(2012/08) Aug 2012

Re: Oscars
My gynae says if u decide to keep the bb regardless of wat happens then no pt doing it but if you may want to terminate the pregnancy if smthing bad is detected then you can decide to do it
me too..

to play safe just go for it..its once in this 40 weeks pregnancy...some money cant be saved..
Evelyn,your mil sounds so drama..hee i cant stand taiwan drama..super long winded. pardon me hor, but i wonder why we have to listen to them like giving birth over there instead of back in SG. haha so u can imagine how i will be if my MIL is like that.
for me, i dont care if its boy or gal, of cos I prefer a gal since I have a boy liao but confirm close shop...too old to go through all these again. today i found a place for me to rest in office. we have a corner with massage chair so I can take 20min break else no energy to carry on. btw mummies, can we use massage chair?
Hi mummies! Would like to join u all in ur discussions.
I'm first time mum. EDD 4th aug 12. Gg for a 'I dunno what scan' with my gynae this fri coz it's 12 weeks. She say it's for DS. Hmmm... Scared.

I been having slight MS too. Usually worsens at night. Sigh... Heard many pple telling me it only eases off after 4 months not after 1st trimester!!! Faint...

Wah... So many pple book CL and ML already??? My MIL doing confinement for me. Does the ML need a lot of space? I still staying with MIL coz house not ready. Quite small room

Sashamama/ivian> can PM me ur ML's contact? Would like to try my luck see if she is available. Thanks! :D
Hello all mammies!!

I don't feel anything at my lower abdominal. Only sometimes abit of pulling sensation for few sec. The pulling sensation is not that often. izzit normal.? I'm first time mammy. Today is 10 week 5 days. Dont know my beanie is growing well. Or I jus thinking too much.
Hello all mammies!!

I don't feel anything at my lower abdominal. Only sometimes abit of pulling sensation for few sec. The pulling sensation is not that often. izzit normal.? I'm first time mammy. Today is 10 week 5 days. Dont know my beanie is growing well. Or I jus thinking too much.
Hello all mammies!!

I don't feel anything at my lower abdominal. Only sometimes abit of pulling sensation for few sec. The pulling sensation is not that often. izzit normal.? I'm first time mammy. Today is 10 week 5 days. Dont know my beanie is growing well. Or I jus thinking too much.
Re: Massage chair..

Understand we cant do foot reflex and massage unless it those pre natal massage for preggy. Which is also why most facial therapist will skip neck and shoulder massage.

Re: Oscar
Mezzo17, agree with your gynae.. Sometimes, it probably best to track it earlier so you can either decide to terminate it or proceed. Guess if one proceed, one may need to take up counselling courses to prep themselves for a down syndrome kid. Recently, i have 2 friends whose kid is diagnose with Edward Syndrome. Both did not proceed with OScar and when they did detailed scan, its too late to terminate the pregnancy. So i think i am more kaisu..so will proceed to do whatever that is deemed necessary..

Babycloud: welcome!! Ya MS, usually reside after 3 to 4 mths but i do have friends who experience MS throughout her pregnancy..
MummyR: Ya, apparently, it can be picked up during the OScar test or/and triple test. One did not do it due to religious purposes and the other, she is in her early 30s. Guess do the test to xin an ba
ya if can pls go do ba..
i rem 2 yrs ago at TMC use standard charactered credit card got 10% discount..now still have?
Ya, i din know such existed till it happen to my friend's friend. And the sad thing, they have to go thru the whole preggy process and to deliver the baby which probably lead to zero chance of survival..
thanks for the contact..i called Ida, guess she will judge base on ur location cos she recommended her sis staying in the east to do for me so i chop her lo..

I am also doing my NT Scan and blood test at East Shore next week..when u doing?

I also don't feel anything at my lower abdominal, not even pulling sensation. But occasionally my stomach cramp abit dunno was it due to my tight pants
so early? but then its the yr of dragon...probably need? hehee...ask gynea during next visit
CL, ML alot are booked!

for me its worth it cos gynea at TMC and delivering there...calculated will savings will cover more than 128 :p
hi mummies!

back from my dr visit... 8 wks now and im also going to deliver at TMC. am doing my oscar on week 11.

still having bad MS... lost 1kg already.
hmz i getting sbi cause i doing detailed scan n oscar at tmc somemore i plan to deliver there so gt disc on the bedding lor .. i gt for #1 so gg get agn (somemore gt 20 bucks disc since i gt fbi and deliver at tmc last time)

i also booked ida le ...
mummies, i can't remember the name of the blood test i'm gg to do on 14 weeks. is it oscars or triple test? according to my gynae, this blood test is 70% accuracy niah. any idea wat test is it?

I did this test for my #1 as well. U tink is sufficient?
i doing oscar n detailed scan at TMC n delivering there too..
how much discount for them ah..
i know 10% for oscar n detailed scan..
hospital bed is 50 dollar only right.
I scare fully booked ma.. I always slow in booking.. So this time muz be fast la.. Will ask my Gynae on 31st Jan visit, since I have decided where to deliver n wat type of room I want.
BBL, based on what my friends all said... CONFIRM WORTH it de... hehe i also didnt probe much and just get it liao... lol... coz was at the cordlife seminar last weekend.. get it will have a big goodie bag + $30 NTUC voucher...
BBL.. My edd quite near to my bday. Now I'm 33 in lunar age. If bday on edd then 34. My edd is June. If odd, even then boy. If even even then ger. emm.... Dunno is boy or ger leh..
u r in the case where its very hard to predict..can only know when yr bb is out.

Worth it meh..

anyone sign already..can share wat is the package like? wat discount do they have?
from what i read
the oscar + detailed scan will save $40+ from the 10%
plus $100 off for single bedded
plus small additional discount and also got goodie bag and books, etc
not exactly alot of savings but will cover the $128

wah got $30 ntuc voucher...even better...maybe i shld go sign up those seminars or fair!
BBL, in past year, heard there are few baby/ mother care shops can have 10% disc as well for normal items with that card. But not sure, still have such or not..

I didn't apply as I plan to deliver at Mt A. No luck with TMC after a visit for Oscar test at TMC.
oh i not staying in single ward ma..so wont enjoy the 100 dollar saving..cos my gynae got auto upgrade one..i chose 4 bedded last time n was given 2 bedded.. so 4 bedded discount is minimal lo..

Ya now still have,,mothercare..cant rem still got where..need to check the website..

i got 3 books written by Mrs BB. Heard she is quite popular... got to sign up for her class too.. OHHH if u are signing up for cordlife ( which i am) then its $550 off! so worth it for me...
Dr Wong got auto upgrade one meh!??? really!!!?? but now dragon year.. hot year to give birth leh.. not sure if can still upgrade sia! hahaa...
TMC have limited 4 bedder wards if im not wrong only 2 wards so if you choose 4 bedder regardless of your gynae normally the chances of free upgrade is very high.
TMC no longer do auto upgrade...if they upgrade u, have to pay
my friend just delivered 4mths back, no room so they gave her single premium and charged her for it

yes mrs wong BB is really good...i would encourage 1st time mummies n daddies to go for it! its always full..rem book early
icic..i am not signing for it..

yes for my first one its is auto n its free

ya u r right..limited 4 beded.

huh no free liao? then can i tell them dont have 4 bed is not my prob..cannot charge me 1 beded

i also unlucky one... no single only single premium!

i see!!! sighhhh... nv get to enjoy it leh..
