(2012/08) Aug 2012

AG>> good to know that.. cos i stop as my doc fren ask me to stop. but different doc got different opinion. As long as your gynae says ok then is ok. Cos to him is that it is not proven to be totally safe. He was explaining that the medicine is group into a few groups.. then piriton is like group C which is like not totally safe but i think whenever possible, try not to take so much medications. Vit C helps.

Mine was given to me by GP and not gynae and I did not ask my gynae as he was out of town and by the time he is back my sinus stopped. So I just stop when my fren told me to stop.
Sherry, rainbow, jojo:
I'm beginning to get a cough. #1 has been having running nose and cough with a lot of phlegm for 2 weeks already and now dh also has a bad cough. Surrounded by germs! My gynae prescribed a cough syrup (can't remember the name) for me, but said for emergency only and try not to take because it contains codeine! Ehrm, if I can't exactly take the cough syrup, then what should I do?

Anyone else feeling super emotional? I'm 9 weeks today and have been feeling emotional since almost the beginning, but today has been really bad. Any tiny little bit of stress and I feel like crying. It's completely ridiculous, but I can't help it!
huh.. if really emergency then time to take it but maybe once at night and see if its ok tmr. this is desperate measure.. no choice. or you want to check with your gynae is it ok to take it now?
hey baby_lang, i am also 9 weeks today! when is your EDD? mine is 22/23 Aug.

i dont think i have been feeling emo much, but it is part of your whole hormonal effect, so dont be too worried. i think it is also impt to chat with your hubby or friends if need to if it makes you feel better!
baby_lang, i have a doctor prescribed cough syrup which he said is safe to take.. u wait.. i ask my hubby to tell me the name...
baby_lang, the name is abrilar cough syrup (taste like honey.. i love the taste so much.. everyday lookign forward to eating medicine.. hahaha ) for phlegm, i took danzen and bisolvon.. for running nose, i took loratadine.. all GP said safe...
baby lang> i got a green syrup for cough
Alternatively, you can try prospan.. it can be obtained thru the pharmacy. i was given this for my first pregnancy.. according to the GP.. he say its Safe for infants and preggy but i think its very mild.. made from some ivy leaf extract etc.. I think probably can call gynae to reconfirm?
jojo: She just prescribed the cough syrup yesterday, so I guess she thinks it's ok to take, but only in emergency i.e. cough is really bad.

Ling: My EDD is 23 Aug.

jojo & Ling: Have you both found a CL? Am panicking about getting one, so far no one suitable. Don't trust agents anymore after previous experience. Thinking of doing without one, my mum can cook for me. But I don't know if I can manage the night crying all by myself. Planning to breastfeed again; no rest means no/less milk...

Cathy: Thanks! If my cough gets worse, I'll get from my GP.
jojo, ur fren is a doctor? so what does she recommend u to take? i get flu/sinus very often and recently worse, if I dont take medication, it wont stop and i will be sneezing whole day.
baby_lang> yup i have booked thru agency eh.. cos i have 2 frens who used this agency and different aunties (i assume la) and they say is good.

I am going to pay depo next week.
AG> my fren is a doctor. but he is plastic surgeon.. he is becoming our family doctor.. wahaha we still ask him on and off about medication ever since I am pregnant.. the medication he gave me is Loratidine 10mg om.. he says max only 2.. the medicine takes some time to take effect because its real mild.. but better than stuffing tissue paper into my nostril. haha!

He says can get it from pharmacy. You can try. If not ask gynae ba.
hey Baby_lang, my grandma is doing confinement for me. with my auntie's help.

but i will take night duty, so i will sleep in the day. a lot of pple tell me that it is very tiring to do night, but i am willing to try. hopefully i can pump my milk so hubby can help at night. but if no milk then easier! formula!

my hubby is recommending we get a maid, i am still considering..
Dear Clim, MummyR,
Thx for the info on Wong BB’s Class! I’d book to start when im abt 25weeks then! Lol.

Dear yanlin,
Glad your baby is doing well. Must rest more wor!

Dear gals,
Re: NT Scan/ Oscar Scan
I think although we probably won’t terminate the pregnancy if baby is found with down syndrome (unless baby is found with worse illness like Edwards syndrome where survival rate is very low http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwards_syndrome), but I think it is good to be mentally & emotionally prepared and read up on how to take care of such babies and what to expect,etc. But this is just my thoughts, no offence to anyone! Hopefully we all can give birth to healthy babies!!!
Dear Ling,
At first I didn't wanna get. But i found out natal essentials catering for lunch and dinner already costs about $1500. Noone can cook every meal for me if I don't cater. If I pay $2500, I get 5 meals a day (excluding buying of ingredients of cos) and most importantly, a pair of professional hands 24/7.

And seeing my friend with her #1 with mum staying with her plus maid plus PILs dropping by every now and then, she was still sooooooo exhuasted. I think I'd better get lo.

If u wanna get maid, must let the maid come at least 1 month earlier to familiarise with stuff. And unsure if ur maid will know how to handle babies. I heard that even if they had babies or younger siblings doesn't mean they know how to take care of babies in our context. So need to train. You and your hubby has extra room and ok with having someone else around in the house?
i just got for myself a maid coz my SIL also giving birth and my PILs will be helping out with 2 babies. Get a myanmar one, who is married with kids. Anything to take note ar? I scare those no kids on will "freak out" when 2 babies cry at the same time.. as time goes by, dunno will siao siao n start to mistreat the baby a not... so.. thought i get 1 who is used to baby crying.. haha
Sashamama> We will all have healthy babies.. must be positive hehehe...

Cathy> Actually, hiring maid is heng suay de le...
sherry, ya lo...actually my maid will be with 2 household... mainly following my baby around.... meaning day time will be in my SIL house (coz my PILs will be there). night time come home with baby... i understand that if the workload is a 1 person workload, its ok. like if she wash clothes, mop floor in my SIL house, then she dun have to do it in my house la... but this kind of thing very hard to gauge sia... headache...
Hi Sashmama, thanks for sharing! i dont plan to have the maid take care of baby, she will only be taking care of cleaning the house, assist my grandma and auntie. cleaning of baby clothes, preparing stuff etc. but we will handle baby ourself.

i wanted to get a CL too, but my grandma and auntie is very enthusiastic about helping me, they said cooking is very easy, and they are excited to take care of me and baby, so i cant bare to say no. but both me and my bro are brought up by my grandma, so i dont know who else i can trust more really!

my hubby wanna start looking now, but i think its way too early. i am thinking of starting only in tri 2.. maybe allocate 2 months for looking, 2 months for her to come in? hope that is possible.

i am also thinking of taking 6 months off work, i consider myself really lucky reading some of the posts here, cos my company is very encouraging of me starting a family. i was pursuring another opportunity within the same organisation, and when i found out i was preggers, i thought my chances were gone cos this role takes care of another SEA country. but my new boss say " starting a family shouldnt affect your career progression. just show me a back up plan for when you are gone. be it a temp hire or someone in the team"

God Bless!!!
BBL, I v patang but let my boss know around my 8-9 weeks cos i bth. Aft I tell I felt more easy at work at least she know I really can't go to work and not chao geng.

Clim, I told my Boss only, the rest of the colleagues, friends and family I haven tell. Wait for 1 more week. Then I tell.
Cathay> but at least ya PIL will be able to keep an eye on her so still not that bad. By right, she is only supposed to do one household, meaning if u are the employer then she shld only be taking care of ya house. If u want her to clean up the other house, then maybe give her a little bit extra a month and make her sign an agreement ( just to be safe)

Long> seriously, if your relatives are able to help then it is prob ok not to have a CL.. Just that, sometimes abit paisei to get relatives to do things.. CL u pay for a services so if they do something that u deemed not right, can correct them.. But relatively sometimes hard to Kai kou

As for helper, I am thankful I have a fairly easy to take care bb so I am all on my own after my 3 weeks confinement.. So my helper actually came in a week before I go bk to work.. I think 2to 3 mths should be good.. Cause they need time to come over, time to train and at least if things dun work out, u have some time to change and retrain
Hi mummies, its thursday liao. Gg to celebrate cny already. Actually not much mood, cos i think a lot of things can't eat n probably not much appetite too. Now i m starting to get sore throat n running nose liao. I actually had flu jab before getting pregnant so i hope my nose won't run for too long. Mayb not getting enough fluids n the weather is so hot recently n so many sick children ard me. Take care everyone!
I just took half priton cos I couldn't stop sneezing. I read up more on priton and it's mixed comments, what is considered safe then.
Cathy, having maid do 2 household is not rite. My 2nd maid almost submit a complaint to MoM cos she goes to my mum place. Lucky I sent her back to agency in time and found the form. It's really a nightmare. Hopefully myanmar one not so smart.
My mum also wanted to cook and help me do confinemenfield my #1 but she cannot help at nite cos of her health. So hb ans i decided to hire a CL. Lucky I never get her help for my #1, cos she tried feeding me lots of tonics which is not recommended during breastfeeding and said all of us are also brought up this way etc, then kept finding fault with my CL when she came over. With a kid, too much people to handle, headache.
I also think don't expect the maid to help much in taking care of baby. They can only do housework and be our extra pair of hands.
Wheni head back to work, i am also planning to leave bb and maid with grandma, and pick them up after work. But i will be open to the agency and the maid, i dont want to engage her and tell her after.

i guess for us employers we need to be fair too, if they are out with 2nd household whole day, dont expect them to come back home and continue to clean till late, so they can clean over weekends at our own home.

i really envy friends our age who have maids for 20 over years, those you can really trust as part of the family, i think it is so hard to find those now...

hey mummies, my gynae say Vitamin C is okay, so if you are falling sick you can take vit C to boost your immune.
U mean other ppl's baby? I din? But when seatin down did let them seat on my lap. Esp to my children in I Can Read, smtimes when they cry i am nt able to comfort them like before. Felt like a bad teacher :/
Ling> Ya, those are really rare..agree with u.. Some employers think they pay $500 and work those helpers to the max. Can't stand those who eat in restaurant and make the helper sit there to look after the kids

Xin> I know some ppl dun like cause some say if a preggy woman touch a toddler.. The toddler become naughty etc
Just now I was at my Frenz house and they are not free so I help to carry on my lap.. Then dunno talk what they suddenly say is either the baby Xiao Qi or the preggy bb Xiao Qi.. I m worry.. What happen if mine Xiao Qi..?

They dunno I m preggy...
hey Xin_starzz, i think we should avoid carry other's kids cos we are not supposed to carry heavy things! kids included. i havent heard about resulting in your own kid being naughty. my granny only warned me against commenting on other's kids, like not cute or very naughty hahah, cos my own will be the same!
Gloomybear, u sure want to ligate ar? It is irreversible rite?

I am doing my Oscar scan at 13 weeks exactly becos no slot, still okie rite?

Evelyn ur in laws really drama and soap opera. How long u married?

Hello baby cloud.

Eh so what is Edward syndrome huh?
Soar throat can take strepsils or not huh? Suddenly had soar throat over the night cos of mandarin orange tasting and took two strepsils this morning now recovered.

Hello babyaidan.

Okie I goggle abt Ed syndrome already.
Mahjong >> u must see behind the label.. That is a few tips which we cant take.. But those normal, lemon honey one ok... If those behind write preggy need to consult then better no..
Hi All >> I also took priton, checked with Gynea is fine before I took.. But I only took one pill during my 1+week flu.. Beforehand, I took hot lemon and barley and porridge water to bring heatiness down.. Gynea say porridge water is good.. Honey not v good cos will cause phlegm
Gd morning. I took the regular one and before I post I did check but they did not say, just say according to dose and I took 2 instead of 1 so overdose?
Wah, so many posts, cant catch up.. I also down with flu and cough, on MC yesterday, but struggled to come work today, else later my boss think i chao geng, yest also dun want reply my sms, today see i cough so badly then know i really sick...
morning all,
my flu didnt recover too...still sneezing.
TBU, you teaching at I Can Read? I also avoid carrying babies/ children not bcos of xiao qi but bcos of their weight. even my boy I try to carry as much as possible but sometimes no choice.
morning mummies!! No mood to work today cos its gonnna be CNY!!

I did not carry other ppl's child because i worry if they dun wan me and start to give me a kick I will faint.. So to be safe, i dont carry other ppl's kid just to be sure..

I feeling so depressed nowadays cos i feel so swollen and big! somebody giving up the seat for me today. I feel so embarassed.. i am only 9 weeks.. maybe becos of my dressing.

Since the day i got pregnant, i hate the feeling of being swollen. but as long as baby is healthy i think all sacrifices are worth it!

Now in a situation whereby wear maternity also not right.. wear too loose clothes also not right.. cos some colleagues are suspecting already. Always in a tough situation. >__<
How come you so fast feel so swollen ? If is water retention try reduce your salt intake.

Talking about our child and commenting on other ppl look also must be avoided. I dont really believe but still better to obey then to regret.
Do remind yourself to keep smiling, everything also smile, then your baby will be a smiley baby..

Me also no mood to work, so many shit to clear after just 1 day of MC.. sianz...

I have to carry my own child, he love to rock now, jialat...

jojo, u should be happy someone gave you their seat, can rest meh. I want ppl to give me by rubbing my stomach but no one give up their seat for me...so tiring at times.you will get better in hte next few weeks, you need time to adjust to your body. my stretch marks are showing now, this time seems more obvious than previous one.I also try to dress normal so no one will ask and end up wearing those few clothings only recently.another 1 to 2 more weeks to go and we can announce.
