(2012/08) Aug 2012

Sherry> can I just check with you.. usually for Dr Phua, when the oscar test is done, if nothing happens his nurses wont call you one right? As in the result is normal..

jojo, usually they will not call if nothing happens. but 1 thing about dr phua is the nurses. they like to take their own sweet time to do things. one of my colleague did her amino test (if i din spell it wrongly) for DS and it took more than a month for them to inform her the result. can u imagine the distress? must keep calling them.
Jojo> but sometimes the call might just to inform u that everything is ok
I remember the test result can be out on the very day.. So good, can see your beanie hehehe.. I am only seeing him on the 1 Feb

Powerwee> hahaha ya.. all very mono de hor..
QQ -> I should be 10 week already. My HB say my age low risk dont spend $$. Hiaz He is that type never see the problem wont find it an issue to him until it really happen.
ET : I've called up the clinic. The nurse said Dr Fong will definitely ask if I want an oscar scan. And I asked about the availability of slots if I need to book on the 27th Jan. The nurse say shouldn't be a problem if I chose on weekdays.
But I heard you mentioned fully booked? May I know which week was that?
Sandy, If still worried, can go for triple test@$150. Cheaper. If not, wait till detailed scan? Think can spot ds as well.
Well, touchwood ar...I think detect early detect late, make not much different. If really kena, n decided unwanted it, still hurt no matter late or early... Not much different.
Cathy - whahhh u gg sign up cordlife ar? check if gt referral disc leh last time gt .. if gt i share half half with uuuuuuu ? i gt cordlife hehe..

the 3 books i gt but i nvr finish reading lol
sandy: best is ask ur gynae.. what s/he thinks. If s/he recommends you go, then go for it.

But for my gynae.. somehow he only does the NT scan. From NT scan, then you can decide if you want to do more scans like OSCAR or Triple Screen etc.His explanation to me is that.. even oscar test is not 100% accurate. NT scan at the right timing (between 11 to 14 weeks) can give you a pretty good gauge if your baby has down. And most importantly, he said it's non invasive so he does it.. cus it's just scanning and checking baby's neck fluid. (below 2mm = normal) Above 2mm = higher chance of down.. then he will recommend u to do more scans that are more invasive such as drawing blood, amniotic fluid all these which have a slight risk in miscarriage or infection.

I am happy with my gynae's explanation on all these tests and since i trust him as my gynae, i listen to his recommendation. Although he told me if people still wanna do the oscar etc, he won't stop us cus it's up to us.

If you really really wanna go for the test, just book it to have a peace of mind.
ayukie, my neighbour already booked me liao!! i havent sign up yet... i wanna save money first leh.... coz wanna 1 shot pay all...
Thank you QQ and LFCFan. I think I will wait for my 12th week visit then see what my DR got to say.

Btw: Have anyone try ordering confinement food ? This time i dont want to trouble my mother or in law to cook if not they will grumble that i dont eat this and that.
is draw blood more invasive and has a slight risk in miscarriage or infection???

My gynae recommend both NT scan and blood test together and offers as a package
yeah, book my massage.. going with Salbiah.. quite interesting that she provide steam service to expel water from body.. One and a half hours for Steam, wrap and massage
Re; flu n sore throat
Mummies, try squeeze half lemon n add with honey , drink neat w/o water, soothe throat efficiently , high in vitamin too.. Can let kids drink too by adding warm water. Recommenede by a nurse.
wahhh cathy - nvm hehe .. anyone wants sign up cordlife we can share the referral hehe ..
im also gettin for my #2 ..
I used CDA acc to pay one shot for the cord life .. Gg to sign up for my #2 .

Any mummies seeing Dr Kee from TMC?
KJChua: Sorry i didnt say properly.

Scanning is obviously less invasive cus you just scannn

Drawing blood is considered "invasive" cus you basically..er.. draw blood out of your body?

It's just a term my gynae used. BTW, when i say these, it's not that cus i am scared of pain or want to save money or what.. I want the best for my baby and sometimes you choose ur gynae for obvious reason.. ie. you trust them. So i choose to go with my gynae's logic and recommendation. I do not stop anyone who wants to do further test.

The slight risk in miscarriage and infection is if you opt to go triple screening (a further test, say ur oscar and NT scan shows high risk of down) then they will draw amniotic fluid? ('yang shui' in chinese). When u draw amniotic fluid, there is a slight chance in miscarrying and infection lor.

I think we have to be clear of these tests.. and not simply do it cus it's a routine.. or cus people say so.

We need to be clear what we want to do. Everyone is concern about their baby that is for sure.. but always ask your gynae for proper reasons for doing certain things.
Let me further explain.

Usually the first possible test for down is between 11 to 14 weeks and during this period, there's fluid forming at the spine area of babies during this period. So you wil be ask to do a NT scan which only involve SCANNING the tummy area and the gynae will measure the fluid in the spine.

babies with high risk of down will have fluid measurement of more than 2mm. If yours is below 2mm, gynae will let you know that yours is low risk. I read that there are babies whose fluid is as high as 2.9mm but turns out normal. Very rare cases you have babies with fluid as thick as 6mm. This is considered HIGH RISK. Doctors will also use your age as a measurement to see if you are high risk + family history etc. Obviously the older you are, the higher risk there. Do note that even OSCAR test has false positives cus it's not 100% accurate.

Say the measurement is more than 2mm, then you can choose to do OSCAR test which requires drawing of blood to test hormones etc. That 2 scans combination shows about 90% accuracy in detecting down. However, some oscar scans show high risk of down but alot of women went on to have normal babies. Remember that it's just a test, and no test is 100% accurate. These tests only help you to decide if you want to go further to prove your baby has high risk of down.

So example ur NT and OSCAR shows u have high risk of down, then a further third test called the TRIPLE SCREENING will be required to be carried out around 14 to 16 weeks i think.

That test will be more painful cus you have to draw amniotic fluid and that test itself has a slight risk of miscarriage and infection.

Hope this is clearer now.

I think you can visit BABY CENTER to read about this. They explained quite well.
jojo, its very common when its ur #1. for those #2 or #3, we are too busy with our kids so no time to think so much haha.I am like that too with my #1. my boy now very sweet, will sayang baby every nite and say good nite to bb.everything also will give bb a share like he loves to paste sticker for me and will also give bb one

Sherry, I take priton for my flu, recently been having flu so often.
KJChua & MummyR: you're welcome.

I think best is to ask Gynae. Afterall, they are professionals. They've seen so many pregnant women and babies.. They have the experience and profession to advise us the best.

Whenever you're unsure, just ask your gynae.
Ok,I m back from gynae. Today 4 am got bleeding again. So I went to my gynae. Bb is fine n moving actively. Taken urine test for cvs and also vaginal swab.
Bed rest from now.... Praise the lord.Amen
Cathy, haha.. Still need cash, but government $1 to $1, means u save $2500, they will deposit $2500 to ur acc too..
if im not wrong after the kid is born then can open the CDA account?
actually not alot..imagine infantcare and childcare need $700 a mth, can only last u 1.5yrs not including PD and jabs
Just called madam Ida for the massage. Her slot almost full. Got to call her again tml to check if she can slot me in or not in aug 12.

yes, must wait till the bb is born before can open CDA account.

actually really not a lot of $. childcare, jabs, cordlife etc not enuf to last wor...

2nd one also max 6K? or r we expecting more?
Hi everyone! i just did my nails today, hopefully the smell wasnt too bad for baby.

@ Cathy, i am keen to know about the CDA and how i can use it for cordlife, do you know where i can get more details. will also google.

hope everyone is doing well, and all ready for the new year. remember to go slow on unhealthy stuff!
2nd child also $6K only...only 3rd child increase to $12K

i did my pedi on tue too!
only new yr junky food can cure my MS...hehee
Thanks AG.

Try not to take too much piriton.. my doc fren says its not very safe. I took one and then he gave me another type. so sometimes gets confused. some gp ok some doc says not really that safe.

Meanwhile, hope the below helps:-

Baby Bonus cash gift

Child order Enhanced for each child
1st & 2nd $4,000
3rd & 4th $6,000

Baby Bonus CDA

Child order Enhanced

1st $6,000
2nd $6,000
3rd & 4th $12,000
5th & beyond $18,000 for each child
Hi Jojo, the CDA is the dollar for dollar match, so if i open a CDA account w OCBC and save up to 6k for my first child till 6 yrs old, govt will match full savings amount right?

what is the baby bonus cash gift? cold hard cash i can use for delivery and baby, or?
Clim> ok, PM u already

I think its still the same massage.. just that salbiah will do a steam for you before she start her massage. My colleague say u have to wrap in some cloth and sit over the 'stove' (like sauna) hahaha
Tks for the bb bonus n CDA details..

I saved $6k straight to the CDA ,then government match the $6k, after paid for cord life, the rest use for PD n jabs..

The money will be given to you after you deliver. You must fill up form and submit to MCYS, it take about 1 mth or less to get the money.
oh no jojo, gp told me its safe and I ask my gynae she said ok. gosh u are scaring me. cos i have been taking quite a bit recently cos my flu really bad

Mummies, Happy Chinese New Year!!!! Packing now for tomorrow trip to my hubby's kampong. CNY mood is on. Fully on. Take care mummies n drinks lot of water..
