss instead of ladyboss.. than hor.. she came down asked me close door i thought wad happn. ended up she said 'boss say ML is not cos u r too sick to work or wad its cos u hv a bb n nit to rest n tkkare. but if u r given HL or MC cannot possibly force u to work'.. in the first place what had u asked boss?!! how come his answer is like that, sure u din ask properly right??? over lunch i questioned her again how she ask boss she said oh i jus did ask u say check if u r entitled. if yes u did check like that cannot be i get such a reply. am i right? still hv to close door talk? than thn i cue her again asking y boss will reply like that she kept quiet.

i feel v angry n sad, in the first place, i din say i 100% taking HL. i am not a doctor, my gynae wan give me anot its fully up to her dio bobh? im jus checking if im given HL am i paid. but how u put it to boss its like i cfm taking HL, n how boss answers to ur questions n how u convey to me make me feel like boss feel im taking advantage.

u chase me for dates i understand.

leave not approved cos too many ppl on leave that time i was declined of leave for gynae visit than suan ler.

u always never help us, but u keep everything also boss boss boss. i try to treat u like a fren but u keep drawing a line that u r the manager. =(

hais. anyone have such bad treatment at work?
hai..i think my HR is like yours..super slack lo..everything u ask her..she will say i will ask boss..
kenasai lo..wat kind of HR is this then..i rem i stil have to use MOM law to fight for my rights..

Rykiel: my HR also sama sama lah. tell me that i must clear my block leave (company's policy) before i start my ML. i went straight to my boss and asked if i can clear after my ML, boss said ok, i hack care le.
